I have my 9th great grandmother, Lorenza Tescareno born about 1685 and married to Nicolas Gomes. Their daughters are Marina, Antonia, Maria de los Dolores and Josepha born in Pinos, Zacatecas in the early 1700's. If anyone has iinfo on this line I would greatly appreciate any help.
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Your 9th great-grandmother María Lorenza Tiscareño de Huerta was baptized 31 Aug 1683 at Parroquia de la Asunción in Aguascalientes. She was 15 days old when baptized, and thus born on 16 Aug 1683. Lorenza was the daughter of Francisco Tiscareño, mestizo, and María González de Huerta, also mestiza. Her father Francisco Tiscareño was the natural son of Capt. Juan Tiscareño with an unmarried woman (name unknown), probably a local indian because Francisco was said to be a mestizo. Francisco was born out of wedlock while Juan Tiscareño was still single, before he married Isabel Romo de Vivar. This is explained in the following excerpt from Juan Tiscareño's final will and testament:
"iten declaro para el descargo de mi conciencia que antes del Primero matrimonio tube un hijo natural llamado Francisco Tiscareño hijo de mujer soltera i libre para contraer matrimonio sin impedimentos declarolo asi para que conste i en esta conformidad mando se le de del remaniente del quinto de mis bienes por uso de alimento que assi le dejo i permite la lei Real de todo por averme servido mucho y aiudadome a ganar parte del caudal que assi he tenido de que he dado a mis hijos lo que llebo expressado..."
Nicolás Gómez was the son of Blas Gómez and María de Silva. No additional information about them. I have two daughters for Nicolás Gómez and Lorenza Tiscareño: 1) María de los Dolores, b. 1711 and 2) María Josepha b. 1714. What information do you have on Marina and Antonia?
----- Original Message -----
From: casavolver@lpbroadband.net
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 9:18 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Lorenza Tiscareno
I have my 9th great grandmother, Lorenza Tescareno born about 1685 and married to Nicolas Gomes. Their daughters are Marina, Antonia, Maria de los Dolores and Josepha born in Pinos, Zacatecas in the early 1700's. If anyone has iinfo on this line I would greatly appreciate any help.
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Carolyn Gomez Duran
Thank you for the information!
I have Marina baptized August 4, 1707 and married Oct. 6, 1721 to Joseph Francisco Sanches Mejorada. FHL Marriage source 1096163/120 Baptism source 1095294/
Antonia was baptized December 4, 1709 and married Luis Sanches Mejorada February 4, 1722 all in Pinos, Zacatecas. FHL Baptism source number 1095294/193. Padrino Francisco Sanches
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Carolyn Gomez Duran
Where do I find the records for the info? I did a search on FamilySearch but came up empty!
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Apparently this record was not indexed. You can see the actual record of Lorenza's baptism at
It reads as follows:
Al margen: "Lorenza espla."
"En la Villa de Aguascalientes en treinta i un dias del mes de Agosto año de mill seis-
cientos i ochenta i tres, en la Parroquial baptise i puse los santos olios a Lorenza espa-
ñola de hedad de quinse dias hija legitima de Franco. de Tiscareño y de Maria de
Huerta vecinos de esta Jurisdicion, fueron sus Padrinos Andres Muños y Loren-
sa Ruiz de Esparsa, les adverti la obligacion i cognacion espiritual i lo firme =
D. Manuel Altamirano de Castilla"
Lorenza had two brothers, Joseph and Juan, and a sister, Juana Tiscareño de Huerta.
Let me know if you need additional information.
----- Original Message -----
From: casavolver@lpbroadband.net
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:04 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Lorenza
Carolyn Gomez Duran
Where do I find the records for the info? I did a search on FamilySearch but came up empty!
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Carolyn Gomez Duran
After posting my last request I found records for Lorenza and Joseph. I now have a question! On Joseph's record Aguascalientes 1681 source number 299422/136, it states "Guardian AP Francisco Cristoval Romo". Is that a grandparent?
Thanks for your help!
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The record actually says "en caso de necesidad echo el Agua el P Guardian frai Christoval Romo" which means that the child was in danger of dying so the priest-on-watch Fray Cristobal Romo baptised him ("le echó el agua bendita"). What you thought read "AP Guardian" actually reads "el P. Guardian" meaning "el Padre Guardián" .
----- Original Message -----
From: casavolver@lpbroadband.net
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 2:22 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Joseph Tiscareno
Carolyn Gomez Duran
After posting my last request I found records for Lorenza and Joseph. I now have a question! On Joseph's record Aguascalientes 1681 source number 299422/136, it states "Guardian AP Francisco Cristoval Romo". Is that a grandparent?
Thanks for your help!
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Carolyn Gomez Duran
I will get better at reading the records. I hope he made it!!
Muchisimas gracias!!
