Gaspar de Avalos cc Luisa de Quezada y Mendoza
Alonso de Avalos cc Catalina de Orosco
Gabriel de Avalos cc Maria Quezada
Sebastian de Avalos cc Mariana de Castro
Hola prim@s,
Do any of you have any of the above mentioned couples in your lines? I have it documented that Gaspar and Alonso were brothers, and also that Gabriel and Sebastian were brothers. I think it's likely that all four are brothers, and I'm trying to compile enough info on each, to establish this theory. I also think it's possible that another brother is Baltasar de Avalos cc Juana Ruiz de Aldana.
¿Tendra alguien los mencionados en sus líneas ? Lo tengo documentado que Gaspar y Alonso eran hermanos, y también que Gabriel y Sebastián eran hermanos. Creo que es probable que los cuatro son hermanos y busco mas información sobre cada uno para establecer esta teoría. También creo que es posible que otro hermano es Baltasar de Avalos cc Juana Ruiz de Aldana.
Does anybody know if Gabriel de Avalos, who married Maria Quezada, is the same who married Augustina de Velasco?
¿Alguien sabe si Gabriel de Avalos, que era casado con María Quezada, es el mismo que se casó con Agustina de Velasco?
Gracias y saludos,
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Hi Manny, I think if i remember Juan de Malaber was the second husband of Marta Sanchez de Mendoza. But it's been a long time since I looked at these families. So when it says "su nieta" for Beatriz Gomez aka Sanchez I think they just don't know how to describe the relationship of Juan de Malaber. Technically Beatriz Sanchez/Gomez would be the step-granddaughter, if that's even a thing. Based on the multiple names Beatriz Sanchez/Gomez uses and since we know she is the actual granddaughter of Marta Sanchez de Mendoza, we can reasonable assume that her actual grandfather is Juan Sanchez de Lara. Juan de Malaber i think may be discussed in this thread:
I have a question about Beatriz Sanchez. If she's the granddaughter of Marta Sanchez de Mendoza, does that mean she's the daughter of Maria Sanchez? Also I was wondering if you were familiar with Francisco Sanchez de Quezada, son of Lazaro Sanchez and grandson of Maria Sanchez. If Maria Sanchez is the mother of Beatriz Sanchez then she would be the sibling of Lazaro Sanchez. So my question is where does Sanchez de Quezada come from. It appears to come from Lazaro Sanchez since Lazaro's wife's parents are known. Was Maria Sanchez married to a Quezada or descend from a Quezada? I do know one of Maria Sanchez's children uses Ornelas but where does Quezada come from?
That’s a really good point. It reminds of what Jaime Holcombe revealed, regarding how everyone assumed that the Delgadillo’s descended from Juan de Renteria, when they descended from his wife Ysabel Calderon’s first husband, Diego Delgadillo.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
I thread through this thread and was impressed with the amount of research that you have done with to expand our knowledge on this line and all others who have contributed thus far. I must state that I am related to this line on numerous lines, but do share a close tie through the Méndez de Torres of Zamora, Michoacán.
D. Baltazar de Avalos y Tovar and Da. Juana Ruiz de Aldana had another daughter named Da. Catalina de Avalos y Aldana (based on the various baptismal records she appears as madrina in Santa María de los Lagos and is listed as their daughter) who married D. Balthazar Martín-Barragán y Arias de Bedoya, probably in Zamora or Santa María de los Lagos, I still have yet to locate this record, if it exists. They had the following (so far what I have found):
1. Teresa Martín Barragán y Avalos b.- 7 June 1651 in San Martín de Zamora
2. Micaela Martín Barragán y Avalos b. - 19 Oct 1653 in San Martín de Zamora
3. Juana Martín Barragán y Avalos b. 11 Aug 1655 in San Martín de Zamora
4. José Martín Barragán y Avalos b. 14 Dec 1656 in Santa María de los Lagos
As you can see the family moved sometime between Juana and José's birth to Catalina de Avalos native town of Santa María de los Lagos, present day Lagos de Moreno. I want to draw your attention to their oldest daughter Teresa. She married my eighth great grand uncle's son, D. Diego Méndez de Torres y Ochoa Garibay de Solís, who was a "comerciante" on 27 April 1677 in Aguascalientes. The marriage record does not state Diego's parents, but through other records in León, Guanajuato, I was able to establish the identity of his parents of which I shouted for joy as I soon learned who he was. The couple had at least one daughter Da. Francisca Méndez de Torres y Martín Barragán, baptized 19 Oct 1679 in nearby León, Guanajuato.
