I was born in Aguascalientes, Ags. but live in Texas, and from my mother have been able to determine that my maternal grandmother was born in El Terrero de la Labor c1930 and died 1977, and that her mother was born c1903 and died 1994 within the same geographical area. My maternal grandfather was also born in El Terrero de la Labor c1925 but i do not know his d.o.b. yet but he died @ 2 years ago.
I am still researching their pedigree charts to verify relations. Verbal accounts show that my maternal grandmother was a twin and had at least 5 siblings and that her mother had over 9 siblings all from Ojocaliente or Calvillo area.
My maternal family's name "according to my mother" is de Loera and not Loera. My paternal surname is Alatorre but I am still trying to determine if from Zacatecas or Aguascalientes.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to let me know.
Karina Alatorre de Loera
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Welcome to the group. I am sure you will find many people who can help you with your research in this group.
As I have told other people, it is very important to be specific of people you are looking for. Your message does not include any names... only surnames. Your file folder has very scant information. In order for members here to point you to possible leads it is important that you share specific information including full names, approximate dates (of birth, marriage) and place names.
What were your grandmothers' names?
You wrote:
I was born in Aguascalientes, Ags. but live in Texas, and from my mother have been able to determine that my maternal grandmother was born in El Terrero de la Labor c1930 and died 1977, and that her mother was born c1903 and died 1994 within the same geographical area. My maternal grandfather was also born in El Terrero de la Labor c1925 but i do not know his d.o.b. yet but he died @ 2 years ago.
I am still researching their pedigree charts to verify relations. Verbal accounts show that my maternal grandmother was a twin and had at least 5 siblings and that her mother had over 9 siblings all from Ojocaliente or Calvillo area.
My maternal family's name "according to my mother" is de Loera and not Loera. My paternal surname is Alatorre but I am still trying to determine if from Zacatecas or Aguascalientes.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to let me know.
Karina Alatorre de Loera
Hello Dianne Godinez,
I have told you before that IMO you are one of "the good guys" on the Nuestros Ranchos
e-list. That has never been more evident than today! I have just finished catching up with the posts of the last week or so. I was shocked to see such incredible ignorance being espoused on the list and even more shocked that apparently the list moderator did not see fit to take a position against elitest, classist, racist and ignorant commentary. As a person who has spent many years in San Diego supporting nonprofit organizations which provide social/human services to the Latino population and as a supporter of the ACLU, I find Vicente's comments and those of his admirers/supporters totally repugnant. Unfotunately, there have always been certain people who need to demonize other groups in order to feel good about themslves.
I then experienced such a dramatic & refreshing contrast as I read your posts which contain the usual good natured, helpful and supportive tenor. I say BRAVO to you and the others on this list who model such laudable traits.
Michael Bravo
And for the naysayers, no, I am not a disgruntled "indio". In fact I am dna confirmed "european" both paternal & maternal. Mother from Jalisco and father from Guanajuato.
As my DNA testing confirms my Mexican heritage (patrilineal) as pure Indian, thanks for sticking up for us peons!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Bernard Lopez
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 11:54:19
To:patricia burton , research@nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] (no subject)
Hello Dianne Godinez,
I have told you before that IMO you are one of "the good guys" on the Nuestros Ranchos
e-list. That has never been more evident than today! I have just finished catching up with the posts of the last week or so. I was shocked to see such incredible ignorance being espoused on the list and even more shocked that apparently the list moderator did not see fit to take a position against elitest, classist, racist and ignorant commentary. As a person who has spent many years in San Diego supporting nonprofit organizations which provide social/human services to the Latino population and as a supporter of the ACLU, I find Vicente's comments and those of his admirers/supporters totally repugnant. Unfotunately, there have always been certain people who need to demonize other groups in order to feel good about themslves.
I then experienced such a dramatic & refreshing contrast as I read your posts which contain the usual good natured, helpful and supportive tenor. I say BRAVO to you and the others on this list who model such laudable traits.
Michael Bravo
And for the naysayers, no, I am not a disgruntled "indio". In fact I am dna confirmed "european" both paternal & maternal. Mother from Jalisco and father from Guanajuato.
