Gaspar de Avalos cc Luisa de Quezada y Mendoza
Alonso de Avalos cc Catalina de Orosco
Gabriel de Avalos cc Maria Quezada
Sebastian de Avalos cc Mariana de Castro
Hola prim@s,
Do any of you have any of the above mentioned couples in your lines? I have it documented that Gaspar and Alonso were brothers, and also that Gabriel and Sebastian were brothers. I think it's likely that all four are brothers, and I'm trying to compile enough info on each, to establish this theory. I also think it's possible that another brother is Baltasar de Avalos cc Juana Ruiz de Aldana.
¿Tendra alguien los mencionados en sus líneas ? Lo tengo documentado que Gaspar y Alonso eran hermanos, y también que Gabriel y Sebastián eran hermanos. Creo que es probable que los cuatro son hermanos y busco mas información sobre cada uno para establecer esta teoría. También creo que es posible que otro hermano es Baltasar de Avalos cc Juana Ruiz de Aldana.
Does anybody know if Gabriel de Avalos, who married Maria Quezada, is the same who married Augustina de Velasco?
¿Alguien sabe si Gabriel de Avalos, que era casado con María Quezada, es el mismo que se casó con Agustina de Velasco?
Gracias y saludos,
Manny Diez Hermosillo
My mother in law descends from Juana Quesada y D’Avalos and Francisco Atilano. Does anybody have information on Juana Quesada y DAvalos? My mother in law descends from a daughter, Maria Cuevas, that did not use either of their surnames. Maria Cuevas married Jose López Leon in 1702 in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco.
Does anybody have information on Juana Quesada y DAvalos and how she is related to the people named in this thread?
Rick A. Ricci
On 27 Sep 1638, in San Luis Potosí, Gabriel de Ávalos y Alarcón, resident of this pueblo, promised to pay Bachiller Diego Vigil Quiñones 180 pesos for 6 burros, male and female and of different colors. Perhaps he was going into business with his brother, Sebastian de Ávalos, who lived in SLP and who was an arriero? The previous 21 Oct 1637, he was living in Lagos de Moreno, when he promised to pay Esteban de Anda 94 pesos. His creditor for that loan was Alonso de Ávalos Ludena, if you all remember. Though Gabriel’s daughter, Isabel, used the “Alarcón” surname, this is the only time I’ve seen him using it. I’ve also seen him referred to as “Gabriel de Ávalos Villaseñor.”
On 13 Oct 1638 in San Luis Potosí, Gaspar de Ávalos granted powers to Gabriel de Ávalos “su hermano”, both residents of San Luis Potosí. Unfortunately, the document is damaged, so I’m unable to decipher what the cause was, but, finally! A document establishing that Gaspar and Gabriel de Ávalos were brothers!
So, that brings us to five:
- Gabriel de Ávalos y Alarcón cc María Catalina de Quezada y Mendoza
- Capitán Gaspar de Ávalos Ludena cc Luisa de Quezada y Mendoza
- Alonso de Ávalos Ludena cc doña Catalina de Orozco
- Sebastián de Ávalos cc Mariana de Castro.
- Juan de Ávalos. Matado en Huaniqueo, padre natural de Bartolomé de Ávalos.
Who was Joseph de Avalos y Aldana?
On 13 Feb 1715, in Guadalajara, Joseph Arias and Lorenza de Luviano (sic) did their IM (an extract can be found in Sagrada Mitra #1365). Lorenza de Luviano was originally from Aguascalientes, but as a child, had moved to Irapuato, where she met and married Joseph de Avalos y Aldana; they were living in Queretaro when he died. Though her parents aren’t named, two of the witnesses that she presented were Diego and Francisco Contreras, who identified themselves as her brothers, so she was probably a daughter of Nicolas Contreras and his first wife, Catalina Luebana, whereas they are sons of his second marriage, to Elvira Delgado.
But what caught my attention, was Joseph de Avalos y Aldana, who Lorenza said had “died about a month before in the city of Queretaro, in the Real Carcel, where he had been for about a year, after being arrested for certain crimes.” The Malos Davalos strike again!! Here is his burial registry, 15 Jan 1715, “fue muerto por la justicia … y está sepultado su cuerpo en la capilla de San Joseph de los naturales de esta ciudad,” suggesting that he was executed. I’ve been unable to find any record of their marriage, so I still don’t know who Joseph de Avalos y Aldana was. With those two surnames, I can’t help but think that he somehow descends from Baltasar de Avalos y Tovar cc Juana Ruiz de Aldana. But seeing how he lived in Irapuato, that suggests that he descends from Gaspar de Avalos, since we know that he had a presence there. Anybody?
