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Re: [ranchos] Digest Number 223

HI Joseph,
somehow I uploaded my Castaneda file under someone else's Castaneda file....and my name is not on your list....neither is the name Castaneda. Can you please help me fix this?
Maria Anna Esparza wrote:
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There are 2 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: Confirming Your Participation: Files, Links
From: Esperanza Villarreal
2. New file uploaded to ranchos
From: ranchos


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 16:29:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Esperanza Villarreal
Subject: Re: Confirming Your Participation: Files, Links

Dear Joe -
Here is the update that I have so far on my family. Please upload this information under Luna/Herrera from Tlaltenango, Zacatecas. My name is Esperanza Villarreal. Below the information that is in spanish, I have copied an excel file that shows some cross-relationships. This information was provided via your site's help - which I thank you very much for. Please let me know if your receive this.

Norberta Herrera Luna (mi abuela) nacio en 1894, murio 6 de Marzo, 1941 -

los papas de ella se llamaban Atilano Herrera ________, nacio en el ano 1850, no sabemos cuando se murio. La esposa de el se llamaba Isidra Yniguez, nacio 1863.

El papa de Atilano se llamaba Jose Maria Herrera y su esposa se llamaba Yldifonfa Corchado

Manuel Luna Herrera nacio el 22 de Nov, 1888 y murio 21 de Enero, 1944. Los papas de el se llamaban Atanacio Luna _________ y nacio 1860. El se caso con Florencia Herrrera y ella nacio en el ano 1863

Los papas de Florencia se llamaban Jose Maria Herrera Y Yldifonfa Corchado
Atanacio Luna ________, los papas de el se llamaron Felix Luna y la esposa de el era Maria de los Angeles Trejo.
Anatacio Luna y Florencia Herrera tuvieron los sigueintes hijos:

Manuel Luna (mi abuelo)
Ypigemyo o Epimano - no sabemos -
Guadalupe Luna Herrera
Maria de la Cruz Luna Herrera (nacio el 3 de Mayo, 1885)

Atelano Herrera y Isidra - los hijos de ellos:

Norberta Herrera Luna(1894)mi abuela
Maria (pensamos que era la jemela de Norberta)
Panfilo nacio el 3 de Junio, 1895

Mis abuelos tuvieron hijos (Manuel Y Norberta)

Alfredo Luna Herrera - nacio el 27 de Nov, 1913 en Tlate (murio 1990, abril 25)

Maria Trinidad Luna Herrera - nacio el 25 de May, 1917 (murio julio 2, 2001)
Amador Luna Herrera - nacio el 11 de Noviembre, 1919 - y murio 7 de Junio, 1995). En el acta de el, menciona que hubo 4 mas hijos - no sabemos si mis abuelos no podrian comunicarse bien en ingles y fue equivocacion o si en realidad asi fue - Manuel Luna hubiera tendido 25 anos cuando nacio Alfredo y mi abuela hubiera tenido 19 anos -
Latina1955: Maria Trinidad Luna Herrera nacio en Tlalte
Amador nacio en Milan County Texas
Mary Luna nacio el 25 de Julio, 1923 - y murio el 1949 - dec 9 - nacio en Mansfield Texas.
Margaret Luna - 4 de abril, 1925 ,nacio en Mansfield Texas - murio 3 de marzo, 1998 de liver cancer
Josefina Luna 13 de abril, 1927, nacio en Detroit y murio en Detroit - 17 de mayo, 1993 - heart attack
Salvador Luna, 3 de agosto, 1929, nacio en Hubbardston Michigan y murio jan 11, 2001, liver complications
Esperanza Gene Luna, 24 de agosto, 1930 - Hubbardston Michigan - vive todavia
Ruben Luna, 26 de septiembre, 1933 y murio el 24 de agosto, 2001
Julia Luna - nacio el 29 de Julio, 1935 en
Detroit - y vive todavia

Jose Herrera, hermano de Norberta murio en Agosto, 1972 - en Guadalajara - se volvio a casar con Consuelo

Manuel Herrera Luna (hermano de Norberta Herrera Luna) tuvo una hija que se llamaba Cuca Herrera Ramirez y vive ella en Chicago

Pensamos que la mayoria nacieron en un rancho que se llamaba Aguajes - algo parecido - como 40 minutos de Tlaltenango

