Possible ancestry of Phelipe Marquez de los Olivos of Colotlan

Phelipe Marquez de los Olivos and his wife Francisca Xaviera Sanchez are the ancestors of many families associated with Colotlan. I have had trouble tracing any solid ancestry for them, but I have accumulated some possibilities. I am hoping that by presenting them here, other researchers may be able to present other sources that may help confirm or refute these possibilities.

Phelipe Marquez de los Olivos’s father was a Joseph Marquez de los Olivos as shown by the following dispensa:


This Joseph Marquez de los Olivos also appears in Holcombe’s notes page 174-175:


“…Joseph Márquez de los Olivos is in the following “órden sacerdotal”:

Pedro Félix Bonilla rendered information in Zacatecas and Colotlán in 1779. Born in Colotlán 26 February 1743 his legitimate parents were Francisco Tadeo Bonilla and María Manuela Márquez de los Olivos (+). Paternal Grandparents: Salvador Bonilla and Rosa Saldaña. Maternal Grandparents: Felipe Márquez and Francisca Xaviera Sánchez, natives of Zacatecas. Paternal maternal Great Grandparents: Joseph Márquez de los Olivos and Gertrudis Rincón Berrótegui. Maternal-maternal Great Grandparents: Bartolomé Sánchez and Josepha Cabañas.”

Does anyone know how to look up the original “órden sacerdotal” document that Holcombe refers to here?

I know nothing more about Bartolome Sanchez and Josepha Cabanas, but a marriage record of Joseph Marquez de los Olivos and Gertrudis Rincon does exist as found here:


It shows that Joseph Marquez de los Olivos was a natural son of Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos and Luisa de Figueroa. Apart from his natural son, Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos was legitimately married to Maria Rincon widow of Capitan Joseph Martin Gallardo.

This is confirmed in the book:
La hacienda "Ciénega de Mata" de los Rincón Gallardo: un modelo excepcional de latifundio novohispano durante los siglos XVII y XVIII, by José Fernando Alcaide Aguilar, 2004.
Pages 66, 226, and 470.

An interesting note on page 470: footnote number 488 at the bottom of the page shows Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos becoming Alguacil Mayor de Juchipila and mentions him as the brother of a Diego Marquez de los Olivos. The record that footnote number 488 is referring to can be referenced at:

1. http://pares.mcu.es/
2. click on the tab labeled “Busqueda Sencilla,”
3. where it says “Buscar” type in “Miguel Marquez de los Olivos”
4. click Audiencia de Guadalajara
6. click “Ver imagenes”

The problem is that I am not able to find where it mentions Diego Marquez de los Olivos.

In any event, the only Diego Marquez de los Olivos that I know of who fits this time period would be the Diego Marquez de los Olivos (1617-1672) who was the son of a Joseph Marquez de los Olivos and a Maria de Ornelas. Could this also mean that Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos is their son?

Holcombe only offers one clue to the parentage of Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos
In Holcombe’s letters page 174-175:

“He [referring to Capitan Miguel Márquez de los Olivos] was from Juchipila or Jalpa and a natural son of Captain X Márquez de los Olivos -- don’t recall the details.”

I wish he had recalled the details and I wish I knew what source he extracted this information from. Could this mean that (Capitan?) Joseph Marquez de los Olivos married Maria de Ornelas and had Diego Marquez de los Olivos, but also had a natural son Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos. Has anyone seen evidence of Joseph (husband of Maria de Ornelas) ever being a “Capitan”?

Anything further back becomes extremely sketchy. Holcombe only offers two possibilities to the parentage of Joseph Marquez de los Olivos (husband of Maria de Ornelas):

1. Holcombe’s letters Page 91:
“In the same volume of marriages from the Sagrario(Cathedral) parish in Mexico City (not microfilmed) … is this matrimony:

Entry No. 140: 2 July 1570. Joseph Márquez, a son of Joseph Márquez and Luisa de Acosta, and María de Lerma, daughter of Diego Hurtado and María de Lerma.. “Testigos fueron el Sr. canónigo García Machuca, sedero y Cristóbal Rodríguez Proaño.” Could be the parents of you know-who [referring to Joseph Marquez de los Olivos (husband of Maria de Ornelas)]. Suggest you see if pasajeros a Indias data for the parents of both is in the digests and look for christenings of the married couple’s children in the Sagrario, to see if they had a son Joseph (he’d be the third in a row). [If] … not in the Sagrario, try the Santa Veracruz parish.”