I hope 2022 is treating you all well!
Manny Díez Hermosillo
Hola prim@s,
I’ve located another son for Gabriel de Avalos. On 4 Dec 1676 in San Luis Potosi, Luis de Avalos, resident of la ciudad de Zacatecas, filed a petition regarding some livestock that his father, Gabriel de Avalos, had bequeathed him and two other brothers, some 23 years earlier, when he died in Aguascalientes. As the three were young at the time, the livestock ended up in the possession of their older brother, Pedro de Avalos, who had brought them to his rancho in the jurisdiction of San Luis Potosi. Pedro had continued to administer these animals on behalf of his brothers, but he had died recently, and in his testamento, he neglected to mention this arrangement, and how these animals needed to be distributed among the brothers. So now the three surviving brothers had to do the necessary paperwork, so that they could receive their father’s inheritance.
This document gives us some new information regarding Gabriel de Avalos and his offspring. We now know that he died around 1653 in Aguascalientes. Up to this time, I only knew of four children for him and Maria aka Catalina de Quezada y Mendoza:
1. Isabel de Avalos Villasenor, b. 22 Feb 1616, Sta Ma de ls Lagos; cc Diego de Carrion
2. Maria de Avalos, b. 9 Sep 1618, Sta Ma de los Lagos; cc Juan de Morales
3. Pedro de Avalos, c. 24 Jan 1627, San Matias, Pinos. Single, with issue.
4. Joseph de Avalos, b. 28 Dec 1625, c. 24 Jan 1627, San Matias, Pinos.
After the baptism of Joseph in Dec 1625, Maria de Quezada drops off the map. She could’ve died any time after that. There was a Gabriel de Avalos married to Augustina de Velasco, who baptized Nicolas on 26 Jul 1639 in San Luis Potosi. Knowing that our Gabriel de Avalos was living in San Luis Potosi during those years, this was likely him. Augustina de Velasco, viuda de Gabriel de Avalos, died and was buried on 4 Jul 1660, in Villa de los Lagos.
On 25 Feb 1645, a Luis de Avalos married Gertrudis Ponce in Sierra de Pinos; their padrinos were Diego de Carrion and his wife, Isabel de Avalos. This is likely the same Luis de Avalos who filed the petition on 4 Dec 1676. The thing is, on their marriage record, both he and Gertrudis Ponce were said to be Mestizos, and as far as I know, Gabriel de Avalos and both of his wives were of the Spanish caste. Though it’s possible that Luis’ Mestizo designation is a typo, it does open the possibility that he was born to another woman, who was either a Mestiza or an Indian. Suppose that Maria Quezada did die shortly after the birth of Joseph de Avalos in 1625; Luis could’ve been born in 1627, between Gabriel’s marriages, making Luis 18 when he married in 1645. I suppose the only way to find out would be to find Gabriel de Avalos’ testamento, which we now know would’ve been done in Aguascalientes/Nueva Galicia around 1653. As far as the other two brothers mentioned in the petition, their identities are unknown, but they might be Joseph de Avalos Quezada and Nicolas de Avalos Velasco.
Be well!
Manny Díez Hermosillo
this is always my favorite family of any in my genealogy. i've been away from genealogy for a little bit and am just now getting back to into it. but, i notice you list gabriel de avalos as Gabriel de Ávalos y Alarcón and i was wondering if we know where that alarcon comes from or if we're any closer to nameing the parents. im guessing the Alarcon comes from the parents of Isabel de Alarcon who was married to Alonso de Quesada. I really need to get familiar with these families again
Hi Danny,
I still don’t know the origins of this family, so I don’t know where those additional surnames come from.
