Daniel, Jaime, Carolyn, et al
There is no doubt that this is an important piece of the puzzle. It links Antonio de Castañeda to his grandparents Pedro de Castañeda and Jacinta de Sotomayor and adds a few more bits of information to the Castañeda legacy. The Dispensa Matrimonial you provided confirms that Antonio de Castañeda was indeed the son of Nicolás de Castañeda and Ana de Vargas Moriano, and a brother of Apolonia de Castañeda. Here is the link:
As soon as I get some time I'll follow up with more details on the Castañeda from Sierra de Pinos. So far I haven't been able to find any info. on Blas Nieto, the legitimate brother of Jacinta de Sotomayor. The oldest Nieto in my database is Pedro Nieto Corona, who married María de Castañeda ca.1676. I haven't identified her parents, but feel pretty certain that she belongs to the same Castañeda family from Sierra de Pinos.
Let me know what you think.
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Mendez de Torres Camino
To: Nuestros Ranchos
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 3:00 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Jacinta de Sotomayor & Blas Nieto
Bill, Jaime, Carolyn et. al.
I believe I have found another piece of the puzzle with the Castañeda family. The following: In a dispensa that can be found for the years 1710-1712, image 489 we find the following information:
Sierra de Pìnos - Nicolás de Castañeda y María Gómez Ruíz
It mentions that Nicolás is a native of Sierra de Pinos as well as María Gómez. They share a 4th and 3rd degree of consanguinity. He is the son of Antonio de Castañeda and Tomasa de Carrión; she is the daughter of Matías Gómez and Isabel Ruíz; The genealogy is not fully mentioned, the only information the witnesses give is that both are "bisnietos de dos hermanos carnales"
According to the dispensation, Antonio de Castañeda is the grandson of Pedro de Castañeda and María Gómez is the great grandaughter of Jacinta de Sotomayor. It also mentions that Jacinta was a sister to Blas Nieto. My question is the following: is Blas Nieto somehow related to the Nieto Corona family? This would put all these individuals at the beginning to the first quarter of the XVII century in Aguascalientes-Pinos region.
I hope this will shed forth even more light on this genealogy,
Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino
Hi all--
Looking at the comments to the postings on the Nieto family, I wonder if my ancestor, Jose Manuel Francisco Nieto, who married Maria Rafaela Herrera in Pinos in 1754, descends from the same Nieto family. His parents are Joseph Nieto Corona and Maria de Mendosa y Balberde. In his marriage record, Jose Manuel Francisco is noted having been born in Pinzandaro, Michocan (I can't seem to locate records for this hacienda).
Does anyone recognize my ancestors?
Hi Rosalinda,
The town of Pinzandaro is about 100 miles SW of Morelia, Michoacán. The marriage record from Pinos states that Manuel Francisco Nieto was living "en el puesto de la Noria de Arriba" and María Rafaela Herrera in the Hacienda de San Juan de los Herreras when they got married. As you probably know, several children of Antonio de Castañeda and Thomasa de Carrión were born in La Noria. We recently discovered that María de Castañeda, who married Pedro Nieto Corona in Pinos (24 Jun 1671) was the daughter of Nicolás de Castañeda y Sotomayor and Ana de Vargas Moriano, and also the sister of Antonio de Castañeda, who lived in La Noria with his wife Thomasa de Carrión. I don't have time to research this now (last day to file our income tax returns) but will do so later. I suspect that Joseph Nieto (Manuel Francisco's father) was a direct descendant of Pedro Nieto Corona and María de Castañeda. Look for the marriage of Joseph Nieto and María de Mendoza Valverde in Michoacán, where their son Manuel Francisco was born. Maybe María de Mendoza Valverde was from Michoacán.
----- Original Message -----
From: rruizgenealogy@ix.netcom.com
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 12:18 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nieto Corona from Pinos
Hi all--
Looking at the comments to the postings on the Nieto family, I wonder if my ancestor, Jose Manuel Francisco Nieto, who married Maria Rafaela Herrera in Pinos in 1754, descends from the same Nieto family. His parents are Joseph Nieto Corona and Maria de Mendosa y Balberde. In his marriage record, Jose Manuel Francisco is noted having been born in Pinzandaro, Michocan (I can't seem to locate records for this hacienda).
