While researching the ancestry of my fifth great-grandmother Lorenza de Aguilar y García de Alba (born 1740 in Cocula, Jalisco), I discovered that she descended through her maternal line from Francisco García de Alba, who in 1563, was granted land in Ayutla, Jalisco by the second Viceroy of New Spain. According to Jesús Amaya Topete, historian of Ameca, the García de Alba family "flooded" places such as Ahualulco, Ameca, Autlán, Ejutla, and Tecolotlán and Cocula as well. Francisco García de Alba's great-grandson of the same name married Casilda de Ortega Maldonado, who was related to the Topete family of Ameca.
Does anyone also descend from this family?
I'm also trying to look for the book "Ameca, protofundación mexicana", which is the brilliant work of Jesús Amaya Topete, and which contains more information on this family. Does anyone know where I could buy it from?
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Garcia de Alba match
I'm also descended from the Garcia de Alba family. Specifically from Hernando Garcia de Alba, son of Francisco Garcia de Alba and Casilda de Ortega y Maldonado.
The information on here is great!
book find
I am very grateful for my copy. It cost me, no lie, about $14.00 dollars. It's the 1951 edition. The quality of the paper is not that great since it's post WWII paper. The paper looks almost tan. The central public Library in Los Angeles has a copy in the genealogy reference section. I had been photocopying that book until I got my copy.
If you want, shoot me an email on the particular surname that interests you and I will scan those pages that refer. The book has two major sections. The first part deals with Spanish land grants, who inhereted what, sold what to whom, some quotations from last wills and testaments (where the genealogy gems come from). The second part of the book is entitled Bioteca de Occidente Conquistadores y Conquista Fundadores y Fundaciones Pobladores y Plobazones - Incluso lo de Ameca.
P 67 of this second section for Garcia de Alba reads as follows:
GARCIA DE ALBA, CAP. JUAN - Originario de Tecolotlan hijo de Francisco Garcia de Alba y de Casilda de Ortega Y Maldonado. Era vecino de Ameca en 1695 y actuo como apuntador en la medicion del sitio de Amequilla. Caso con Juana Robles Rico, tataranieta de Luis de Ahumada, y uno de sus hijos fue el reverendo Juan Garcia de Alba, sacerdote Jesuita, telogo en Guatemala y autor sagrado. Testo y murio en 1738.
Gil Ramirez
I am interested in reading this book or any scanned documents from "Bioteca de Occidente Conquistadores y Conquista Fundadores".
Is there a digitized copy?
I descend from the surname Arriola (Arreola). My research on this line is stuck in Cocula, Jalisco (1771).
As a kid my maternal grandfather would tell me that his father told him that there were 4 surnames that founded the city of Union de Tula.
He mentioned his own, Arreola(Arriola) and Topete. I could not remember the rest of the surnames until 30 plus years later I searched Union De Tula on Wikipedia and read the other 2 (Lazcano and Villasenor).
Still not sure if Lazcano and Villasenor were mentioned by my grandfather.
My Grandfather was born in Santa Catarina, Jalisco, Mex. His grandfather, Camilo Arreola, travelled back and forth from Palmar de Los Pelayos and Santa Catarina.
My great grandpa x6, was married in Cocula Jalisco (1771).
Any Arriola (Arreola) info would be greatly appreciated
Union de Tula
Hello Gil, We lived in Union for several years, in fact our neighbors were Arriolas, but have since died. You are correct in that the name Tula was a combination of Topete, Villasenor, Loscano, and Arriola. People with these names still live in Union.
Union is a great place to visit. They celebrate La Fiesta de Octubre this year from about the 11th to the 19th.
Deedra Corona
I photocopied the book you are looking for in the early 1990's. It was at the library in Juchitlán, where my family is from. If there is any information you would like from the book I would be more than happy to get it for you.
I also descend from the Garcia de Alba line from Tecolotlán.
Mabel Covarrubias de Doucette
Garcia de Alba
Hello Mabel,
Several of us have the same Garcia de Alba line. Does the book provide any more detail to the information than what was already mentioned, such as the names or dates of the other descendants? What other families are mentioned? How many pages does the book contain?