Gabriel de Avalos is called “Gabriel de Avalos y Alarcon” in this document:
He was also called “Gabriel de Avalos Villaseñor” in his son-in-law Diego de Carrion’s testamento:…
Alonso de Avalos signed his name “Alonso de Avalos Ludeña” when he cosigned for Gabriel de Avalos on 21 Oct 1637:
And Gaspar de Avalos was called “Gaspar de Avalos Ludeña in his daughter Andrea’s marriage record:…
In “Retoños,” Gonzalez-Leal suggested that these families might descend from Don Gonzalo de Avalos, “encomendero de Zacapu en Michoacán, hijo de Pedro de Avalos y de María de Muñoz,” that “Gonzalo de Avalos fue genearca de una vieja familia radicada sucesivamente en Michoacán, Maravatio y Queretaro, enlazadas sucesivamente con los Villaseñor-Cervantes a quienes correspondía el apellido de Tovar”. But he doesn’t detail how they might descend from him. It’s an ongoing project! According to my last post, Gabriel de Avalos died in Aguascalientes and he left a testamento: I’m sure he names his parents in that document, but it’s just a matter of locating it, if it still exists.
Great to hear from you, and I hope you’re well!
Manny Díez Hermosillo
Thank you for the updates on the Avalos. I certainly hope you find the answers to those questions on the origins of this family and the testamento. When you do find them, you can write a book on their adventures. Thanks for sharing.
Sara Rodriguez
Hola Manny te felicito por tu investigación! La he leído con mucho interés puesto que Gaspar de Ávalos y Luisa de Quesada y Mendoza son mis antepasados, por medio de su hija María de Quesada casada con Luis del Castillo y de León.
Quiero añadir que no sé de dónde obtuve el dato que establece la sepultura de Gaspar de Ávalos el 24 de Septiembre de 1654 en El Sagrario, SLP. Sin embargo busqué el acta y no encuentro alguna de defunción para esos años, tal vez tu puedas encontrarla y pasarme el link, porque solo veo disponibles en Familysearch las de bautismo para esos años.
No obstante puede que lo anterior sea erróneo, puesto que el 4 de octubre de 1654, Gaspar es padrino junto a su hija Andrea de Nicolás, hijo de Luis del Castillo y Ana de la Cruz.…
También mencionar que las hijas de Gaspar y Luisa utilizaron con mayor frecuencia el apellido Quesada. Te paso así mismo el acta bautismal de su nieto Nicolás, hijo de María de Quesada y Luis del Castillo. Fueron padrinos Felipe? de Ávalos y Antonia Ruiz.…
Familiar de Luisa de Quesada pudo ser Francisca de Quesada, casada con José Montoya, padres de María que casó con Nicolás del Castillo y González el 9 de Febrero de 1682 en Armadillo.
Espero te ayuden estos datos, te agradezco nos hagas saber a qué conclusiones vas llegando.
Enrique Agraz
This is absolutely fascinating Manny. I'm anxiously awaiting any new information about this family.
Dear Manny,
I agree, genealogy is not boring. I loved the story on the Avalos brothers. I have Ruiz and Velasco so now I wonder if some of their ancestors were Avalos.
Thanks for the stories,
Rick A. Ricci
Hi Chris,
I haven't come upon Juana de Avalos cc Francisco Calderon, looks like they lived in Fresnillo? I'll keep my eyes open. Joseph Diaz de Leon was son of Antonio Diaz and Teresa Ruiz de Lisalde, right?
Hi Danny,
I'm still sitting back, regarding the "Avalos Villaseñor" link, there's still too little information in regards. It's like the "Garcia" that Gaspar's children used in their names. If something comes up, I'll post in this thread.
Hola Enrique,
Gracias por su comentario, tambien por los datos, no tenia algunos. De que las hijas de Gaspar utilizaban "Quesada" es muy util. De la dicha fecha del entierro de Gaspar de Avalos, sera un error; por lo visto estaba vivo durante la causa contra sus hijos en el Feb 1657. Gracias, es que pongo tantos datos!
I checked the registries at the Biblioteca del Estado de Jalisco, and there is a reference to Gaspar de Avalos and his sons, Nicolas and Juan, being "removed" from the parish of Santa Maria de Lagos:
Archivo de la Real Audiencia Ramo Civil y Criminal:
Ramo: Criminal
Año 1 1665/ Año 2 1667
Progresivo 2710, Caja 174, Exp 6
Lugar: LAGOS
Documentos referentes a las discrepancias entre los tribunales eclesiásticos y civiles, a causa de que el artículo de inmunidad de la iglesia no fuera respetado por el Teniente Provincial de la Hermandad de Lagos al sacar de la parroquia a Gaspar de Ávalos, Juan de Ávalos, García Nicolás y Juan Pérez, reos acusados de robo.
