Pinos Zacatecas 1680-1740: Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor - Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada - Mathias Gomez [de Sotomayor?]

Hola primos y primas,

Estoy investigando mis antepasados Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada e
Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor, que vivian en Pinos, Zacatecas, 1680-1740.
Francisco Sanchez nacio alrededor del 1685, en la ciudad de San Luis
Potosi, hijo natural de Cristobal Sanchez y de Francisca Narvaez, solteros.
Los tengo con 4 hijos:

I am researching my ancestors Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada and Ysabel
Ruiz de Villasenor, who lived in Pinos, Zacatecas, 1680-1740. Francisco
Sanchez was born around 1685 in la Ciudad de San Luis Potosi, hijo natural
of Cristobal Sanchez and Francisca Narbais. I have them having four

1. Josepha Mejorada Ruiz, b. 18 Apr 1698 en Pinos (Salitrillo), m. Diego
Delgado Gallegos, 16 Feb 1722, Pinos, Zacatecas.
2. Joaquin Sanchez de la Mejorada, b. 2 Apr 1699, Pinos (Salitrillo), m.
Juana Anastacia de la Puente, 10 Feb 1725, Venado, SLP.
3. Francisca Sanchez Ruiz, se caso con Juan Delgado Gallegos, 16 Oct
1719, Pinos, Zacatecas. Diego y Juan Delgado eran hijos de Juan Husebio
Delgado y de Pascuala Gallegos Cabrera.
4. Jose Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada, b. 26 Nov 1703 en Pinos
(Salitre), m. Marina Gomez Tiscareno, 6 Oct 1721, Pinos, Zacatecas. Marina
era hija de Nicolas Gomez y de Lorenza Tiscareno Huerta.

No tengo nada sobre Ysabel Ruiz, solo que se murio antes del 6 Feb 1715,
cuando Francisco Sanchez se caso por segunda con Margarita de Cuevas. He
encontrado a una Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor, casada con Mathias Gomez,
tambien vivian en Pinos y durante la misma epoca, de hecho, Francisco
Sanchez es testigo para el matrimonio de un hijo de Mathias Gomez. Los
hijos de Mathias Gomez e Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor son:

I have nothing on Ysabel Ruiz, other than she dies some time before 6 Feb
1715, when Francisco Sanchez married for a second time to Margarita de
Cuevas. I have found an Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor married to Mathias Gomez,
also in Pinos and around the same time frame. Francisco Sanchez was testigo
for the marriage for one of their children, so they knew each other. The
children of Mathias Gomez and Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor are:

1. Pedro Gomez, nacio alrededor del 1686 en Zacatecas, m. Maria
Xertrudes Sanches Narbais, 17 Jun 1706 en Pinos, Zacatecas. En su partida
nupcial, no sale el apellido de ella, dice que es de padres no conocidos;
pero en el baustimo de un hijo suyo sale con el apellido "Sanchez" y en
otro "Narbais"; puede ser hija natural de Cristobal Sanchez y de Francisca
Narbais? Hermana de Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada?
2. Maria Gomez, nacio alrededor del 1689, m. Nicolas Castaneda, 5 Oct
1712 en Pinos, Zacatecas. Nicolas Castaneda era hijo de Antonio Castaneda
Vargas y de Thomasa de Carrion. Fueron testigos los Capitanes Antonio de
Gusman Prado y Esteban Munos de Pineda.
3. Juan Baptista Gomez, a. 1688; m. Catalina Bernarda Aguilar, 6 Feb
1715, Pinos. Catalina Bernarda era hija de Antonio Aguilar y de Maria Diaz
de Guerta. Fueron testigos los Capitanes Francisco Sanchez Cabello y
Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada.
4. Joseph Gomez de Sotomayor, a 1687, m. Josepha de Aguilar, 6 Feb 1723,
Pinos, Zacatecas. PREGUNTA: hay una Josepha Francisca Aguilar y un Joseph
Ruelas de Sotomayor, que son padres del novio Jose Antonio Ruelas de
Sotomayor, que se caso con Maria del Carmen Gomez, 11 Sep 1756 en Pinos: Sera la misma pareja?
Gomez de Sotomayor=Ruelas de Sotomayor? Y si es caso, donde esta la
conexion? QUESTION: there's a Josepha Francisca Aguilar and Joseph Ruelas
de Sotomayor, who are the parents of Jose Antonio Ruelas de Sotomayor, who
married Maria del Carmen Gomez on 11 Sep 1756 in Pinos: are they the same
persons? Gomez de Sotomayor=Ruelas de Sotomayor? And if that's the case,
where is the connection? Juana Gomez Ruiz, b. 10 Jul 1690, Pinos, Zacatecas.

