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New Beginnings

I have finally begun my search in earnest. They say that nosotros los Mejicanos say manana and it could mean anywhere from manana to infinity.
Yesterday I spent all day on the internet in the family history library documenting the possible films I would need to request at my local FHC center for the Zacatecas/Nochistlan areas. I noted the two local locations available in my area with the addresses, times open etc.
Off I went this morning with all my data/facts in hand and with a little bit of family oral history. I arrived at my local center and it was closed, schedule said open T, W & TH 9 AM till 9 PM. The phone number listed for the other location in Milpitas has been disconnected with no new or forwarding number.
The moral of the story here is don't give up and don't get too frustrated. Remember it's still manana for this fifty something Zacatecana in San Jose.
PS: You all have inspired me with your intros and your bios to get moving, especially all the younger members who have put me to shame.
I'll keep you posted on my progress or lack of, whichever it may be.
Alicia Avelar, Olmos, Aguayo, Ruiz, de Carrillo.