The files posted here are a key to the Informacion Matrimonial books for Aguascalientes. I have gone through the films posted at the Family Search Pilot site, and extracted the names of the bride and groom, their parents, prior spouses (if any), and ethnicity, if these are stated, as well as the stated age in a few cases.
This key links the marriage information by date to specific images: each record varies from about three pages (typical) to many pages (uncommon); some records are only one page. Each record will be identified by a Volume and image number. The volume number is a year or year range as posted: 1670 or 1670/76.
The sort is chronological, and runs from the beginning of the records through December 1699. There are 131 pages in this file.
Names are given as "Last name(s), first name(s)." In the cases where there is no last name, then the name is given as ", First name." If the name was not stated then I put in a place holder "(not stated)." Where appropriate the term "Padres no conosidos" is used.
I have tried to keep the original spellings, and have not corrected entries, except in the cases of standard abbreviations. "Juo" becomes "Juan," "Ma." becomes "Maria," "Antt.," becomes "Antonio," and so on. The usual interchange of letters, "b" and "v", "g" or "j" and "x", is kept as in the original. "Xuares" and "Juares," for example, both appear.
For those situations where there was some uncertainty in the name, but I think I can read it, the name is given with a question mark, "Gonzales?" If the name was not readable, I used "(illegible)," or if it could not be determined at all, then "(-?-)."
Dispensations are noted as "dispensa" under notes.
The "notes" will indicate links to other images in some cases, in some cases there will comments about the document, or questions as to what the document actually is. Although the vast majority of the documents are marriage information, some appear not to be.
There is more information in the records than I have extracted. Please do not take these as the last word, but consult the original documents.
I welcome corrections. Please contact me through my Nuestros Ranchos user name of gpf13.
(minor edits 9/25/11)
11/7/2011: Added file covering 1721-1730
12/26/2015: Added file covering 1731-1736, including some 1735-58 records - films 299573-299756
9/7/2016: Added file covering 1737-1740, films 299576, 299577, and 299578. This is generally for the indicated years, but includes a few other years as well that were included in these films.
George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA.
Adjunto | Tamaño |
Aguascalientes.pdf | 878.79 KB |
Matrimonial Investigations 1700-1720.pdf | 1.33 MB |
Aguascalientes 1721-30.pdf.pdf | 847.69 KB |
MI films 299573-299575.pdf | 1.22 MB |
Aguascalientes 1737-1740.pdf | 750.73 KB |