Does anyone recognize my ancestors?
Hi Bill,
Please take your time. Since I approximate Manuel Francisco's birth date to be about 1724 to 1734, I would venture to guess his father was born in the late 1600s or early 1700s. I feel that there is a connection, but finding it may be beyond my grasp-- I have tried to look for the records for Pinzandaro, and either they are lost, not filmed by the LDS, or some other thing. Currently Pinzandaro is under the Diocese of Apatzingán, but even their records begin in the mid 1800s. I have looked for these ancestors in the familysearch site, with no success (I have tried all of my tricks). I can only hope to search the Pinos records page by page, but I'm not sure of success there, either.
Jaime, Carolyn, Rosalinda, Daniel, et al:
While checking early records from Sierra de Pinos, I stumbled upon a record of Pedro Nieto Corona having a premarital relationship with Catalina Jiménez, a free black slave, with whom he had at least one child. Apparently, this relationship had been going on for about eight years, until the Church intervened and ordered them to stop it under penalty of excommunication and a 30 peso fine, a significant amount in those days. Catalina Jiménez was pregnant and about to give birth to a child, possibly their illegitimate son Juan Nieto. Although there is a pencil note on this record that reads "Abril 1675", the record itself indicates that the correct date is 20 April 1665. This makes sense because Pedro Nieto Corona married María de Castañeda on 24 June 1671. Pedro and María had at least eight legitimate children. Following is the link and full transcription of this record:
"Pedro Nieto con Catalina Ximenes"
"En el Real y Minas de Sierra de Pinos en veinte del mes [de abril]
de mil y seiscientos y sesenta y cinco años, el Br. Domingo Joseph de
Hoyos Cura Beneficiado Bicario Juez Eclessiastico deste Real y su Ju-
ridicion = Por cuanto tengo notizia que Pedro Nieto el [mozo]
hixo lexitimo de Pedro Nieto y de Da. Jusepa Corona vecinos deste
Real, tiene comunicazion ylicita con Catalina Jimenez y en ella hixos
y que a mas tiempo de ocho años, que bive en mal estado, siendo sol-
teros, con pretesto de que el dho Pedro Nieto duerme en casa de sus
padres y les asiste como hixo en el servizio, para que con este
achaque no pase adelante culpa tan reincidida y se ofenda
a Dios tan desenfrenadamente y agga enmienda en errores y cul-
pas tan notorias, mando al dicho Pedro Nieto, y la dha Catalina
Jimenez no buelban a esta ylicita comunicacion, pena de ex-
comunion mayor y de treinta pesos aplicados al arbitrio del Sr.
Gobernador y Provisor deste Reyno en que incurriran y proce-
dere a rebeldia contra los inobedientes a las demas penas que
el derecho dispone, y notifique este mi auto y mandamiento, a la
susodha en su persona, siendo testigos Miguel de Cardona, y Juan
de Santiago, y por verdad lo firme --
[firma] El Br. Domingo Joseph de Hoyos
Este dho dia por la noche como a las siete llego, llego el dho Pedro
Nieto a mi casa con alguna resolucion segun lo que demostro
en la pregunta que me hizo en pressencia de dho Miguel de Car
dona Juan de Ayala y otras personas que estaban jusgando
y fue que que si queria por que le avian dicho, que le buscaban,
y yo el dho Vicario respondi, que no le buscaba, y ya que me pregun-
taba le notificaba un auto que abia notificado a Catalina Xi-
menez y ansi mismo le mandaba lo que consta de dho auto, y que
no comunique a la susodha ni entre en su casa so la misma
pena. Dixo que lo oya y que no abia de dexar de entrar porque
tenia yjos, y que tenia obligacion de sustentarlos, y por verdad
lo firme
[firma] El Br. Domingo Joseph de Hoyos
En el mismo dia del mes de diziembre deste pressente año de seiscientos y
sesenta y seis, por la notoriedad de que Catalina Jimenez esta
preñada y en dias de parir, y que dho preñado es del susodho
Pedro Nieto el mozo, le mando pena de excomunion mayor no
buelba a reyncidir en dha culpa y escandalo, y a la dha Catalina
Jimenez mando lo mismo y que no le admita a su casa y mala
compañia. Dixo el dho Pedro Nieto que le oya notificosele este
auto, siendo pressentes Diego de Carabaxal y el dho Miguel
de Cardona, y a ella en su casa respondio lo mismo. Doy
