Nicolas Valdez Guerrero & Rita Quijada Guerrero

Nancy Blanche Perez

Hello Barbara,
I love your photos and wonder if we could be researching the same family. The particular names I am looking for are: Jesus Sanchez Guerrero, his mother
Marcelina Guerrero, his father Francisco Sanchez, his brother Francisco Sanchez Guerrero, and his son Francisco Sanchez Flores. They are from Guadalajara and Tlajamulco. Please let me know if any of these names are familiar, and specifically the area your family is from.
Thank you,

Barbara Guerrero

Hello Nancy,

So sorry for the delay in my reply. Got so caught up in research forgot to check for messages. None of the names you've mentioned are familiar to me. I now have all of my grandfathers' brothers, sisters, uncles & cousins & Sanchez has not appeared. I will continue in my search & should I come across these names I will contact you.

It would be cool if they were related! Again, I apologize for the delay. Hope all is well with you.

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Nicolas Valdez Guerrero & Rita Quijada Guerrero
Nicolas Valdez Guerrero & Rita Quijada Guerrero