2. Holcombe’s letters Page 170:
“He [referring to Joseph Marquez de los Olivos (husband of Maria de Ornelas)] might have been related to somewhat older Lorenzo Márquez, the husband as of c.1602 of Beatriz López, daughter of Beatriz López de Fuenllana. They disappear from Lagos after 1610. Lorenzo could have founded Sauz de los Márquez and Joseph followed him to the hacienda on the Northern frontier. Look for Lorenzo as well as Joseph in the Tierras y Aguas records. What if Lorenzo married 2nd to Beatriz López and Joseph was a son from the first wife? In Ojocaliente some baptisms and marriages have been found in the 1650s. There’s not a lot, but it’s better than nothing. Photocopies will be obtained for the Historical Archives. They’re obviously not microfilmed.”

As for the previously mentioned Gertrudis Rincon:
The marriage record of Joseph Marquez de los Olivos and Gertrudis Rincon does not mention her parents. There is no corresponding info. mat. record for this marriage in Cienega. Oddly, there is an info. mat. for this marriage in Aguacalientes found here:


Originaly I thought that Gertrudis Rincon would turn up being the daughter of Capitan Nicolas Martin Gallardo and Juana Rincon de Ortega, and a granddaughter of Capitan Juan Rincon de Vivar. This is not the case. The Aguacalientes info. mat. does not name her parents but names Capitan Juan Rincon de Vivar as her uncle. Presumably, one of his siblings is one of Gertrudis Rincon’s parents. The problem is that Capitan Juan Rincon de Vivar’s siblings all had statuses that were not indicative to having children. That I know of, they are: Agustin (considered to have no descendants), Pedro (a priest), Francisco (who died as a child), Maria (went into a convent), and Elena (also went into a convent). This leads me to think that she may have been a natural daughter of one of them, but which one? Her age is given as 15 in the info. mat. which gives her a birth year of about 1656. Maria and Elena would have been aged 47 and 43 in 1656; a little old to be having natural children but not impossible. It would be more possible for older men to sire natural children. I don’t know if Agustin was alive in 1656 but Pedro was.

Does anyone have any other information that might clear this up?

I would appreciate any opinions or additional sources that may confirm or refute the possibilities presented here.




Dear David,

In your post you identify Diego Hurtado and María de Lerma.as being the parents of Maria Lerma married to Jose Marquez on the second of Juky 1570.. If this couple is related to the Jose Marquez de Olivos that you are researching then can there be other connections to families that we have been researching?

Many of us have been searching for the parents of Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza (wife of Toribio Hernandez ArellAno). Because we keep finding that our ancestors are often related some how because of endogamy, maybe this marriage record that you found could be a thread to help us find Isabel's parents. According to some genealogists, her father is a Diego Hurtado de Mendoza but no mention of her mother.

I remember a genealogist by the surname of Navarro once stated he found a record in Utah where the mother's surname was Luna. Could this Maria de Lerma and Maria Luna be the same person and someone misread the surname? Do out have a copy of the marriage record ?
You stated that the marriage record is not microfilmed so I am assuming that someone would have to go to Mexico City to research this record to see if we can find more information.

Where can I get a copy of Holcombes letters to further investigate this possibility?

Rick A Ricci


Hello Rick,

You can get a copy of Holcombe’s Letters by following this link:


The marriage you are referring to is on page 91. I do not have an original copy of the marriage record and only have Holcombe’s notes to go on here:

Holcombe’s letters Page 91:
“In the same volume of marriages from the Sagrario(Cathedral) parish in Mexico City (not microfilmed) … is this matrimony:
Entry No. 140: 2 July 1570. Joseph Márquez, a son of Joseph Márquez and Luisa de Acosta, and María de Lerma, daughter of Diego Hurtado and María de Lerma.. “Testigos fueron el Sr. canónigo García Machuca, sedero y Cristóbal Rodríguez Proaño.” Could be the parents of you know-who [referring to Joseph Marquez de los Olivos (husband of Maria de Ornelas)]. Suggest you see if pasajeros a Indias data for the parents of both is in the digests and look for christenings of the married couple’s children in the Sagrario, to see if they had a son Joseph (he’d be the third in a row). [If] … not in the Sagrario, try the Santa Veracruz parish.”

