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Haplogroup A ancestor

Josie I had the exact same experience as you, Early in my research  
I said I have  Espanol ancestors and then my mtdna came back 
Haplogroup A as you said is Native American.  My female line goes 
from Jalisco to Michoacan and I have matched 2 others who's female 
line was from Guanajuato. Also like you the "Muse's" from my line 
help me do genealogy at night!  Not much sleep but lots of names.  
In fact from a dream my Gutierrez line went from Tamazula Jalisco 
back to Chilchota Michoacan from about 1680 to 1780.. I picked up 
almost 1,500 names from that dream!  I will never question what I 
don't undertand again!
Linda in Everett
--- In, "Josie T. Trevino" <Josiett3@s...> 
> Hi Mary!    What you describe as "a strange feeling" is a good 
thing!!!  It
> happens to me all the time and the first time (a few years ago) I 
did not
> understand what was happening!  I now feel that it is the 
ancestors way of
> telling us that they are helping us!  I also dream of them (I even
> "attended" a wedding on 15 Aug 1810 of one of my ancestors!) and 
that dream
> is still quite vivid in my mind.  When I travel in Mexico I feel 
like "I am
> at home" and I expect to "see people that I know".........quite a 
> feeling!  The odd thing is that I do not know of any living 
relatives I have
> in Mexico, other than a few "primos & primas" that are younger 
than I am!!!
> But that does not count!!!  I want to meet OLD people who can tell 
me their
> stories!  :-)  
> Today I just received the DNA results for my mother's line (using 
> brother's DNA) and I spoke to a person at the lab in Houston that 
does the
> testing.  She told me that my maternal line shows a large "Native 
> influence in the A Haplogroup......I am just learning about all 
this DNA
> stuff......but my father's line is all 
documented "Espanoles"......when I
> explained this to the lab person I was told that this is quite 
common in
> Mexico since the Espanoles often married some of the Mexican women 
who had
> Native American heritage!  Now I will be on a quest to find my 
maternal line
> and hopefully get back to the Jalisco, Zacatecas, Queretaro, etc. 
lines of
> research......   Good luck with your research!      Josie in San 
> Mary Allen  <mailto:mary.allen3770@s...>
> mary.allen3770@s... wrote:
> Message: 9 
> Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 17:45:47 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Mary Allen <mary.allen3770@s...>
> Subject: Re: Re: Travel to Mexico
> Thank you, Victor. Now I know where San Felipe is located and it 
is not a
> surprise visit. And I will purchase a cellular phone. There are 
two more
> places I need to visit, but perhaps not on this trip: San Luis 
Potosi, SLP
> and Salinas, SLP. Something to look forward to.
> It's a strange feeling: I have been working so intensely on this 
project for
> the last few weeks. Now that I have a few photographs, their faces 
are so
> etched on my mind that I dream about them. I feel as if I know 
them and I am
> just going to go "meet" them on their own turf. I have been 
sharing each
> step with my family and we all feel as if something great is about 
> happen, as if one of them walked in the front door, we wouldn't be
> surprised. It's just that we have been looking for them for so 
very long and
> now, suddenly, they start to appear with their stories, some of 
them quite
> sad. They are more than names and dates and pictures; they are 
real. As if
> they are coming home to us. 
> Mary