Hola primos,

Alex M and I have been collaborating on our early Nochistlan lines, going through partidas, dispensas and padrones. This is an edit of an email I sent him, regarding the Benavides-Cortes lines, and trying to reconcile some dispensas we’ve found with what Don Mariano Gonzalez-Leal has in “Retoños,” and with what Don Jaime Holcombe proposed in his “Varias Cartas.” Since many of us descend from these lines, I thought I might share it here.

Some of this has been touched upon in earlier NR threads, this one in particular:

My main objectives are:

1) To solve the “Geronima de Benavides Riddle,” determining which one was married to (A) Francisco Paez, which one was married to (B) Gonzalo Yañez and which to (C) Diego de Aguayo, and determining how each descends from Diego de Benavides;
2), To determine the pedigree of Catalina (or Catarina) Cortes, who was married to Juan Moscoso y Sandoval;
3) To determine whether Luis de Benavides was the son of Diego de Benavides (as per Retoños) or of his son, Geronimo de Benavides (as per various dispensas);
4) To determine how the Aramburu/Arambula descend from Diego de Benavides.

Here are 10 dispensas that I’ve picked through, with my notes. Please compare with your trees & notes: comments, corrections and insights are all welcome, this is an open collaboration. I am also working on Delgadillo de Frias, which I hope to post before summer’s end.

Gracias y saludos,
Manny Diez Hermosillo


Cast of characters:

Diego de Benavides and Pedro Cortes, early Spanish settlers in Mexticacan; names of wives, unknown (N.N.).

Catalina Cortes “I” daughter of Pedro Cortes & N.N., married to Geronimo de Benavides.
Catalina Cortes “II” married to Juan Moscoso y Sandoval.

Geronima de Benavides “A” married to Francisco de Paez.
Geronima de Benavides “B” married to Gonzalo Yañez del Monte.
Geronima de Benavides “C” married to Diego de Aguayo.

Geronimo de Benavides, son of Diego de Benavides and N.N.; Married to Catalina Cortes I.

Juan de Benavides, son of Geronimo de Benavides & Catalina Cortes I; m. N.N.

Luis de Benavides “I” son of Diego de Benavides and N.N. (as per Retoños); m. N.N.
Luis de Benavides “II” possible son of Geronimo de Benavides and Catalina Cortes I; m. N.N.

Maria de Benavides, daughter of Geronimo de Benavides & Catalina Cortes I; m. Carlos Lomelin.


1. Thomas de Paez con Francisca de Torres (Geronima de Benavides A)
2. Bernardo Gonzalez Dominguez con Josepha Lozano (Geronima de Benavides B)
3a. Gaspar Lomelin con Maria Medinilla (Geronima de Benavides A or B)
3b. Nicolas de Carvajal con Maria Medinilla (Geronima de Benavides A or B)
4. Diego Delgadillo con Ysabel de Aguayo (Geronima de Benavidez C)
5a. Carlos Carrillo-Duran con Magdalena Sandoval-Bezares (Geronima de Benavides C)
5b. Juan de Sandoval-Bezares con Maria Duran-Ruiz de Esparza (Geronima de Benavides C)
6. Juan de Esquibias & Maria Yñiguez (Geronima de Benavides B)
7. Manuel Lomelin-Aramburu con Antonia Ximenez-Delgadillo (Geronima de Benavides B)
8. Lucas Lomelin con Juana de Esquibias (Geronima de Benavides B)


27 Mar 1686 Jalos; 3o con 4o de consangunidad por dos lados iguales, Paez y Lomelin; Hermosillo)…

Summary: this one establishes that Geronima de Benavides A, daughter of Geronimo de Benavides and Catalina Cortes I, was married to Francisco de Paez (or Paz) from Mexico City, corresponding with what’s in Retoños:

Tree 1i.a TRONCO: Geronimo de Benavides and Catalina Cortes I
Maria Benavides-1-Geronima Benavides A
Domingo Lomelin-2-Francisco Paez
Joseph Lomelin-3-Thomas Paez
Francisca de Torres-4

Micaela Hermosillo-2-Ana Muñoz
Francisca Torres-3-Francisca Sanchez
- - - - - - - - 4-Tomas Paez


5 May 1680, Nochistlan
Dispensa 4o con 5o consanguinidad; Yañez y Sandoval
tt Juan de Alba, Esp casado y vzo de Mexticacan 44; Sebastian Yñiguez Esp casado y vzo de Mexticacan 50; Lorenzo Mexia Esp Vdo Vzo desta Felig Dueño de Labor de Trigo 72.

Summary: this dispensa is probably one of- if not the source of the genealogy that Gonzalez-Leal gives in Retoños. The pretensos are descended from two siblings, Luis de Benavides and Geronimo de Benavides, but the dispensa is confusing, because the notary changes Geronimo de Benavides’ gender on img232-L, about 1/3 of the way down: <<…-ente Cattalina Cortes Difunta hija legitima que fue de la dtha Geronima de Benavides abuela de la contrayente>>

Here’s the parentesco:

2i. TRONCO: Diego de Benavides & N.N.
Luis de Benavides-1-Geronimo de Benavides
Geronima Benavides B-2-Catalina Cortes II
Maria Yañez-3-Josepha Vasquez de Sandoval
Luis Gonzalez-4-Josepha Lozano
Bernardo Gonzalez-5

Though it establishes that Geronimo de Benavides had a brother named Luis, from whom the Yañez descend, this contradicts other dispensas, which have Catalina Cortes II as daughter of Juan de Benavides-Cortes - in which case, the pretensos would be at 5o grado, and the dispensa wouldn’t be necessary:

