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Re: [ranchos] Thanks Art/Finding Mexico Geographic Location

You forgot country club memberships.  Just kidding.  My gosh, if you thought of everything on those lists on your own you are incredibly resourceful. 

Joseph Puentes <makas@...> wrote:

thanks for your thanks. sometimes I wish i could do more but there is only so much time. i would like to help you with your work but unless we find where in Mexico the Garza's came from it will be difficult.

I don't recall when your people came into the states but if they were here in 1900, 1910, 1920 and/or 1930 have you accounted for them in the census records? If you find them in the census records around the time they came into the US that might give you some indication where they crossed into the US. If you know that you might be able to find border crossing info. . .that is unless they did like some of my relatives and came in on the sly.

other sources of US records that might [slim chance but possible] give you the place in Mexico they were from:

SS application records
INS Applications: Intention to be citizens; Citizen apps; or green card/permanent resident apps
Register to Vote apps [i'm not sure these are available to the general public]
Draft Registration
Armed Services paperwork
Community Organizations
Death Records
Cemetery Records
Undertaker Records
Union Memberships
Church Memberships
School Records---or specialized training certificates
Birth and Marriage records

if your relatives had any kind of special skills that needed licenses to practice maybe there are applications for these like:

Insurance apps
Bonding apps
Vendor apps

if they bought or sold property or ran a business like a restaurant or bar:

apps for purchase
apps for sale
Realtor paperwork
Tax papers
Liquor license
Food Sale License

Probably 90% of my suggestions if you could find the corresponding info would produce no results as far as your relatives location in Mexico. But you might gain some small clues that might point you in a certain direction. Until you gather all the info you'll never know.

Can others in the group think of other sources of US Records that might list the location in Mexico where ones relatives might have come from?


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