Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Recommended Reading)

Hello everyone,

I would like to bring some attention to a new book:

Familias paterna y materna de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: hallazgos documentales
by Guillermo Schmidhuber and Olga Martha Peña Doria

This book is a must have for those who are related to, or simply interested in, the family of this famous seventieth century poet. During the draft stages of this book, Schmidhuber was in personal contact with me which lead to lengthy discussions of his work. My own research is cited in a couple places of overlap, but dwarfed in comparison to the amount of meticulous work that Schmidhuber has put into this book. The book contains transcriptions and photographs of early baptism records from Chimalhuacán Chalco, which have not been microfilmed; along with other documents not available in the United States. The book also fine-tunes Octavio Paz’s research, clarifies Sor Juana Inés’ birth date, and delves into her paternal ancestry – a task which has not been thoroughly tackled until now.

This book works as an excellent compliment with two other books:

La Familia de Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
Documentos ineditos
by Guillermo Ramirez España


De Juana Inés de Asuaje a Juana Inés de la Cruz: El Libro de profesiones del Convento de San Jerónimo de México
by Guillermo Schmidhuber de la Mora

A link can be found here:…

If it is a little too pricey, you may be able to convince your local library or family research center into acquiring a copy.



I had previously posted these names but I have corrected and added dates:

1) Damián de Azuaje el Viejo [Damian Soaggi] arrived in the Canary Islands from Genoa; m. Jeronima Lezcano. {Damian de Azuaje had a previous relationship with Benedicina Rapallo, which produced Magdalena Azuaje who left many descendants in Venezuela}

2) "Pedro de Azuaje el Viejo" baptized 8/Oct/1538, m. Ana Portes. [Pedro Azuaje hijo de "Damian Azuaje el Viejo" y de Jeronima Lezcano.]

3) "Damian de Azuaje el Joven" [aka Damian Zoaggi de Genoa](bap. 18//Sep/1564, d. soon after17/Sept./1592) m. Antonia Laura Ramirez (aka Antonia Laura Mayuelo). {Damian de Azuaje el Joven" worked in commerce and made many trips to the Americas. He was not the first family member to travel to the Americas as Antonia Laura Ramirez had many family members in the Americas}

4) Pedro Azvuaje Ramirez was born between 1588 and early 1592, and his brother Francisco Azuaje was born late 1592. {Francisco was born soon after his father passed away}

This means that Pedro Azuaje Ramirez was at least 56 years old when Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz was born. There was also a big age difference between Isabel's "First significant other", Cristoval Vargas, the father of Josepha Maria Ramirez.

Rick A. Ricci
Book: Mygenes2000


Genealogist David Erhlicher advised me that I had made a naming Pedro a captain. He does not know of any primary sources that show that Pedro Asuaje Ramirez is a captain. He only knows of him being referred to as a captain in a secondary source. I myself have never seen a primary source with this information so I will drop the title in my records.

But in my records there is a family member with a similar sounding name that was a captain. Capitán Pedro Fernández y Saavedra de Azuaje was related to him.

Pedro Azuaje Ramirez's descent from Damian el Viejo Zoaggi (Azuaje))

1) Damián de Azuaje el Viejo [Damian Soaggi] arrived in the Canary Islands in 1522 from Genoa; m. Jeronima Lezcano
2) Pedro de Azuaje el Viejo m. Ana Portes
3) Damian de Azuaje [aka Damian Zoaggi de Genoa](bap.1564, d. soon after17/Sept./1592) m. Antonia Laura Ramirez (aka Antonia Laura Mayuelo)
4) Pedro Azvaje Ramirez b. abt.1583


Capitán Pedro Fernández y Saavedra de Azuaje's descent from Damian el Viejo Zoaggi (Azuaje)

1) Damián de Azuaje el Viejo [Damian Soaggi] arrived in the Canary Islands in 1522 from Genoa; before marrying Jeronima, he had at least one child out of wedlock with Benedictina Rapallo
2) Magdalena Azuaje m. Alonso Fernández de Saavedra
3) Capitán Pedro Fernández y Saavedra de Azuaje

This line left many descendants in Venezuela. This family knew that they were related to Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz. They have a hospital in Venezuela named after her.


Probable Sosa ancestry of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (work in progress)
1) Martin Alonso de Sosa
2) Vasco Alfonso de Sosa m. Maria Diaz Castillo (daughter of Gomez Fernández sr. de Santofimia)
4) Juan Alfonso de Sosa m. Isabel Fernández de Mesa (daughter of Alonso Fernández de Mesa)
5) Lope de Sosa m. Ines Cabrera (daughter of Pedro Cabrera and Ynes Alfonso)
7) Laura de Cabrera y Sosa m. Zoilo Ramirez
8) Maria Laura Ramirez m. Fernando Nuñez de la Peña
9) Antonia Laura Ramirez (Mayuelo) m. Damián Azuaje (Zoaggi)
10) Pedro Azuaje Ramirez unm. Isabel Ramirez
11) Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

R.A. Ricci
Book: Mygenes2000


Italian ancestry of Pedro Azuaje Ramirez through the Genoese Soaggi and Moagglio families

1) Damián de Azuaje el Viejo [Damian Soaggi] arrived in the Canary Islands from Genoa; m. Jeronima Lezcano
2) Pedro de Azuaje el Viejo m. Ana Portes
3) Damian de Azuaje [aka Damian Zoaggi de Genoa](bap.1564, d. soon after17/Sept./1592) m. Antonia Laura Ramirez (aka Antonia Laura Mayuelo/aka Moaggolio)
4) Pedro Azuaje Ramirez b. abt.1583

Jewish ancestry of Pedro Azuaje Ramirez

His maternal line is filled with conversos.

Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz was not the first family member to suffer because of the heavy hand of the Catholic Church. From Ana Diaz De La Garcia who was burned in a bonfire, to her daughters that were subject to abuse, to Pedro's brother who had much trouble with the inquisition when he tried to return to the Americas.

Gonzalo Lepe alcalde de Olid (from Lepe provincia Andalcia, Huelva) and Ana Diaz De La Garza (Garce, Garcia) (from Lepe provincia Andaluza de Huelva) had three daughters named Beatriz, Isabel, and Elvira. Beatriz Gonzalez de Lepe married Rodrigo Nunez de la Peña.

Ana Diaz de Garza was denounced by the inquisition in Andaluza. She was accused of secretly continuing to practice the Jewish religion. She was burned at the stake. All three sisters suffered greatly because of the actions against their mother.

Gonzalez de Lepe was also subject to investigation by the office of the inquisition.

Gonzalo de Lepe, alcalde de olid (converso) m. Ana Diaz De La Garcia (Garza, Garces)
Beatriz Gonzalez de Lepe m. Rodrigo Nuñez de la Peña
Francisco Nuñez de la Peña m. Maria Laura Ramirez
Antonia Laura Ramirez (aka Antonia Laura Mayuelo) m. Damian de Azuaje [aka Damian Zoaggi de Genoa](bap.1564)
Pedro Azvaje Ramirez

Rick A. Ricci
Book: Mygenes2000


Beside the issue of Josepha Maria Ramirez naming Cristoval Vargas as her father, there was also the issue of the Azvauje family in the Canary Islands receiving money from Sor Juana Ines De la Cruz's maternal side of the family, and that they were called relatives. The issue was resolved when It turned out that they are related through the Ramirez branches of the families.

Besides being related to her because I descend from Gonzalo Ramirez Santillan, Pedro's brother, I also descend from Isabel Ramirez's sister, Ines Ramirez that married into the Cornejo family.

Rick A. Ricci
Book: Mygenes2000


I found another piece of the puzzle that finally convinces me that Pedro Azuaje Ramirez is the father of Sor Juana Ines De la Cruz and that Cristoval Vargas is the father of Josepha Maria Ramirez. The document clearly convinces me that they were half sisters. So Isabel Ramirez had children by three men, and not two like everyone writes in books about the family. Juana Ines did have one full sister.

The two authors that most people quote are Jose Diego de Torres and Guillermo Ramirez de España as to who is the father of Josepha Maria Ramirez. Both of these gentleman are wrong, and I have solid evidence, the first being her marriage record, and the second a record where Isabel mentions the fathers of her children. She does not include Josepha as a daughter of Pedro, and she definitely, specifically names him as the father to Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz.

Rick A. Ricci
Book Mygenes2000


Jewish converso ancestral line of Pedro Azuaje Ramirez

1) Gonzalo de Lepe, alcalde de olid (converso)
2) Beatriz Gonzalez de Lepe m. Rodrigo Nuñez de la Peña
3) Francisco Nuñez de la Peña m. Maria Laura Ramirez
4) Antonia Laura Ramirez (aka Antonia Laura Mayuelo) m. Damian de Azuaje [aka Damian Zoaggi de Genoa](bap.1564)
5) Capitan Pedro Azvaje Ramirez

Rick A. Ricci
Book Mygenes2000


There is a correction to the family tree. The reason for the mistake is that Laura is a stepdaughter and not a biological member of the Cabrera Sosa family.

I had originally posted A probable biological Sosa ancestry of Sor Juana Ines De la Cruz, but it turns out that Laura used her stepfathers surname of de Cabrera Sosa. Laura’s biological father’s surname is Moagglio (Mayuelo).

The reason that I have not been able to complete the Cabrera Sosa family line is because Laura does not descend from this line. Laura de Cabrera Sosa Was listed in the record using her stepfather’s surname. Her Stepfather’s father was the Governor. Laura’s biological father was of italian ancestry and the surname is Moagglio. The surname evolved in Andalucia to Mayuelo

7) Laura de Cabrera y Sosa (stepfathers surname) m. Zoilo Ramirez

8) Maria Laura Ramirez m. Fernando Nuñez de la Peña
9) Antonia Laura Ramirez (Mayuelo) m. Damián Azuaje (Zoaggi)
10) Pedro Azuaje Ramirez unm. Isabel Ramirez
11) Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

I have continued researching Juana Ines’s ancestry and have been able to discover new information on one of her Ramirez lines and have extended an Italian ancestral line to the 1100s.