Mathias Gomez se murio antes del 1697; puede ser que Ysabel Ruiz se caso
con Capitan Francisco de la Mejorada en 2a nupciales, pero no he encontrado
la informacion y no se si fue viuda. La tendra alguien? O tiene informacion
sobre estas personas? Es la misma Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor?

Mathias Gomez died before 1697; Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor could have
married Capitan Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada in a second marriage, the
timelines fit, but I haven't found the information and I don't know if she
was a widow. Would any of you have any info on this? Is she the same Ysabel
Ruiz de Villasenor?

Tengo otras preguntas, a ver si alguien sabe algo:

I have some more questions, hopefully someone knows something:

El hijo de Mathias Gomez, Jose Gomez, lleva el apellido compuesto, "Gomez
de Sotomayor"; la esposa de Jose Francisco Sanchez era Marina Gomez
Tiscareno, hija de Nicolas Gomez y de Lorenza Tiscareno, tambien en algunos
documentos de sus hijos o nietos, la he visto citada como "Marina Gomez de
Sotomayor." Habra algun conexion entre ellos? Entre Mathias Gomez y
Nicolas Gomez? Y entre Gomez de Sotomayor y Ruelas de Sotomayor?

The son of Mathias Gomez, Jose Gomez, uses the compound surname "Gomez de
Sotomayor"; the wife of Jose Francisco Sanchez was Marina Gomez Tiscareno,
daughter of Nicolas Gomez and Lorenza Tiscareno Huerta, in a couple of her
children or grandchildren's documents, I've seen her listed as "Marina
Gomez de Sotomayor." Is there a connection between them? Between Mathias
Gomez y Nicolas Gomez? And between Gomez de Sotomayor y Ruelas de Sotomayor?

Y, quien era Capitan Esteban Munos de la Pineda? Fue padrino y testigo para
varios parientes mios durante aquellos anyos en Pinos. Tengo otro
antepasado que vivia durante el mismo tiempo, Jose Munos, nacido como 1682
y casado con Ysabel de Hungria Alvarez. Tenian varios hijos, entre ellos
dos que se casaron con dos hijas de Nicolas Gomez y Lorenza Tiscareno. De
ella, tengo para padres Bartholome Alvarez y Maria Egipsiaca de Santiago
Cuenca, de el, nada. Puede ser parientes, mi g7 Jose Munos y el Capitan
Esteban Munos de Pineda?

And, who was Capitan Esteban Munos de Pineda? He was padrino and testigo
for many of my family members. I have another ancestor who lived around the
same time, Jose Munos, born around 1682 and married to Ysabel de Hungria
Alvarez. They had several children, among them two sons who married two
daughters of Nicolas Gomez and Lorenza Tiscareno. I have her parents as
Bartholome Alvarez and Maria Egipsiaca de Santiago Cuenca, for him, I have
nothing. Can they be related, my g7 Jose Munos and Esteban Munos de Pineda?

Gracias, y les invito a mirar por mi cuenta jrefugioghermosillo, donde
tengo la lista de mis familias.

Thank you, and please take a look in my folder jrefugioghermosillo, where I
have the list of my families posted.

