The marriage records usually have the names of parents listed and
your grandmother's marriage with Epifanio is listed in IGI and you
can order the film from your local family history center to view the
full record and see the parent listing. One of our members, Deena
Ortiz has this film at her local FHC.
Female Family
Marriage: 04 MAR 1878 Nochistlan, Zacatecas, Mexico
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type:
M606265 1874 - 1880 0226734 Film
You should also know that there is a very good and detailed genealogy
of the oldest settlers in Nochistlan, so if your gggrandmother's
family is originally from there, you should have a great resource to
go back pretty far.
Genealogía de Nochistlán, antiguo reino de la Nueva Galicia en el
siglo XVII según sus archivos parroquiales
Authors Vázquez y Rodríguez de Frías, José Luis (Main Author)
Notes Genealogía de familias e historia del antiguo Nochistlán desde
el tiempo del virreinato de la Nueva Galicia, aproximadamente desde
el año 1600.
Genealogy and genealogical tables of families that lived in the city
of Nochistlán, Zacatecas, México. Includes some of its history since
about early 1600's. Some information contained in this book expands
to other areas of Mexico as well. Text in Spanish. Includes index by
surname and several appendixes. Appendix 1 includes a list of the
parish records searched on microfilms. Appendix 2-3 include a list of
the families found in the census of 1649 and 1664.
Incluye muchos apellidos de los cuales algunos son Delgadillo, Frías,
González, Pérez, Rodríguez, Vázquez, Yáñez y más.
Incluye índice y varios apéndices. También contiene en algunas partes
información de otras áreas de México.
--- In ranchos@yahoogroups.com, "Hope" <beelieve@b...> wrote:
> Hello or Holla to everyone,
> My name is Hope Carmona Wilson and I am looking for information on
> gg parents from Mexico. Like so many of us who are American by
> and who are searching for history of our past family memebers from
> Mexico,it seems to be like looking for a needle in a hay stack.I am
> very happy to have found you all.The information I am researching
> for my maternal ggg mother.
> Her name was Anselma Rodriguez, born 1860 in Nochitzlan, Zacatecas,
> Mexico.She died and was buried in Teocaltiche,Jalisco,Mexico date??
> married Epifanio Ramirez,born 1850(about)His parents were Rogelio
> Ramirez & Estanisla Duran. No other information known. Via
> DNA testing I learned I belong to the HVR1 B GROUP. This is a
> american group which makes sence since back then, there was no
> States.
> As I learn more information I will be happy to help others in thier
> search.
> Again, I am very happy to be part of this group.
> Hope aka Esperanza