Good morning primos!
The present post is to ask for help in my Ponce de León line.Though this branch of the Ponces doesn't appear yet to be related to families in Nueva Galicia it may end up being the origin of some or many "de León" families.
I descend from Hernán Ponce de León who married María de Pardo in Valladolid Michoacán in the end of the XVI century; this Hernán das the son and the grandson of two other Hernán Ponce de León.
I've found a good amount of information about a very dynamic conqueror by that name, this one participated in the conquest of several countries and went back to Sevilla a very wealthy man. The chronology and some other things fit well for him to be my first Hernán but can't proove it yet. Has any one here researched the Ponces de León?
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Hola Danny:
Hay un artículo publicado como "Del Siglo VIII al XXI: Apuntes Genealógicos del marquesado de Villamayor de las Hibernias en el Blog Genealogía Novohispana:
Ahí viene la genealogía paterna de Don Hernando, quien desciende de la casa de los Fernández de Córdoba del Señorío de Guadalcázar.
Por la parte materna desciende de Don Egidio Bocanegra almirante de Castilla, cuyos descendientes son del señorío de Palma del Río.
Puedes leer en la página genelógica Alfaro buscando como "Los caballeros Sevillanos Alfaro Bravo de Lagunas" esta familia trabajó en favor del Duque de Béjar tanto en España como en Nueva España y otros virreinatos.
Ponce de León
En el libro Sumaria Relación de las cosas de la Nueva España de Baltasar Dorantes de Carranza se mencionan varias mujeres de la familia Ponce De León casadas con las familias de los conquistadores Vázquez de Coronado, Pérez de Bocanegra.
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The Ponce surname appeared in my Lagos de Moreno ancestry and then quickly disappeared. Just one generation. Francisco Mena cc Anna Maria Ponce are my ancestors. Also in Lagos was a contemporary couple, Antonio Mena cc Getrudis Ponce. Here’s what I have in my files. I hope someone can break through this line and help me out.
Francisco Mena cc Anna Maria Ponce had at least two children.
(1) Toribio Baltazar bap. 29 Apr 1716 Lagos
(2) Jose Antonio m. Juana Baptista Moreno, dtr of Juan Antonio Moreno and Anna Maria Galban, m. 10 Apr 1736 (Film 221513)
(Per 7 Feb 1776 dispensation I think Francisco Mena had brother Juan Antonio Mena. Film 168385)
Antonio Mena cc Getrudis Ponce had at least eight children.
(1) Juan Antonio bap. 23 Jun 1687 Irapuato, Gto. (Film 632748). Per Lagos M.I. Film 221568 8 Jul 1713 he was to marry Ysidora Velasquez of San Felipe, Michoacan, who had been in Lagos ten months. She was widow of Antonio Hernandez of Mexico City. Ysidora was hija natural of Jasinto Velasquez deceased.
On 25 Jan 1738 Lagos M.I. film 221580, Juan Antonio gave information to marry Francisca Xaviera de Amador. He claimed to be 40 years old (!) and she was 16.
(2) Maria bap. 18 Dec 1689 Lagos. Godparents were Francisco Tavera de la Vega and his daughter Maria Tavera.
(3) Miguel bap. 27 Feb 1692 Lagos (Film 221405). I noted that he married Felipa Truxillo, daughter of Santiago Truxillo and Sebastiana Lopez, on 14 May 1723 in Purisima, but I do not have any references for this entry.
(4) Getrudis bap. 25 Nov 1693 (Film 221405). Per Lagos M. I. film 221568 she was to marry Augustine Duran, hl Alonso Duran and Augustina Quesada, both deceased and from San Francisco del Rincon. Getrudis was originally from and lived in La Labor de San Pedro (Lagos) owned by Fulgencio Gonzalez de Rubalcava el moso.
(5) Vicente Ferrer bap. 22 Feb 1696 Lagos (Film 221405). On 21 Feb 1729 per Lagos Film 221513 he married Ana Maria de los Dolores Amador, daughter of Marcelo Amador and Juana Maria Lopez.
(6) Carlos Antonio bap 10 Feb 1699 (Film 221405). He gave 6 Jan 1725 M.I. (Film 221574) to wed Michaela Velasquez, originally from Silao, HL of Francisco Velasquez and Leonor Teresa del Castillo. They both claimed to be 24 years old. They wed in Lagos on 4 Feb 1725 (Film 221513).
On 19 Dec 1738 Lagos M.I. film 221580, Carlos Antonio gave information to marry Josepha Gertrudis de Soto. He claimed to be 34, she 18.