Manny Diez Hermosillo



If you could please send me your line to the Sánchez de la Mejorada? I am also related to this line. I have a Sánchez de la Mejorada line as well in Tamazula de Gordiano, Jalisco who married into my family, Méndez de Torres at the end of the XVIII century. D. José Francisco Méndez de Torres y Méndez de Torres married Da. María Guadalupe Sánchez de la Mejorada y Aguilar on 27 Jul 1795 in Ciudad Guzmán, he than married the woman whom I descend, Da. Desideria Fernández de la Cueva y González Bermejo on 2 Mar 1807 in San Francisco de Tamazula. I wonder if there is a link. I know there are many in México City, perhaps these two lines will link.

Let´s compare what we have!
Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino


Hola Daniel,

Thank you very much for replying to my post.

Regarding my Sanchez line, all of the activity I have takes place in Pinos, Zacatecas. As I mentioned, I dead-end in Ciudad de San Luis with the birth of my g6 Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada, born hijo natural de Cristobal Sanchez and Francisca Narvaez, probably around 1678. They had another hijo natural, Jose Antonio Sanchez, who also married in Pinos:

I haven't been able to trace Cristobal Sanchez, since he and Francisca Narvaez were not married, but I do have Francisca living in Pinos, Zacatecas, as late as 1729, when she was madrina for one of their grandchildren. She had another hijo natural, Luis Sanchez, who also married and had children in Pinos, though his marriage document says he's of padre no conocido. He still uses the Sanchez name, and his children will use the Sanchez de la Mejorada compound surname.

And then the other day, I was researching what I believe to be the first marriage of my g6 grandmother, Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor, with Mathias Gomez; they had a son named Pedro Gomez, who married a young lady named Maria Xertrudis: their marriage document says she was born in la ciudad de San Luis, but she's given no surname and is listed as "padres no conocidos." But as I was pulling up the documents for their children, I noticed she was given a surname on some: "Sanches" as well as "Harbaiz."

I'm going out on a limb, but "N" looks similar to the "H" in these old documents, so the name is probably Narbaiz: I think she is Sanchez Narvaez, and another hija natural of Cristobal Sanchez and Francisca Narvaez. The timeline, families and locations fit.

I have my grandfather's tree at Ancestry, under the name of J. Refugio G. Hermosillo. It's an open tree, but I'll email you an invite, and you can take a look. You can work your way up beginning with my grandfather's mother, Susana Sanchez. I'm pretty thorough with my research, and I try to include all of the offspring of my ancestors, along with their spouses and children. So maybe one or another rama ended up in one of your communities/lines.

Take a look at my folder, I have all of my lines listed, as far as I've been able to go. I think there are 35 couples and 2 or 3 solteras, so there's well over 70 familias/surnames. I'm sure we have some that coincide!

Un abrazo,

Manny Diez Hermosillo


Hola Daniel,

I've been posting on another thread associated with my Sanchez de la Mejorada line, I just posted dispensations and informaciones for several couples descending from my Sanchez, perhaps you can find something helpful:

Manny Diez Hermosillo



Hola Daniel,

I came upon this 1712 dispensation for Nicolas Castaneda and Maria Gomez, which you had posted in another thread:…

This document is linked to my Sanchez de la Mejorada line, as the mother of Maria Gomez is Ysabel Ruiz, my g6. This dispensation is a great find for me, as it confirms my theory that Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor married Capitan Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada after the death of her first husband, Mathias Gomez: Francisco Sanchez is a testigo, and in his declaration, he says he is the step-father of the pretensa, Maria Gomez. GOL!!

I've located the marriage record for Mathias Gomez & Ysabel de Avalos,
which gives his parents as Juan Gomez Nieto and Theresa Martin(ez) Guerrero, and the parents of Ysabel de Avalos as Agustin de Avalos and Magdalena Ruiz. I found the baptismal record for Agustin de Avalos, born 01 Oct 1640 in Pozos, SLP, to Sebastian Baltazar de Avalos and Mariana de Castro. I can find nothing on Magdalena Ruiz.

