
I would like to invite all the members of the group to visit the Albums section of our site. There are very interesting and beautiful pictures in the albums. If you have not had a chance to visit this section yet, I suggest you plan to visit it the next time you find some free time (who 's got that?) to explore ALL of the albums. Consider adding your favorite pictures to the collection for the benefit and enjoyment of the group.

I posted a few pictures in the "Albums" section a few weeks ago. (with Joseph's help). If you are interested in: Santo Toribio in Santa Ana, Teocaltiche, Arandas, Rancho Los Portales in Jalostotitlán and coins of Nueva España, please visit: John Gonzalez's Pix album.

The best way to see the pictures in their finest detail, is in their full size. I am sure some of you already know how to do that. If you are a newcomer or have never visited the "Albums" section follow these simple instructions:

1.-Log in to the Nuestro Ranchos site.
2.-Select the "Albums" tab
3.-Select "Ranchos y Ciudades" Here, you can start with the first album, look at all the pictures in it, and then work through the rest of the albums in sequence to make sure you get to see them all.
4.-Click on a picture
5.- Click on the same picture again. You will see the picture in a clean screen, i.e. without the menus on the right side.
6.-Place your mouse cursor over the picture and hold it there for a couple of seconds. A button will appear at the bottom right side, click on it to see the picture in its finest detail. If the picture is bigger than your screen, you'll see the vertical and horizontal standard bars to move it.

There is a big difference in looking at small picture and looking at it full size to appreciate its finest detail, it is an "eye opener". (check out the ones fron Zacatecas)

Note: Not all of the pictures will expand to fill your screen.


John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA.


John, Thank you for your announcement about the Albums section. I was unaware of your photos. You certainly are a fantastic photographer, all of the photos are so breath taking, as well as the photos from the museums.

The entire area is so inviting. Okay, Alicia Carrillo, lets start packing~~~~

John Gonzalez <> wrote:

I would like to invite all the members of the group to visit the Albums section of our site. There are very interesting and beautiful pictures in the albums. If you have not had a chance to visit this section yet, I suggest you plan to visit it the next time you find some free time (who 's got that?) to explore ALL of the albums. Consider adding your favorite pictures to the collection for the benefit and enjoyment of the group.

I posted a few pictures in the "Albums" section a few weeks ago. (with Joseph's help). If you are interested in: Santo Toribio in Santa Ana, Teocaltiche, Arandas, Rancho Los Portales in Jalostotitlán and coins of Nueva España, please visit: John Gonzalez's Pix album.

The best way to see the pictures in their finest detail, is in their full size. I am sure some of you already know how to do that. If you are a newcomer or have never visited the "Albums" section follow these simple instructions:

1.-Log in to the Nuestro Ranchos site.
2.-Select the "Albums" tab
3.-Select "Ranchos y Ciudades" Here, you can start with the first album, look at all the pictures in it, and then work through the rest of the albums in sequence to make sure you get to see them all.
4.-Click on a picture
5.- Click on the same picture again. You will see the picture in a clean screen, i.e. without the menus on the right side.
6.-Place your mouse cursor over the picture and hold it there for a couple of seconds. A button will appear at the bottom right side, click on it to see the picture in its finest detail. If the picture is bigger than your screen, you'll see the vertical and horizontal standard bars to move it.

There is a big difference in looking at small picture and looking at it full size to appreciate its finest detail, it is an "eye opener". (check out the ones fron Zacatecas)

Note: Not all of the pictures will expand to fill your screen.


John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA.

In reply to by mistyriver123


Vamonos Helyn,

And anyone else in the group. Helyn and I were dream talking..........while dream talking we were putting together a group tour to Mexico. We would hire a group van and driver to take us to our collective ancestral cities or towns such as Tlaltenango, Momax, Colotlan, Jalpa, Calvillo, Aguascalientes, Teocaltiche, Nochistlan etc etc.

When we went for my brother's wedding in Guadalajara in 1997, my husband hired the van driver at the airport. The driver hired someone to take his place for those 7 days. We rented a suburban, came back, picked him up allowing him time to pack his bags and notify his family that he would be away for 7 days.