Thank you for this wonderful offer.
more details Garcia de Alba
Hi Deedra,
It seems that I do not have the ability to upload content to Nuestros Ranchos, otherwise I would have uploaded the pages where the GARCIA DE ALBA are mentioned in the book Ameca Protofundacion.
In addition to the direct quote provided in another post, the GARCIA DE ALBA are mentioned in pages 220 (two instances), p.233 and p. 261.
I will scan these pages sometime next week for you and we will find a way to get them to you so you.
Juan Garcia de Alva
I have a Juan Garcia de Alva married to a Rosa de la Cueva, and they had a daughter named Damiana Vicencia Garcia de Alva born on 23 Sep 1743 in Ejutla. Damiana married Francisco Moscoso Gonzalez-Corona on 15 Dec 1766 in Autlan. Does anyone have the parents for Juan Garcia de Alva that might connect him with the already mentioned Garcia de Alvas?
Sergio Salés
Juan Garcia de Alva
I believe I have the same couple as you: Here is the marriage I have:
14 April, 1738
Page 75
Image 392
Rosa was the first wife and Juan Francisco later married Josefa Rosales:
19 February, 1746
Page 44, #212
Image 60
This is the baptism I have for Juan Francisco:
12 October, 1717
Page 58
Image 337
His Burial:
13 February, 1773
Page 26
Image 76
Hope this is helpful--if this is the same Juan then you and my husband are related!!! Contact me for any questions
Deedra Corona
Juan vs Francisco
Thanks Deedra,
That was extremely helpful! My only question is why you determined that Juan and Francisco Garcia de Alva are the same person rather than brothers? If they are the same person, I am wondering why at his second marriage they did not mention his first wife? Usually they say that a person was married and give the name of the dead spouse.
Thanks again!
Sergio Salés
Juan Garcia de Alba
Sergio, I have reviewed my tree and supporting documents. I searched all of the documents I have and he is always referred to as "Francisco." I believe you must be right as I am also unable to locate a burial for Rosa as well in Ejutla and can't understand why I combined them into one person. Based on this I am making Juan a separate son from Francisco. This is why it is important to share and collaborate!
Deedra Corona
Reconsidering, but not sure
Hi Deedra,
Having re-reviewed the documents you sent me I realized that this link calls him Juan Francisco Garcia de Alva. So that may be where you got the idea that they are the same person
So, it is possible they are the same person, but the ones that call Juan and only Juan (such as his marriage to Rosa de la Cueva in 1738 only call him Juan. I think what I am going to do is try to review the baptisms in Tecolotlan and see if I can find a baptism for a Juan Garcia de Alva. I would basically start around 1704 and move forward.
Sergio Salés
Juan Francisco Garcia de Alba
Hello Sergio,
I'm sorry that I didn't see your response earlier. I think our previous conclusion that there are two Juans was correct. Here is the baptism for Juan Francisco:
I couldn't find a baptism for Juan. I also checked for Matrimonial Information for the 1746 marriage of Juan Francisco but found nothing. However, I did locate the baptism for Maria, daughter of Juan and Rosa de la Cueva dated: 7 May, 1746
So I guess, unless Juan was a total cad, that is pretty definitive evidence that there were two separate sons of Manuel Garcia de Alba and Nicolasa Santa Ana: Juan and Juan Francisco!!
Deedra Corona
Juan Francisco Garcia de Alba
Gil Topete
Thank you both for clarifying this name information - I descend from two branches of the Garcia de Alba family.
1) Francisco Garcia de Alba who was married to Casilda de Ortega also had another wife (or mistress) named Teodora de la Madriz. Together they had a daughter named Maria Josepha Garcia de Alba. She married Manuel Antonio Pérez de Alencastre:
Page 353, File 1154559 bottom left. Also lists witnesses as Antonio Garcia de Alba and Catalina Gonzalez de la Madriz (were they sisters or mother and daughter?).
Location: Corazon De Jesus,Tecolotlan,Jalisco,Mexico, July 25 1724.
From this union their grand-daughter Antonia Ubalda would marry Antonio Jose Martin Michel.