Diego's father (my eighth granduncle) D. Diego Méndez de Torres (also Méndez de Sotomayor) y Arias de Bedoya was Alcalde Provisional de León al estado noble y su jurisdicción, until his death, by then he had already remarried and brought all his children to León, leaving the "solar familiar" of Zamora, Michoacán to take on expanded responsibilities in the Cabildo of León. As soon as the children are of age they are married into the García de León, Zúñiga y Mendoza, Vargas Machuca, Salceda Andrade, López de Lara and the Martín Barragán families. I call it very strategic marriage planning as the majority of these families were either directly or indirectly involved with the Cabildo through business or marriages. I would enjoy to further discuss the Avalos families, please email or message me on FB.
Daniel Méndez de Torres y Camino
Hola prim@s,
Over the summer, I finally got a chance to thoroughly read the 1657 causa criminal of Juan and Aparisio de Avalos, and boy! did I get some things wrong: Nicolas Garcia and his brother, Gaspar Garcia, were not captured, and they managed to escape. That's how they are able to appear in Huaniqueo in 1660, and later, in Lagos, where they were finally arrested. They were then extradited to San Luis Potosi; on 7 Aug 1665, Capp Juan Antonio de Pro, Alcalde Provincial de la Sta Hermandad de la Nueva Galicia, delivers Nicolas Garcia de Avalos, Gaspar y Juan de Avalos sus hermanos, y Juan Perez y Felipe de la Cruz Mulatos Libres. I lose the scent there. Gaspar de Avalos father was not among those arrested.
Hello Daniel,
Thank you very much for connecting Catalina de Avalos cc Baltasar Martin Barragan to Baltasar de Avalos cc Juana Ruiz! I had seen her and Baltasar in Zamora, and I wondered who she belonged to. This reinforces Baltasar de Avalos Tovar's & Juana Ruiz de Aldana's presence in Zamora, along with the marriage of their son, Nicolas de Avalos to Ynes Martinez Ortega, on 21 Aug 1651.
Gracias y saludos!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Hola prim@s,
It’s been a while since I’ve found anything on our favorite gangsta family, los Malos Davalos. I found this one in the Guadalajara Protocolos; it’s a promissory note, dated 21 Oct 1637, in Villa de Lagos: Grabiel de Abalos (how he signed his name), vecino desta Villa (Lagos), as principal debtor, and Alº Davalos Ludena (how he signed his name), as his guarantor, promises to pay Esteban de Anda Altamirano 94 pesos and 4 tomines in Reales, for the same amount loaned to him.
The last time we saw Grabiel de Abalos was 1 Jan 1630, in San Matias, Pinos, when his slave, Maria Negra Adulta, was baptized (her padrinos were Sebastian Perez and Luisa, Negros Esclavos de Luis de Urdiales). If he is the same Gabriel de Avalos who married Agustina de Velasco, then he next appears on 26 Jul 1639, in San Luis Potosi, when they baptize Nicolas.
