File Folder Category
The files attached all show my DIRECT ancestors down to and including my parents ELIAS DE LEON and MARIA CARLOS.
Locations of Research Interest
Colotlan, Huejucar, Totatiche, Jalisco; Jerez, Tepetongo, Zacatecas
Surnames Researching
Banuelos, Borrego, Campos, Carrillo, Carlos, Covarrubias, Enriquez, de Escobedo, Flores, Gonzalez, de Leon, Mayorga, Ortiz, Quesada, del Real, Sandoval, de Sillas, Valenzuela, Villaneda
Gedcom Viewing Instructions
Adjunto | Tamaño |
del Real.pdf | 71.94 KB |
de Escobedo.pdf | 82.19 KB |
Banuelos.pdf | 71.5 KB |
Villaneda.pdf | 69.25 KB |
de Leon.pdf | 79.78 KB |
Flores.pdf | 70.87 KB |
Carlos.pdf | 65.64 KB |
Chavez.pdf | 89.48 KB |
Covarrubias.pdf | 70.65 KB |
Fernandez.pdf | 67.39 KB |
Ramirez.pdf | 67.35 KB |
Sandoval.pdf | 68.59 KB |
Sanchez.pdf | 70.71 KB |
de Sillas.pdf | 70.59 KB |
Valenzuela.pdf | 72.94 KB |
Acosta.pdf | 72.04 KB |
Borrego.pdf | 69.53 KB |
Enriquez.pdf | 78.9 KB |
Villalobos.pdf | 72.14 KB |
Vasquez.pdf | 68.61 KB |
Velasco.pdf | 72.4 KB |
de Ulloa.pdf | 77.62 KB |
Sotelo.pdf | 68.79 KB |
Lopez.pdf | 72.43 KB |
Quesada.pdf | 74.72 KB |
Perez.pdf | 70.17 KB |
Ortiz.pdf | 66.71 KB |
de Nava.pdf | 70.31 KB |
de la Torre.pdf | 85.22 KB |
Gomez.pdf | 70.67 KB |
Martinez.pdf | 72.1 KB |
Mayorga.pdf | 73.88 KB |
Montoya.pdf | 69.86 KB |
Diaz.pdf | 69.24 KB |
Carrillo.pdf | 72.25 KB |
Campos.pdf | 65.86 KB |
both DE LEON and CARLOS mutual ancestors.pdf | 75.39 KB |