2ii. TRONCO: Diego de Benavides & N.N.
Luis de Benavides-1-Geronimo de Benavides
Geronima Benavides B-2-Juan Benavides
Maria Yañez-3-Catalina Cortes II
Luis Gonzalez-4-Josepha Vasquez de Sandoval
Bernardo Gonzalez-5-Josepha Lozano


4 Dec 1678, Nochistlan; 5o con 4o con 4o (Aramburu, Yañez, Lomelin)
tt: Lorenzo Mexia 71 Vdo dueño del Labor, Bernardino de Ysla 73 Dueño de Estancia, Diego Moscoso i Sandoval 70 Dueño de Estancia…

Summary: Gaspar Lomelin wants to marry Maria Medinilla, the widow of Nicolas Carvajal (who died of Typhus before their marriage could be blessed). All 3 were descendants of Diego de Benavides. Nicolas Carvajal and Maria Medinilla were dispensed when they married (see Additional Notes at end of this chapter).

This one’s awesome, because it covers the Lomelin, Aramburu and Yañez lines, and gives 5 generations of the Aramburu from Geronima de Benavides-down. But it’s a mess, because, 1) she might be the wrong Geronima de Benavides, and 2) it involves a Lomelin, yet Maria de Benavides is not mentioned.

It names Luis de Benavides, Catalina Cortes II and Geronima de Benavides as siblings, in 1o grado, and then says, Mariana Ortiz (2o grado), deceased daughter of Geronima de Benavides, was mother of Geronimo de Aramburu (3o), who had a bastard son named Diego de Aramburu (4o), who is the father of the bride, Maria Medinilla (5o); and that said Geronimo Aramburu is at 3o grado with Lucas Lomelin and Jacinta de Olivas (parents of Gaspar Lomelin and Nicolas de Carvajal, respectively). Here’s what the tree would look like:

3i. TRONCO Geronimo de Benavides & Catalina Cortes I
Geronima Benavides A-1-Luis Benavides II-1-Catalina Cortes II
Mariana Ortiz-2-Geronima Benavides B-2-?
Geronimo Aramburu-3-Jacinta Oliva-3- Lucas Lomelin
Diego Aramburu-4-Nicolas Carvajal-4-Gaspar Lomelin
Maria Medinilla-5

Catalina Cortes II doesn't belong here, as we know the Moscoso de Sandoval descend from her. Replacing Catalina Cortes II with Maria de Benavides, who was the mother of Lucas Lomelin, thus eliminating one generation in the Lomelin line, and bringing the parentesco to 5/4/3:

3ii. TRONCO Geronimo de Benavides & Catalina Cortes I
Geronima Benavides A-1-Luis Benavides II-1-Maria Benavides
Mariana Ortiz-2-Geronima Benavides B-2-Lucas Lomelin
Geronimo Aramburu-3-Jacinta Oliva-3- Gaspar Lomelin
Diego Aramburu-4-Nicolas Carvajal
Maria Medinilla-5

YAÑEZ DEL MONTE: Geronima de Benavides B

According to Gonzalez-Leal, Jacinta de Oliva was daughter of Gonzalo Yañez and Geronima de Benavides B, who was the daughter of Luis de Benavides and N.N.; Luis de Benavides “I” was the son of Diego de Benavides and brother of Geronimo de Benavides (as determined in the previous dispensa). So, he’d be an uncle of Geronima and Maria de Benavides, and Luis “II” would cease to exist.

Placing Luis de Benavides I as brother of Geronimo de Benavides, as determined in the Bernardo Gonzalez Dominguez-Josepha Lozano dispensa (and corresponding with Retoños), the parentesco is now at 5/3/4, with Maria and Nicolas at 6/4:

3iii. TRONCO Diego de Benavides & N.N.
Geronimo Benavides-0-Geronimo Benavides-1-Luis Benavides I
Geronima Benavides A-1-Maria Benavides I-2- Geronima Benavides B
Mariana Ortiz-2-Lucas Lomelin-3-Jacinta Oliva
Geronimo Aramburu-3-Gaspar Lomelin-4-Nicolas Carvajal
Diego Aramburu-4/5
Maria Medinilla-5/6

ARAMBURU/ ARAMBULA: Geronima de Benavides A or B?

According to Gonzalez-Leal, and supported by the Thomas de Paez-Francisca de Torres Dispensa, Geronima de Benavides A was married to Francisco de Paez or Paz (son of Tomas Sanchez Mexia and Maria de la Paz); it’s possible Mariana Ortiz is their daughter, and “Ortiz” a maternal surname.

But then, Gonzalez-Leal also says that the Aramburu descend from the marriage of Gonzalo Yañez and Geronima de Benavides B (Retoños: Benavides p. 514). So, unless 2 branches of the Benavides married into the Aramburu, our testigos might have their Geronima’s mixed up. In which case, Mariana Ortiz would be the daughter of Gonzalo Yañez and Geronima de Benavides B, removing Geronima de Benavides A from the parentesco altogether.

This changes the equation outright, with both Nicolas and Maria now descending from Luis de Benavides, and bringing them to 2o con 4o, while Maria and Gaspar were at 6/4; Gaspar & Nicolas are still 3rd-cousins:

3iv. TRONCO Diego de Benavides & N.N.
Luis de Benavides I-0-Luis de Benavides I-1-Geronimo Benavides
Geronima Benavides B-0-Geronima Benavides B-2-Maria Benavides
Mariana Ortiz-1-Jacinta Oliva-3-Lucas Lomelin
Geronimo Aramburu-2-Nicolas Carvajal-4-Gaspar Lomelin
Diego Aramburu-3/5
Maria Medinilla-4/6

MAN! My brain is fried…



According to their marriage partida, Nicolas Carvajal and Maria Medinilla were dispensed at 2o con 3o (placing Nicolas at 2o as determined in Tree 3iv):…

Unfortunately, the dispensa hasn’t been indexed, and the Nochistlan IMs don’t go back that far. But knowing their immediate genealogies, 2/3 would imply that Geronimo Aramburu and Jacinta Oliva were siblings:

Geronimo Aramburu-1-Jacinta Oliva
Diego Aramburu-2-Nicolas Carvajal
Maria Medinilla-3

This works, if:

1. “Gonzalez Aramburu” is one of Gonzalo Yañez’s surnames (“Gonzalez” could even be a patronymic for his “Gonzalo”);
2. Geronima de Benavides B married twice: to Gonzalo Yañez and to a Gonzalez Aramburu;
3. The unknown mother of Diego Aramburu was a daughter of Gonzalo Yañez & Geronima de Benavides B (or another woman).

It could be a notary’s error. Interestingly enough, the same 3 men were testigos for both of Maria’s dispensas: Lorenzo Mexia, Bernardino de Islas & Diego de Sandoval. They gave Nicolas and Maria 4o con 5o in that one, and they named Geronimo Aramburu’s mother as Mariana Ortiz, so I’m placing my chips on 2/3 being a notary’s error in the marriage partida.

From what I can tell, Maria Medinilla’s parents Diego Aramburu and Mariana Yañez would have had to be dispensed at 2o con 4o, since they both descended from Gonzalo Yañez del Monte, though from different mothers.


7 Jan 1704, Nochistlan; 4o grado de afinidad, opr ser bisnietas de dos hermanos Ysabel de Aguayo (pretensa) y Petronila de Yslas (esposa difunta).
Testigos: Joseph de Yrungaray Esp 60, Nicolas Aguayo Esp 50 (uncle of pretensa, brother of Juan de Aguayo ), Bartolome de la Dueña Esp 61.

NOTE: In his chapter on the Delgadillo in Retoños (p. 216), Gonzalez-Leal has the second wife of Diego Delgadillo-Yslas as Fabiana Ramirez de Mendoza, but she was the wife of his son by Petrona de Yslas, also named Diego Delgadillo. Diego’s second wife was Ysabel de Aguayo, as established by this dispensa.

Also, in his “Cartas,” Jaime Holcombe has Geronima de Benavides A married to Diego de Aguayo, whereas Gonzalez-Leal has her married to Francisco Paez. It’s possible she married twice; if so, then Francisco Paez would be her 1st husband, and Diego de Aguayo her 2nd, since Diego de Aguayo was still alive in 1687, when he appears as a testigo in the following IM for Carlos Casillas and Magdalena Sandoval.

This dispensa gets confusing, because the testigos don’t explain the parentesco, only that Petrona de Yslas and Ysabel de Aguayo were great-granddaughters of 2 siblings, and all 3 testigos appear to contradict each other:

1st testigo:
4i. TRONCO: Geronimo de Benavides & Catalina Cortes I
Juan Benavides-1-Geronima Benavides
Petrona Yslas-4-Ysabel de Aguayo

2nd testigo:
4ii. Juan Benavides-1-Geronima Benavides
Ysabel Aguayo-4-Petrona Yslas

3rd testigo:
4iii. “Diego de Aguayo abuelo de la dtha Ysabel de Aguayo y Catalina Cortes abuela de la dtha Petrona de Yslas no eran hermanos siendo asi que era i fueron los dthos Diego de Aguayo y Catalina Cortes los rramos por donde las dthas [Ysabel de Aguayo y Petrona de Yslas] por …”

The 3rd one might be on the right path: Diego de Aguayo was married to Geronima de Benavides C, who would be Ysabel de Aguayo’s grandmother, and who is somehow related to Catalina Cortes II, grandmother of Petrona de Yslas.

If Geronima de Benavides C and Catalina Cortes II are sisters, daughters of Juan de Benavides & N.N., Ysabel and Petrona would be at 3o grado:

4iv. TRONCO Juan Benavides & N.N.
Geronima Benavides C-1- Catalina Cortes II
Juan Aguayo-2-Mariana Sandoval
Ysabel Aguayo-3-Petra Yslas

If Juan de Benavides and Catalina Cortes II are siblings, as per Retoños, then Ysabel and Petrona are at 4o con 3o grado:

4v. TRONCO Geronimo de Benavides & Catalina Cortes I
Juan Benavides-1-Catalina Cortes II
Geronima Benavides C-2- Mariana Sandoval
Juan Aguayo-3-Petra Yslas
Ysabel Aguayo-4

If Geronima de Benavides A was married to Diego de Aguayo (as per Holcombe), and Catalina Cortes II was daughter of Geronimo de Benavides & Catalina Cortes I (per Gonzalez-Leal), they’re at 3o:

4vi. TRONCO: Geronimo de Benavides & Catalina Cortes I
Geronima Benavides A-1-Catalina Cortes II
Juan Aguayo-2-Mariana Sandoval
Ysabel Aguayo-3-Petra Yslas

NOTE: I noticed in his chapter on the Delgadillo, Gonzalez-Leal has Diego Delgadillo listed with the maternal surname “Gonzalez de Islas”; this would imply that his mother, Maria de la Concepcion de Islas, was descended from the Gonzalez de Islas. If that were so, then Diego Delgadillo and Petronila de Islas would have shared consanguinity at 2o or 3o, of which there is no mention in this dispensa. One would think there’d be red lights, but the testigos all say they know of no other shared consanguinity nor affinity. That doesn’t necessarily mean they weren’t related, since in some dispensas, parentescos are ignored or forgotten, as can be seen in Dispensa #8 for Lucas Lomelin con Juana de Esquibias (in which the pretensos were at 3o grado in the Lomelin line, but the testigos don’t mention it).


