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Re: [ranchos] Re:PeggyDelgado- March 1, 2004/JoseMacias

still a problem somewhere but it looks close. I asked Angie to help both you and I [since I don't feel PAF literate]. Hopefully she'll take us under her wing.


Peggy Delgado wrote:

I hope I did this right…let me know……



-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Puentes [mailto:makas@...]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:26 AM
Subject: [ranchos] Re:PeggyDelgado- March 1, 2004/JoseMacias


thanks Peggy. Since you are using PAF 5 send me a gedcom. [Question to the Group: does anyone know how to make a genealogy report .rtf or .doc text from PAF? All I see is making a .gedcom].

Anyway send me the .gedcom and I'll import it into my Family Tree Maker and create a .rtf file.  Make sure to tell me the name of the person you want the file to be named after so I can name it correctly and also make the genealogy report based on that person.



ps: Jose Macias yes your genealogy is in the Links section under "genealogies" and then under your name. Thanks.

Peggy Delgado wrote:

Hi Joseph,

I just sent you an email about updating my tree.  I’ve done a lot of research since the last time I spoke with you and have been able to go back to 1850 to the marriage of my great, great, great grandparents.  How do I update it?

Peggy Delgado

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Puentes [mailto:makas@...]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 8:57 PM
To: LosRanchos
Subject: [ranchos] March 1, 2004

Okay folks I am soooo sorry to say that as of today there are 70 members
of the group. In the files and links area I have genealogy submissions
for 35 people.

That leaves 35 people unaccounted for.

I have been in communications with Maria Cortez and she is looking into
Copyright Protection for our genealogies. Now if the 35 of you that
haven't sent in your work are hesitating because of that . . .well
you'll have to communicate that to me. Then again if you have other
reasons you'll have to communicate that to me. I guess what I'm saying
is you need to communicate your reasons.

Otherwise on March 1, 2004 the 35 of you will be getting an email from
me. And if you don't reply to that email within 2 weeks (March 15, 2004)
I'm going to delete your membership to the group due to lack of

the big bad moderator,
Joseph Puentes

PS: A note to the new people that have joined in the last month or so.
Don't worry Just reply to that email with "I just joined on such and
such a date and I need a couple more months." My reply will be "great,
sure, suave, todo esta bien."

PPS: For those of you that don't have genealogy software it is perfectly
acceptable to send in your genealogy in an email. Have a look around the
"files" area for some excellent email genealogy submissions [look at
Maria Gutierrez' work].

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