Perez de Ortega

The following information on the children of Alonso Perez de Ortega may be posted elsewhere. If so, this will be old news. But since it clarifies several relationships, I want to share it just in case.

In the Municipal Archives of Leon, Guanajuato (see below) you can find an interesting case initiated by Hernando Galvan de Rojas against Alonso Perez de Ortega (the younger). Another related source can be found in the Morelia archives (Film 765586) re a 1655 lawsuit initiated by Lorenzo Ruiz Tostado in Zacatecas against the same Alonso the younger in Leon. These documents were key to unraveling some misinformation I had about the progeny of Alonso Perez de Ortega, el viejo.

Alonso Perez de Ortega, el viejo, had children from three relationships.

1. With Maria de Jerez, his first wife, he had Elvira (who married Lorenzo Ruiz Tostado), Alonso (b. 15 Jan 1617 and who I believe died young as I found no other mention of him), and Catalina (who married Pedro Yañez de Gamboa.) I am assuming Catalina was born of this marriage because on 8 Feb 1620 she and her father were godparents at a baptism. Maria de Jerez was the daughter of Rodrigo Muñoz.

2. With Luisa Vanegas de Figueroa, his second wife, he had Antonia (who entered the Convento de Jesus Maria in Mexico City), and Juana Perez de Ortega (who on 21 Apr 1653 married widower Hernando Galvan de Rojas, son of Alonso GDR and Juana de Salcedo), and other children unidentified. Luisa Vanegas de Figueroa was the daughter of Pedro Vanegas and Juana Bautista Cont/Conte.

3. With Maria Nuñez y Velez, whom he never married, he had Alonso Perez de Ortega the younger (who married Felipa de Anso) and Jacinta de Ortega (who married Francisco Macias Valadez). They were hijos naturales.

I descend from Hernando Galvan de Rojas and his first wife Antonia de Trujillo and it was in pursuit of his data that I came across the lawsuit mentioned above. It was dated 1661, but had been going on since 1653 shortly after he married Antonia. It involved her dowry and the fact that Alonso the younger had somehow taken over most of the estate of his deceased father.

Regards to all and I hope this helps someone.

Mary Lou Montagna

Municipal Archives of Leon, Guanajuato
Fondo: AM
Seccion J
Serie: c/o
Exp: 541
Folio: 20 Aug 1661
Ref Ant: Caja 1657-1659, ex 8


Thank you Mary Lou. this is great information. Francisco Macías Valadez and Jacinta de Ortega are the parents of my ancestor Juana de ORtega that's married to my ancestor Nicolas Ponce. this helps me out a lot.

Danny C. Alonso


Glad this helped you, Danny. Francisco Macias and Jacinta de Ortega are not my ancestors (that I know of) so have not researched them. They had many children, but I only listed two which I extracted from a document found in Aguascalientes, Caja 1, #7, 1662:

16 Aug 1662 Jacinta de Ortega vecina de esta villa viuda de Francisco Macias. Her daughter Ines de Ortega married Nicolas de Abalos. Dote included property sold to Miguel Lopez de la Cerda vecino de esta villa. El Lic. Jose Macias presbitero, su hijo.

I, too, have Ponce. They are in my Lagos lines. Haven’t found anything to indicate they have an Aguascalientes connection.

Mary Lou Montagna