As for Alonso Davalos Ludena, I don’t know of any other Alonso de Avalos living in Villa de Lagos in 1637, other than the one married to Catarina de Orozco, and who we know was brother of Gaspar de Abalos. If it is him, “Ludena” is a new surname for this branch. I wonder if there is any link to Maria de Ludena/Luduina/Ludueña, who married Rodrigo de Ornelas y Mendoza, 26 Nov 1615, in Lagos, and who died, 19 Dec 1674, in Jalos? Does anyone know who she is? From the timeline, she could easily be a sibling of the Avalos’.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Hi Manny,
It's a been awhile since I looked at these families. But I thought we had all basically decided they were brothers -Gaspar, Gabriel, Alonso and others. Was I wrong? The only mention I found of Maria de Ludena is this passage I think from Rodolfo Hernandez Chavez, where Gaspar is identified as Gaspar de Avalos Ludena:
Gaspar de Avalos-Ludeña casado por 1620 con Doña Luisa de Quesada y Sánchez de Mendoza, hermana de Doña María de Quesada ó María de Mendoza; Doña Juana de Avalos, madre de Juan de Orozco que casó con María de Quesada y Alvarado, hija de Francisco de Quesada y Sánchez de Mendoza –hermano de Doña María y de Doña Luisa de Quesada-, y de su esposa Catalina de los Ángeles Alvarado; Doña Ysabel Avalos-Ludeña / “Ysabel de Orozco”, esposa de Don Sebastián Pérez de Ortega; y a caso Doña María de Ludeña, casada en Patzcuaro y, velada el 26 de Noviembre de 1615 en Lagos con Rodrigo de Órnelas y Mendoza… ¿Tal vez?, debamos de incluir como hijo de Alonso de Avalos y de Catalina de Orozco, a Francisco de Avalos, esposo de María de Espitia, quien según investigaciones de Don Jaime Holcombe procreó en Beatriz Sánchez de Lara –también conocida como Beatriz Sánchez de Carranza, Beatriz Sánchez de Mendoza ó Beatriz Gómez propietaria de una casa en la Villa de los Lagos, descrita en el padrón de 669 como “Casa de María Gómez Viuda”, donde vivía Antonia de Avalos doncella, en compañía de Bernarda Ortiz doncella, y de la “Estancia de San Nicolás de la Ciénega” en la jurisdicción de San Juan/Jalostotitlán, registrada en los padrones de 1670 como “Rancho de Beatriz Gómez”, y en los de 1672, 1673 y 1679 como “Estancia de Beatriz Gómez”,
Hi Danny,
We’ve documented that Gaspar, Juan & Alonso were brothers, Gabriel & Sebastian were brothers, and Baltasar and Juana were siblings; we know that Gaspar, Alonso, Gabriel and Sebastian and their families all had contact with each other, and that Gaspar and Gabriel appear to shadow each other in their movements between Lagos, Pinos, Armadillo and Irapuato. Also, none of their children nor grandchildren intermarried, and we’ve seen only 3 dispensations for great-grandchildren. As for being certain whether all 7 were in the same family group, we still can’t say, but they were definitely at least cousins.
Thanks for reposting Rodolfo’s piece, I had forgotten about that. I’ve been foraging through the Lagos de Moreno church records, and I’ve found something that ties into that: Rodrigo de Ornelas and Maria de Ludeña appear as padrinos for 3 baptisms in 1637, and on the partidas she is given the name “Maria de Avalos.” We already have Alonso de Avalos using “Ludeña” - I’d like to see Rodolfo’s sources, with Gabriel using that surname, as well as Ysabel de Avalos cc Sebastian Perez de Ortega.
On 18 Dec 1664, in Lagos de Moreno, buried was Ana de Montoya española, wife of Gaspar de Avalos:…
On 17 Nov 1665, in Jalostotitlan, buried was Beatriz de Montoya, wife of Gaspar de Avalos el Mozo. She was a resident of the estansia called Ornelas in San Juan.…
There were 3 men named Gaspar, associated with these lines: Gaspar de Avalos cc Luisa de Quesada, their son, Gaspar Garcia de Avalos (b 19 Sep 1639), and Gaspar, son of Baltasar de Avalos cc Juana Ruiz de Aldana (b. 6 Jul 1636). This last one used the name “Gaspar de Aldana” in later records, and appears in the 1672 & 1673 San Juan padrones. The 1st Gaspar and his son were in Lagos de Moreno as early as May 1664, when daughter Andrea married Roque Flores. Ana de Montoya could’ve been married to either 3, and Beatriz to either of the younger ones. Anyone?