Being an index, it gives no details, and apparently, the record is from decades later (1665/1667). It appears to be about some discrepancies in the handling of the case. It does document that Gaspar and sons were arrested for robbery in Lagos - and likely, expelled.
The last time I have Gaspar de Avalos living in Lagos was 4 Jul 1638 - when they baptized Mariana in Sagrario SLP. I don't think they ever returned to Los Altos, from what I've seen and posted.
Thanks for the compliments and comments!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Hi Manny,
Yes Juana de Ávalos y Villaseñor and Francisco de Calderon were from Fresnillo, Zacatecas, but some of their children show them in Asientos, Aguascalientes. The children I can find were baptized in Aguascalientes between 1695 and 1701. But, I think Juana de Ávalos y Villaseñor and Francisco de Calderon were married around 1685. The Padrinos don't really tell me anything, two of their children's padrinos were Manuel de Avila and Maria Luevana and the last child's padrinos were Joseph Ximenez and Antonia Ximenez. Other than that I can't find anything on them. Juana de Ávalos used only Ávalos that I can see. Her daughter, Leogarda Calderon, that married Joseph Díaz de León, uses her mother's Villaseñor and refers to her mother alternately as Juana de Ávalos, Juana de Villaseñor, or Juana de Ávalos y Villaseñor. I think my Juana de Ávalos probably connects to these other Ávalos and would like to figure out how.
Is the Alonso de Quesada you talk about as the possible father of Luisa Quesada the same Alonso de Quesada y Puga that was the Alferez Real that's mentioned on this website about the Mendozas. i dont know what it says but it looks like it lists his parents. but he also seems kinda prestigious to be connected to the criminal Avalos family.
Danny C. Alonso
Hi Chris,
There was Nicolas de Avalos Villaseñor cc Ynes de Ortega Bocanegra (daughter of Francisco Macias cc Jacinta de Ortega). They baptized Ynes, Maria, Teresa, Augustina and Francisco, between 1652-1664; they flipflop between Lagos and Aguas, finally settling in Aguas. Have you chased that lead?
At Aguascalientes Acervos Historicos: Ines de Ortega con poder de Nicolas Davalos Villaseñor sells a predio rustico to Francisco Muñoz de Hermosillo, 04 Jun 1689.
Yes, Danny, that's the same Alonso Quezada.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Manny, I had a question about the last post about Ynes de Ortega Bocanegra. Do you know where she got Bocanegra? on this post by Mary Lou:
she says that Jacinta de Ortega was the hija natural of Maria Nuñez y Velez and Alonso Perez de Ortega. Do you know which one, Alonso Perez de Ortega or Maria Nuñez has the Bocanegra line.
Danny C. Alonso
Hi Manny,
I have looked at Nicolás de Ávalos Villaseñor before, but so far haven't been able to make a connection. I actually think that he and Ynes de Ortega do fit the timeframe quite well. I've come across other Juana de Ávalos's and Juana de Villaseñor's, but, they've been married to other spouses and haven't come across anything that suggested they were married more than once. I'll keep looking. Thanks Manny.
Hola prim@s,
Here some more info on some of the individuals mentioned in the causa criminal from 1681:
Juan de la Rosa was son of Pedro de Avalos, who had a sister named Maria de Mendoza. Antonio Morales cc Beatriz Diaz was a co-defendant of Juan de la Rosa, he was son of Maria de Mendoza, sister of Pedro de Avalos.
Maria Mendoza married (velados) Juan de Morales 16 Jan 1648, San Matias, Pinos, Zac. Juan Morales is likely son of Francisco Morales and Juana de Navarrete, of Pinos.