29 May 1707 Nochistlan 4o grado…

11 Jan 1687 Nochistlan…

Summary: these are IMs for 2 marriages that should’ve been dispensed, since the brides & grooms are great-grandchildren of 2 supposed siblings (Juan de Benavides & Geronima de Benavides C). They were both denounced, Jun 1707 (SM 2876)

These dispensas would establish that Catalina Cortes II (m. Juan Moscoso y Sandoval) was the daughter of Juan de Benavides-Cortes and N.N., making her a sister of Geronima de Benavides C (m. Diego de Aguayo):

Given Parentesco:

Geronima Benavides C-1-Juan Benavides
Regina de Aguayo-2-Catalina Cortes II
Francisca Duran-3-Geronimo Sandoval
Carlos Casillas-4-Magdalena Sandoval

This works, if Geronima de Benavides A was married to both Francisco Paez (per Gonzalez-Leal) and Diego de Aguayo (per Jaime Holcombe).

If Geronima de Benavides C was the daughter of Juan de Benavides & N.N., and therefore a sister of Catalina Cortes II, the genealogy should look like this:

5ii. TRONCO: Juan de Benavides & N.N.
Geronima de Benavides C-1-Cataline Cortes II
Regina de Aguayo-2-Geronimo de Sandoval
Francisca Duran-3-Magdalena Sandoval
Carlos Casillas-4

If Catalina Cortes II is daughter of Geronimo de Benavides & Catalina Cortes I, as proposed by Gonzalez-Leal in Retoños:

5iii. TRONCO: Geronimo de Benavides & Catalina Cortes I
Juan Benavides-1-Catalina Cortes II
Geronima Benavides C-2-Geronimo Sandoval
Regina Aguayo-3-Magdalena Sandoval
Francisca Duran-4
Carlos Casillas-5

Parentesco of Juan de Sandoval and Maria Duran, with Catalina Cortes II as daughter of Juan de Benavides:

5iv. TRONCO: Juan de Benavides & N.N.
Catalina Cortes II-1-Geronima de Benavides C
Geronimo Sandoval-2-Regina de Aguayo
Juan Sandoval-3-Nicolas Duran
- - - - - - - - - - -4-Maria Duran

Parentesco, with Catalina Cortes II as daughter of Geronimo de Benavides (per Retoños)

5v. TRONCO: Geronimo de Benavides & Catalina Cortes I
Catalina Cortes II-1-Juan de Benavides
Geronimo Sandoval-2-Geronima Benavides C
Juan Sandoval-3-Regina Aguayo
- - - - - - - - - - --4-Nicolas Duran
- - - - - - - - - - --5-Maria Duran

By the way, Diego de Aguayo was a testigo, categorized as Spaniard, said he was 97 years old (b 1590), so he’s likely the same one who was married to Geronima de Benavides C (lower right):…


SM 151 ("Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara" by Maria de la Luz Montejano Hilton)
01 Jan 1693, Nochistlan
4o con 4o consanguinidad; Yañez and Lomelin

Summary: the pretenso says his maternal grandfather, Lorenzo Yañez, was 1st-cousins with Maria de Benavides, grandmother of the bride:

6i. (Geronima Benavides B)-1-(Geronimo Benavides)
Lorenzo Yañez-2-Maria Benavides
Juana Yañez-3-Jacinta Cueva
Juan Esquibias-4-Maria Yñiguez

This implies that Geronima de Benavides B and Geronimo de Benavides were siblings, as opposed to niece and uncle, as they are in Retoños. According to Gonzalez-Leal, the tree should look like this:

6ii. TRONCO Diego de Benavides & N.N.
Luis Benavides I-1-Geronimo Benavides
Geronima Benavides B-2-Maria Benavides
Lorenzo Yañez-3-Jacinta de Cueva
Juana Yañez-4-Maria Yniguez
Juan de Esquibias-5

This dispensa can also imply that Geronima de Benavides A & B are the same person


30 Apr 1702 Nochistlan…

Summary: this is regarding the Yañez-Benavides line, and doesn't really show the Benavides genealogy, since it wasn't necessary at 5-6 grados. I just wanted to show that there is consanguinity.

7i. TRONCO: Gonzalo Yañez
Juan Yañez-1-Lorenzo Yañez (half-brothers)
Maria Yañez-2-Mariana Yañez
Manuel Lomelin-3-Pedro Ximenez
- - - - - - - - - - -4-Antonia Ximenez

7ii. Benavides Parentesco per Retoños (not given in dispensa)
Geronimo Benavides-1-Luis Benavides l
Maria Benavides-2-Geronima Benavides B
Lucas Lomelin-3-Lorenzo Yañez
Gaspar Lomelin-4-Mariana Yañez
Manuel Lomelin-5-Pedro Ximenez
- - - - - - - - - - - - -6- Antonia Ximenez


18 May 1728, Nochistlan…

Summary: Lucas Lomeline was the son of Gaspar Lomelin and Maria Medinilla (from Dispensa #3), and Juana Esquibias was daughter of Juan Esquibias and Marcela Yñiquez. The dispensa is for 4o grado consanguinidad, for being great-grandchildren of two half-brothers: Lorenzo and Juan Yañez:

Juan Yañez-1-Lorenzo Yañez
Mariana Yañez-2-Juana Yañez
Maria Medinilla-3-Juan Esquibias
Lucas Lomelin-4-Juana Esquibias

What mystifies me about this dispensa is, the testigos based their case on the shared consanguinity at 4o grado through the Yañez line, ignoring the fact that the pretensos were at 3o grado through the Lomelin line:

8ii. TRONCO: Carlos Lomelin & Maria de Benavides
Lucas Lomelin-1-Jacinta de Oliva y de Cuevas
Gaspar Lomelin-2-Marcela Yñiguez
Lucas Lomelin-3-Juana Esquibias

So, that’s 3o for Benavides, too. The Benavides appear again through the Yañez line, as well as the Arambula (also Yañez), though too many generations had passed.