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Hello Carolyn & Bill,
I also have Nicolas Gomez and Lorenza Tiscareno in my line. Thank you so much for clearing this up, I've been stuck on this couple for weeks, and with a case like Francisco's, I may never have figured it out. In the documents of her children & grandchildren, Lorenza is "espanola," as well as in her baptismal record; one would assume her parents were also "espanoles," but I guess it didn't always apply (in another of my lines, I discovered an ancestor was mulato libre, married to an india, which surprised me, since all of their grandchildren were "espanoles").
I have some additional notes regarding this couple. As mentioned:
Marina Gomez married Jose Francisco Sanchez in 1721; Jose Francisco was son of Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada and Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor; Francisco was hijo natural of Cristobal Sanchez and Francisca Narbais (his full brother, Jose Antonio, also hijo natural, married Gregoria Mendes de Sotomayor in 1720, Pinos). https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/V5FZ-6CY
Antonia Gomez would marry Jose Francisco's half-uncle Luis Sanchez in 1722. Luis was also hijo natural of Francisca Narbais; on his marriage record, he is listed as "padre no conocido," yet he wears the same surname as his brothers/half-brothers (and he his children will use the compound name, Sanchez de la Mejorada). https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/V5F8-CR5
The Francisco Sanchez's and Nicolas Gomez's would be padrinos for each others' children, so these families were obviously close.
Maria de los Dolores Gomez would marry Felipe Munoz, son of Jose Munoz and Ysabel de Hungria Alvarez, and Maria Josefa, would marry his brother, Jose Bernardo, in what I assume was a double ceremony on 11 May, 1727, in Pinos.
I descend from both Marina and Maria Dolores, the two lines meeting some 4 or 5 generations later.
I have 3 compound names associated with this group, and primarily in Pinos, 1670-1700s:
Gomez de Sotomayor
Sanchez de la Mejorada
Ruiz de Villasenor
On church documents for a couple of her grandchildren, Marina is listed as "Marina Gomez de Sotomayor." So, I assume there would be a Martin de Sotomayor connection in there, somewhere. Anyone?
The Sanchez, as Carolyn noted, I've seen listed as "Sanchez de la Mejorada." I've seen other "Sanchez de la Mejorada" in the archives (mostly in los Altos), but I've found no connection, and I'm still stalled at Cristobal Sanchez (I think the Sanchez Narvaez boys were born in SLP, but settled in Pinos).
Francisco Sanchez, widowed, would marry a second time in 1720 with Margarita de Cuevas Martin, so Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor would pass away some time between 1703 (when Jose Franco is born) and 1720. I can find no info on her, other than there was an Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor married to Mathias Gomez, also in Pinos. Mother & daughter, a la Lorenza Ruiz de Esparza et al? Or this could be the same woman, if Mathias died and Ysabel married Francisco - the timelines fit. Now, I've seen Mathias also listed as "Mathias Gomez de Zoto Mayor (sic)," so perhaps there is a connection between Blas/Nicolas/Marina Gomez and Mathias Gomez? Could Blas be Mathias' brother?
And, Bill, thank you for the Blas Gomez/Maria de Silva tip. Where can I find the record that would show this connection? I did some further research, tweaking her surname, and I found a Blas Gomez and a Maria de AVILA, as the groom's parents for the marriage of Juan Antonio Gomez and Nicolasa Mendes, Dec 1, 1723, in Pinos. "Avila" and "Silva" can look very similar, in some of these documents, so I'd like to see what you have.
I'm topped-out in all of these lines, so if anybody has any further information, I would be very grateful!
Blas Gomez [de Sotomayor], Maria de Silva or Avila (Pinos, 1670-1680).
Cristobal Sanchez [de la Mejorada], Francisca Narbais/Narvaez (Pinos, 1650-1660, though I think these Sanchez Narvaez were born in SLP).
Jose Munos/Munoz, Ysabel de Hungria Alvarez (Pinos, 1670-1680).
Francisco Sanchez Y Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor (Pinos, 1660-1670).
Gracias y saludos,
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Hello Carolyn,
I think I saw in another thread you're descended from Mariana de los Dolores Gaitan, daughter of Joaquin Gaitan and Maria Josefa Galvan? Joaquin Gaitan & Maria Josefa Galvan are my g4s (my g3 is Mariana's brother, Jose Thomas), and I recently located a dispensation for Mariana's marriage to her primo tercero Jose Manuel Gaitan: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-18411-41159-67?cc=1874591&wc…
This is lovely, because it features family trees for both the Gaitan and Gomez lines, with Miguel Gaitan and Nicolas Gomez as the respective troncos. Unfortunately, it reveals nothing new regarding these lines for me, but it has some interesting details: Jose Manuel and Mariana ran off, Maria Josefa shows up at Jose German's house looking for her daughter, a chase ensues... good stuff! Some of the Gaitan's and Sanchez's were witnesses, and there are signatures (by those who could write). I found 3 more dispensations for descendants of these same couples (including another of Jose German Gaitan's children), showing the links between these families as well as the Sanchez's, They also have Gomez family trees, with Nicolas as the tronco. I'll upload them when I get a chance.
