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Re: [ranchos] software

Hi Carol,

I had previously used a program called Generations.  I
have since switched to a free program which you can
download off of . I have actually found
this program to be easier to utilize.  It has the
ability to create charts and a variety of other
reports.  Pretty awesome for being free!!  In my
opinion it would be the perfect program for the
beginnings of your genealogy.  

Good luck!!


     -Esther Valencia

--- citicarol <citicarol@...> wrote:
> I just started researching my ancestors and would
> like some 
> recommendations on a software program that can help
> manage the names 
> and information.  I thought I would just start with
> my maternal 
> grandmother's side of the family from Ciudad Guzman
> in Jalisco but 
> it is now turning into a bigger tree than I
> originally thought.  A 
> program that can be uploaded to this site would be
> helpful so that I 
> can publish the data.
> Thanks,
> Carol Ramirez

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