Mr. Lopez,
Wanted to add to my agreement with your position. Just watched "The Kite Runner" last night and was reminded of how racial and cultural minorities have been and will continue to be persecuted and "holocausted" as long as our species abides by "Us and Them" attitudes. The Hazaras of Afghanistan are the Jews of WWII Europe, the Armenians of WWI Turkey and the Native Americans of colonial New Spain. We fancy ourselves more "civilized" than our forebears yet continue to condone behavior and beliefs that belie our true nature as human beings. Thank you for your commentary.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Bernard Lopez
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 11:54:19
To:patricia burton , research@nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] (no subject)
Hello Dianne Godinez,
I have told you before that IMO you are one of "the good guys" on the Nuestros Ranchos
e-list. That has never been more evident than today! I have just finished catching up with the posts of the last week or so. I was shocked to see such incredible ignorance being espoused on the list and even more shocked that apparently the list moderator did not see fit to take a position against elitest, classist, racist and ignorant commentary. As a person who has spent many years in San Diego supporting nonprofit organizations which provide social/human services to the Latino population and as a supporter of the ACLU, I find Vicente's comments and those of his admirers/supporters totally repugnant. Unfotunately, there have always been certain people who need to demonize other groups in order to feel good about themslves.
I then experienced such a dramatic & refreshing contrast as I read your posts which contain the usual good natured, helpful and supportive tenor. I say BRAVO to you and the others on this list who model such laudable traits.
Michael Bravo
And for the naysayers, no, I am not a disgruntled "indio". In fact I am dna confirmed "european" both paternal & maternal. Mother from Jalisco and father from Guanajuato.
I am sadden at the fact that my ancestors were such cruel people. After learning Spanish History it's quite bloody of wars and death very much unorthodox to say the least. But I think it was the fact of European establishment. It is likely they saw anything non European as a threat and basically had tp "wipe out" that threat to them. I do admit to this day no matter what in Mexico today the natives are still being robbed to this day. I can say my family wasn't the most nicest in Huanusco or Los Altos and Calvillo. But neverthe less I was taught to recognise and love and honor my roots regardless. A lot of people do get offened and mad when they find out "yo soy Espanol" but I know i am not one of the crazy killing spaniards those ae long gone. -Daniel
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Hi Michael!
Thanks for your support on this issue. I wanted to touch base with you since
my family is also Jalisciense y Guanajuatense and I too am a defender of
intl. human rights - former educator & now legal advocate. I look forward to
seeing you here!
Carolina M. Ramos
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From: siriuslr@hotmail.comTo: genealogia-mexico@googlegroups.comSubject: [Genealogia.org.mx] 19961 RE: De Alva MartinDate: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 00:16:34 -0600
Disculpen estoy atorada con el matrimonio y nacimiento de José Martin De Alva y Encarnación Enriquez en Tepatitlán su hija Juana Maria de Alva es mi Bisabuela casada con Simon de la Mora Martin casados el 31 ago 1864, Simón es hijo de Rudecindo de la Mora y Dorotea Martin, según yo Rudecindo es hijo de Juan maria Reducindo de la Mora y Gertrudis Gallegos esta última hija de Carlos Gallegos y Maria Manuela de la Camara y Menoyo (ella de Nochistan). Juan maria de la Mora no sé si es hijo de Juan de la Mora Hurtado de Mendoza y Margarita Martin del Campo o de Juan Maria de la Mora y Maria Ygnacia Martin Según yo esta Dorotea es hija de Jose Antonio Martin y Francisca Ochoa y sus padres (Miguel Martin y Josefa De la Torre) y Salvador Manuel de Ochoa y Ana Martin (11 may 1772 en las cruces) no les pido que me regalen su trabajo solo que me digan si voy bien por ahi...es que soy media nueva en esta región..Agradezco de antemano su ayuda..Leticia R.
¿Tus fotos son un desorden? La solución a tus males se llama Galería fotográfica de Windows Live --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~* Recibes este mensaje porque estás suscrito al Grupo de Google: "Genealogía de México". * Nuestra pagina web oficial la encuentras en http://www.genealogia.org.mx * Si quieres publicar en este grupo escribe a: Genealogia-Mexico@googlegroups.com (Se prefiere que no incluyas todo el email al que respondes). * Para anular tu suscripción a este grupo envía un email a: Genealogia-Mexico-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com * Modifica tus preferencias en http://groups.google.com.mx/group/Genealogia-Mexico
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Hola Leticia, yo también quiero saber quienes son los padres de José Martín de Alba y Encarnación Enríquez, pero hasta ahora no lo encuentro; en cuanto a que si van bien tus datos, te digo que yo tengo una diferencia contigo, pues yo tengo Juan María de la Mora, es hijo de Miguel de la Mora y María Petra de Hermosillo y no de Juan y Margarita, los cuales son sus abuelos. De ahí en adelante todo va bien.