1668 SLP Padron, here's Rancho de Pedro de Avalos; living with him are Maria Quesada, Juan Morales and Geronimo Morelos. Left image center:
My guess is this is the same Maria Mendoza, and Juan Morales is her son, Juan, baptized 24 Nov 1647, Pinos, Zac. Seeing her use "Quesada" as well as "Mendoza," implies she is a child of Maria Quesada or Luisa Quesada, both who lived in Pinos around the time she married in 1648. She might be Maria, baptized 09 Sep 1618, in Lagos, daughter of Gabriel de Avalos and Maria Quesada, since we know that Maria Quesada, daughter of Gaspar de Avalos and Luisa Quesada, married Luis del Castillo, 06 Feb 1645, in Armadillo SLP. That said, Maria de Mendoza and Pedro de Avalos are likely children of Gabriel de Avalos and Maria Quesada.
Pedro de Avalos was deceased by Jun 1681; his son, Juan de la Rosa, his sister, Maria de Mendoza, and her son, Antonio Morales, would be living on his rancho. Here they are, in the Apr 1681 SLP Padron. Left image center:
Juan de la Rosa and Antonio Morales were both convicted for aiding & abetting Juan de Avalos, in 1681; Juan de la Rosa was sentenced to 3 years expulsion from SLP, to be spent in the service of the King in the Islas Filipinas (likely on the galleys), and fined 80 pesos. Antonio Morales was expelled for 1 year, and fined 100 pesos.
Juan de la Rosa and Antonio Morales, having completed their sentences, both appear in the 1684 SLP Padron (left image center):
I still don't know what Augustin de Avalos was charged with in 1681, nor how long he was in jail in SLP. I did find him living in Zacatecas, on 25 Aug 1686, when his daughter, Lucia, contracted marriage with Simon de Oviedo. Lucia had been living in Zacatecas for about 12 years (1674), was still living with her father, and was also using the "Ruiz de Avalos" surname. Augustin was going by "Augustin Lopez de Avalos." I've never seen "Lopez de Avalos" associated with this family, so it's likely an alias.
Both of his sons, Sebastianillo de Avalos and Joseph Ruiz de Avalos "Chepillo," were accused of being part of Juan de Avalos' gang, in 1681. As far as I know, Sebastillo went on to get married and lived in Venado, SLP. I still haven't located Chepillo Ruiz de Avalos.
Hi Danny,
I'm sorry, I don't have any info on that dynasty.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Thank you Manny for giving us this information. I love hearing about this family. they're very interesting. Please let us know if you find more information about them. And thank you for getting back to me about Ynes de Ortega.
Danny C. Alonso
Manny I just found some info about Nicolás de Avalos Villaseñor, he is mentioned in "Familias y Casas de la Vieja Valladolid", he is reported as " oriundo de Lagos, e hijo legítimo de Don Baltasar Davalos Tovar y de Doña Lucina Ruíz de Aldana... " ir is also stated that he married in Zamora, Mich. On aug-25-1641 yo Doña Inés Macías Ortega!
From what I see Lucina Ruíz de Aldana is the same Juana Ruíz de Aldana who married Baltasar Davalos on 8-may-1618.
I have followed the line of one of the siblings of Nicolás adn Inés Macías Ortega named Pedro, who was born around 1642 and married around 1669 to Josefa de Velasco y Munguia
Hola Manny!
Acabo de leer una publicación de nuestro compañero genealogista Rodolfo Hernández Chavez en un grupo de Genealogía e Historia de los Altos de Jalisco, donde menciona la filiación de Gabriel de Avalos y Gaspar de Avalos como hijos de Alonso de Avalos y Doña Catarina de Orozco, y sus esposas María y Luisa de Quesada, como hijas de Don Alonso de Quesada y Doña Juana Baptista Hernández de Arellano y Hurtado de Mendoza. Se menciona que esta información es extraída de la obra de Don Mariana González Leal "Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia". Más abajo te dejo parte del texto de la publicación ¿Crees que la información dada por Don Mariano González Leal confirma completamente la identidad de los padres de los hermanos Avalos y las hermanas Quesada? De ser así después de todo nuestros antepasados algo conflictivos venían de familia colonial algo prestigiosa sobretodo por el lado Quesada. ¿Qué opinas al respecto? ¿Alguien más del foro que quiera aportarnos algún comentario?
