I've been going through some really old records, and I think I see the name Sotelo and the place name Tarinbaro on the first two lines of this image:
Can someone take a look and tell me what they think? Maybe even translate the first 4 lines?
Denise Fastrup
Hi Denise,
Great job finding that second Tarinbaro in the document (and the second mention of Fernando de Sotelo). I didn't believe such a place existed, but according to Google maps and Wikipedia there are indeed a town and municipality named Tarímbaro just north of Morelia, Michoacán. I can't read either the words after Tarinbaro, it may be an amount, it may be the name of another place, and then "pessos digo que sobre lo que le traspasse Juan Gutierrez de Bocanegra le rresto deviendo cien pessos (le resto debiendo 100 pesos; after what I transferred to JGB, I still owe him 100 pesos)"
I also noticed that many paragraphs start with the words "Y ten declaro", which should be an abbreviation for "Y también declaro".
Mr. Inclán's genealogical charts are a great template, I also used them when making my tree, but it is better to try to find the original sources of each claimed connection, just to make sure.
The Ecatepec that Bocanegra bought is in the State of Morelos. They mention the purchase and several of the names you wrote in the book shown in this link:
Good luck reading the rest of the document.
Best regards,
Victoriano Navarro
Thanks again for your help! I decided I will write Dr. Chipman and forward him the information, as he has an academic research interest in the Sotelo-Moctezuma family.
For myself this document is helping me learn to read colonial Spanish, which I need to be able to do if I am going to be able to go further with my family tree.Plus its fun finding names in old documents like this which are also listed in books like Encomenderos of New Spain, the people sort of come alive again.
Your explanation of Y ten solves a big mystery for me - muchas gracias!
I hope to be able to find an original source for the Villasenor link to Sotelo, that may take a week or a couple of months...
Hi Denise,
I think you are right regarding the T and the S and the rest of the words you identified. Still that word or set of words that looks like Tarimbaro is difficult to read. The part that you couldn't read between de and nueva españa is sta. It reads: desta (de esta) nueva españa.
Victoriano Navarro
Hi Victoriano
Thanks for your feedback. I have started an informal "dictionary" of the letters, words and phrases I have recognized, plus the ones you helped me with. I have found three other interesting bits of information:
-The name don fernando sutelo de villasenor shows up in line 2 on image 490.
-Tarinbaro is mentioned again: image 488 line 11 "Declaro que yo compre al secretario baragona (?) la estancia de Tarimbaro" followed by a series of words I cant read, then the name Juan Gutierrez de Bocanegra.
According to a genealogy on the internet made by John Inclan, Fernando Sotelo de Moctezuma married to Maria de Villasenor. But he did not provide his source...I checked Donald Chipmans book,Moctezumas Children, and wife of Fernando is not named.
Donald Chipman did mention that a person named Fernando Bocanegra bought Ecatepec (from Diego Arias de Sotelos sons) in 1619.
-Juan Rodrigues de Corona is also mentioned, worth noting because Maria de Villasenors mothers name was Catalina Corona, again according to John Inclans genealogy.
The testament itself is interesting, mentions slaves, amigos, amor. The more I try to read, the more I learn to recognize certain words (declaro and mando turn up a lot. Wish I had more time to study it, but need to get through the other pages - who know what else of interest might show up?!
Hi Denise,
This is what I read (current Spanish in parenthesis):
Line 1: Sotelo y otros munchos (muchos) que se
Line 2: hallaron a ello estar .n.aro yo hize (hice) la escritura
Line 3: porque Sancho Lopes me escrivio (escribió) la hizieze (hiciese)
Line 4: y que no se acavava (acababa) con la cuenta de pascuaro (Pátzcuaro) todo
Line 5: lo de mequacan (Michoacán)
Escritura is a document that states that you own a property, a deed. I think he is saying that he wrote a deed because Sancho López wrote to him asking to do it, and many persons served as witnesses.
Victoriano Navarro
This is really hard to read, but I think the 4th and 5th lines may say:
"y que no se acavava con la quenta de pasquaro todo lo de mequacan".
In current Spanish:
"y que no se acababa con la cuenta de Pátzcuaro todo lo de Michoacán".
In english:
"and that it did not end with Patzcuaro's count/account all about Michoacán"
...whatever that means.
For the word pasquaro I figured out the letter S by comparison with the one on the worlds arzobispado and Francisco in the next to last paragraph of the first page on image 487 where it says: "en el arzobispado de Toledo hijo ligitimo de Francisco Gutierrez".
As for the letter P, I compared it to the ones in the worlds espiritu and personas in the second paragraph of that same page, where it says: "santissima trinidad padre hijo y espiritu santo tres perssonas y un solo Dios verdadero" (Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, three persons and a single true God).
Regarding the words Sotelo and Tarinbaro, It would be great if you could find another example of the first letter of the page to see if it is indeed an S, and what you are reading as Tarinbaro may be several words all clumped together.
Best regards,
Victoriano Navarro
Hello Victoriano
Thank you very much for your feedback! I will do as you suggest and look for the letter S, and take a second look at what I think is Tarimbaro. Will post back after that...
Hello Victoriano
I think I found an "S" on the seventh line from the bottom on the left page of image 487 of the same set of images as the original link above. It looks like the words are "su legitima mujer" (precededed by a name) and in the line above looks like "hijo legitimo de" (preceded by a name and followed by a name). These names are in fact right before the reference to Conde de Coruna (the man named here was apparently majordomo for the "excelente visorey de ((?)) nueva espana el Conde de Coruna")
Still looking at Tarimbaro...
Hello Victoriano
Regarding the letter "T" for Tarinbaro, on image 491, last line on left hand page, I think I found the phrase "Todos ellos" with a T like the one on Tarimbaro, with word Todos again in the line above it.
I will also look at the other letters in what I think is Tarinbaro.
I took a second look at the previous page, and I think the last 1½ lines on the previous page say, "los testigos son Juan de Allala, Francisco (something or other) y don Frdo (Fernando?)". There was a Fernando Sotelo de Moctezuma, the son of Diego Arias and Leonor de Valderrama y Moctezuma.