Me gustaría saber que mas datos tienes de Salvador Manuel Ochoa Garibay, pues me faltan saber sus padres; y saber tu línea de los Altos hasta tí.Saludos.Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez.
Live Search premia tus búsquedas, llévate hasta ¡Un Auto!
Hola Jorge,
Mi Padre Mario Reynoso(D.F) Ballesteros(Oaxaca) es hijo de Carmen Ballesteros De la Mora hija de Eberarda De la Mora De Alva y
Lucio Guadalupe Ballesteros; Eberarda de la Mora es hija de Juana Maria de Alva y de Simon de la Mora Martin casados el 31
ago 1864, Simón es hijo de Rudecindo de la Mora y Dorotea Martin,
Rudecindo es hijo de Juan maria Reducindo de la Mora y Gertrudis Gallegos esta última hija de Carlos Gallegos y Maria Manuela
de la Camara y Menoyo (ella de Nochistan) , Dorotea es hija de Jose Antonio Martin y Francisca
Ochoa y sus padres (Miguel Martin y Josefa De la Torre) y Salvador Manuel de Ochoa y Ana Martin (11 may 1772 en las cruces) .
Estamos en contacto.. pronto subiré lo que tengo de los Reynoso Saludos Leticia R.
Live Search premia tus búsquedas, llévate hasta ¡Un Auto!
------Original Message------
From: arturo.ramos2@gmail.com
Sender: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
ReplyTo: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Cosme de la Villa Bugarin
Sent: May 25, 2010 10:29 PM
I have not seen the marriage record of Cosme and Maria, so I don't know if it mentions the birthplace of Cosme or not. It may be worth ordering the record from Salt Lake to see if it does.
It is an interest conjecture to make that both parties would be from Galicia.
As you know the couple was married on 6 Jan 1676 in the Asuncion parrish, Mexico, Distrito Federal, MEXICO. The marriage is on Film 35269.
Greetings to All.
I’m looking for information on Maria Bonificia Sarmento originaria de Sayula, Jalisco. She married Jose Antonio Aguilar on the 4 Jul 1796 in Tonila, Jalisco. Her parents were Juan Sn. Pedro Sarmiento and Maria Guadalupe Garcia both originarios de Sayula Jalisco. I would appreciate any information you might
have on this family.
Carlos Yturralde
P.S. Arturo, thank you.
Hello all,
My name is Christopher Barrios de Leon. My family is from two or three haciendas (San Jose de Llanetes, San Antonio de Sauceda, and San Mateo) between Fresnillo and Valparaiso. They came to the US around the early 1900's. They stopped in Vaughn, New Mexico, Flagstaff, Arizona, and Silver City, Utah. Some of the familia moved to Blackwell, Oklahoma and some went to Michigan.
I am looking for the parents of my ggggrandmother, Urzina Hernandez. She was probably born in the 1830's or 1840's as she is the second wife of Cayetano Borjon who was born in abt 1825. I am related to the following families from this area: Borjons, Rincons, de Leons, Guererros, Ricos, Montellanos, Betancourts, Arias',Mesas,Lunas, Garcias, Mergils, Buenos, Magallanes',Amaros, Gonzalez',Hernandez',Carrillos, Laras, Villavencencios, Amayas, Santos',Margils,Buenos,Magallanes, Amaros, Gonzales,Hernandez,and last but not least Barrios'. I thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Hola, a todos ,
estoy buscando informacion de mi tatarabuelo se llamaba LAZARO LUCIA . nacio en ciudad guzman jalisco y se caso con MARIA JOSEFA HERNANDEZ. Aprosimadamente en 1828
Tambien busco de JUAN ANDRES SALOME JALOMO se caso con MARIA JULIANA aproximadamente en 1772 en ciudad
Guzman Jalisco.
si alguien sabe por favor contestenme.
Martha Gomez.
I am researching my family names, Valades and Marchan, all from Aguascalientes.So far, this is what I have found:
1.Great-Great-Great Grandfather, Juan De Dios Marchan (unknown date of birth/death) married Maria Marcellina Gonzalez (unknown date of birth/death) in Aguascalientes.