I was expecting her to be linked to Baltasar de Avalos from Lagos de Moreno, but Sebastian Baltazar de Avalos lived in Pozos, SLP. Do you know if there is any connection to the Lagos de Avalos line?


Manny Diez Hermosillo


Here is the extent of my Sanchez line:

At the top of my tree I have Cristobal Sanchez and Francisca Narbais/Narvaez, both born around 1650-1660. They weren't married but they had at least 3 hijos naturales, and one probable hija natural, while living in San Luis Potosi, between 1678 and late 1690s. By the late 1690s-early1700s, their children were marrying and having children in Pinos, Zacatecas.
I have the following children for Cristobal Sanchez and Francisca Narbais:

I. Capitan Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada, born about 1678 in SLP. He married twice, to:
m1. Ysabel Ruiz de Villaseñor around 1697, probably in Pinos, Zacatecas. I believe her to be the widow of Mathias Gomez, but I haven't the documentation. Their children were:

1. Josepha Mejorada Ruiz, b. 18 April 1698 in Pinos, ZAC. She married Diego Delgado Gallegos, 16 Feb 1722, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
2. Joaquin Sanchez de la Mejorada, b. 12 Apr 1699 in Pinos, ZAC, m. Juana Anastacia de la Puente, 10 Feb 1725, in Venado, SLP.
3. Francisca Sanchez Ruiz, m. Juan Delgado Gallegos, 16 Oct 1719, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
4. Jose Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada, b. 26 Nov 1703, in Pinos, ZAC, m. Marina Gomez de Sotomayor, 6 Oct 1721, in Pinos, Zacatecas.

m2. Margarita de Cuevas, married on 25 Jan 1720 in Pinos, Zacatecas. She was the daughter of Francisco de Cuevas and Maria Martin de Sotomayor. Their children were:

1. Maria Eugenia Sanchez, b. 30 Nov 1721, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
2. Juan Antonio Sanchez, b. 3 May 1723, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
3. Maria Catarina Sanchez, b. 2 Dec 1724, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
4. Ysabel Eusebia Sanchez, b. about 1725, she married Juan Fermin de Goicocheo, 11 Jul 1745, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
5. Francisca Simona Sanchez, b. 27 Feb 1726, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
6. Juana Maria Sanchez, b. 4 Jul 1728, Pinos, Zacatecas.

II. Jose Antonio Sanchez Narvaez, born in Ciudad SLP, m. Gregoria Mendez de Sotomayor, 31 Jan 1720 in Pinos, Zacatecas.She was the daughter of Juan Mendez de Sotomayor and Juana de Jazo. Their children were:

1. Rita Engracia Sanchez, b. 28 Apr 1720 in Pinos, Zacatecas, m. Phelipe de Tiscareño, 9 Sep 1737, in Pinos, Zacatecas. He was the son of Francisco de Tiscareño and Margarita Marquez (aka Maria Ramirez de Sosa).
2. Dicidora Xetrudes Sanchez, b. 3 May 1722, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
3. Descanso Sanchez, b. 13 June 1724, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
4. Prudencio Sanchez, b. 30 Nov 1726, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
5. Jose Seferino Sanchez, b. 2 Apr 1731, in Pinos, Zacatecas, m. Josepha Rosalia Morelos, 26 Nov 1758, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
6. Eugenia Prudencia Sanchez, m. Jose Lazaro de Carrion, on 25 May 1749, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
7. Juana Felipa Sanchez, b. 17 Jun 1733, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
8. Jose Sotero Sanchez, b. 5 May 1735, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
9. Jose Alejandro Sanchez, b. 19 May 1737, in Pinos, Zacatecas.