Using the conclusions from the 10 cited dispensas, here’s the revised tree:

I-p Diego de Benavides m. N.N.
a. Geronimo de Benavides, m. Catalina Cortes I
b. Luis de Benavides, m. N.N. Father of Geronima Benavides B, m. Gonzalo Yañez del Monte; parents of Mariana Ortiz (Aramburu/ Arambula Line)

I-m Pedro Cortes m. N.N.
a. Catarina Cortes I, m. Geronimo de Benavides

II Geronimo de Benavides, m. Catalina Cortes I
a. Juan de Benavides, m. N.N. Parents of Geronima Benavides C (Aguayo Line), and maybe Catalina Cortes II.
b. Catarina Cortes II, m. Juan Moscoso y Sandoval (or daughter of Juan Benavides)
c. Maria de Benavides, m. Carlos de Lomelin
d. Geronima de Benavides A, m. Francisco Paez
e. Andrea Cortes, m. Francisco Vasquez (per Retoños)


Hi Manny,
I could only read the first dispensa so I was able to to map out the genealogy and corroborate what I got on my tree but the second one was hard to read so I don't understand the way you place them on your TRONCOS. Is it possible that you transcribe the writing of the documents, or put hermanos or hijos on the Troncos to be able to follow them properly please?

My tree has a lot of what Retoños... says and so it is different.

I understand it might be just the way my brain works that I can not get it, but I would truly appreciate a little help with this work of yours, which is great, by the way!

Thank you

Silvia I. Sandoval

In reply to by ShivisM


Hello Silvia,

Thank you for the compliment! I'm sorry, it's been so long since I did that piece, I don't recall the details, and it'll be a while before I can go over everything I did.

I do know that other NR members have worked on these same dispensas since then, and with a fresher approach. I recommend looking them over:

Good luck!
Manny Diez Hermosillo


Im trying to review everything here and see if there is anything missed. Looks like I am missing some data in my tree. Can anyone help with

8ii. TRONCO: Carlos Lomelin & Maria de Benavides
Lucas Lomelin-1-Jacinta de Oliva y de Cuevas
Gaspar Lomelin-2-Marcela Yñiguez
Lucas Lomelin-3-Juana Esquibias

Does anyone have any sources linking Lucas and Jacinta de Oliva de Cuevas to Carlos Lomelin and Maria Benavides? I have confirmed a Maria Benavides as Jacinta's mother; however, no spouse, and Gaspar's father Lucas being married to Josefa Maria de Torres.

In reply to by dcalonso



I appreciate the help. According to the tree I posed there is an additional Jacinta Oliva that is the son of Carlos Lomelin and Maria Benavides.

Luigi aka Alex Mercado

In reply to by dcalonso


The Cuevas surname here was sometimes Cuevas de Carvajal or Carbajal de Cuevas. Researching the Carvajal Cuevas family connections is a little tricky during this time period as many of the family members came under suspicion of reverting back to their Jewish roots. Since some were found guilty by the inquisition, some family members attempted to hide their family tree.


According to Jose Luis Vasquez y Rodriguez y Frias in the book Genealogia de Nochistlan Antiguo Reino De La Nueva Galicia En El Siglo xv11 Segun Sus Archivos Parroquiales the husband for Maria Venavides is Andres De Cuevas. In the Baptism of Juan Rodriguez de la Mora dated 31st of July 1678. He is the son of Juan Rodriguez and Catalina Yanez. The padrinos were "Andres De Cuevas and Maria Venavides his wife" The entry is found in the page # 70 of the book. In the Bautismos of Nochistlan film # 226646, image # 377 is the location for this source.
Here is the link…


Hola Ricardo:

La relación de parentesco y por otra parte de enemistad entre estas tres familias viene desde tiempo atrás:

El 7 de septiembre de 1312, en Jaén muere el rey Fernando IV de Castilla, conocido como "El Emplazado". Dicho rey condenó a muerte a Pedro y Juan Alfonso de Carvajal por asesinar a Gómez de Benavides, los Carvajal se declararon inocentes y emplazaron al rey para presentarse ante el tribunal de Dios en un mes. Los Carvajales fueron despeñados y el rey murió dentro del plazo fijado.

En 1520, don Diego de Carvajal III Señor de Jódar tuvo un altercado con Don Luis de la Cueva, con quien tenía algún parentesco, fue por la disputa sobre un camino, se generó una pelea y Don Luis fue muerto a pesar de ser un anciano. Su hijo aliado con los Benavides atacó la fortaleza y la villa de Jódar, muriendo más de dos mil personas.Los Carvajal no fueron debidamente juzgados, debido a su poderío militar, en cambio ayudaron al rey en la Guerra de las comunidades.

En México hay cuatro ramas principales de la familia Carvajal:

1. Los descendientes de Don Antonio de Carvajal están en la ciudad de México, Toluca, Michoacán y Jalisco.

2. Los descendientes de Don Juan de Carvajal "El Viejo" están en el estado de Hidalgo.

3. Los descendientes de Juan de Limpias Carvajal están en Oaxaca y Querétaro.

4. Los descendientes de la hermana de Don Luis de Carvajal y de la Cueva pasaron a Hidalgo.





Manny and Alex made an excellent work.

As you said, this Dispensa includes two Geronima de Benavides, one is the sister of Luis de Benavides and the other is his daughter. We have to take into account there is no such Geronimo the Benavides brother of Luis.