2 July 5, 1790: Juan & Marcellina had daughter, Ciriaca Paula Marchan baptized at Nuestra Senora De Belen in Aguascalientes.More than likely, this would also have been her date of birth. (Source: FamilySearch).
3.Unknown date: Ciriaca married Manuel Valades.
4.Unknown date: Manuel & Ciraca had son,Guillermo Valades in Aguas.
5.Unknown date: Guillermo married Maria Del Refugio Cruz in Aguas.Had 2 sons, Geronimo & Telesforo..
6.Oct. 1, 1859: Geronimo Valades Cruz was born. Baptized at El Senor Del Encino Church.(Source: FamilySearch)
Jan 5, 1866: Telesforo Valades Cruz was born.He was baptized at El Senor Del Encino Church in Aguas. on same day. (Source: Have copy of baptismal certificate.)
8.1899: Telesforo married Rafaela Hernandez (b 10-24-1893, d 11-9-1969). Telesforo & Rafaela had 4 children. One was my mother.
Trying to find relatives of Geronimo. According to my mother, my grandfather, Telesforo, ran away from his home in Mexico around 1874 and lost all contact with his family and brother.
If anyone has any information on any of the above relatives, please let me know. Any information would be appreciated. . Thank you!
Hi! My name is Dolores. First thank you for accepting my application. We basically found our direct line on my father's father's side, but we are interested in finding any extended family. We are looking for information of the brothers and sisters of Jose Maria Resendez from Zacatecas we do know he had two boys Agustin and Manuel,but dont know if there were more. Also any information on my moms side. Family is from Rio Grande Zacatecas. We only know of Maria Fanco and two of her children Pabla and Juan Castanon. My mom said they kidnapped my grandmother Engracia Castanon born 04-16-1908 from her mother Concepcion Orosco (Juan is her father) when she was about 6 months old and brought her to the U.S. Both sides of my family ended up in El Paso, Texas. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to enjoying the group. http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/18256
Hi Dolores,
I'm a Castanon who's ancestors were from Jerez, Zacatecas. I don't recognize the names but will keep watch..
Linda Castanon-Long in Boulder City, NV
--- On Thu, 12/10/09, D R wrote:
From: D R
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] (no subject)
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 5:54 PM
Hi! My name is Dolores. First thank you for accepting my application. We basically found our direct line on my father's father's side, but we are interested in finding any extended family. We are looking for information of the brothers and sisters of Jose Maria Resendez from Zacatecas we do know he had two boys Agustin and Manuel,but dont know if there were more. Also any information on my moms side. Family is from Rio Grande Zacatecas. We only know of Maria Fanco and two of her children Pabla and Juan Castanon. My mom said they kidnapped my grandmother Engracia Castanon born 04-16-1908 from her mother Concepcion Orosco (Juan is her father) when she was about 6 months old and brought her to the U.S. Both sides of my family ended up in El Paso, Texas. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to enjoying the group. http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/18256
Dolores, almost forgot, when you are checking for Resendez also check the spelling as Recendes and Recendez, that's how it reads in my records for that surname in Zacatecas and Jalisco... just a thought
--- On Thu, 12/10/09, D R wrote:
From: D R
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] (no subject)
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 5:54 PM
Hi! My name is Dolores. First thank you for accepting my application. We basically found our direct line on my father's father's side, but we are interested in finding any extended family. We are looking for information of the brothers and sisters of Jose Maria Resendez from Zacatecas we do know he had two boys Agustin and Manuel,but dont know if there were more. Also any information on my moms side. Family is from Rio Grande Zacatecas. We only know of Maria Fanco and two of her children Pabla and Juan Castanon. My mom said they kidnapped my grandmother Engracia Castanon born 04-16-1908 from her mother Concepcion Orosco (Juan is her father) when she was about 6 months old and brought her to the U.S. Both sides of my family ended up in El Paso, Texas. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to enjoying the group. http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/18256
Hello everyone,
It is time to introduce myself, my name is Saul Navarro and I have been researching my family tree for half a year. The places of my research include Nochistlan, Toyahua, Moyahua, Juchipila, all in Zacatecas, Mexticacan, LLano Grande, Jahualica,in Jalisco. The last names in my research include Navarro, Garcia, Gutierrez, Mejia, Mexia, Megia, Quesada, Perez, Roque, Florez, Chavez, Leonardo, Guzman, Donato, Leon, Legaspi, Arambulo, Gonzalez, Vasquez, Yniguez, Estrada, Rios, De Campa, Zepulbeda, Rivera. I have more relatives that lived in Nochistlan Zacatecas than elsewhere, so the bulk of my search is there. My paternal grandfather was Jose Anastacio Navarro Perez baptized on the 02 Apr. 1893, born in Toyahua.
