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Re: [ranchos] Father's paranthetical name

Could it also be that, at the baptism, conflicting information was given by the parties present, and the sacristan or priest noted all names, but put in parentheses that info that did not sound likely to be the case?
Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA ---
----- Original Message -----
From: elviraz
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [ranchos] Father's paranthetical name

It has been my experience in my own research  that in  a Mexican record,  anything in parenthesis means the information  (within the parenthesis) is wrong. Apparently parenthesis  is used to denote that a mistake was made when entering the informaion.
I would bet that Miramontes was  someone from the area but not necessarily a relative.  As for the other names, I would advise you to look for other actas for the same family to be sure that the names entered are the grandparents.  I have seen plenty of records more or less sounding like yours and the sacristan had ususlly made a mistake entering the grand parents.  Then again, it could be that the names were as entered and the family used different last names  as was the custom at times.  Since you did not include the entire text I can't say any more than that regarding the grandparents.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:26 AM
Subject: [ranchos] Father's paranthetical name

Has anyone run across this or have an inkling of what it might mean?

...que nacio en Santa Cruz, el dia veintiseis del corriente a las once
de la manana a la que puse por nombre Luisa, hija legitima de (Jose
Maria Miramontes) Telesforo Gutierrez y Maria Guadalupe de Luna. 
Abuelos paternos Catarino y Anastacia Jara...

Who is this man Jose Maria Miramontes and what is his relation to this