This line of Michels intersect with the Topetes who descend from Catalina de Ortega, sister of Casilda de Ortega.
2) But I also descend from Francisco Garsia de Alba and Casilda de Ortega through the above mentioned union. My great-great grandfather was Florencio Topete Garcia de Alba and through his mother Josefa Dolores Garcia de Alba, her great-grand parents were Juan Francisco and Rosa Garcia de Alba.
Francisco Garcia de Alba
Hello Mr. Topete, I too have been working some with the families around the area of Tecolotlan, Ayutla, Ejutla, and Union de Tula. I think you may be having the same problem that others of us have had..to many people with the same name. There are actually two persons, father and son, named Francisco Garcia de Alba. The first was married to Casilda de Ortega. Their son was married to Teodora de la Madriz. There is a document that you will find very interesting and helpful where Francisco II attempts to reestablish his marriage with Teodora.
Further evidence is that the burial of Francisco II mentions him being a widower of Teodora
Antonio Garcia de Alba was also a son of Francisco and Casilda de Ortega. They were married in Autlan 29 June, 1707 and it does appear that Teodora and Catalina were sisters.
My husband is descended from the Garcia de Alba family through Luis, Manuel, and Fernando (Hernando). Also through the Michels and Cobarrubias. If I can help you in any way please ask. I love genealogy!
Deedra Corona
Francisco Garcia de Alba II
Gil Topete
Hello Deedra, thank you for clarifying which Francisco Garcia de Alba I should be focused on with the attached links. I had the information regarding Antonio but I wasn't ready to link Teodora to her sister since up until your email, I didn't know Teodora (Theodora) full name was Gonzales de la Madris.
As for my other family connections my direct line only links to the Corona's very early where I have Juan Michel-Ordonez married to Graciana Corona. This information was passed to me be Alfredo Pena Perez though I have no paper trail to confirm what I think is the understood Michel lineage amongst the families.
And the only Cobarrubias so far is through one of the Michel brothers marrying Juana Uribe Cobarrubias circa 1750.
Theodora Gonzalez de la Madriz
Here is the death record for Theodora Gonzalez de la Madriz. She died in Autlan 4 Feb 1722.
Sergio Salés
Burial of Theodora Gonzales de la Madriz
Thank you Sergio. I didn't have this. I went page by page through this book some time ago and didn't see it. Even after you gave the information it was a little difficult because of the way it is written.
Thank you,
Deedra Corona
Francesca Gonzales de La Madriz same page
Sergio, did you notice the last entry on that page appears to be
Francesca Gonzalez de la Madriz? Or is it Francisco? Up until
this moment I only knew of Catalina as the other sister.
Hi Gil,
I think it is FranciscA, because of the a on "española." It says she was single and unfortunately does not list her parents, so I can't say for certain whether she was a sister of Theodora and Catalina Gonzalez de la Madriz.
Francisco Garcia de Alba
I am also a descendant of Francisco Garcia de Alba. Efigenia Garcia de Alba y Guzman who married Joseph de Santana. Their son Clemente Santana married a Corona, Gabriela Corona.
Gil, I have you connected to my Rivera family page on myheritage.com :)
Deedra, I believe we met at the Nueva Galicia Genealogy Society of SoCal last month. Look forward to sharing more of our family trees. :)
-Erika Rivera
Garcia de Alba
Each of us benefits when we work together--and this is a major find. Thank you for sharing.
I too have this line through Francisco and Casilda's son: Fernando Garcia de Alba and Clara Gusman de Velasco. I checked on this book (Ameca Protofundacion Mexicana; by Jesus Amaya Topete) and it is currently unavailable for sale anywhere, but there is a copy at UC Berkley--I'm not sure if they would allow a loan.
I know that many of us have Garcia de Alba lines and also Gomes, Michel, Dias, Cobian, and others from this area--this information would be extremely helpful.
Thank you
Deedra Corona
The García de Alba of Jalisco
I have Francisco Garcia de alba Ruiz married to Mariana Clara Casilda
Ortega Maldonado as parents of Fernando Garcia de Alba Ortega (born 25
april 1671 tecolotlan) that married Clara Guzman, their daughter Clara
Garcia de Alba Guzman married Antonio Cobian on feb 14 1733 in Ejutla they
are my 9th. direct antecesors.