Thank you for clarifying. I dont believe there is a gender change. Does anyone know of any other sources stating Geronimo Benavides and Catalina Cortes had a son, Geronimo?


Hola a todos:

El apellido Benavides es de orígen judío y significa Ben Avid (hijo de David) fue muy respetado en España.

Entre los conquistadores destacaron Pedrarias Dávila y Alonso de Ávila:

Primera generación

1. Gil González de Ávila y Benavides casó con Elena de Villalobos
2. Francisca González de Ávila y Benavides casó con Alonso de Bracamonte

Segunda Generación

1.1. Alonso de Ávila y Villalobos conquistador de México
1.2 Gil González de Ávila y Villalobos casó con Leonor de Alvarado, conquistador de México y sucesor de su hermano.

2.1 Álvaro de Bracamonte casó con Beatriz de Loa y Alvarado

Tercera Generación

1.2.1 Gil González de Ávila y Alvarado, decapitado en 1567 con descendencia
1.2.2 Alonso de Ávila y Alvarado, decapitado en 1567 con descendencia

2.1.1. Isabel
2.1.2 Guillén
2.1.3 Alonso
2.1.4 Álvaro
2.1.5 "N"




Hola a todos:

Les mando algunas relaciones previas entre las familias Alvarado, Benavides, Sandoval, Bracamonte y Moscoso.

Primera generación

Garci Sánchez de Alvarado casó con Leonor de Bracamontes;

Segunda generación:

Juan de Alvarado Bracamontes casó con Catalina Mexia de Sandoval

Tercera generación

Diego Gomez de Alvarado Mexía de Sandoval casó en primeras nupcias con Teresa Suarez de Moscoso. En segundas nupcias con Leonor de Contreras y Gutiérrez de Trejo

Cuarta Generación

Pedro de Alvarado y Contreras casó en primeras nupcias con Doña Francisca de la Cueva y Benavides. En segundas nupcias con beatriz de la Cueva y Benavides.

Jorge de Alvarado y Contreras casó con Catalina de Carvajal Villafañe

Quinta generación

Jorge de Alvarado Villafañe casó con Juana Nicolasa de Benavides, con descendencia.


Existen varias Leonor de Alvarado (Leonor de Alvarado Xicotencátl, Leonor de Alvarado y Estrada), la que se casó con Gil González de Ávila algunos la hacen descender de Juan de Alvarado y Contreras e Isabel de Villapadierna, otros de Jorge de Alvarado.

En una nota vieja, de la que no conservo el registro de la fuente encontré que Leonor de Alvarado quedó viuda y se casó con Luis de Moscoso. Habrá que volver a buscar.




hola Marcelina,

Yo desciendo de Álvaro de Bracamonte y Beatriz de Loa y Alvarado



Los Ávila de Benavides
Submitted by Marcelina Macias on Sun, 2016-11-06 07:54.
Hola a todos:

El apellido Benavides es de orígen judío y significa Ben Avid (hijo de David) fue muy respetado en España.

Entre los conquistadores destacaron Pedrarias Dávila y Alonso de Ávila:

Primera generación

1. Gil González de Ávila y Benavides casó con Elena de Villalobos
2. Francisca González de Ávila y Benavides casó con Alonso de Bracamonte

Segunda Generación

1.1. Alonso de Ávila y Villalobos conquistador de México
1.2 Gil González de Ávila y Villalobos casó con Leonor de Alvarado, conquistador de México y sucesor de su hermano.

2.1 Álvaro de Bracamonte casó con Beatriz de Loa y Alvarado

Tercera Generación

1.2.1 Gil González de Ávila y Alvarado, decapitado en 1567 con descendencia
1.2.2 Alonso de Ávila y Alvarado, decapitado en 1567 con descendencia

2.1.1. Isabel
2.1.2 Guillén
2.1.3 Alonso
2.1.4 Álvaro
2.1.5 "N"



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I took a look at dispensa #2 and Im failing to see the gender change (full disclosure I speak 0 spanish).

It appears to me that there are two Geronima Benavides' in that dispensa and they are both female. Could someone please clarify. Thank you



It is also possible moscoso y sandoval is a surname formed by the marriage of a moscoso and a sandoval. I have seen both of these surnames in the early conquistadors/settlers


Hello Manny,

Thank you for taking this on. All of these lines are either my ancestors or my wife's ancestors.

Great work,

Rick A Ricci

In reply to by R.A.Ricci (not verified)


You're welcome, Rick, I just hope it's comprehensive! My head is still spinning....

Manny Diez Hermosillo


I'm somewhat confused by this. My ancestor Regina de Aguayo is mentioned in
this post. Previously, I had no parents for her. Is this saying that Regina
de Aguayo is the daughter of Diego de Aguayo and Geronima Benavides? Or am
I wrong?



Hi Paige,

You are correct, Regina de Aguayo, who was married to Juan Duran Duque was the daughter of Diego de Aguayo & Geronima de Benavides as per the Carlos Casillas-Magdalena Sandoval dispensa (5a).

