A couple of nights ago, PBS aired an episode of Finding Your Roots titled, Mexican Roots. The episode focused on the genealogy of two Mexican-American entertainers, Mario López and Melissa Villaseñor. The show's researchers discovered that Mario descends from one of the founders of Zacatecas, Baltasar Temiño de Bañuelos, and that Melissa descends from Diego de Ochoa Garibay. One can imagine, then, that the two are distantly related to many Nuestros Ranchos members.
If you haven't already seen the episode, or any of the episodes in the series, they’re definitely worth a look. The same was true for the show, Who Do You Think You Are?, until it went off the air.
The 2016 episode of Finding Your Roots that profiled the genealogy of Mexican-American writer Sandra Cisneros was, for me, a revelation. It sparked my genealogical journey. I watched the episode and thought, "Wait, what? Mexicans can do their genealogy, too? How?" Before then, I just assumed deep knowledge of my ancestors was lost and unrecoverable. (I’m overjoyed that this wasn’t the case.) One of the first places Google pointed me to along the way was to Nuestros Ranchos. Glad to have you back.
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This was a special episode as information was presented on Baltazar Temino de Banuelos and Diego Ochoa Garibay who are ancestors to many nuestrosranchos members.
Rick A. Ricci
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Mario Lopez, Melissa Villaseñor connection to nuestrosranchos