(7) Joseph Cayetano married Getrudis Lopez de Lara, daughter of Cristobal Lopez and Ynes Lopez de Lara, on 6 Jun 1728 in Lagos (Film 221513).
(8) Melchora married Mathias de Ledesma, son of Mathias de Ledesma and Marta Gonzalez, on 20 Oct 1717 in Lagos. I do not have a reference for this entry.
In at least one entry Getrudis Ponce, wife of Antonio Mena, was referred to as Getrudis Ponce de Leon.
Per computer research of the IGI, the earliest Ponce entries for Lagos de Moreno are Antonio Ponse cc Petrona de Olivares. Their children are Maria b. 29 Sep 1681, Magdalena b. 2 Feb 1693, and Petrona b. 27 Jun 1696.
Furthermore, I offer this footnote I wrote (who knows when?) on Getrudis Ponce cc Antonio Mena. “Getrudis may be the daughter of Juan Ponce de Leon (son of another Juan Ponce de Leon and Maria de Carpinteiro) orig Pueblo, who married twice. First wife was Antonia de Yepes. Second wife was Maria de Quezada. His will ca. 1688.”
I considered not included this last note because I have no documented reference. Plus because of my handwriting I’m not sure if I meant to say he was originally from “este pueblo” or “Puebla.” It looks like a definite “o” but I didn’t write the name of the pueblo! I’ll look through my files and see if I can identify my source, but that may take a while. So with caveats and apologies I’m still passing this on.
Mary Lou Montagna
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Dear Mary Lou,
In the 1600's there was a family that was often connected to the Ponce de Leon family named "Lopez de Mena."
Florida is a place where you may be able to find more information on the Ponce de Leon and the Lopez de Mena. In the 1600's these families were moving around trying to find a place to finally settle down.
Here is a record that may help your research:
Name Mariana Cortes Ponce
Gender Female
Christening Date 18 May 1689
Christening Place Téul de González Ortega, Zacatecas, Mexico
Father's Name Juan Antonio Cortes
Mother's Name Maria Ponce
Citing this Record
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch( : 12 December 2014), Mariana Cortes Ponce, 18 May 1689; citing Teúl de González Ortega, Zacatecas, Mexico, reference 167; FHL microfilm 1,164,316
Good Luck,
Rick A. Ricci
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Looking through my Tello de Orozco line I found another little brick concerning the Ponce de León :
I have that Joseph Tello de Orozco y Carvajal Figueroa (1605-1681) grandson of Dr Jerónimo de Orozco, married ca 1630 Antonia Ponce de León y... Castilla!
Now this lastname Castilla may be of help to find the parents of this Antonia. Hope we'll make some progress.
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This is also an area of interest to me.
My 8th great grandmother was Maria de Sandobal, born about 1685 in Tlaltenango de Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico.
She was the daughter of Francisco de Sandobal and Juana Ponce (Ponze, Ponse), born about 1660-65. My family tree has a well documented line back to Juana.
Having said that, there are numerous trees on that have Juana as the daughter of Catalina Ponce de Leon and back to the famous explorer. I have never found a Baptism record for Juana and thus can't confirm that relationship. If someone can provide a document to prove the link, I would be the 15 great grandson of Juan Ponce de Leon
This link is an example of one of those posted family trees:
I own a copy of John J. Browne Ayes' book: Juan Ponce de Leon - His New and Revised Genealogy. I'll look to see if there is any mention of Hernan. Thanks for bringing this question to the forefront as I had it on the back burner while focusing on my maternal Italian line.
I'd be happy to provide the remainder of Juana Ponce's descendants to anyone interested.
p.s. Juan Ponce de Leon is referenced on page 187:…
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Hola Peredo:
Don Hernando Pérez de Córdoba y Bocanegra desciende por línea materna de la familia Ponce De León, esta familia la encontré hace un tiempo en
Don Hernando recibió la encomienda de Acámbaro, Guanajuato y más tarde fue Señor de Los Apaseos. Su descendencia pasó a Pátzcuaro, quizá la heroína Gertrudis Bocanegra sea su pariente. Los allegados de Don Hernando pudieron establecerse en la misma zona, por eso creo que tu ancestro pueda estar relacionado con esta rama. Encontré a un hermano de Don Hernando que utilizaba directamente el apellido Ponce de León, pero era monje.
La familia Alfaro podría ser la misma que los Ramírez de Coy, ya que heredaron el apellido Alfaro por vía materna y en ocasiones lo utilizaban así como Alfaro o completo como "Alfaro Bravo de Lagunas" descienden del caballero Don Sáncho Bravo de Lagunas alcaide de la fortaleza de Gibraleón.
