Nuestros Ranchos

Joseph Puentes requested $300 to modernize Nuestros Ranchos. He then stated that it’s not just about the money. What I understood from his clarification is that he would like to see, in addition to the money, a show of support for the website itself. Perhaps, then, it’s time for the Nuestros Ranchos community at large to show our appreciation for the site and for the team behind it.

If you care to share, let Joseph and his team know by sharing your thoughts below or by posting a thank you or a hello. What does Nuestros Ranchos mean to you? Is Nuestros Ranchos still needed today and worth supporting? Why?


I check NR weekly (minimum 2 x week, not always logged in) to see if there is anything relevant for my geneaolgy research lines. Like many others, I would never haves learned about PARES or Guadalajara dispensas without NR. Also, many in the forum have contributed key info in posts on the Romo de Vivar line and other lines, info which I could not have found myself, for which I am grateful. I also just enjoy reading stories of families, of specific women and men (thanks Rick!) - these stories are windows to distant times and places which otherwise would be hard to imagine without the life stories of individuals.

Best Regards


Yes, I have found a lot of information in NR and I like the spirit of shearing the knowledge, I would like to thank specially to Manny, Rick and Denise for their contributions.
Best Regards.


I admit, I check NR almost daily. It was here on NR that I learned about Retoños, PARES, Guadalajara Dispensas, Katy’s Guadalajara Dispensas, and Valladolid Dispensas. And where I met a handful of other collaborators (you know who you are). Putting aside the lamentable Somos Primos schism of 2016, the NR community is very welcoming and helpful, especially to newcomers who are just starting out.

Thank you Nuestros Ranchos! You have been invaluable over the years and you continue to be relevant to this day. I would hate to see you let go, as Joseph warned. Besides, if Nuestros Ranchos were to disappear, how will any of us ever find out the fate of Rick Ricci’s long promised book?


This place is amazing. I think alot of us are researching similar families and it helps that we can put our minds together. There is no way one person can go through the vast amount of records out there (well except for maybe Manny :P) and we are all looking for that needle in a haystack. NR is a place where many minds can get together, work through tough genealogies, and help further our family trees. Thanks Joseph!