As he says the record is not microfilmed so presumably one would have to go to Mexico City to thoroughly research this reference. Until then, we will not know if Maria “de Lerma” is really a misreading of Maria “de Luna.”

As for a connection between Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza and the Marquez de los Olivos line. Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza was a grandmother of Maria de Ornelas (wife of Joseph Marquez de los Olivos). This couple had a son Diego Marquez de los Olivos, whose progeny spreads through Lagos de Moreno. It still needs to be determined if Capitan Miguel Marquez de los Olivos, whose progeny spreads through Colotlan, is a son of this couple, or a natural son of the husband, or the son of a different couple all together.

Some food for thought:
It also still needs to be determined if Joseph Marquez de los Olivos (husband of Maria de Ornelas) is the son of Joseph Marquez and Maria de Lerma/“de Luna?”. If he is, and if Diego Hurtado (father of Maria de Lerma/“de Luna?”) is also the same Diego Hurtado (father of Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza, whose paternity I feel still needs to be more solidly determined), than Joseph Marquez de los Olivos and Maria de Ornelas would be cousins once removed. If this is the case, theoretically there could be a dispensa hiding somewhere for their marriage, 28 April 1614, Lagos de Moreno.

There are still many “if’s” to be flushed out here, but I hope this helps.




I have Jesus Marquez and Josefa Marquez children of Jesus Marquez and Grandchildren to Eugenio Marquez. I have baptism record that show they are my ancestors in Family search.

Can anyone share the records for Eugenio Marquez, records in familysearch do not go that far back.

My grandfather Heron De Santiago Marquez pass away JULY 16 2015 at 6:00 am RIP Born in El Carrizal, colotlan, Jalisco, Mexico.


Julio Marquez & Teodora Placencia Rodriguez (hija de Crispin Placencia Vela & Angela Rodriguez Perez) hijo (carrizal, Colotlan)
1) Eulalio Marquez Placencia & Carlota Leaños Marquez (hija de Bruno Leaños Huizar & Josefa Marquez Carlos ) hija
1 1) Gregoria Marquez Leaños (May 23 y Jun 2 1906, Colotlan)(film 200) (oo Jan 28 1922, Colotlan) (image 468 ) & J Cruz de Santiago Saldaña (hijo de Buenaventura Santiago Rivera & Rafaela Saldaña Casas)
1 1 1) Heron de Santiago Marquez (1924 y + Jul 16 2015) & Ma Consuelo Medina Marquez (hija de David Medina Galvez & Martina Marquez Moncada )
1 1 1 1) Eloisa de Santiago Medina
1 1 2) Felipe de Santiago Marquez (1935), (oo 1961, Colotlan) & Rebeca Marquez Alvarez (Aug 7 1944,Colotlan)(hija de Julian Marquez & Ma ¿? ¿?)
1 1 3) Juan de Santiago Marquez (Mar 8 y Apr 8 1930) (oo 1955, Colotlan) & Consuelo Marquez Saldaña (hija de Mauro & Desideria)
1 2) Juana Marquez Leaños (Jun 6 1904, Colotlan, image 593 RC) (oo Feb 16 1924, Colotlan) (image 515) & Emiliano Mares Guardado (hijo de Pedro & Rita?)
1 3) Juan Marquez Leaños (Jun 12 y Jul 1916, Colotlan, image 524 RC)) (oo May 2 1956, Colotlan) & Amparo Davila Marquez (Oct 25 1927) (hija de Bernabe Davila & Genoveva)


I triple checked Pedro Feliz Bonilla’s Ordenes and I am just not seeing any mention of his great-grandfather Joseph Marquez de los Olivos. The penmanship is very good in the document, so it should be easy. However, I only see his parents mentioned.

What am I reading wrong here?

Pedro Feliz Bonilla Ordones:


Images 6-17.


oops i forgot there's another part to the ordenes

this page lists francisco tadeoo's parents

this page talks about francisco's brother manuel. it also states manuel has a son named fernando as well

this page lists who manuela marquez's parents are

and this page lists joseph marquez and gertrudis rincon as felipe's parents



Thank you so much for reposting the Ordenes of Pedro Feliz Bonilla.

This document truly does list the parents of Phelipe Marquez de los Olivos and Francisca Xaviera Sanchez. They are as Holcombe had said. This solidifies a lot of information on this family.