Buried on 10 Dec 1665 in Lagos de Moreno was Nicolas Garcia de Avalos. If you remember, Nicolas was the oldest son of Gaspar de Avalos and Luisa de Quezada. He started using the alias “Garcia,” as early as 23 Feb 1654, when he married Ysabel del Castillo in Armadillo. I don’t know if it is an ancestral surname, though his brother, Gaspar, also used it. I was surprised to see him buried in Lagos, because the last we had heard of him was the previous Aug 1665, when he and his brothers Gaspar & Juan were extradited to San Luis Potosi, probably for those murders and robberies committed in 1656. Looks like his sentence was carried out in Lagos, since the burial record says he was “justiciado” (executed). It took 8 years, but justice finally caught up with him:…
Here’s something I had overlooked: Gaspar de Avalos & Luisa de Quezada’s daughter, Ysabel de Avalos, married Geronimo de Arroyo in 1647 in Pinos. On their 1646 IM, the first witness was Nicolas de Ribera, age 20, who said he was “primo hermano de la dicha Ysabel de Avalos.” So, either Gaspar de Avalos or Luisa de Quesada had a sibling who married a “Ribera”:…
Regarding Beatriz Sanchez aka Gomez etc: on 21 Jun 1628, in Lagos de Moreno, baptized were Phelipe and Ana, both “hijos de la Yglesia,” and Antonio hijo de Alonso de Quesada cc Ysabel de Alarcon, and the padrinos for all 3 were Juan de Malaber and Beatriz Gomez “su nieta.” On 11 Jul 1628, baptized was Madalena hija de la Yglesia, her madrina was Beatriz Gomez “nieta de Marta Sanchez.”
I don’t know who Juan de Malaber was, but Marta Sanchez was married to Juan Sanchez de Lara. Could this possibly be the same Beatriz Gomez aka Beatriz Sanchez etc?
Hope you’re all well!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
I descend from Francisco Quesada and Catalina de Los Angeles (aka Catalina de Alvarado). I was wondering whether Luisa Quesada y Mendoza has been connected to this family.
Rick A. Ricci
Hi, I´m new over here and even though I have already read a lot of the posts in this forum I didn´t read all.
So, does anybody notice that in the baptisma-chistening certificate (I really don´t know the english name)of GASPAR DE AVALOS (Lagos 6 july 1636), son of Baltazar de Avalos and Juana de Aldana, the godmother was Isabel de Avalos, daugther of Gabriel de Avalos.
Although, this document doesn´t prove they were brothers, it definitely proves that a link between them existed.
Cheers. Daniel.
Hola, soy nuevo por acá y aunque ya leí una gran cantidad de publicaciones de este foro no logré leerlas todas.
Así que les pregunto. ¿Alguien ya se había percatado que en la Fe de bautismo de GASPAR DE ÁVALOS (lagos, 6 de julio 1636), hijo de Baltazar de Ávalos y Juana de Aldana, la madrina fue Isabel de Ávalos, la hija de Gabriel de Ávalos?
Aunque esto no prueba el parentesco entre ellos, sin duda si demuestra una relación de algún tipo entre ellos.
Saludos, Daniel.
Hi Rick,
Thanks, and great story, about your ancestor, Güera! If it were a movie, Maria Felix would play the lead…
Hola Daniel,
Sí, ya se mencionó el contacto entre Baltasar de Avalos e Isabel de Avalos, pero le agradecemos su contribución a la conversación. Los detalles son importantes!
Gracias y saludos!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Baltazar D'Avalos Villaseñor y Espexo was baptized on 22/Jan/1653, in León, "hijo de Don Gonzalo de Avalos Villaseñor y Juana de Espejo".
This Balthazar was married to Maria Ruiz de Velasco in abt. 1679 in Ayo el Chico, Jalisco
Rick A. Ricci
Hola prim@s,
Here's the marriage record for Nicolas de Avalos Villaseñor cc Ynes Macias Ortega, 21 Aug 1651, Sagrario, Zamora, Mich:…
I just noticed that there were some posts that were directed to me, and that I had missed - my apologies, I'll try to respond to them, when I can.