fe de ello –
[firma] El Br. Domingo Joseph de Hoyos"
The link and a full transcription of Juan Nieto and María de la O Martín's marriage record follows:
Al margen: "Juan Nieto mulato libre con Maria de la O, loba"
"En dies y seis dias del mes de febrero de mil setecientos y seis años haviendose
echo las informaciones y auctos acostumbrados y presedido las tres a-
monestaciones que dispone el Santo Consilio de Trento en tres dias fes-
tivos intermisarum solemnia y no haviendo de todo resultado ym-
pedimiento alguno canonico como todo consta de los auctos que paran
en este archivo eclesiastico a que me rremito, case por palabras de
presente y vele imfasie eclesie a Juan Nieto mulato libre natural
y vezino de este Real, hijo natural de Pedro Nieto español y de Ca-
talina Ximenes mulata libre y viudo de Sebastiana de Santiago,
yndia, con Maria de la O, loba natural y vecina del puesto de la Sause-
da de esta feligresia, hija legitima de Agustin Martin yndio y de Mel-
chora de la Cruz loba. Fueron testigos a dha celebrasion y velasion
Joseph de Espinosa y Manuel de Espinosa vecinos de este Real, y otras
muchas personas y para que conste lo firme
[firma] D. Diego Perez de Salazar"
A link to the marriage of Pedro Nieto Corona and María de Castañeda was provided in an earlier posting by Jaime Alvarado, but is repeated here to keep these records together. The link is as follows:
There seems to be several people with the surname 'Mendoza y Valverde' here are some records that may serve as some clues. I love the new family search, it´s quicker and more organized. It also allows you to see where people with the same surname traveled and settled. This family seems to be very well from Oaxaca, since it´s a compound surname it´s probable that they are somehow related. It seems the surname started with the couple in the last record, but we must always prove it with records that are fidedigno. This is interesting, but I already have done some research on Fernández Cavallero, they originate in Burgos, Castilla they arrived some time at the turn of the XVIII century.
I hope this helps in some manner,
Daniel Méndez de Torres
P.S. Whatever you find, please send me a report, thanks.
Thomas De Mendosa Y Balbarde
Mexico, Marriages, 1570-1950
marriage:24 Aug 1749Sagrario Metropolitano,Oaxaca De Juarez,Oaxaca,Mexico
spouse:Manuela Fernandes Cavallero
Franco. Mendosa Y Balverde
Mexico, Marriages, 1570-1950
marriage:11 Apr 1773Sagrario Metropolitano,Oaxaca De Juarez,Oaxaca,Mexico
spouse:Jospha. Joachina De Rob
Thomas Antonio De Mendossa Balverde
Mexico, Baptisms, 1560-1950
christening:26 Sep 1706Sagrario Metropolitano, Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca, Mexicoresidence:
Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca, Mexico
parents:Nicolas De Mendossa Balverde, Francisca De Cardenas
Antonio Mendosa Balverde
Mexico, Baptisms, 1560-1950
parents:Francisco Mendosa, Juana Balverde
Maria Castañeda, married to Pedro Nieto (Neto), is the daughter of Nicolas Castañeda and Antonia Vargas Moriano. Pedro is the son of Pedro Nieto y Josefa Corona. Their marriage information is dated June 1 1671 in Pinos, Zacatecas (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-15245-25386-84?cc=1804458&wc…) and married June 24 1671 also in Pinos. The witnesses state that they are not related. If they were via Jacinta Sotomayor (Nieto), such relationship should have at the 5th degree or higher.
You just hit another homerun!! This information closes one more gap in my database. Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jaime R. Alvarado
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Fw: Jacinta de Sotomayor & Blas Nieto
Maria Castañeda, married to Pedro Nieto (Neto), is the daughter of Nicolas Castañeda and Antonia Vargas Moriano. Pedro is the son of Pedro Nieto y Josefa Corona. Their marriage information is dated June 1 1671 in Pinos, Zacatecas (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-15245-25386-84?cc=1804458&wc…) and married June 24 1671 also in Pinos. The witnesses state that they are not related. If they were via Jacinta Sotomayor (Nieto), such relationship should have at the 5th degree or higher.