III. Luis Sanchez de la Mejorada, born in Ciudad SLP, m. Antonia Gomez Tiscareño, 4 Feb 1722, in Pinos, Zacaecas. She was the daughter of Nicolas Gomez and Lorenza Tiscareño. Though on his marriage record, he is listed as "hijo natural de Francisca Narbais y de padre no conocido," on a marriage dispensation for two of their descendants, he is said to be the brother of Francisco Sanchez and of the same father. The children of Luis Sanchez and Antonia Gomez were:

1. Miguel Fermin Sanchez, b. 3 Oct 1724, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
2. Maria Guadalupe Sanchez, b. 7 Apr 1727, m. Onorato Domingo Delgado, 14 Feb 1748, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
3. Francisca Getrudis Sanchez de la Mejorada, m1 Jose Manuel Domingues, 12 Oct 1746, in Pinos; m2 Jose Salvador Tirado, 28 Apr 1756, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
4. Rosalia Sanchez, m. Juan Pablo Jose Gaitan, 19 Apr 1758, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
5. Anna Micaela Sanchez de la Mejorada, b. 1736, m. Jose Antonio Atancio Gaitan, 2 Feb 1756, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
6. Maria Cecila Santos Sanchez de la Mejorada, m. Nicolas Ramirez, 28 May 1759, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
7. Anna Gertrudis Sanchez, b. 18 Dec 1740, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
8. Juan Francisco Sanchez, n. Juana Victoria Maria Delgado de Torres Medellin, 6 May 1760, in Pinos, Zacatecas.

IV. Maria Xertrudis (Sanchez Narbais), natural de Ciudad SLP, m. Pedro Gomez, on 17 Jun 1706, in Pinos, Zacatecas.He was the son of Mathias Gomez de Sotomayor and Ysabel Ruiz de Villaseñor. Though on her marriage record, she is listed as "padres no conocidos," on parish records for two of their children, she is listed as Maria Gertrudes Sanches, and on another as Maria Gertrudes "Harbais." The locations, timelines and families fit, and it's too much of a coincidence for her not to be an hija natural of Cristobal Sanchez and Francisca Narbais. So I have her in my tree, but only as hija natural de Francisca Narbais. The children of Maria Xertrudis and Pedro Gomez are:

1. Cristobal Florentino Gomez, b. 10 Jul 1707, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
2. Thomas Antonio Gomez, b. 18 Aug 1709, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
3. Vicente Gomez, b. 13 Apr 1711, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
4. Miguel Gomez Narbais, 25 May, 1713, in Pinos, Zacatecas; he was married to Francisca Xaviera Tiscareño, daughter of Francisco Tiscareño and Margarita Marquez (aka Maria Ramirez de Sosa).
5. Jose Jacinto Gomez Sanchez, b. 27 Aug 1715, in Pinos, Zacatecas, m. Maria Teresa Tiscareño, 20 Aug 1738, in Pinos, Zacatecas; she was the daughter of Francisco Tiscareño and Margarita Marquez (aka Maria Ramirez de Sosa).
6. Pascual Gomez, b. 13 May 1718, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
7. Ysabel Dionisia Gomez, b. 16 Oct 1720, in Pinos, Zacatecas.


Jose Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada, b. 26 Nov 1703, m. Marina Gomez de Sotomayor, 6 Oct 1721, in Pinos, Zacatecas. She was the daughter of Nicolas Gomez and Lorenza de Tiscareño. Their children were:

1. Jose Joaquin Sanchez de la Mejorada, b. 26 Jul 1722, Pinos, ZAC, m. Maria Ygnes Lopez, 30 Apr 1742, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
2. Jose Antonio Sanchez, b. 12 Jan 1724, Pinos, ZAC, m1 Getrudis Marin de Santa Cruz Navarro, 26 Feb 1748 in Pinos, Zacatecas; m2 Barbara Paula Delgado, 6 Apr 1750, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
3. Juana Maria Sanchez, b. 3 Jan 1726, m. Nicolas Marin de Santa Cruz Navarro, 18 Oct 1747, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
4. Antonio Ramon Sanchez, b. 10 Sep 1727, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
5. Lucas Sanchez, b. 4 May 1729, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
6. Tomas Antonio Sanchez, b. 8 Jan 1733, in Pinos, Zacatecas; m. Gertrudis Apolonia de Jara, 30 Aug 1757, in Pinos, Zacatecas.