And they are related to the Michel, Santaana, Covian, and serveral other
families in the area...
Do you have the link between Francisco Garcia de Alba and the one you
called his great grand son that I have in my tree.
Let me if I can find that book I am sure I would be very interesting for my
own research!
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 10:34 AM, wrote:
> While researching the ancestry of my fifth great-grandmother Lorenza de
> Aguilar y García de Alba (born 1740 in Cocula, Jalisco), I discovered that
> she descended through her maternal line from Francisco García de Alba, who
> in 1563, was granted land in Ayutla, Jalisco by the second Viceroy of New
> Spain. According to Jesús Amaya Topete, historian of Ameca, the García de
> Alba family "flooded" places such as Ahualulco, Ameca, Autlán, Ejutla, and
> Tecolotlán and Cocula as well. Francisco García de Alba's great-grandson of
> the same name married Casilda de Ortega Maldonado, who was related to the
> Topete family of Ameca.
> Does anyone also descend from this family?
> I'm also trying to look for the book "Ameca, protofundación mexicana",
> which is the brilliant work of Jesús Amaya Topete, and which contains more
> information on this family. Does anyone know where I could buy it from?
García de Alba
Hello Marthaharo, and thank you for replying!
I descend directly from Manuel García de Alba y Ortega (born in 1678 in Ameca), the son of Francisco García de Alba and Casilda de Ortega Maldonado. Manuel married Nicolasa Santa Ana in 1704 in Tecolotlán. Their daughter, Casilda García de Alba y Santa Ana (named after her paternal grandmother, matronymic), married Juan Martín de Aguilar of Cocula. Juan Martín and Casilda had Lorenza de Aguilar y García de Alba, my fifth great-grandmother.
As Amaya Topete describes in his book, the first patriarch of the family was Francisco García de Alba who lived in Ayutla during the 16th century, and whose descendants spread all over central Jalisco. I found this out, because when searching for Francisco García de Alba in Google Books, an excerpt came up with these words and attributing as a preview of "Ameca, protofundación mexicana" by Amaya Topete.
Here's the excerpt:
"Un patriarca de la región, don Francisco García de Alba, se instaló por 1563 en la villa de San Miguel (Ayutla), por merced que le hizo el primer virrey Velasco, de tierras "en la parte y lugar donde hubiere",
En 1693, el bisnieto homónimo [which means "of the same name"] de García de Alba agregó a la propiedad heredada, otra colindante, que por cien pesos le mercedó el virrey conde de Galve; había casado con una señora Ortega Maldonado [which is Casilda] tía de los Topete,"
And here are the links to the excerpt:
García de Alba
Books that are listed as out of print, etc may be true. When this is the case you need to hunt down private collectors or private libraries that are selling the book. With luck any book can be located. I found a copy of Ameca, Protofundación Mexicana por Amaya, Jesús. It is quite a bit of money, about $400 it ships from Mexico City, Librería Tardes en la Alameda.
Here is the link:
Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino
Río de Janeiro, Brasil
García de Alba
o puedo ir a buscarlo ja!!!, gracias Daniel a ver si me doy una vueltita el
fin de semana igual y me sirve de paseo
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 8:46 AM, wrote:
> Books that are listed as out of print, etc may be true. When this is the
> case you need to hunt down private collectors or private libraries that are
> selling the book. With luck any book can be located. I found a copy of
> Ameca, Protofundación Mexicana por Amaya, Jesús. It is quite a bit of
> money, about $400 it ships from Mexico City, Librería Tardes en la Alameda.
> Here is the link:
> http://www.abebooks.co.uk/**AMECA-PROTOFUNDACI%C3%93N-**
> MEXICANA-Historia-propiedad-**valle/1378008608/bd
> Saludos,
> Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino
> Río de Janeiro, Brasil
García de Alba
De nada Patty,
Tu primo,
Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino
Río de Janeiro, Brasil
See page 67 for exact details http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/20833