File Folder Category
Locations of Research Interest
Tepetongo, Zacatecas and surrounding areas.
Surnames Researching
Acevedo, Navas, Enriquez, Mercado, and possibly more these are just some of the surnames on both my maternal grandparents side
Mercado-Acevedo-Nava Family - Part 1 of 2 by Donna Gonzalez
Descendants of Mercado Family in Tepetongo, Zacatecas MX
Generation No. 1
1. Benito was born c. 1870- 1875 ? in possibly Tepetongo. He married Longinia (Enriques) c. 1895 ? in Mexico. Benito also married his housekeeper and had a child. Unknown what her name was, or child's name or when this happened.
Children of Benito Mercado and Longinia (Enriques). Six sons and six daughters. It is unknown what the full name and birth order of most of the children were unless specified or what city they were born in unless specified.
2. i. Alfredo - eldest b. April 17, 1896 in Tepetongo, Zacatecas.
3. ii. Ernistina
4. iii. Benito
5. iv. Rominita
6. v. Maria
7. vi. Nicolas
8. vii. Juan
9. viii. Daughter unknown name
10. ix. Zacarias
11. x. Nachita
12. xi. Montclovio -the youngest son
13. xii. Tina - the youngest daughter
Generation No. 2
2. Alfredo (Enriques) Mercado was born April 17, 1896 in Tepetongo, Zacatecas died March or April 1935 in Detroit, MI USA. He married Amelia (Acevedo) in January 1913 in Tepetongo, Zacatecas, daughter of Francisco Acevedo and Florence (Nava). Amelia's natal name was "Ismalia" born on August 14, 1897 in Tepetongo, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Children of Alfredo and Amelia are: (Note: 3 additional children are still living but are not accounted for in this list)
5. i. Presilia, b. January 7, 1914 d. Feb. 24, 1914, [48 days old] in Mexico.
6. ii. Maria, b. Oct. 1915, d. August 1916 [10 months old], in Mexico
7. iii. Helen (natal name: Ilaria/Hilaria), b. December 31, 1917, in Mexico d. January 26, 2009 in Inkster, MI USA.
8. iv Conchita b. January 1921 d. 1926 [5 years old] poisoned by a drunk Doctor in Detroit, MI USA
9. v. Manuel (natal name: Juan), b. January 2, 1927 d. September 18, 2007 in Westland, MI USA.
11. vii. Anna b. Sept. 10, 1924, in Chicago, Illinois d. October 13, 2012 in Taylor, MI USA.
Mercado-Acevedo-Nava Family - Part 2 of 2 by Donna Gonzalez
Descendants of Nava Family in Tepetongo, Zacatecas MX [Ameila's Maternal Grandparents]
Generation No. 1
1. Domingo Nava was born c. 1839 ? in possibly Tepetongo. He married Jesucita ( ? ) c. 1859 ? in Mexico.
Children of Domingo Nava and Jesucita. To date only one child is known, possibly more, unknown location of birth.
2. i. Florence aka "Flores" Nava b. c. 1860-1865 ? d. c. 1908 ? in Tepetongo from sepsis.
Descendants of Acevedo Family in Tepetongo, Zacatecas MX [Ameila's Paternal Grandparents]
Generation No. 1
1. Marquez Acevedo was born c. 1839 ? in possibly Tepetongo. He married Guadalupe ( Mar..sp? ) c. 1859 ? in Mexico.
Children of Marquez Acevedo and Guadalupe. Three children were born unknown birth order or location of birth.
2. i. Francesco b. c. 1860-1865 ? d. in Tepetongo in 1909 either from being murdered or an accidental poisoned animal trap incident.
ii. Maria b. c. 1860 or later ?
iii. Bernari (sp?) b. c. 1860 or later ?
Generation No. 2
Children of Francesco Acevedo and Florence aka "Flores" (Nava). Possible marriage date c. 1885 ? Three children were born in Tepetongo. Unknown which son died during the Spanish-American War.
3. i. Ventura b. 1886, d. either during the Spanish-American War c. 1898 or shortly after c. 1913 ?
4. ii. Jose b. 1888 d. either during the Spanish-American War c. 1898 or shortly after c. 1913 ?
5. iii. Ismalia aka. "Amelia" b. 1897