By the way, I descend from both Maria Dolores Gomez and Francisco Xavier Gaitan, following the same lines as Mariana in these trees; Mariana's brother Jose Thomas (my g3) would marry Maria Dolores Cortes, and their daughter was Cecilia Gaitan; Cecilia Gaitan would marry Pioquinto Sanchez, son of Jose Antonio Marcos Sanchez, son of Thomas Antonio Sanchez, son of Jose Francisco Sanchez and Marina Gomez Tiscareno, daughter of Nicolas Gomez & Lorenza Tiscareno and sister of Maria Dolores. We also descend from Miguel Gaitan through his daughter Juana Victoria, who was the mother of Apolonia de Jara, who was the mother of Jose Antonio Marcos Sanchez, father of Pioquinto Sanchez. My g2s Pioquinto Sanchez and Cecilia Gaitan were 4o & 5o grado in 2 lines (the skipped generation was probably due to their age difference: he was 29 and she 16 when they married), so I don't think they needed a dispensation (and no one in my family has a tail...).
Stay tuned!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Here are dispensations/informaciones for numerous couples descending from the daughters of Nicolas Gomez & Lorenza Tiscareno, as well as associated families (Gaitan-Arias de Bedoya, Sanchez de la Mejorada, Mendez; Sierra de Pinos branches). Many have Gomez family trees with Nicolas Gomez as the tronco.
Jose Manuel Gaytan & Mariana Gaytan img0596 (Gaytan & Gomez fam trees img0600)
Jose Cayetano Sanchez & Maria Loreta Gaytan img1891 (Gomez tree)
Jose Maria Gaitan & Manuela Mendez img0392 (Gomez tree, pregnancy)
Aniceto Sanchez & Maria Encarnacion Aranda img106 (Nicolas Gomez tree img111)
Ignacio Sanchez & Maria Josefa Sanchez img064 (no tree, but includes Antonia & Marina Gomez lines and Luis Sanchez & Francisco Sanchez lines. Note: img066 confirms that Luis Sanchez and Francisco Sanchez are brothers, and sons of the same father, i.e. Cristobal Sanchez & Francisca Narvaez)
Antonio Sanchez & Josefa Sanchez img0363 (Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada tree)
Ignacio Nava & Carmen Sanchez img1018 denuncia (she's descended from Luis Sanchez & Antonia Gomez)
Andres Gaitan & Ricarda Gertrudis Martin img120 (annulment due to her infidelity with Joaquin Gaitan)
I hope these prove helpful for anyone seeking info on these lines.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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I found some newly indexed records for children of Blas Gomez and Maria de Avila, so I'm leaning toward the Avila surname as opposed to de Silva.
I still haven't found any records connecting Nicolas Gomez to this couple, any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks! MDH
Maria Gomez Avila, m. Francisco Nieto Telles, 30 Jan 1704, in Pinos, Zacatecas. He was the son of Diego Nieto Telles and Francisca de Zardinete.
Catalina Gomez Avila, m. Joseph Falcon de la Garza, 10 Fec 1706 in Pinos, Zacatecas. He was the son of Phelipe de la Garza and Phelipa de Santiago.
Juan Antonio Gomez, m. Nicolasa Mendez on 1 Dec 1723, in Pinos, Zacatecas. She was the daughter of Manuel Mendez de Sotomayor and Maria Rosa de Infante.
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I came upon this while searching for another ancestor's burial record: Lorenza Tiscareno was buried 28 Jul 1753 in Pinos. She died at age 69, cause doesn't seem to be given. She did leave a testamento. Nicolas appears to have survived her, it also appears that they were the owners of the Santa Rita:
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Miguel Gaitan and Nicolas Gomez were 2nd cousins, according to this IM for their grandchildren, Juan Antonio Gaitan con Maria Manuela Muñoz (tree on img574:
They were grandsons of two brothers: Gonzalo and Juan Gomez de las Ruelas:
Gonzalo Gomez de las Ruelas-g1-Juan Gomez de las Ruelas
Maria Gomez de las Ruelas-g2-Blas Gomez de las Ruelas
Miguel Gaitan-g3-Nicolas Gomez de Sotomayor
Fco Xavier Gaitan-g4-Ma Dolores Gomez
Juan Antonio Gaitan-g5-Manuela Muñoz
Nicolas Gomez is a testigo, he gives his age as 66 (b. 1682) and was born in Ciudad de Zacatecas. He signs his name “Nicolas Gomez de Sotomayor.”
In Pinos, Zacatecas, “Ruelas” and “Sotomayor” are used by descendants of Andres Martin Camacho and Maria de Sotomayor/Ruelas; is there a link?
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Lorenza Tiscareno