For us history buffs...(and also those of us who like Andy Garcia movies).....
Actor Andy Garcia joined Fox & Friends a few days ago to talk about his new movie, ‘For Greater Glory.’ In the film, he plays a general who gets recruited by the Cristero Army to help the Mexican citizens fight for religious freedom.
It’s based on true events that took place in the 1920s where 90,000 people died fighting over the course of three years.
Film opens in theaters on June 1st (already showing in Mexico).
Interview located at:…
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Me encantó tu historia!, y tengo tres comentarios,
Primero eso de que en las casas donde hacian misa preparaban todo como si
hubiera fiesta, es muy cierto, mi papá me contaba que asi le hacian en casa
de su padre que vivía en San Angel lo que antiguamente eran las "afueras de
la Cd. de México" y ahora es parte de la ciudad.
Por otro lado y entrandole a la genealogia, mencionas a la viuda de Vergara
Silva, mi bisabuelo era Jose Dolores Vergara Silva, originario tambien de
Cd. Guzman sabes quien era el marido de la viuda??
y mi tio (hermano de mi mamá) esta casado con Lucila Sanchez Aldana Romero
hija de Juan N. Sanchez Aldana y Lucila Romero
¿Te suenan??
Saludos y felicidades por tu crónica de este periodo de la historia de
México que los gobiernos priistas han querido borrar
> Con motivo de la visita del Papa Benedicto XVI a México, así como de el
> estreno de la película Cristiada, me pidieron que relatara en un artículo
> la experiencia de mi familia durante la Guerra Cristera, que fue publicado
> en una revista española que se encuentra en línea. Estoy seguro que muchos
> de los que participan en este foro tienen muchas anécdotas de sus familias
> durante esos tiempos tan difíciles, la de mi familia es una historia más de
> entre muchas otras. Sin embargo, como gran apasionado que soy de la
> genealogía, mi anécdota familiar trasciende cuatro generaciones para
> contarla a través de la herencia de un piano, cuyo rol en la supervivencia
> de muchos fue fundamental. Comparto con ustedes el artículo. Espero que les
> guste.
> Saludos,
> Daniel
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I must have missed the previous announcement on NR on the movie, "For Greater Glory". I think that a well-made film's objective, whether historical, fictional, non-fictional or whatever, will usually stimulate the individual to seek more knowledge on the subject. Most films, in the space of 1-2 hours cannot tell the whole story on any subject and everything on tv or big screen should always be questioned on their facts. The important thing is that it does open you up to questions and to seek answers. Since I tend to be a visual person, I am so thankful to have anything on film that relates to my family and where they came from - it tends to make it more real for me! We are just so blessed these days have so many sources available to aide us in our search. Isn't this what we are doing on our ancestry search? We hear these fascinating stories from our family and friends and then it peaks our interest to know more, to know the truth, and it sends us on this quest for documented facts on our ancestors.
Happy hunting!
Judith Marentes
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From: ""
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 5:20 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Movie "For Greater Glory"
I must have missed the previous announcement on NR on the movie, "For Greater Glory". I think that a well-made film's objective, whether historical, fictional, non-fictional or whatever, will usually stimulate the individual to seek more knowledge on the subject. Most films, in the space of 1-2 hours cannot tell the whole story on any subject and everything on tv or big screen should always be questioned on their facts. The important thing is that it does open you up to questions and to seek answers. Since I tend to be a visual person, I am so thankful to have anything on film that relates to my family and where they came from - it tends to make it more real for me! We are just so blessed these days have so many sources available to aide us in our search. Isn't this what we are doing on our ancestry search? We hear these fascinating stories from our family and friends and then it peaks our interest to know more, to know the truth, and it sends
us on this quest for docume
nted facts on our ancestors.
Happy hunting! Judith Marentes -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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The movie is also called Cristiada. The production of the movie was
reported in a thread at There
is an interesting post at that says "Pues a
mi se me hace quela personificación de Andy García si se parece bastante a
mi abuelo, lo que dudo mucho es que Eva Longoria se vaya a parecer a mi
abuela pues ella era muy blanca y de ojos azules, a ver como la
personifica…." by Ileana Gorostieta.
I do wish movies would attempt to be closer to to the truth. It's also
unfortunate they didn't have more Mexicans in the cast since the movie is
about Mexico. At least they made a movie about our region. An uncle of mine
used to like to recount the history the war. He was fiercely Catholic. One
of his sons told me that he had seen bullets holes in the Parroquia of
Lagos de Moreno from the Cristero war. One of the last stands in Lagos took
place at the Mesa Redonda formerly known as the Mesa de los Villalobos.
Andy Garcia's statement that people didn't like to talk about it isn't
necessarily true. There was a film made in 1946 called Sucedio en Jalisco
about the Cristeros that can be seen on Youtube. Also on Youtube is a 5
part documentary called Guerra Cristera The song "El martes Me Fusilan by
Vicente Fernández" is about a Cristero.
On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 10:42 PM, wrote:
> For us history buffs...(and also those of us who like Andy Garcia
> movies).....
> Actor Andy Garcia joined Fox & Friends a few days ago to talk about his
> new movie, ‘For Greater Glory.’ In the film, he plays a general who gets
> recruited by the Cristero Army to help the Mexican citizens fight for
> religious freedom.
> It’s based on true events that took place in the 1920s where 90,000 people
> died fighting over the course of three years.
> Film opens in theaters on June 1st (already showing in Mexico).
> Interview located at:
> friends-to-talk-about-his-new-**movie-for-greater-glory/
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Hi all:
I already saw the movie a pair of weeks ago since I live in Mexico. I think it's a good movie but I do agree that there are a lot of discrepancies between the movie and the real story.
First of all, I didn't like that the sound is in English with Spanish subtitles, I know it was done with the purpose of having a greater audience in foreign countries and in general I prefer the original sound of American movies but at this first point I don't feel really connected with the environment of the picture, Mexican farmers speaking English at that time in Mexico is not credible. English speakers should do an effort by hearing the movie in Spanish and reading English subtitles.
Secondly, one of the facts I'm very sure that had a great diference from the real life was the scene where the priest José María Robles is hung and killed in the church. The real story that was passed by my family and is found in the Vatican archive during the process of canonization is that when the situation turned worse in Tecolotlán, my great-great-great grandmother Doña Adelaida de la Brambila viuda de Agraz took the risk of hiding the priest inside her house and they celebrated several clandestine masses in there. One of the family servants told the authorities the fact. The soldiers went there and they kidnapped San José María in Adelaida's house not in the church and hung him in the Sierra de Quila not inside the church, also the temple of San Agustín de Tecolotlán didn't suffer the destruction seen in the picture. Adelaida had to scape to Guadalajara with two of my great-great uncles to a house she had next to the "Casa de los Perros" (now a museum in Guadalajara) because the soldiers told her that only because she was a member of a distinguished family in the town they would give her the chance to scape within the next 24 hours, if she hadn't that privilege she could have been killed.
The cast is great specially because Eva Longoria is my far relative, we share two lines the Longoria and the Villarreal line. All actors are well-known and it will atract more people to see the movie.
Enrique Agraz
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Thank you "windmillbb,"
Thank you for the heads up... Love Andy Garcia. Look forward to viewing this film, hopefully on Netflix..
Pat Silva Corbera
Tracy CA
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 4, 2012 8:42:24 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Movie "For Greater Glory"
For us history buffs...(and also those of us who like Andy Garcia movies).....
Actor Andy Garcia joined Fox & Friends a few days ago to talk about his new movie, ‘For Greater Glory.’ In the film, he plays a general who gets recruited by the Cristero Army to help the Mexican citizens fight for religious freedom.
It’s based on true events that took place in the 1920s where 90,000 people died fighting over the course of three years.
Film opens in theaters on June 1st (already showing in Mexico).
Interview located at:…
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