While most of the time was spent either in or close to Guadalajara, we did go to Tonala, Nochistlan, Tlachichila and Zapotlanejo. We paid for his meals and lodging if outside of Guadalajara, if in Guadalajara he went home for the evening.

So you see this dream talking has legs, it is doable if we think this is something we might want to do.

The dreamer,

In reply to by oldcar53


Dream talking, huh?

I love your idea....we did the same thing when we went to Puerto Vallarta
and Cancun. We hired the driver and his van to take us around and paid for the
meals (he went home at night). It wasn't inexpensive (about $100.00 per
day), but it was worth it because we got to hear the history of the towns, were
taken places no tourists would have gone (and some places where they did go),
ate area local places (both inexpensive/delicious and pricier ones).

If you want to go from dreaming to reality....I would be the first to
volunteer to go with you guys next summer. I have so wanted to see
Tlalatenango....but most of my family members are not interested.


In reply to by oldcar53


Hola Sra. Carillo:
I am a new member of the group with special interest in the Zacatecan cities
you noted in your dream tour. I would be interested in going if someone
organizes such a tour. Keep me informed if your plans grow legs.
Jose Aguayo

In reply to by Jose Aguayo Ortega


I would love to "dream along," also. Hope the project grows from "legs," to "wheels." This would be a great opportunity for someone like me that doesn't speak, nor understands the spoken Spanish word, but so willing to participate.
Pat Silva Corbera

Jose Aguayo wrote:
Hola Sra. Carillo:
I am a new member of the group with special interest in the Zacatecan cities
you noted in your dream tour. I would be interested in going if someone
organizes such a tour. Keep me informed if your plans grow legs.
Jose Aguayo

In reply to by Pat Silva Corbera


To Helyn:

Thank you for your kind words of appreciation for the photographs in the "Albums" section.

John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA.


thanks John, I appreciate you taking the time to teach. Every little
bit helps and does take some of the pressure off Arturo, Rosalinda and
I. So if any others of you want to chip in with a brief explanation of
parts of the site you enjoy please do. This kind of teaching creates and
stimulates discussion. It was great to teach the use of the site and
share great content with it. A lesson for me to learn as well.

Remember this group is your group not mine, not Arturo's, not
Rosalinda's, but our's. It will become what you make of it and from the
looks of it John has committed himself to make it a good one. thanks John


John Gonzalez wrote:

>I would like to invite all the members of the group to visit the Albums section of our site. There are very interesting and beautiful pictures in the albums. If you have not had a chance to visit this section yet, I suggest you plan to visit it the next time you find some free time (who 's got that?) to explore ALL of the albums. Consider adding your favorite pictures to the collection for the benefit and enjoyment of the group.
>I posted a few pictures in the "Albums" section a few weeks ago. (with Joseph's help). If you are interested in: Santo Toribio in Santa Ana, Teocaltiche, Arandas, Rancho Los Portales in Jalostotitlán and coins of Nueva España, please visit: John Gonzalez's Pix album.
>The best way to see the pictures in their finest detail, is in their full size. I am sure some of you already know how to do that. If you are a newcomer or have never visited the "Albums" section follow these simple instructions:
>1.-Log in to the Nuestro Ranchos site.
>2.-Select the "Albums" tab
>3.-Select "Ranchos y Ciudades" Here, you can start with the first album, look at all the pictures in it, and then work through the rest of the albums in sequence to make sure you get to see them all.
>4.-Click on a picture
>5.- Click on the same picture again. You will see the picture in a clean screen, i.e. without the menus on the right side.
>6.-Place your mouse cursor over the picture and hold it there for a couple of seconds. A button will appear at the bottom right side, click on it to see the picture in its finest detail. If the picture is bigger than your screen, you'll see the vertical and horizontal standard bars to move it.
>There is a big difference in looking at small picture and looking at it full size to appreciate its finest detail, it is an "eye opener". (check out the ones fron Zacatecas)
>Note: Not all of the pictures will expand to fill your screen.
>John Gonzalez
>Wildomar, CA.