Hello all.
Been a few years since I last posted here, and glad to see the site is still strong.
Some kind person, whose name I stupidly forgot helped me trace my ancestry a ways back and now I suspect that our origin may have been José "Jusepe" de Ornelas, In San Juan De Los Lagos, and that his father or grandfather may have been Álvaro de Ornelas y Perestrello, born 1561, in Caniço, Santa Cruz, Madeira, Portugal, and that his father was João Alvaro De Ornelas E Vasconcelos, born 1538, and that our entire family line begins in Santa María de los Lagos, Intendencia de Guadalajara, Reino de Nueva Galicia, New Spain.
Anyone with better information or who can help figure out where our name Came from originally (I believe it cams from Santa Comba De Fornelas, Puebla del Brollón, provincia de Lugo, Galicia, (Spain) or its etymology, (I have three separate theories) please feel free to contact me!
Piero Ornelas. Hijo De Raphael.
Ongoing search for ORNELAS Orgin.
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and I found the family search dot org tree....
Ornelas Name first appears here...
If you follow that tree backward you find yourself here:
ferando eanes de ornelas nacido en ~1200.... looks like these folks were from Amares, Braga, Portugal..... that is if it is the correct individual but there is already a tree created.
IF that is correct then it just may have been created as a name for the place he was from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dornelas_(Amares)
have you seen this info:
Do you have this info? I think these are the folks you are asking about. If not you can find it here: https://es.geneanet.org/fonds/individus/?go=1&nom=de+Ornelas+y+Perestre…Álvaro+&prenom_operateur=or&with_variantes_nom=&with_variantes_nom_conjoint=&with_variantes_prenom=&with_variantes_prenom_conjoint=&size=10
Alvaro de Ornelas Y Perestrello
Casamiento(s) y/e hijo(s)