I also have an update on Gaspar de Avalos cc Luisa de Quezada, which I'll be posting soon - stay tuned!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
We last saw Gaspar de Avalos and Luisa de Quezada in March 1657, living on their rancho, called "El Ojo de Muerte," near Valle de Armadillo, SLP. Their sons, Nicolas Garcia and Gaspar Garcia, along with cousins, Juan and Geronimo Aparisio de Avalos Orozco, plus another accomplice, had just been tried and executed for murder & robbery. After their deaths, the condemned were decapitated and quartered, their heads placed on poles on the 4 roads leaving San Luis, and their bodies, gibbeted where the murders took place. Within days, the heads of Juan and Aparisio de Avalos had disappeared from their poles, and authorities had gone to the rancho of Gaspar de Avalos, searching for them. Gaspar and his sons were gone, and only the women remained. And that's where we left off.
Cut to 3 years later: it's 4 Feb, 1660, and Gaspar de Avalos and Luisa de Quezada are now residents of Huaniqueo, Michoacan, where they had been living for well over a year (since 1658). Alonso Rodriguez de Montemayor, of Pachuca, has petitioned to marry their daughter, Luisa de Avalos y Quezada (confirmed 22 May 1624, Sta Maria de Lagos), but there's an impediment (my heart jumped...): Alonso Rodriguez has had a previous relationship with a cousin of Luisa's, requiring a dispensation for 2o con 3o de amistad ilicita (!!GOOOOL!!).
Now, as I was reading this document, I was super impressed with the amount of information given by the notary - on the testigos, in particular: not just their castas and ages, but also, in some cases, their occupations, or who they're married to (Ysabel de Liebana Española de 50a, casada con Juan de Torres, vnos de Huaniqueo). And then, for the number of testigos, of which there are several, including a couple of surprises. I just hoped that the dispensation gives us something new, like Gaspar's parents' names, or perhaps confirming a link to Gabriel & Sebastian de Avalos, or to Baltasar & Juana de Avalos? Or a new branch, altogether?
Well, it appears to be the latter:
“dixo conosse a dho alonzo hernandes de montemayor dos messes y a luissa de abalos desde que nasio que es su hija lexitima y que cotidianamente hastado de baxo su obediencia y amparo como donssella birtuosa y que pueden contraer el matrimonio que an tratado y conossio a juo de abalos su herno lixitimo [hermano legitimo] que mataron en este puo [pueblo, i.e. Huaniqueo] y conossio a bartolome de abalos hijo bastardo de dho Juan de abalos el qual tubo una hija llamada maria con quien dho alonso hernandes dissen tubo amistad ylicita la qual fue sobrina de dha luisa de abalos su hija porque dho bartolome de abalos fue Primo de dha su hija y la hija de dho bartolome de abalos es sobrina de dha luissa de abalos su hija y que todo lo referrido lo bido y passo como esta dho y es la berdad … “ - Declaracion del padre de la contrayente, Gaspar de Abalos, edad de 60a, lo firmo con el sr cura, 22 feb 1660 (Image 079).
Yup. Gaspar de Abalos himself. Giving an account of a brother named Juan de Avalos, whom "they had killed in Huaniqueo" (years before, according to another testigo), and who had a bastard son named Bartolome de Avalos (Mestizo), who had a daughter named Maria de Avalos, with whom Alonso Rodriguez had relations. All of the witnesses give the same account, but there are some additional snippets of info:
- Testigo Juan de Yepes Esp 50 says Juan de Avalos Difunto was married to his aunt.
- Testigo Juan Sidbensiz (or Juan Bensisio - anyone?), Esp age 24, says he's a cuñado de Luisa de Avalos, who is sister of his wife. The only daughter of Gaspar de Avalos and Luisa de Quezada that I don't have married, is Mariana de Avalos, who was baptized 04 Jul 1638, in Sagrario, SLP.
- Several of the testigos say they knew the Avalos from Lagos, with none mentioning Armadillo nor Sierra de Pinos. Of course they wouldn't!!!
- The biggest surprise (and the creepiest...), is testigo NICOLAS GARCIA, age 30, brother of the bride. But how can this be?? Nicolas Garcia de Avalos was hung, beheaded and quartered, 3 years before, in San Luis Potosi!!?? The only explanation: one of the younger siblings adopted his name, after his death. This family was all about aliases and shadows.