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Do you have the link to the ancestry of Don Hernando Pérez de Córdoba y Bocanegra and the link to the information on the Alfaro. I connect to the Alfaro through the same Catalina de Anguino/Ponce already mentioned.
Danny C. Alonso
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This is also an area of interest to me.
My 8th great grandmother was Maria de Sandobal, born about 1685 in Tlaltenango de Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico.
She was the daughter of Francisco de Sandobal and Juana Ponce (Ponze, Ponse), born about 1660-65. My family tree has a well documented line back to Juana.
Having said that, there are numerous trees on that have Juana as the daughter of Catalina Ponce de Leon and back to the famous explorer. I have never found a Baptism record for Juana and thus can't confirm that relationship. If someone can provide a document to prove the link, I would be the 15 great grandson of Juan Ponce de Leon
This link is an example of one of those posted family trees:
I own a copy of John J. Browne Ayes' book: Juan Ponce de Leon - His New and Revised Genealogy. I'll look to see if there is any mention of Hernan. Thanks for bringing this question to the forefront as I had it on the back burner while focusing on my maternal Italian line.
I'd be happy to provide the remainder of Juan Ponce (Ponze)
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Hernán Ponce de León y Pardo (the third) married in Valladolid Michoacán in 1571 to Mariana de Maldonado y Castro. Hernán was the nephew of the Canónigo Jerónimo García Rodríguez Pardo, who brought him from Spain when Hernán was 13 years old.
We know that Hernán (the third) was the son of another Hernán and María de Pardo, and grandson of Hernán Ponce de León (who could be the conqueror)
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La familia Ponce De León es una de las ramas que descienden de la casa Ramírez de la Piscina de Navarra, la rama principal desciende del Duque de Arcos extendido en el sur de Andalucía.
Algunos pasaron a Nueva España en 1527, venían Don Hernando Pérez de Córdova y Bocanegra y su tío Don Luis Ponce De León. Se atribuyó a Hernán Cortés el envenenamiento de éste último, Don Hernando, descendiente de los Fernandez de Córdova y de los señores de la Monclova y Palma del Río pasó a la conquista de Nueva Galicia. Su nieto Don Francisco Pacheco de Córdova fue Adelantado de Nueva Galicia y la familia se extendió entre la ciudad de México y la de Guadalajara.
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Gracias Marcelina, había visto ya alguna información sobre el licenciado Luis Ponce de León así como de Juan Ponce de León quien fue gobernador de Puerto Rico y explorador de La Florida, pero aún no sé cual era su relación con mi Hernán Ponce de León que llegó a Pátzcuaro hacia el año 1560.
El libro "Familias y casas de la Vieja Valladolid menciona a mis antepasados y dice que descendían de los antiguos condes de Tolosa en Francia
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Hi Carlos,
I descend from the Ponce family in Aguascalientes but I think there is a Michoacán connection, I just haven't been able to figure it out. My 8th Great Grandfather Bartolomé Joseph Ponce born in 1697 in Aguascalientes was the son of Miguel Martel and Doña Catalina Velázquez y Anguiano, aka Catalina Anguiano, aka Doña Catalina Ponce and oddly enough, before her marriage to Miguel Martel she was widowed from Nicolás Ponce. Catalina Ponce/Anguiano/Velázquez died in 1745 and I'm guessing based on her two marriages she was born around 1665. Her defunción lists her place of birth as Pátzcuaro, Michoacán and a testament names her parents as Diego de Matoso and Luisa de Alfaro, so the Ponce doesn't come from either parent, so it must be from one of her grandparents. When I was looking in family search for Catalina Ponce/Anguiano/Velázquez, there was a different Catalina Anguiano that was buried in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán in 1688 and her parents are named as Diego López de Anguiano and María Velázquez de Alfaro, I would guess, based on their names that they're the maternal grandparents of my Catalina Ponce/Anguiano/Velázquez and parents of Luisa de Alfaro. But, other than that, I have no clue how Doña Catalina came to use Ponce or also if she is in someway related to her first husband Nicolás Ponce. But, the Ponce name was obviously more important to her descendants since they chose to pass that on down to the 1900s, so, the Ponce name was obviously more important than the Martel name and their Martel's descended from Capitán Hernando Martel, the founder of Lagos. You can find Catalina Ponce/Anguiano/Velázquez here:
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Genealogía de Don Hernando Pérez de Córdova y Bocanegra