He was married to Ma Catalina Garcia Gutierrez (date unknown), her parents were Presciliano Garcia Quesada bapt.(06 Jan 1867) married on (10 Jan. 1887) to Macedonia Gutierrez Perez bapt.(13 Sept 1867)in Mexticacan Jal. My g-grandfather was Jose Tomas Navarro Mejia bapt.on (22 Dec 1867) married to Maria Andrea Perez Chavez bapt.(02 Dec. 1868)in Nochistlan unknown date of marriage. My gg-grandfther was Jose Bartolome Navarro Roque bapt. (29 Aug.1841) married on (07 Feb. 1865) to Maria Dionicia Mejia Florez bapt. (18 Apr. 1852) in Nochistlan. Dionicia's parents were Pio Mejia Guzman and Maria Socorro Florez Donato unknown Bapt., marriage dates. My ggg-grandfather was Cirilo Navarro Perez (no date) married to Maria Yrinea Roque Leonardo(no bapt. date) on the 02 of May 1838 in Nochistlan Zac. My gggg-grandfather was Rafael Navarro (date unknown) married to Maria Catalina Perez (date unknown). I have the names of all my sixteen paternal grandparents but no
dates of bapt. just that my gggg-grandfather Jose Pablo Perez married Maria Ysabel Legaspi on the 31 May 1823 in Nochistlan Zac. I have names and bapt dates for their children. On the maternal side of my family tree is my grandfather Lorenzo Arambulo Born in el Llano Grande Jalisco, he married (date unknown) Maria Sabas Vasquez bapt. (12 Dec 1897). My grandmother's parents were Pablo Vasquez (date unknown) married to Gregoria Yniguez (date unknown)and that is all I know about them. My g-grandfather is Jose Blas Arambula Estrada bapt. (07 Feb. 1865) married (date unknown) to Diega Gonzalez Garcia bapt. (14 Nov 1873) my guess is in Nochistlan. My gg-grandfather was Francisco Arambula (date unknown) married on (25 Nov.1863) to Maria Victoria Estrada (date unknown). My g-grandmother Diega's parents were Lazaro Gonzales Mexia (date unknown) married on (13 Feb 1863) to Maria Del Refugio Garcia Rios (date unknown). Ma. Refugio's parents were Antonio Garcia and
Tomasa Rios no dates. Lazaro's parents were Jose Simon Gonzales Campa married on (27 Jan. 1836) to Maria De La Cruz Mexia Zepulbeda bapt. date (16 Sept 1816) in Nochistlan Zac. Maria De la Cruz's parents were Rafael Mexia Rivera (date unknown) married on (27 Jul. 1815)to Maria De Jesus Zepulbeda (date unknown)in Nochistlan. Jose Simon's parents were Jose Dionicio Gonzales (date unknown) married on (26 Aug. 1807) to Maria Anastacia De La Campa (unknown) in Nochistlan Zac. Rafael's Parents were Pedro Megia (date unknown) married on (22 May. 1774)in Nochistlan to Petra Rivera (date unknown) Last are the parents of Maria De Jesus Zepulbeda and they were Francisco Zepulbeda married to Ana maria Perez and no dates. I hope that this is enough information for my primos to recognize the family line.
If anyone can help with the missing dates that would be much appreciated.
Saul Navarro
Lety, pues yo pense que tu esposo es el que dice xalos 68 porque parece que tu lo pusiste cuando me escribiste.
pero bueno he estado viendo el archivo de tu esposo y tiene todos los apellidos que to tengo incluso
Franco, Navarro, Ochoa . pero yo tengo otros nombres tambien tengo a una petra ochoa te voy a mandar mi paf para que lo vea tu esposos ok?
entonces tu eres miembro de la iglesia verdad.? yo tambien y tambien estoy como voluntaria indexando bueno mas bien soy arbitraria.
y tambien sabes de la nueva pagina de la iglesia New family search?
Seria padre ver que ramas los unen , no yo no soy miembro de la iglesia pero admiro todo su labor, como no soy miembro no pudo accesar al new family search...y en lo que pueda cooperar..aunque te digo que no me puedo desplazar mucho porque tengo hijos chicos...saludos!