So, now we know that after the executions, Gaspar de Avalos and Luisa de Quezada would have collected and buried the bodies of their sons, when the authorities allowed it. They were then likely forced to leave SLP, perhaps even forfeiting whatever property they owned. They still had 2 sons, under the age of 16, and 4 daughters, all of marrying age. Gaspar de Abalos & the OMG then headed south to Huaniqueo. We've seen them in Irapuato, Gto, but this is the first time we've placed anyone from this branch in old Michoacan. And now we know that he had a brother named Juan de Avalos, who lived & died there. This gets us that much closer to the Avalos/ Tobar/ Villasenor / Cervantes etc.
Additional notes:
- Daughter Andrea de Avalos still has to marry Roque Flores, on 02 May 1664, in Lagos. Women usually lived with their parents until married, though in her case, she was at least 40 years-old (most of their 8 daughters married rather late - well after 30). But it's possible that she still lived with her parents, and that Gaspar and Luisa returned to Lagos before 1664. Que vida mas loca!
- I've located 2 men named Bartolome de Avalos, one, who was Mestizo, living in Angamacutiro and married to Catalina Gutierrez Mulata Libre, and another, who was categorized as Morisco, and who married Melchora Juana India, 25 May 1659, in Indaparapeo. Since his daughter, Maria de Avalos, was said to have had her affair with Alonso Rodriguez in 1659, our Bartolome is likely the first. It's possible they're the same person, or perhaps father and son.
- Gaspar de Abalos signed his name, revealing that he had received an education, and that he had at least a middle-class upbringing.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
04 Feb 1660 IM de Luisa de Avalos y Quezada, con Alonso Rodriguez de Montemayor.
"México, Michoacán, registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1555-1996," database with images, FamilySearch (… : 20 May 2014), Morelia > Arquidiócesis de Morelia > image 72 of 1421; parroquias Católicas, Michoacan (Catholic Church parishes, Michoacan).
This is really great stuff Manny. This family is never boring. I just wish
we could finally find out who the parents are especially because so many of
us, including me, descend from them. Also who do you think the 2nd Nicolas
really was?
Danny C. Alonso
Hola Prim@s,
I just noticed that I made an error: Luisa de Avalos y Quezada, daughter of Gaspar de Avalos cc Luisa de Quezada, was to marry Alonso HERNANDEZ de Montemayor, and not “RODRIGUEZ de Montemayor.” He was son of Diego Hernandez and Juana de Osorio. I was just excited about discovering a new branch, I suppose, and dear Alonso seemed incidental - which he wasn't!
Hi Danny,
It’s possible Gaspar de Avalos and Luisa de Quezada named 2 of their sons, “Nicolas.” And it’s just as possible that one of their other sons adopted the name, after the first was killed. The only son I haven’t accounted for is Diego, who was baptized 1 May 1642, San Matias, Pinos.
Earlier in this thread, I mentioned some documents that I found indexed at the website for Biblioteca Publica del Estado de Jalisco Juan Jose Arreola:
Archivo de la Real Audiencia Ramo Civil y Criminal: Ramo: Criminal
Año 1 1665/ Año 2 1667
Progresivo 2710, Caja 174, Exp 6
Lugar: LAGOS
Documentos referentes a las discrepancias entre los tribunales eclesiásticos y civiles, a causa de que el artículo de inmunidad de la iglesia no fuera respetado por el Teniente Provincial de la Hermandad de Lagos al sacar de la parroquia a Gaspar de Ávalos, Juan de Ávalos, García Nicolás y Juan Pérez, reos acusados de robo.
“Documents regarding the discrepancies between the ecclesiastical and the civil tribunals, because the article giving the Church immunity was not respected by the Teniente Provincial de la Hermandad of Lagos, when removing from the parish Gaspar de Avalos, Juan de Avalos, Nicolas Garcia and Juan Perez, inmates accused of robberies.”
When I first read that, I thought that the event spoken of happened decades before, since Nicolas Garcia was listed amongst those removed from the parish in 1665, and we know he died in 1657. But now, knowing that another son of Gaspar de Avalos used the same name, I think this happened in 1665. This makes sense, because Andrea de Avalos y Quezada married Roque Flores on 2 May 1664, and women usually lived with their parents, until they married.
