Hello all, is there anyone out there that would know where I can gind Mexican army records?? I am trying to research my great great grandfather and he was a Mexican soldier. Thanks, Lorenzo.
You can try the Historical Archives of SEDENA (Mexico's Military branch).I went there today and I'm very pleased with what I found.
First you have to e-mail them to archivo@mail.sedena.gob.mx and ask them if they have the files for the person you are looking for. It is better to have the exact date the person joined the military (antigüedad).
I requested to check out the records of 7 brothers and cousins of my grandfather, they all fought in the Mexican Revolution. They found the records for 3 of them (for those for which I had their antigüedad) and gave me permission to see their records.
Today I could only check one of the three since his archive is 488 pages long.
They allow you to take digital pictures of the records (no flash), so I spent all morning photographing his files. I'll try to read all of them later.
I also tried their online archives but didn't find anything at all there.
I'll go back tomorrow morning (they only open from 8:00 to 13:00) and check out the second set of records.
Best regards,
Victoriano Navarro
HI Lorenzo send over what info what you have on your great grandfather, name, place rank
if you have any more info. Maybe I can investigate something.
Daniel Méndez Camino
¿Ya intentaste en el Archivo Historico de la Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional?
el web es: http://www.archivohistorico2010.sedena.gob.mx/
Hay un buscador muy practico.
Israel Valles
Durango, MX
2011/4/9, Daniel Méndez Camino :
> HI Lorenzo send over what info what you have on your great grandfather,
> name, place rank
> if you have any more info. Maybe I can investigate something.
> Daniel Méndez Camino
For those who have found military records for ancestors from Zacatecas, were there any particular military units which recruited members from Zacatecas?
There might have been several raised during the 19th century, but the easiest ones to find are national guard regiments. Although even then, it is hard to know which particular units recruited in certain area's of the state.
Archivo Histórico de la SEDENA