Enciende tu hotness con Hotmail
Con razon no tienes mucha informacion , como son lugares y fechas pero con solo los nombres que tienes metelos en la pagina que sale de pilot
osea en la forma y tu veras como te va a salir muchisima informacion por el internet si no sabes yo te digo . tambien puedes mirar hoja por hoja del censo de 1930 de cualquier estado de la republica mexicana. y ayer te emvie el paf lo recibiste ? para que lo vea tu esposo.
----- Original Message -----
From: "leticia reynoso"
To: "s s"
Sent: Sunday, March 7, 2010 9:39:00 AM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] mgomez
Seria padre ver que ramas los unen , no yo no soy miembro de la iglesia pero admiro todo su labor, como no soy miembro no pudo accesar al new family search...y en lo que pueda cooperar..aunque te digo que no me puedo desplazar mucho porque tengo hijos chicos...saludos!
Enciende tu hotness con Hotmail
No,.. no me llegó tu paf, mándamelo porfa a mi correo directo porque cuando los subes al grupo no te mandan el archivo adjunto....y uy yo intercambié información con Alessandro hace un par de años..que padrs que en esta marcha ahí nos vamos encontrando..saludos, voy a hacer eso que me dices del family a ver que encuentro..gracias Lety
¿Te crees fan de Messenger? Compruébalo
My name is Barbara Guerrero & I am researching the Guerrero surname, particularly that of my maternal grandfather.
His name was Nicolas Valdez Guerrero. He was born 26 January 1898. His family lived in Guadalajara but he was born in Yahualica.
He married my grandmother Rita Quijada in 1917. They lived in Superior, Arizona where he worked for the Magma Copper Co until his death in 1953. I want to find information on his parents & his siblings.
His father's name was Jesus Guerrero.
I have searched records provided by Family Search & the Family History Center in Tucson but I have not been able to find any information so far.
This is all the information I have so any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Barbara Guerrero
Hello Barbara -
It would help to know where he married your mother, as well.
--- On Mon, 3/15/10, Barbara Guerrero wrote:
From: Barbara Guerrero
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] (no subject)
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Date: Monday, March 15, 2010, 9:43 AM
My name is Barbara Guerrero & I am researching the Guerrero surname, particularly that of my maternal grandfather.
His name was Nicolas Valdez Guerrero. He was born 26 January 1898. His family lived in Guadalajara but he was born in Yahualica.
He married my grandmother Rita Quijada in 1917. They lived in Superior, Arizona where he worked for the Magma Copper Co until his death in 1953. I want to find information on his parents & his siblings.
His father's name was Jesus Guerrero.
I have searched records provided by Family Search & the Family History Center in Tucson but I have not been able to find any information so far.
This is all the information I have so any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Barbara Guerrero
Thanks for giving me the oportunity of being a part of nuestros ranchos.I am very eager to start with my search for information of my ancestors .I have a very intresting true story to share ,first of all my name is Francisco Rubio ,I was born in 1970 when i was born my father was 80 years of age ,there are three brothers total born of my mother Amparo Rodriguez and my father Jesus Rubio my father was born in 1890 in EX-hacienda De San Pedro ,Huanusco,Zacatecas .I know for a fact that His Father my grandfather's name is Don Juan Antonio Rubio born in 1850 in Calvillo ,Aguascalientes .Can anyone give me more information about Juan Antonio Rubio an Administrador of La Hacienda de La luz,Huanusco,and My deceased father Jesus Rubio Flores who was a Presidente Municipal of Tabasco ,Zacatecas in 1938-1939 and any information of the Rubio families from that part of the region.Thanks
Pues mi bisabuelo nacio en el salitre cerca de Tlachichila y lo bautizaron en Nochistlan, era Jose Felix Macias Hernandez ( Macias Hernandez)
Just came across this old post. I'm a descendent of Nicolas Llamas and Magdalena Robles, parents of Maria de la Rosa Llamas. Always good to find some connections.
Which state in Mexico? My Llamas are from the Jerez, Zacatecas., and it was in the very early 1700s. Marge Vallazza. PM me if you think we have a family connection.
mayangrl@sonic.net wrote:
>Just came across this old post. I'm a descendent of Nicolas Llamas and
>Magdalena Robles, parents of Maria de la Rosa Llamas. Always good to find
>some connections.
(no subject)