Phelipe Martines and Francisca Xaviera Duron

Can someone tell me if the parents are named on this information matrimonial for Phelipe Martines and Francisca Xaviera Duron. I cant read the IMs very well

Danny C. Alonso


The record is for Felipe Martinez and Francisca Javiera Solana daughter of Francisco Duron and Beatriz de la Vega. Grooms parents dont appear to be named


M3CF-N9B record ID in In the record it first introduces her as the above name and later gives duron. her parents are Francisco Duron and Beatris de la Vega (vera)
there is another record ID that might be them as well with either more complete names or it is a different couple I found a year ago Francisco Gutierrez Duron and Beatris Rodriguez de la Vega I can't remember why I was looking but maybe you know more about this family and can sum it up. I didn't look for Martin parents do you who they are?