Tomas Antonio Sanchez, b. 8 Jan 1733, in Pinos, Zacatecas; m. Gertrudis Apolonia de Jara, 30 Aug 1757, in Pinos, ZAC. Her parents were Phelipe Cornelio Rodriguez de Herrera and Juana Victoria Gaitan. Their children were:

1. Jose Cesario Roman Sanchez, b. 9 Aug 1758, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
2. Jose Francisco Sanchez, b. 5 Mar 1760, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
3. Maria Josepha Sanchez, b. 2 Jun 1762, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
4. Maria Dolores Sanchez, b. 6 Aug 1764, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
5. Anna Maria Sanchez, b. 18 Jan 1767, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
6. Maria Antonia Sanchez, b. 20 Dec 1772, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
7. Jose Antonio Marcos Sanchez, b. 5 May 1775, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
8. Jose Maria Brigido Sanchez, b.19 Oct 1777, Pinos, Zacatecas.
9. Maria Josepha de los Dolores Sanchez, b. 25 Oct 1781, in Pinos, Zacatecas.

Jose Antonio Marcos Sanchez, b. 5 May 1775, in Pinos, Zacatecas. He was married to Maria Francisca Lopez, b. 30 Oct 1776, in Asientos, Aguascalientes. Her parents were Andres Lopez and Maria Feliciana Guerrero. Their children were:

1. Jose Pioquinto Sanchez, b. 5 May 1805, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
2. Maria Victoriana Sanchez, b. 8 Sep 1807, in Pinos, Zacatecas.

Jose Pioquinto Sanchez, b. 5 May 1805, in Pinos, Zacatecas; he married Cecilia Gaitan on 6 Feb 1835, in Pinos, Zacatecas. Her parents were Jose Tomas Gaitan and Maria Leonicia Dolores Cortes. Their children were:

1. Cecilia Sanchez, b. 21 Nov 1835, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
2. Jose Arcadio Sanchez, b. 20 Jan 1837, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
3. Julian Sanchez, b. 5 Feb 1843, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
4. Jose Higinio Sanchez, b. 18 Jan 1844, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
5. Alejo Sanchez, b.23 Jul 1846, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
6. Cleta Sanchez, b. 2 Aug 1848, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
7. Vitoriana Sanchez, b. 25 Mar 1850, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
8. Susana Sanchez, b. 23 May 1851, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
9. Jose Bartolo Sanchez, b. 5 Sep 1853, in Pinos, Zacatecas.
10. Tiburcio Sanchez, b. 29 Apr 1855, in Pinos, Zacatecas.

Susana Sanchez, b. 23 May 1851, in Pinos, ZAC. She married Antonio Gonzalez 20 Jun 1869 in Pinos, Zacatecas. He was the son of Juan Gonzalez Davila and Asuncion Gil de Esparza. Their children were:

1. Maria Juana Gonzalez, b. 18 Apr 1871, Pinos, Zacatecas.
2. Merced Gonzalez, was married to Maria Gonzalez.
3. Maria Guadalupe Gonzalez, b. 17 Dec 1873, Pinons, Zacatecas.
4. Jose Refugio Gonzalez Hermosillo, b. 4 Jul 1883, Pinos, Zacatecas.

Jose Refugio Gonzalez Hermosillo married Virginia Davila around 1903, in Montesa, Zacatecas. They had 6 children, of which only 2 survived to adulthood:

1. Antonio Hermosillo, b. 17 Jan 1905, Pinos, Zacatecas.
2. Maria Concepcion Hermosillo, b. 14 Feb 1910, Matanzas, Jalisco.

He also had 2 hijos naturales with Guadalupe Candelas (b. in Villa Garcia, Zacatecas); the children were born in Juarez, Chihuahua, in the early 1920s and nothing is known about them.

Manny Diez Hermosillo