Publicación de Rodolfo H Hernández Chavez:
"...También originario de Úbeda, en los Reinos de Castilla, fue Don Gonzalo de Avalos, encomendero de Zacapu en Michoacán, hijo de Pedro de Avalos y de María de Muñoz, hijodalgo notorios; a quien el Gran Maestro Don Mariano González Leal señala como posible tronco de la familia “Avalos-Ludeña”, “Avalos-Villaseñor” ó “Avalos-Tovar”, y de quien al respecto escribió en su magna obra de Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia: “Gonzalo de Avalos fue genearca de una vieja familia radicada sucesivamente en Michoacán, Maravatio y Queretaro, enlazadas sucesivamente con los Villaseñor-Cervantes a quienes correspondía el apellido de Tovar”. siendo de llamar profundamente la atención, que la rama alteña procede de Alonso de Avalos y Doña Catarina de Orozco, registrados en las primeras décadas del siglo XVII en los libros sacramentales de Santa María de los Lagos y avecindados por lo menos hasta 1649 en la jurisdicción de Jalostotitlán donde a 5 leguas se ubica la “Estancia de Alonso de Avalos”, lugar en el que vivía en compañía de su mujer Doña Catalina de Orozco, y algunos de sus hijos que permanecían aún sin casar; debiendo ser, tal vez sus hijos mayores: Gabriel de Avalos, casado el 26 de Noviembre de 1613 en Lagos con Doña María de Quesada y Sánchez de Mendoza –hija de Don Alonso de Quesada y de Doña Juana Baptista Hernández de Arellano y Hurtado de Mendoza-; Baltasar de Avalos-Tovar, Casado el 8 de Mayo de 1618 con Doña Juana Ruiz de Aldana quienes darán origen a la “Estancia de Baltasar de Avalos”, registrada así en el padrón laguense de 1669 y conocida posteriormente como “Lo de Avalos”; Gaspar de Avalos-Ludeña casado por 1620 con Doña Luisa de Quesada y Sánchez de Mendoza, hermana de Doña María de Quesada ó María de Mendoza; Doña Juana de Avalos, madre de Juan de Orozco que casó con María de Quesada y Alvarado, hija de Francisco de Quesada y Sánchez de Mendoza –hermano de Doña María y de Doña Luisa de Quesada-, y de su esposa Catalina de los Ángeles Alvarado; Doña Ysabel Avalos-Ludeña / “Ysabelde Orozco”, esposa de Don Sebastián Pérez de Ortega; y a caso Doña María de Ludeña, casada en Patzcuaro y, velada el 26 de Noviembre de 1615 en Lagos con Rodrigo de Órnelas y Mendoza… ¿Tal vez?, debamos de incluir como hijo de Alonso de Avalos y de Catalina de Orozco, a Francisco de Avalos, esposo de María de Espitia, quien según investigaciones de Don Jaime Holcombe procreó en Beatriz Sánchez de Lara –también conocida como Beatriz Sánchez de Carranza, Beatriz Sánchez de Mendoza ó Beatriz Gómez propietaria de una casa en la Villa de los Lagos, descrita en el padrón de 669 como “Casa de María Gómez Viuda”, donde vivía Antonia de Avalos doncella, en compañía de Bernarda Ortiz doncella, y de la “Estancia de San Nicolás de la Ciénega” en la jurisdicción de San Juan/Jalostotitlán, registrada en los padrones de 1670 como “Rancho de Beatriz Gómez”, y en los de 1672, 1673 y 1679 como “Estancia de Beatriz Gómez”, donde vivía en compañía de sus hijos y nietos-, a: Ysabel de Avalos/Ysabel Sanchez Carranza, mujer de José Leonel de Cervantes y Orozco, indiscutiblemente su consanguíneo por ser hijo de Leonel de Cervantes y de Doña Leonor de Orozco; Agustina de Avalos, madre de Juana Gómez; Luisa de Avalos, esposa de José Soto, registrados con rancho propio en 1679; y Bernardino de Avalos, esposo de su consanguínea Doña Josefa Pérez de Bocanegra y Sánchez de Avalos. Todos ellos referidos en las informaciones matrimoniales como “hermanos carnales”, cuyos descendientes según los propios registros sacramentales hicieron uso del apellido compuesto “Avalos-Villaseñor...”
I tried to translate the above post, but it didn't translate it all correctly. Is this saying that the Villasenor Cervantes are connected to our Avalos an Avalos y Villasenor? Does it say how? Theres too many names and I think it got confused translating it. also is it saying the Don Gonzalo de Avalos mention in the second paragraph is the father of Alonso de Avalos that's married to Catarina d Orozco.