Daniel Mendez posted the following dispensa for Nicolas de Castaneda and Maria Gomez, who descended from siblings Jacinta de Sotomayor and Blas Nieto: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-18426-82548-41?cc=1874591&wc…
This regards Maria Gomez's lines.
From my own research:
Maria Gomez was the daughter of Mathias Gomez de Sotomayor and Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor;
Mathias Gomez was the son of Juan Gomez Nieto and Maria Teresa Martin Guerrero;
Juan Gomez was the son of Blas Nieto and ?
Here is the 15 Jun 1748 IM for Juan Antonio Gaitan and Maria Manuela Munoz:
The pretensos' grandfathers were 2nd-cousins: the bride's maternal grandfather, Nicolas Gomez de Sotomayor, was the son of Blas Gomez de las Ruelas (and Maria de Avila); Blas Gomez was the son of Juan Gomez de las Ruelas; Juan Gomez was the brother of Gonzalo Gomez de las Ruelas, who was the father of Maria Gomez de las Ruelas, who was the mother of Miguel Gaitan, grandfather of pretenso, Juan Antonio Gaitan.
I think Juan Gomez de las Ruelas and Juan Gomez Nieto are the same person, since the children and descendants of Mathias Gomez de Sotomayor would use both compound surnames, "Gomez de Sotomayor" and "Gomez de las Ruelas," linking the two. Thus, Juan Gomez and Gonzalo Gomez are sons of Blas Nieto; Mathias Gomez and Blas Gomez are brothers, and Blas would've been named for their grandfather, Blas Nieto.
Mathias Gomez was baptized 14 Mar 1658 in Guanajuato, Guanajuato, and married Ysabel de Avalos (Ruiz) 29 Dec 1683 in Panuco, Zacatecas, and by the early 1700's, they were living on Salitre in Pinos, Zacatecas.
According to the marriage records and IM's for the children of Blas Gomez and Maria de Avila, they were all born in Zacatecas, Zacatecas, and living on Salitre in Pinos in the early 1700's. Blas Gomez was deceased by 1704.
Miguel Gaitan (son of Maria Gomez de Ruelas) first appears in the 1680's in Charcas, SLP, where he would marry Antonia Arias de Bedoya (daughter of Juan Gomez de Bedoya & Leonor de Alvarado?) 25 Sep 1690; by 1704, they're living on Ballenas in Pinos, Zacatecas, later they'd be on nearby Penon Blanco. Most of their children and descendants would live on nearby Santa Rita, some of who intermarried with those of Nicolas Gomez, requiring dispensations, some which I posted on a previous thread: http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/21351
Another family living on Salitre at this time was the Sanchez de la Mejorada-Narvaez family, from San Luis Potosi, SLP (more info can be found on this thread: http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/21848): Francisco, Jose Antonio and Luis Sanchez de la Mejorada, hijos naturales of Cristobal Sanchez and Francisca Narvaez. The Gomez-Ruiz, Gomez-Avila and Sanchez-Navaez families were pretty tight, being padrinos for each other's children, and their children intermarrying; Francisco Sanchez married the widow of Mathias Gomez, Ysabel Ruiz, and adopted their children; Francisco Sanchez and Nicolas Gomez both became landowners around the same time, with Sanchez owning Guadalupe in Pinos by 1719, and Nicolas Gomez owning nearby Santa Rita.
Does anybody here have any more information on these families, or which support my theory?
Gracias y saludos,
Manny Diez Hermosillo
The Inf. Matrimonial for Pedro Nieto (el mozo) and Maria Castaneda is at: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-15245-25386-84?cc=1804458&wc…
This record states in part:
Pedro Nieto hijo legitimo de Pedro Nieto, ya difunto, y de doña Josefa Corona, españoles...María de Castañeda española criolla del Real y Minas de la Pendencia hija legitima de Nicolás de Castañeda y de Ana de Vargas, españoles
Austin Perez
Nieto Corona from Pinos