Don't expect to find a great deal of information in the Mexican cemeteries. Many graves don't have headstones and some headstones don't have names. The cemeteries are not maintained the way they are in the states. Best way I've found to search is still through the films archived by the LDS Church, order the film for defunciones / Death records and scroll through one record at a time. Most of these films are from the Catholic church's archives.
San Jose, Calif
----- Original Message ----
From: Gilbert Keas
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 10:32:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos]
Concerning the link: ...
I was searching for "Nuestra Senora De Los Dolores", Teocaltiche, Jalisco,
Is "Sierrita de los Dolores (La Sierrita)" (near Rio Verde) the same
Also... Does anyone know of an online source for telephone listings for
Teocaltiche, Jalisco (a city of about 40,000)?
I am trying to plan my trip this early June and would like to locate the
cemeteries in the general area of Teocaltiche.
Thank you...
Gilbert Keas
Researching: Rodriquez, Aguilera, Ynequiz and Vidaurri in the Teocaltiche
Alicia is right about the cemeteries in Mexico. My wife is from Teocaltiche
and we were there, visiting, last November. The cemetery is easy to find,
it is in the South part of town, probably about 1/4 of a mile from the
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Los Dolores, which is right in the middle of
town. Teocaltiche's cemetery is fairly well kept and visited by many people
since it is so close to town.
My wife's sister owns the travel agency, "Agencia de Viajes Ramon" and if
you need any information she will probably be more than happy to help you.
The people in Teocaltiche are very friendly, I am sure you'll enjoy your
John Gonzalez
Wildomar, CA.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alicia Carrillo"
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 12:56
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos]
> Gilbert,
> Don't expect to find a great deal of information in the Mexican
> cemeteries...
Alicia & John...
Thank you both for your thoughts on the cemetery in Teocaltiche. My father
is buried at Fort Hancock, Texas (just east of El Paso about 60 miles) and
there are many weathered wood crosses marking unnamed graves. When we return
from Mexico, I will order a couple more LDS films for further Teocaltiche
John, do you have the telephone number for your sister-in-law's "Agencia de
Viajes Ramon"?
-----Original Message-----
From: - Behalf Of John Gonzalez
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 2:34 PM
>Alicia is right about the cemeteries in Mexico. My wife is from
>and we were there, visiting, last November. The cemetery is easy to find,
>it is in the South part of town, probably about 1/4 of a mile from the
>Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Los Dolores, which is right in the middle of
>town. Teocaltiche's cemetery is fairly well kept and visited by many
>since it is so close to town.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alicia Carrillo"
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 12:56
> Gilbert,
> Don't expect to find a great deal of information in the Mexican
> cemeteries...
Gilbert and Ranchos Members,
Check out the TX Gen Web Project, this site has quite alot of info on Texas cemeteries and other information. If you look under El Paso cemeteries you will find Smelertown AKA La Calavera cemetery. My cousin Margaret and I have worked on this database and are in the process of uploading more data. We walked the cemetery and photographed at least half of tombs. Talk about old wooden crosses,it's an old western graveyard covered in soot, sand and Chamiso bushes. It's a beauty and I love it up there in the shadow of ASARCO smokestack and nestled between the Franklin Mountains and the Rio Grande.
We also walked and photographed some of Evergreen Cemetery in Central El Paso. A good contact person is Doris Harrison if you have any questions. She is the Web Master and a wonderful genealogists.
Buena Suerte
Yolanda Medina Perez in El Paso
Gilbert Keas wrote:
Alicia & John...
Thank you both for your thoughts on the cemetery in Teocaltiche. My father
is buried at Fort Hancock, Texas (just east of El Paso about 60 miles) and
there are many weathered wood crosses marking unnamed graves. When we return
from Mexico, I will order a couple more LDS films for further Teocaltiche
John, do you have the telephone number for your sister-in-law's "Agencia de
Viajes Ramon"?
-----Original Message-----
From: - Behalf Of John Gonzalez
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 2:34 PM
>Alicia is right about the cemeteries in Mexico. My wife is from
>and we were there, visiting, last November. The cemetery is easy to find,
>it is in the South part of town, probably about 1/4 of a mile from the
>Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Los Dolores, which is right in the middle of
>town. Teocaltiche's cemetery is fairly well kept and visited by many
>since it is so close to town.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alicia Carrillo"
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 12:56
> Gilbert,
> Don't expect to find a great deal of information in the Mexican
> cemeteries...