Danny C. Alonso
I still have not fully absorbed the previous post of the Avalos Saga. With this new post if I understood correctly, are the same Cervantes that have a long line listed in Familysearch to the 1200. With several Conquistadors (Leonel de Cervantes L43M-MS9 ID on Familysearch.
One of the daughters Beatris de Andrade Cervantes who married Conquistador Juan de Jaramillo (el Mozo) was married to La Malinche (Marina) and was the guard to Moctezuma when, if I read correctly, was killed.
Also Mentioned in Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia by Mariano Gonzales Leal was another daughter Ana de Cervantes b:1510 married a Don Alonso de Villanueba. Does anyone know anything about Villanuebas if they are the same as those from Guanajuato that married into cervantes, rocha, perez, Sandovals, Ortas, Pina and others in Villa de Reyes?
I just found a paternal link to the villanuebas in 1750 in Villa de Reyes, SLP, Mexico.
Dear Simona,
This Cervantes line goes back much further than 1200 through a maternal ancestor. That line goes back many, many more centuries because she descended from a rabbinic line that kept very good records of the the family line. Part of the family ended up in Germany and kept up the family tree, just adding generation after generation over the years.
The Bocanegra name you mentioned also goes back many centuries and there is a family connection to many cardinals and Popes.
Hola prim@s,
I found some more pieces to the puzzle:
From the Causa Criminal of Juan de la Rosa, we know that he’s the son of Pedro de Avalos, brother of Maria de Mendoza aka Maria de Quesada, who I suggested is the same who married Juan Morales, 16 Jan 1648, San Matias Pinos (source: Pinos Extracts, by Mary Lou Montagna). I also posed that she’s the same Maria that Gabriel de Avalos and Maria Quesada baptized, 09 Sep 1618, Santa Maria de Lagos:
This is the certification for said marriage of Juan Morales cc Maria de Avalos, issued 15 Nov 1646, at Convento de San Augustin, Yuriria, Gto. This establishes that Juan Morales is the son of Francisco Morales and Juana Navarrete (of Sierra de Pinos), and that Maria is the daughter of Gabriel de Avalos and Maria Quesada:
It’s odd that this certification was done in Yuriria, Gto, while the marriage took place in Sierra de Pinos, but it does link one of the bridal couple to Yuriria Gto. I’d say Maria, since we’ve already placed Avalos OMG in Irapuato (44 miles south of Yuriria), in 1642-43. That’s likely where Gabriel de Avalos dies, since he drops off the map.
Gabriel de Avalos and Maria Quesada confirmed Pedro, along with Joseph, on 24 Jan 1627, San Matias, Pinos (source: Pinos Extracts, by Mary Lou Montagna).
From the same extracts, Luis de Avalos married Gertrudis Ponce, 25 Feb 1645, San Matias, Pinos. Parents aren’t named, but padrinos were Diego Carrion and Ysabel de Avalos Villaseñor, who was daughter of Gabriel de Avalos and Maria Quesada. Luis is likely their son, too.
During my research in Leon, Gto, I’ve come upon Alguacil Mayor Gonzalo de Avalos Villaseñor cc Juana Gomez de Espejo. I had them flagged, with 3 sons, born in Leon, Gto, and 1 in Guadalajara, Jal., between 1653-1665, though I didn’t have their ancestry.
While going through Archidiocesis de Morelia IMs, I hit the jackpot, and located theirs, 26 Sep 1650:
“Gonzalo de Cervantes y Villaseñor,” as he’s named, was born 1621 in Valladolid, Mich, son of Gonzalo de Avalos Tobar and Antonia Hurtado de Mendoza (both deceased), and Juana Gomez de Espejo was daughter of Domingo Hernandez Gamiño and Juana Gomez de Espejo.
There you go: “Avalos Tobar,” linked to “Cervantes Villaseñor.” So, it’s possible that Baltasar de Avalos Tobar and his sister, Juana de Avalos, are siblings, or at least primos hermanos, of Gaspar, Gabriel, Alonso and Sebastian de Avalos.
From the looks of it, Gonzalo de Avalos Tobar cc Antonia Hurtado de Mendoza was also their contemporary, so he might be a brother or primo hermano. I just had a breakthrough with one of my Valladolid Mich lines, so I’ll be digging around those archives, I’ll keep my eyes open for him.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Dear Manny,
You have done great work. Now it's time for me to jump in.