Latina1955: Panfilo que era mi bis tio, hermano de Norberta (mi abuela) nacio alli
SPOUSEFelix LunadobMaria de Los Angles Trejo 1827DOD SEP 1856DOD SEP 1856 AGE 29 #0443984childrenspouseher parentsMargarito LunadobRegina HerreraGregorio Herrera ychildrenFermina DuranJose Jesus Luna Oct 1877Jose Jesus Luna July 1901spouseparents of spouseAmbrosio LunadobPatricia SandovalFranquilno Sandovalm: apr 1918childrenPanfila CorchadoRanco de los Morasspouseparents of spouseAndrea LunaGabriel ArtegaMarcelio Artega ychildrenDesidera MiramontesMaria Trinidad Artega Mar 1900Los Llamasspouseparents of spouseFranquilino Luna Nov 1895Porfiria Castanedam: Apr 1918Jose Maria Luna 1900 AprLas Monasspouseparents of spouseAtanasio LunaabtFlorencia HerreraJose Maria HerrerachildrenMa Yldefonsa CorchadoPedro Luna Oct 1877AjuajeGregoria Luna Mar 1891Las MorasMa Trinidad Luna Sep 1895Las monasEpigmenio Luna 1900 NovAguajesspouseparents of spouseMaria LunaJesus Miramontesspouseparents of spouseMa Concecion LunaBonifacio ArtegaJorge ArtegachildrenMa Jesus DelgadoMa Guadalupe Artega 1903
Sepspouseparents of spouseMargarito Luna Reginia HerreraGregorio HerrerachildrenFermina DuranJose Luna May 1893AguajesJose Jesus Luna 1901 Feb 12Aguajespadrinos Atanasio Luna y Florencia HerreraMaria LunaabtFrancisco Miramontesfathermother

makas@... wrote:
[Note to the group: The quick and simple of finding out if you are
included in those that have sent in your genealogies is to look in the
files or links area of the group for your name or for those few without
names, the names of your ancestors {i'm going to correct this soon}.
Here is my current list of those represented so far:

Files Section
Acuna Family Tree.rtf (two braids: give me the name you want me to
label your file under please)
Alexandra Ramos Soto
Alicia Avelar Carrillo
Angel Cervantes' Ancestors
Angie Godina's Ancestors
Arturo Romero's Ancestors
Barrios and Ybarra (Please send me your name to put on your file)
Brendeen Longoria
David Muro Y Carol Turner
Deborah Ortiz' stuff
Dora Gómez
Esther Valencia
Helyn Sparkman de Castaneda
Irma Gomez Lucero's Ancestors
Janet Valeria Iglesias' Ancestors
JonWalkerFamily Ancestors
JosephPuentes' Ancestors
Juanita Hinojosa
Maria Cortez' Ancestors
Maria Elena Gutierrez-Uhlenburg
Mary Gervassi's Ancestors
Peggy Delgado
Raymond Jauregui
Rich_Kitty Cortez' Ancestors
Ronnie Reynoso
Rosalinda Ruiz' Ancestors
Sandoval & Ocampo (Please send my your name so I can put it on your
Stella Locke's Ancestors
Steven Hernández's Stuff
T. Remaly 's Ancestors
Yolanda Gomez

Links Section:
Charles Clark
Deena Ortiz
Jose Luis Macias


I sure hope you all don't think I'm being such a tyrant about
this. My dream was to gather "serious" researchers into a single group
to support and help one another. In my opinion there is no support or
help without a minimum of participation. If I was wanting lots of people
the group could easily be hovering around 100-125 people by now as I
have not allowed membership to those that refuse to answer my "Ranchos
Requirements" email that simply states: 1) do your own research 2) share
your research with the group.
My belief is that many more of us in the group are related. I'm
going to do a DNA test on myself shortly via Gary Felix's "The Genealogy
of Mexico Surname Project" from FamilyTreeDNA- In time I'm hoping
others of you will be wanting to submit your DNA so we can see if we're
related. But the next best thing is to find it on paper. DNA is
absolute. But finding it on paper is soooooooooooo great and would
certainly be good enough for me to accept you into my family as a "somos
de la misma sangre, digo, mi casa es su casa" relative.

If any of you want help submitting your Genealogy but are not
feeling up to the technological challenge of the procedure then
communicate with me and we'll work together on it. I'm real easy to get
along with as long as there is some sort of communication involved. I'm
willing to say that I'll accept almost any excuse except, "se me lo
comio mi perro."]

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Message: 2
Date: 31 Jan 2004 14:47:35 -0000
From: ranchos
Subject: New file uploaded to ranchos


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File : /Helyn Sparkman de Castaneda/Castaneda
Uploaded by : nvmesparza
Description : Salvador Castaneda

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"The joy of the Lord is my strength."
Have a joyful day!

Maria Anna Esparza

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