Castanon-Long, Linda (Tamazula, JAL; Jerez, ZAC; GEDCOM )

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genealogy of Castanon/Caldera in Jerez Zacatecas and Gutierrez/Mendez from Tamazula Jalisco Mexico

Locations of Research Interest:
District of Jerez Zacatecas, Tamazula de Gordiano, Zapotiltic, Zapotlan El Grande/Ciudad Gusman, Atoyac Jalisco and Chilchota, Tangancicuaro and Tlazazalca Michoacan Mexico

Surnames Researching:
In Jerez Zacatecas: Castanon, Caldera, Reveles, Sanchez, Cortes, Mejia, Tovar, Alcala, Alvarez, Banuelos, Castaneda, Correa, De la Cueva, Garcia
In Jalisco and Michoacan: Gutierrez, Mendez, Munguia, Baldovinos, Valencia, Bracamontes, Villanueva, Alvarez del Castillo, Morfin, Chavez, Villasenor Y Jazo and many more

My files on have been changed to Genealogy Dec 2006. Please insert any surname in my list and go to index, that will give you the 30,000 names I have recorded.

Linda Castanon-Long

Please visit this URL in the albums area to see the painting I speak about in "The Muse" word file below: