Hello, I'm a new active member of Nuestros Ranchos, although and old visitor to this great site. My name is Jose Jesús Cabral and belong to the large Cabral family from Jerez, descendant of Domingo Cabral and Catalina Pinedo, as probably all Cabral from Zacatecas come from. I have done a lot of research on it and now have a very clear genealogy on the Cabral side. On other branches I have still to do more research and that is the case from other family names I am doing research, namely Gonzalez Cosío and Acosta (Guadalupe, Zacatecas, Sombrerete and also Aguascalientes and Hidalgo del Parral) I am also researching the Saldivar from Jerez. I am also doing research on the Miranda family that comes from Don Vicente Joaquín de Miranda y Beltrán, whose second wife was Doña María Xaviera Francisca de Landa y Mariaca, since one of my ancestors, José González Cosío, was married to they older daughter. I have inherited some documents from him that relate to both the Hacienda de San Antonio de la Sauceda and San José de Llanetes. This José González Cosío, around the time Don Vicente Joaquín de Miranda died (October 1816) was the "apoderado" of the Hacienda de Abrego and then I would like to know more about that Hacienda.
As most of us, I guess, I have strong and multiple ties to the Romo de Vivar and the Ruiz de Esparza families of Aguascalientes.
I hope also to be of some help in this forum.
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