Hello everyone, I'm new to the site and would like to introduce myself. My name is Daniel Hearn and am beginning my research on my mothers side of the family that have surnames of Ornelas (Ornelaz after coming to the United States), Lupercio, Garcia, Chavez, Chavoyo, Rodriguez, Luna and probably many more to come. My Grandfather moved with his family through Texas to California sometime in the 1930's. I believe it was due to the Cristero war. The most specific location I know of from my uncle is Rancho Mayor near Teocaltiche in the state of Jalisco. Through FamilySearch.org and Ancestry.com Library Edition. Due to the quality of records in naming parents and grandparents I've been able to trace a line but need to clean it up in order to get the dates correct. I have found some interesting points that substantiate family stories. I also am finding out family research can be difficult when faced with information that is difficult to accept or come to terms with. Either way, I hope to be as helpful as possible in this forum to teach and learn new things. Below is a link to my file that includes a copy of my Ahnentafel.
Best regards,
Daniel Hearn
Hola todos, Estoy nuevo en investigación genealógica. Algunos de los apellidos he encuentrada son Ornelas (Ornelaz tras cruzando a EEUU), Lupercio, Garcia, Luna, Rodriguez, y Chovoyo. La familia de mi Abuelo venía a EEUU durante la guerra Cristero en los años 1930's. Al llegar en California mi bisabuela era un traquero y toda su familia vivía en un vagón de cargo por un tiempo corto. La ubicación más espicífica he encuentrado es Rancho Mayor cerca Tepocaltiche en el estado de Jalisco. Otros lugares son, Paso de Sotos (Villa Hidalgo), y Aguascalientes. Según mis investigaciones espero ayudar todos quien interesada. Debajo de este párrafo aporto un link de mi Ahnentafel.
Daniel Hearn
Welcome Daniel. IF you're stuck on specific people, you should post their names, it's possible that others are working on the same line.
Welcome Daniel...you’ll find plenty of knowledgeable people here, all willing to help. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Chavoyo and Chavez