Gonzalo Villasenor d' Avalos (born abt. 1570) is the son of Diego D' Villasenor Tovar y Orosco (bap. 13/Apr/1543, m. abt. 1568, d. Feb.1610) and Jeronima d' Avalos y Gomez.
Diego d' Villasenor Tovar y Orosco (bap. 13/Apr/1543, m. Ant 1568, d. Feb.1610 is the son of Conquistador Juan de Villaseñor Tovar y Orosco (m. 1532, d. 24/May/1566) and Catalina Cervantes (b. 1516)
Capitan Juan de Villaseñor Tovar y Orosco Is the son of Diego de Villaseñor Tovar II and Guiomar de Orosco y Sandoval
Catalina Cervantes is the daughter of Leonel Cervantes and Leonor Lara y Andrade
I have the Cervantes line going back centuries through a maternal Jewish line from the house of David (ha- Levi). The Cervantes line also hooks up with the Boccanegra Italian family. This family's ancestors are not Jewish. This Boccanegra family I have also traced for centuries, again mainly through a maternal line and it hooks up with many priests, cardinals , and Popes in the family, I have many more stories on their ancestors that I have already collected in my book
Besides Gonzalo, I have Diego de Villasenor and Jeronima de Avalos y Gomez as the parents of Juan Mattias Villasenor married to Isabel d' Arteaga y Dejo and another Diego Villaseñor.
Thanks again for the many D' Avalos stories. .
Rick A. Ricci
Source:mygenes2000, R. A. Ricci
Hi, Rick A. Ricci, I have a doubt about your post. Who is the Gonzalo Villaseñor de Avalos that are you talking about?
-The Gonzalo de Avalos Tobar that married with Antonia de Hurtado Mendoza or his son (Gonzalo Cervantes de Villaseñor also Gonzalo de Avalos Villaseñor? Or I am misundesrtanding everything.
Because if it is the same one, then you have proven the direct connection with Capt Juan de Villaseñor Tovar y Orozco.
Cheers, Daniel.
Juana Gomez de Espejo (II) is the daughter of Domingo Hernandez Gamino y Velasquez and Juana Gomez del Espejo (I).
Domingo Hernandez Gamino is the son of Juan Hernandez Gamino and Ana Velasquez
Juana Gomez del Espejo (I) is the daughter of Miguel Dominguez del Espejo and Isabel Gomez Maldonado
Isabel Gomez Maldonado is the daughter of Gaspar Maldonado and Juana Gomez
Hola Salvador,
Gracias por compartir, hay mucha buena información en su mensaje. Esperaba que don Mariano tenía algo que decir acerca de Los Avalos, aunque sea poco y conjeturas, pero sí nos da dirección. De que Gonzalo de Avalos puede ser el genearca de la familia alteña, tiene sentido, buscare documentacion para verificarlo. Ademas Don Mariano parece estar de acuerdo en que María y Luisa de Quezada y Mendoza eran hermanas e hijas de Alonso Quezada y Juana Bautista Sánchez de Mendoza. ¡Gracias!
Hi Danny,
The article quotes Don Mariano Gonzalez-Leal, who names Gonzalo de Avalos as a POSSIBLE origin of the Avalos-Ludeña, Avalos-Villaseñor and Avalos-Tobar surnames in Los Altos, since his descendants intermarried with the Villaseñor-Cervantes families (with whom the “Tovar” surname is associated). He mentions Alonso de Avalos and Catalina de Orozco as the possible parents of Gabriel, Baltasar, Juana and Gaspar de Avalos. He also muses that Maria and Luisa de Quezada are sisters, and daughters of Alonso Quezada and Juana Bautista Sanchez de Mendoza. It is conjecture, and it’s written in that tone, so there’s no confirmation. Nonetheless, the Gonzalo de Avalos/Villaseñor-Cervantes lead is a very good one, and one I will pursue.
Gracias y saludos!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Thank you Manny for explaining the article. I realy think there has to be a connection with the Cervantes Villasenor family. I hope we're able to make that connection at some point. Thank you for all your hard work Manny.
Danny C. Alonso
Juana Quesada Aka Juana D’Avalos