12 Thanks But Still Disappointing. . .

I'd like to thank the 12 members that responded to my request for a $10 donation to update the website.

Many thanks to:

Sean and Rebekah Sales
George Esqueda
Linda Vasquez
Martha Gavela
Glenn Alvarez
Sara Rodriguez
Alex Mercado
Olga Allison
Jeannette Vasquez
R. Navarro
Erlinda Castanon-Long
Anselmo Perez

Thanks but the messages I sent out for support have been read over a 1000 times and 12 of you kind folks have responded. Makes me think that the interest in this group is VERY SMALL and NOT of value to most of you. . .disappointing to say the least.

I really would like for 18 more of you all (minimum) to respond to this request for support. I you think we should keep the website rolling in as efficient way as possible please consider being one of the 18 more to send your support for the website.

Joseph Puentes


I never saw this post. There is a definite interest in this website online. My background is in PR/Marketing and Media. I think the real reason is people are not getting the messages.

You might get more eyes on this if you create a simple Youtube video about the content of Nuestros Ranchos. There is a HUGE genealogical community on Youtube looking for just this sort of content. You might want to consider setting up an account on there just to advertise for this website. The money you make in views will pay for the website etc.. I can help you with target ideas that will get people to click on your video to generate support. Generally speaking you can launch with topics that are most well known like maybe Cortez and his family tree. Then if people want to watch more they can come here for more details into the family and it's research.

Also if money is a problem with maintaining the website Wix and a few others have websites that are free to access. They have free templates etc. I don't think anyone wants this website to go down EVER. Facebook is already on its last legs so this is an invaluable resource of information for families who still care and carry the torch for our ancestors who are no longer here. If we do not do it who will?

All the best! Let's make this happen :D


Joseph, My apologies for not reponding to your call for funding. I've been inactive over a year,now. I was unable to find the site, and my password, so I thought the group had shut down. (True, I know it sounds disengenous.) I even posted in another group, asking what had become of the group, and guess what? No answers . I noticed you put a moratorium on donations,so I will be on the lookout for the next call. Thanks for not giving up on the group.


Hi Joseph,

i just saw your message. I will send my donation.
Thank you so much for all your hard work

sus leniski

In reply to by superhorrible


Hello Joseph,

I will be sending you a check in the morning.

Thank you,
Manny Díez Hermosillo


I'll be mailing out the $10.00 tomorrow and thanks for your hard work.



I have $10 to give you but I am in Mexico, I will figure out how to get them to you!!


Count me in, $10 bill in the mail. Not making excuses for others, but many like myself no longer use paper checks. Thanks for this wonderful website.

Ruben Rojas


Hi Joseph,
I was absent from the site for several months and I didn't see your message.
Can you cash a check from a French Bank? I dont have a US account.



Thank you for showing your interest in supporting the nuestrosranchos.org website. I very much appreciate that you find value here

I would like to just find 30 members that feel the same and so far I've found about 16 including you, thanks!

It is much easier if you were to just carefully hide a $5 Euro bill in an envelope and mail it to Joseph Puentes, PO Box 72524, Durham, NC 27722, USA and I'll email you a receipt if you need one.

If you don't like that idea I'll do some research and see if my bank will cash a check from a French Bank.

Thanks again for your support,



Yes Jorge your donation to the upgrade the website effort has arrived. I'm currently at 19 participants and need 11 other individuals to contribute to reach my minimum of 30 members contributing at least 10 dollars. I've decided I'm not going to open the letters until I receive the 11 other individuals and if for some reason I don't get them I'm just going to mark all the letters RETURN TO SENDER and have them all go back to you all. If the website dies "one day" from lack of interest well then it dies. And yes I would say that less than 30 people out of the almost 1000 members is lack of interest.

And since it is not about the money and if 10 dollars is too much just send a letter with what you can give even if it is an "IOU" payable at sometime in the future. Since some told me they gave more if I can just get 11 more people to show enough gumption to actually send a letter with an "IOU" enclosed I'll be satisfied.

Joseph Puentes


Joseph Puentes
PO Box 72524
Durham, NC 27722

No PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, ApplePay, etc. Just a check for $10 or carefully hidden in an envelope




Nuestrosranchos is a fantastic resource that we can’t let die. Thank you Joseph Puentes for your efforts to keep the site up.

You can add my name to the list of donators in a few days when you receive my check.

I am also concerned about what will happen to nuestrosranchos in the future. I am volunteering to take over management of the site if you ever decide to stop managing it.

Thanks again Joseph,

Rick A. Ricci


I can help too. Let me know exact address to mail it.