Thank’s again, I really appreciate it,



Thank’s for posting the link to Pedro Feliz Bonilla’s Ordenes. Unfortunatly, it does not name Pedro’s great-grandparents as Joseph Marquez de los Olivos, Gertrudis Rincon, Bartolome Sanchez, and Josepha Cabanas, as Holcombe had in his letters. Perhaps there is another part to Pedro’s Ordenes hidden somewhere else.

Does anyone have an idea to where Holcombe could have rendered the information on Pedro Feliz Bonilla’s great-grandparents from? Or did he just assume who they were?




There seems to be no relationshiop between this Juan Márquez (de los Olivos) de Ulloa, married to Josefa Bautista de Ruvalcaba, and the Márquez de los Olivos who lived in and around Colotlán.

Juan was born in Aguascalientes and baptized on 22nd April, 1645, the son of Nicolás de Ulloa (son of Alonso de Ulloa y Toro y Juana Muñoz de Jerez) and María REuíz de Esparza (daughter of Lope Ruíz de Esparza and Francisca Gabay).

I wonder where he took the "de los Olivos" from.


hfaizcorbe, how do you know that this baptism record was for him? if this is correct then juan and francisco ulloa are brothers.

also joseph marquez de los olivos is listed in the ordenes, you just have to read it carefully. i forgot what page it was on.


There was a question about where the Márquez de los Olivos comes from on
Juan de Ulloa, spouse of Josefa Bautista de Rubalcaba and what his
relationship was to the Márquez de los Olivos of Colotlán; I've never been
aware he ever used Márquez de los Olivos or that there was a connection,
does anyone know if this is correct or what the source is?



Hi Paige,

I can't answer whether there is a connection or whether there isn't a connection between Juan de Ulloa and the Márquez de los Olivos, but Juan de Ulloa does use the name Juan Márquez de Ulloa on his marriage to Josepha Bautista González de Rubalcava on 01 Feb 1664. Second from the left:





I am sorry it took me so long to answer your query.

Josefa Márquez de los Olivos married Florencio Sánchez Castellanos.

Unfortunately I do not recall who posted the following:

"Hoy revisando las dispensas matrimoniales de los Sanchez Castellanos encontre la dispensas de 1794 pag 1112
de Jose Miguel de Soto y Maria Gregoria Sanchez donde se especifica que tienen grados de consanguinidad.

Aqui explican que de Juan Marquez(de los Olivos) y Josefa de Ruvalcaba nacieron Josefa Marquez (de los Olivos) y Marcela Marquez (de los Olivos)esto debio pasar a finales de 1600.

Esto lo traigo ya que Josefa Marquez de los Olivos (ab1700s-1749) y Florencio Sanchez Castellanos (ab1690-1750)fueron esposos y ambos murieron en Monte Escobedo, algunos de sus hijos tuvieron mucha descendencia en Jerez, Zacatecas.

Florencio Sanchez Castellanos fue hijo de Nicolas Sanchez Castellanos de Haro (1643-ab1720) y de Juana Maria Bañuelos (?-1728) ambos murieron en Monte Escobedo.

Nicolas Sanchez Castellanos fue hijo de Juan Sanchez Castellanos (ab1603-ab1649) y de Tomasina de Haro (aka Tomasina de Saucedo)(nieta de Juan de Miramontes)."

Whoever posted it is right.

Juan Marquez and Josefa Bautista de Ruvalcaba married in Teocaltiche on 1st February 1664. He appears as Juan Marquez de Ulloa.

In their christening of their daughter Josefa in Monte Escobedo (Tlaltenango files) on 31st January 1689, Juan appears as Juan Marquez de los Olivos, whereas Josefa keeps calling herself Josefa Bautista de Rovalcaba.

Juan Márquez was baptized in Aguascalientes on 22nd April, 1645, as the son of Nicolas de Ulloa and Maria Ruiz. I will try to find and send you the support of this.



Hi Katy,

What confirms that our Juan Marquez de Ulloa, o de los Olivos is a son of Nicolas de Ulloa and Maria Ruiz de Esparza is contained in the information posted in Nuestros Ranchos as "Documentation of Petronila (Gabadi) Moctezuma Submitted by Armando on Mié, 2014-01-08 15:15." regarding a daughter of Pedro de Ulloa Marquez, brother of Juan. His mother María Ruíz de Esparza was married to Nicolás de Ulloa.