Rick A. Ricci
Source: Mygenes2000


Sorry about that, the correct name is Francisco.That isn’t the only mistake, there is no Lescano in her ancestry. The surname is Lercaro/Lercari. The original Genoese surname is Lercari. I have found much more information regarding her ancestry. I have traced the the Ramirez to Andalucia and have extended one of her Italian lines to before 1100. Juana Ines De la Cruz was not the first family member to be one of the smartest of their generation, nor was she the last.

7) Laura de Cabrera y Sosa (stepfathers surname) (Aka Laura Mayuelo (Moagglio))
8) Maria Ramirez m. Francisco Nuñez De la Peña
9) Antonia Laura Ramirez (Mayuelo) m. Damián Azuaje (Zoaggi)
10) Pedro Azuaje Ramirez (aka Pedro Azuaje ) unm. Isabel Ramirez
11) Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Rick A. Ricci


Sor Juana ines de la Cruz poetry:

What Interest Have You, World, in Persecuting Me?

What interest have you, World, in persecuting me?
Wherein do I offend you, when all I want
Is to give beauty to my mind
And not my mind to beautiful things?

I do not care for goods or treasures;
and so am always more content
To endow my thoughts with riches
Rather than riches with my thoughts.

And I esteem not looks, which age
Takes away in civil stealth,
Nor am I impressed by wealth,

Holding that in truth 'tis better
To expend the vanities of life
Than to expend one's life in vanities.


Here are some of the fruits of my research on Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz's family:

Juan Morales and his wife Ana Vargas are the parents of Cristoval Vargas.

Cristoval Vargas marries twice. The first marriage takes place only after Baltasar Ybanes, his future father in law, files a complaint with the office of the inquisition stating that Cristoval has promised marriage but has made no attempt to do so while living in sin with his daughter, Ana Ybañez.

It is believed that he is the same Cristoval Vargas that marries a second time, to Maria de Los Santos. He has an affair with Isabel Ramirez,( Sor Juana Ynes' mother).

Cristoval Vargas passes away in 1666

Here is the marriage record of Josepha Maria, the sister that named her father as Cristoval Vargas.

"Joseph Sánchez de Paredes, natural desta ciudad, hijo de Juan Sánchez de Paredes y de Inés Domínguez de las Ribas, con doña Josepha Ramírez, natural del pueblo de Amecameca, hija de Cristóbal de Vargas y de Isabel Ramírez"

Here are more records that pertain to Cristoval Vargas:

Name Juan De Morales
Spouse's Name Ana De Bargas
Event Date 24/Dec/1599
Event Place Santa Catarina Martir,Santa Catarina-Mexico Ciudad,Distrito Federal,Mexico
Citing this Record
"Mexico Marriages, 1570-1950," database, FamilySearch( : 15 July 2015), Juan De Morales and Ana De Bargas, 13 Dec 1599; citing Santa Catarina Martir,Santa Catarina-Mexico Ciudad,Distrito Federal,Mexico, reference ; FHL microfilm 36,027 image 77 out of 548

Cristoval De Bargas
Spouse's Name Ana Ybanes
Event Date 06 Aug 1629
Event Place Santa Catarina Martir,Santa Catarina-Mexico Ciudad,Distrito Federal,Mexico
Father's Name Juan De Morales
Mother's Name Ana De Bargas
Spouse's Father's Name Baltasar Ybanes
Spouse's Mother's Name Ana Maria De Burgos
Citing this Record
"Mexico Marriages, 1570-1950," database, FamilySearch( : 16 July 2015), Juan De Morales in entry for Cristoval De Bargas and Ana Ybanes, 06 Aug 1629; citing Santa Catarina Martir,Santa Catarina-Mexico Ciudad,Distrito Federal,Mexico, reference ; FHL microfilm 36,027.

Christoval De Vargas
Spouse's Name Maria De Los Santos
Event Date 30 Nov 1647
Event Place Santa Veracruz, Santa Veracruz, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Citing this Record
"México matrimonios, 1570-1950," database, FamilySearch( : 14 July 2015), Christoval De Vargas and Maria De Los Santos, 30 Nov 1647; citing Santa Veracruz, Santa Veracruz, Distrito Federal, Mexico, reference 2:147QZN6; FHL microfilm 35,848.

Rick A. Ricci,
Book: mygenes2000


The Asuaje (Soaggi) (Zoaggi) (Zoagli) family came from a town of this same name (Zoaggi) in the Liguria region that was a part of Genoa when it was a republic.


I have done some research on the genealogy of sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. My wife and I both descend from a second cousin of hers.

Pedro Asuaje Ramirez is the son of Damian de Azuaje and Antonia Laura Ramirez. Pedro is of Genoese ancestry. His ancestry is an interesting one. This is the father that most books identify as her father.

The problem is that the sister identifies a different father, and the sister is said to be a full sister. There are other pieces of the puzzle from primary sources that are not addressed in most books. I am looking forward to reading this book.


Rick A. Ricci