This Dispensa for Lorenzo de Mexia-Duran and Phelipa Rodriguez-Lozano shows that Regina de Aguayo and Antonio de Aguayo were siblings:…

Regina Aguayo-1-Antonio Aguayo
(Juan Duran) (Luisa Yslas)
Antonio Duran-2-Micaela Aguayo
(Juana Vasquez) (N.N.)
Regina Duran-3-Juan Rodriguez de Frias
(Domingo Mexia) (Maria Lozano)
Lorenzo Mexia-4-Phelipa Rodriguez

In “Sagrada Mitra” p298, Dispensa 1605, is for Joseph Thadeo Casillas and Maria de Aguayo, who also descend from Regina and Antonio de Aguayo. This shows how Francisca Duran m. Francisco Vascones y Casillas is daughter of Juan Duran & Regina de Aguayo, as seen in Dispensa 5a:

Nochistlán. Zac. Junio 17 de 1730. Exp. 38 - Dispensa de cuarto grado de consanguinidad - Joseph Thadeo Casillas, español de 22 años de edad, oríginano
y vecino de este Curato, hijo legítimo de Vicente Casillas y de Agustina Gómez, difunta; con María de Aguayo, española de 40 años de edad, originaria y vecina
de este Curato, hija legítima de Bernardino de Aguayo y de Magdalena de la Dueña, difuntos. ¡Declaración del pretenso; Por ser bisnietos ambos de dos hermanos que lo fueron Antonio y Regina de Aguayo. Regina tuvo por hija a Francisca Duran, y Francisca tuvo por hijo a Vicente Casillas. Vicente tuvo por hijo a Joseph Thadeo pretenso, y Antonio de Aguayo, tuvo por hijo a Antonio de Aguayo. Antonio tuvo por hijo a Bernardino de Aguayo. Bernardino tuvo por hija a María de Aguayo pretensa. Se otorgó la dispensa en la Ciudad de Guadalajara. en 4 de juüo de 1730. 11 fojas.

Manny Diez Hermosillo

PS I just noticed I gave Carlos Casillas the incorrect surname (Carrillo) in the header for Dispensa 5a - I hope that doesn’t throw anyone off!



Thank you. This clears up a lot. Just want to verify that Juan Simón Duran
is the same as the Juan Duran Duque mentioned? And, if so, are his parents



Hi Paige,

I haven’t seen him listed as Juan Simon Duran, but it might be him. I don’t have his parents.

When Juan Duran Duque was buried 12 Nov 1673, the partida says he was over 80 years-old, placing his birth before 1593:…

When their son Juan Duran (probably their oldest) was a testigo on this IM in Dec 1677, he gave his age as 52, placing his birth around 1625:…

So, Regina de Aguayo could’ve been born as late as 1610. She was buried 16 Nov 1690:…

Does that fit in your timeline?

There were a few women named Regina de Aguayo, through the generations. Both Regina de Aguayo-Benavides and her brother Antonio de Aguayo had daughters named Regina de Aguayo, as did her son, Andres Duran, who was married to Juana de la Asuncion Vasquez: Regina Duran married Domingo Mexia, and she also went by Regina de Aguayo.

Manny Diez Hermosillo


Hi Manny,

I was just trying to find information on this couple the other day. It appears that this Juan Durán is listed as Juan Ximón Durán in "Genealogia de Nochistlan, Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia en el Siglo XVII segun sus Archivos Parroquiales." - Capítulo 2 Descendencia de Juan Ximón Durán y Regina de Aguayo.



How I wish they'd print another edition of that book! Thanks, Chris. Then it looks like we're on the right path, Paige.

According to the 20 Sep 1649 padron for Nochistlan, Juan Duran & Regina de Aguayo had 6 children:

Rancho de Juan Duran Espanol medio legua de dtho pueblo:
Juan Duran cc
Regina de Aguayo cc
Juan Duran cc
Andres Duran cc
Nicolas Duran cc
Maria Duran cc
Jose Duran c
Francisca Duran todos sus hijos N

"cc" means confessed & communion (8+), "c" means confessed (5+) "N" too young or incapable of either.

They also had a daughter named Melchora de los Reyes, who married Luis de Velasco. 26 Mar 1651 in Nochistlan (odd that she doesn't appear in the padron):…

They had another daughter named Regina de Aguayo, who was a madrina for Miguel Indio, with her brother Juan Duran El Mozo, 8 Nov 1676:…

I hope that helps!

Manny Diez Hermosillo


Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum

I recently connected to the Lozano family that are my ancestors and I see
there is a Josepha Lozano connected to this family under Josepha Vasquez de
Sandoval and wanted to know more about her to see if my Lozano's connect to
this family.

Danny C. Alonso


Hi Danny,
Who are your Lozanos?

From: Danny Alonso
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 8:26 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] BENAVIDES-CORTES

Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum

I recently connected to the Lozano family that are my ancestors and I see
there is a Josepha Lozano connected to this family under Josepha Vasquez de
Sandoval and wanted to know more about her to see if my Lozano's connect to
this family.

Danny C. Alonso


Hi Danny,

You actually do connect to this family. From the IM of Eugenio Lozano and María Durán, you can see that María Durán is the daughter of Andrés Durán and Juana (de la Ascención) Vázquez (de Sandoval)…

Andrés Durán is the son of Juan Ximón Durán and Regina de Aguayo. Regina de Aguayo is the daughter of Diego de Aguayo and Gerónima de Benavides.

Juana de la Ascención Vázquez de Sandoval is the daughter of Juan Moscoso y Sandoval and Catalina Cortés:

"Andrés Durán casó con Juana de la Ascensión Vásquez de Sandoval hija de Juan Moscoso y Sandobal y de Catalina Cortés." - Genealogía de Nochistlán Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia en el Siglo XVII segun sus Archivos Parroquiales by José Luis Vázquez y Rodríguez de Frías



On Juan Moscoso y Sandoval's daughter Juana de la Asemcion Vasquez de
Sandoval does anyone know why she uses that name instead of Moscoso y
Sandoval? On this pdf I found a few days ago theres lots of little
biographies of people in spanish. Theres also one for a Juan Benevides but
I don't know if its the same one. but theres a biography for a Suero
Vasquez de Moscoso and wanted to know if he's an ancestor of Juana de la
Asemcion Vasquez de Sandoval and Juan Moscoso y Sandoval.