I have Pedro de Ulloa y Marquez as being born circa 1635 in Teocaltiche, Jalisco.
Pedro de Ulloa y Marquez is the son of Nicolas Ulloa born in 1605 (married in 1630 in Teocaltiche) and Maria Ruiz de Esparza.
I have Nicolas as the son of Alonso de Ulloa and Juana Munoz de Jerez.
I have Maria Ruiz de Esparza born in 1613 in Aguascalientes as the daughter of Lope (el menor) Ruiz de Esparza (born about 1589) (buried 14/Aug1651 Aguascalientes.) and Francisca de Gabai, born about 1573 Guadalupe, Jailisco buried 30/Mar/1652

I descend from Pedro de Ulloa y Marques and Josepha Sepulveda Lisaldi y Roxas' daughter Thomasina de la Rosa y Ulloa and her husband Bartolome Rodriguez Bajo.

The Marquez de Olivas comes from Nicolas Ulloa. It must come from one of his grandparents as his parents have other surnames in my records. Does anyone have Nicolas Ulloa's grandparents?

Rick A Ricci


how did you guys figure out that juan marquez de los olivos is a brother of francisco de ulloa and confirm that the marriage in teocaltiche is indeed of of josefa marquez's parents? i'm not sure how you guys came to that conclusion. if you can explain that to me, that'll help me fill in the blanks for a marriag dispensation i found that wasn't clear.

one marriage record listed a grand child of juan marquez and josefa baptista robalcava being a second cousin to a grandchild of francisco ulloa and juana flores

edit: ignore what i wrote before, i read the posts more carefull and realized my question had already been answered. so yes i added the names at least to my tree, but not the sources yet. put this edit since i can't delete post


Solo aclaro que Josepha Marquez de los Olivos esposa de Florencio Sanchez-Castellanos y Bañuelos tuevisron su descendencia principalmente en Monte Escobedo, Zacatecas muy cercano a Jerez.

Josepha Marquez de los Olivo tuvo como madre a Josepha Ruiz de Esparza de acuerdo a una dispensa matrimonial y hermana de Tereza Ruiz de Esparza.

Tereza Ruiz de Esparza fue hija de Nicolas de Ulloa y Maria Ruiz de Esparza.

Todo lo anterior debido a una dispesa matrimonial.


As for where you can find the órden sacerdotal document, I would look on the Family Search Diócesis de Guadalajara microfilms, the ones labeled Órdenes:


Several cover 1779.

Also there is a document regarding Pedro Félix Bonilla among the Órdenes Sacerdotales in the microfilms of the Arzobispado de Durango (1780-1782), but I don't know if they are online. Check page 322 of this PFD:

Hopefully there are two copies of the document, one in Guadalajara and one in Durango.

Victoriano Navarro


---Rodrigo Sánchez-Castellanos de Rodas (22/Feb/1662- Before 1703) (Casó con Juana de Luna de Haro( AB 1664-?)(aka Juana López de Luna)
-----Juana Sanchez Castellanos de Luna y Juan Marquez de los Olivos

Juana Sanchez-castellanos could be the sister of Francisca Xaviera because they lived in Colotlan almost at the same time and were maried both with Marquez de los OLivos.


Sr. Huizar:

We seem to have common ancestor is there a way you can share the info
on your family so that i can udate my familuy tree.

I have a tree in family search that i keep up to date. If you can do a
format i can undestand better like the one i show in my De Santiago family.
Or the files in family serch. Thanks

Jose Luis Zambrano


Jose Luis Zambrano De Santiago "El Euforia".

2016-01-20 19:45 GMT-08:00 :

> Phelipe Marquez (de los Olivos)( +1722,Colotlan, image 27) & Francisca
> Xaviera Sanchez (+1723) (hija de Bartholome Sanchez & Josepha Cabañez)
> hijos
> (Sauz de los Marquez, Sta Ma, Jal.)


these ara the documented facts:

