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Re: Travel to Mexico

Hello Josie,

Good thinking and suggestion for Mary.  Also, it goes without saying
to always be extra cautious when it comes to safety.  If your going to
travel by land over there get yourself the company of a trusted friend
or relative that knows his way around;  preferably don't drive by
night;  keep a low profile in general.

Victor Villarreal

--- In, Josiett3@s... wrote:
> <<<<<Message: 6         
>    Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 13:44:49 -0700 (PDT)
>    From: Mary Allen <mary.allen3770@s...>
> <<<<Subject: Re: Answer to Mary Garana Allen
> <<<Joseph!! I'm on a roll.  From Mexico City I am flying to 
> Guanajuato.  I found <<<<another "cousin", 72 years old, who promises 
> photos and a lot more information.
> Hi Mary!   May I suggest you take a Spanish/English dictionary when you 
> travel to Mexico.  My friend Mickey Garcia and I go to Mexico quite a 
> bit and, believe me, there have been times that I wished I had carried 
> mine with me.  It can be a small, light-weight one but anything is a 
> big help when you are talking to someone and cannot get your point 
> across!  :-)  Good luck on your travels and I hope you find a wealth of 
> information!  
> Josie in San Antonio, TX