Orosco families in Arandas, Jalisco

I am a descendant of Dr Jeronimo Orosco from Seville, Spain. My 3rd great Grandmother was an Orosco from Arandas. My grandmother has always said she had a close relative that was Jewish, but didn't know exactly who. My grandmother has 5% Jewish DNA.

 I was watching a You Tube video on Hacienda San Sebastian and in the beginning of the video, the narrator stated that the owners of this hacienda, who were Oroscos, were Jewish Conversos. I know most of these Orosco families during that time, were related. Does anyone have any confirmation that they were indeed Jewish? 


I have done much research on the Orosco family in Spain.   And yes they have a Jewish background.   Some of the branches converted but many members of the family kept many of their Jewish traditions.   The trunk of this family was close to the Covarrubias family.  After much research it turned out that the Covarrubias had a similar Jewish background.     Many of the families that were the founding members in Los Altos de Jalisco had a mixture of Jewish ancestors and younger members of noble families.   

Rick A. Ricci 


This is what i thought. My Grandmother, who is no longer here, said she was told they were still practicing Judais secretly of course.  I would love to start researching more. I know many people will say that they were not Jewish,but I'm thinking that they just didn't know they were Conversos. The man in the You Tube video has a lot of historica  knowledg  and artifacts from that particula  area where Hacienda San Sebastian is, started his interview by saying the Oroscos were Jewish converses. I'd love to visit Aranda one day.