Jose Marquez??? (ver image 269 del archivo : Diócesis de GuadalajaraMatrimonios 1803, parte 1) hijo
1) Phelipe Marquez (de los Olivos)( +1722) & Francisca Xaviera Sanchez (+1723) hijos (Sauz)
1 1) Joseph Antonio Marquez (de los O) Sanchez (1700 -1772) (oo Mar 3 1726) & Juana Francisca Xaviera Gamboa Ortega (– 1783) (hija de Agustin y Simona) hijo
1 1 1) (Felix (o Feliciano) Ascencio Marquez (de los O) Gamboa (Apr 7 1766) & Ma Albina Victoria Romero de la Torre (hija de Juachin y Dominga?)) hijo
1 1 1 2) Agripita Marquez Romero (1788) (oo Sep14 1803) (film 248) & Gregorio Flores Hernandez (1778) (hijo de Juan Antonio y Ma Juana) hijo
1 1 1 2 1) Ma Cesarea Flores Marquez 1813 –
1 2) Josepha Marquez Sanchez (May 9 1720)
1 3) Juan Joseph Marquez (de los O) Sanchez (+ Jan 6 1749) (oo) (oo Nov 20 1735) & vda. Simona Ramirez Ortega(hija de Diego & Maria) (Viuda de Agustin Gamboa)
1 4) (a) J. Francisco Xavier Marquez (De Los Olivos) Sanchez & (1º oo) & (a) Manuela Perez (+ May 24 1750) hijos
1 4) ( b ) J. Fco. Xavier Marquez (de los O) Sanchez (2º oo Feb22 1751 )& (b) Ma Narcisa Sanchez Sandoval (hija de Felipe Manuel y Josefa de los Santos) hijos
1 5 ) Joseph Ygnacio Marquez (de los O) Sanchez (oo) & Ma Ysabel Florentina Valenzuela hijos
1 6 ) Anna de San Joaquin Marquez (de los O) Sanchez (bapt. Oct 25 1722)
1 7) Joseph Marquez (de los O) Sanchez ( oo Jan 28 1732, Colotlan )(film 117) & Monica Josepha Rosales, (hija de Joseph & Phelipa de la Trinidad) hijos
1 8) Miguel Marquez (de los O) Sanchez & Juana Ledezma ( Colotlan) hijo ( las cañas)
1 8 1) Phelipe Marquez (de los O) Ledezma (*oo May 12 1727) (film 72) & Gertrudis de Luna Valera (hija de Domingo y Thomasa) hijos (del Epazote, Colotlan, Jal) (*padrinos: Antonio Marquez y (Antonia) Marcela Marquez (su tia) y no es Marquez sino Reza, esposa de Mathias Nicolas)
1 8 1 3) Francisco Marquez Luna (20 y 28 de Jun 1747, Colotlan) (image 153)
1 9) Ma Manuela Marquez & Francisco Bonilla Saldaña (hijo de Salvador & Rosa) hijo
1 9 1) Pedro Felis Bonilla Marquez (cura)(Jan 31 y Feb 26 1743,Colotlan) (image 649)


also gregorio flores and agapita marquez are related. felipe marquez has a brother named francisco. francisco had a daughter named josefa. josefa married pascual flores and had at least two sons: juan antonio flores & diego martin(ez) flores.

juan antonio married juana hernandez and diego was married twice: first too gertrudis leonor de la torre (alias montelongo) and then to felipe enriquez mier.


victoriano, here's a link on family search to pedro feliz bonilla's ordenes

also can anyone tell me how juan marquez de los olivos(husband of josefa baptista robalcava) is related to felipe marquez de los olivos?

I'm thinking juan was born in colotlan also. he and josefa had at least 5 children: Juan jr., Miguel, Angela, Josefa, and Marcela.

I'm not sure when he was born, but i do know that his daughter angela got married in 1689 in tlaltenango, so i'm guessing he was born in the 1640's.

also either he or his wife is a sibling of either francisco ulloa or juana flores.


Hi Katy
I was looking in my Marquez files
I found this Juan & Josepha, do you mean this guys? let me know or send more info, thanks

Juan Marquez & Josefa Sanchez de Ruvalcaba hijo
1)Pedro Marquez Sanchez & Clara de Chavez hijo (Guacaxco, Colotlan)
1 1) Gregorio Marquez Chavez (oo Feb 24 1745, Colotlan) (image 350) & Ma Josepha de Haro Avila (hija de Francisco & Petra) hijos


They are the same Juan Márquez and Josefa Bautista de Ruvalcaba (her parents were Mateo de Ruvalcaba and Mari López, some of whose relatives used the surname Sánchez).