Danny C. Alonso



“Vasquez de Sandoval” was used by some female descendants of Juan Moscoso y Sandoval and Catalina Cortes II, starting with their daughter, Josepha, who was married to Juan Lozano. I don’t know its origin. nor have I seen it used by any male descendants, so it might be a maternal surname.

Manny Diez Hermosillo


The pdf that has all the Spanish biographies also has one for Guido de
Lavesares and mentions Sebastian Lavesares and Luis de Lavesares too that
was talked about a couple weeks ago

Danny C. Alonso


Thank you danny for this resource :

It is great reading and provides a lot of interesting information. From it I found out that an ancestor of mine sent her nephew to rescue another family member from an abduction, They had abducted him to force him to marry. Too bad it doesn't say what happened afterwards.

R A Ricci


R A,

That sounds like a good story. What was his name I want to read that

Danny C. Alonso


Hi Danny,

It was your idea to use this resource.

I was just flipped through some of the pages and recognized a couple of my ancestors, actually more than a couple.

But one ot the most interesting stories was the one with my ancestor Alonso Bracamonte y Alvarado son of Alvaro Bracamonte y Alvarado and Beatriz Alvarado.

I descend from Alonso and the wife that he eventually married. The woman in this story is not the same one as his eventual wife.

It turns out that Alonso was kidnapped in Colima and they tried to get him to marry a daughter of Juan Anonio Brambila. He was kidnapped "mas de un mes, habiendole traido con enganos de Compostela". He later married Beatriz Fernandez de Hijar.

Alonso de Bracamonte y Alvarado and Beatriz Fernandez de Hijar had a daughter named Antonia de Hijar Bracamonte whom married Capitan Juan de Mesa y Valdivia. Their daughter named Antonia de Hijar, like their mother, married Nicolas Rodriguez de Frias and that is where we get the composite surname in Los Altos de Jalisco "Rodriguez de Hijar". I descend from Rodriguez de Hijar from both my parents.

Francisco de Bracamonte:
Por encargo de Beatriz de Alvarado y en compañía de Juan de Avellaneda, vino a Colima en 1568 para rescatar a su sobrino Alonso de Bracamonte, a quien habían secues- trado los Robles para casarlo a la fuerza con una hija de Juan Antonio Brambila, conquistador de Nueva Vizcaya: Amaya Topete, Bioteca... (1551), 26 y 27.

Thanks again Danny for this wonderful resource,
Rick A Ricci


Hi Daniel,

I don’t know if they’d be his brothers, but they’re probably related. Those 2 were sons of a count, and I’ve seen no mention of the Nochistlan clan descending from nobility, nor have I seen the surname “Ossorio” nor "Altamira" associated with them, which could be expected, if Juan was the son of Don Lope Moscoso Ossorio Conde de Altamira.

I haven’t researched the surname Moscoso y Sandoval in Spain yet, I’m still gathering information on them in Mexico. At this time, I have no records linking Juan Moscoso y Sandoval to Spain, in fact, there is nothing at AGIS with the compound surname “Moscoso y Sandoval,” so, whoever made the crossing probably didn’t use the entire surname (or it hasn’t been indexed yet).

Juan de Sandoval and Catalina Cortes’ first child was probably Diego; from IM’s on which he was a testigo, I estimate Diego was born around Oct 1608, so Juan was probably born around 1585-88. That would make him a contemporary of the peninsulars you cited. Juan & Catalina did name a son, “Melchor,” but I haven’t seen “Baltasar” amongst descendants.

Here's what I have on Juan de Sandoval:

On 19 Dec 1628, he and his daughter Mariana de Sandoval were padrinos for Juan, hijo de Diego y de Ysabel (left image bottom):…

On the 6 Nov 1631 marriage record of Antonio de Siordia and Maria Yñiquez, he is named as a testigo, along with Francisco Gonzalez [Martinez?] and Juan Yñiquez (it’s a shame the IM’s don’t go back that far!!):…

On 1 Jun 1642, again, he’s named as a testigo, along with his son, Diego, on the marriage record of Pedro de Cardenas and Catalina Elena (right image top):…

Catalina Cortes appears as a widow in the 20 Sep 1649 Padron for Nochistlan, so we know he died between Jun 1642 and Sep 1649.

Manny Diez Hermosillo


Thank you Manny. This is very exciting looking for ancestors. I wish we
could connect the Spain Moscosos y Sandovals wit the ones from Mexico. They
must be related because it's such an unusual last name. I used a translator
on Melchior Moscoso y Sandoval and it says Melchor de Moscoso y Sandoval (d.
1632) was a noble and Spanish religious. He was son of Lope de Moscoso
Osorio and Castro (d. 1636), VI count of Altamira, Lord of the House of
Moscoso, and Leonor de Sandoval y Rojas. I was guessing maybe that's where
they got Moscoso y Sandoval with the marrying of Lupe do Moscoso Orosio and
Leonor de Sandoval y Rojas.

I found a new pdf about just the Moscoso family:
It also has lots of people named Suero Vasquez de Moscoso, I didn't know
that whole name was that common. But, theres also a person with that same
name in Mexico on the other pdf with the biographies. It looks like the
Moscosos y Sandovals and the Vasquez de Moscosos are relatives, that's
maybe where Vasquez de Sandoval maybe came from.
Danny C. Alonso


Hi Alex,

I've seen both surnames "Moscoso" and "Sandoval" amongst the early colonists, as well, and I think it's possible "Moscoso y Sandoval" may have been formed that way.

Rick - thanks for posting the story about the Alonso Bracamonte; super fascinating, I have read in other books, about kidnappings and forced marriages amongst encomenderos. The things these families did, to hold onto land & tributes!

Danny - thanks for posting those links, good leads.


Manny DIez Hermosillo