So, some time between Feb 1660 and May 1664, the OMG returned to Lagos. And they apparently continued with their evil ways, even after what happened to their sons & cousins. Gaspar de Avalos was around 70, by this time, for crissake.
But more, as I reread the above description of the documents, I realize that I misread it, regarding the word "parroquia" which I misinterpreted as "parish," as in the "jurisdiction of a church." But in this case, it apparently means the "parish church," itself, where the Avalos had fled, seeking asylum. The Hermandad stormed the church, and arrested them, which is the violation spoken of.
You can't make this stuff up.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Dear Manny,
Congratulations on your findings. I am very appreciative of your work. The band of robbers ties in with the early history of the road being very dangerous between tepatitlan and San Juan de Los Lagos. Stories were made up that my ancestor was the head of the band because she became a bitter woman who always coverered her face after being attacked and her face scarred by a mountain lion. She had been described as a tall beauty, Güera, before the attack. After the attack she always wore a veil and avoided people. People later claimed that her son's inherited much because of what she robbed but she was rich from her parents leaving her a fortune. And she went from a young women who had everything, physical and facial beauty, intelligence, wit, and rich parents to boot, to a bitter woman who shied away from people and no longer the life of the party.
Thanks again,
I don't descend from the D'Avalos family lines that we are talking about, though I do descend from the Padilla D'Avalos.
I descend from the Villasenor and Diaz de Leon families. I found Chris's post on how the Avalos and Diaz de Leon were related. I also descend from Juan Diaz de Leon and Jacinta de Sotomayor.
Joseph Diaz de Leon (m. Antonia Delgadillo) was the son of Juan Diaz de Leon and Jacinta Martinez de Sotomayor. Chris has Jose Diaz de Leon's brother Antonio Diaz de Leon as an ancestor.
Rick A. Ricci
thank you. i didnt see that. whats a predio rustco mean? who do you think is the parents of Baltasar de Abalos Tobar. i know you probly don't know officially but who fits best.
Danny C. Alonso
i had another question. i know Gaspar and Alonso are brothers but have you linked these people to my ancestor Gabriel Avalos.
Danny C. Alonso
Rick, thanks for posting the information regarding the Villaseñor.
Manny, do you have the link to the dispensa for Nicolas Castañeda and Maria Gomez?
Hola a todos:
Sobre la relación entre las líneas de los Ávalos entre sí, probablemente éstas ya existían desde España, pues el apellido Ávalos constiuye una de las ramas de la casa, solar y divisa Ramírez de la Piscina, desde 1537 hasta ahora la rama Ávalos ha participado en la custodia de la divisa. Actualmente la tiene el Marqués de Legarda como sucesor de la casa de Ábalos.
Existe una relación geográfica puesto que la Iglesia de Santa María de la Piscina se encuentra próxima " a media legua" del poblado de Ábalos.
En el libro La Divisa, solar y Casa Real de la Piscina, de Jaime Salazar y Acha et al,(cuya muestra está en GoogleBooks) se puede leer en la página 14 se dice que en 1534 el Doctor Diego Ramírez de la Piscina, historiador de Navarra conocido como Diego Ramírez de Ávalos ganó el pleito contra los usurpadores de la Divisa ante la Real Chancillería de Valladolid.
Mi abuelo materno me informó que nuestra rama (Ramírez de Coy) proviene del tronco Ramírez de la Piscina al igual que los Cos, los Ávalos, los Ponce. Ésta información la he ido corroborando poco a poco, puesto que de la descendencia de los Ramírez de la Piscina hay varias versiones.
Marcelina Macías
Hello Rick,
Thank you! This is all great info. From timelines and the combination of surnames, I'd say the Avalos OMG descend from one of the offspring of Diego de Villasenor Tobar and Geronima de Avalos.
Re: Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor, I descend from her second marriage, to the mysterious Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada. Ysabel and Francisco owned Guadalupe de Los Pozos, in Sierra de Pinos, which they came into possession of, around 1708. I don't know if her first husband, Mathias Gomez de Sotomayor, owned any property, he drops off the map around 1692.
I mentioned Luis de Avalos cc Gertrudis Ponce, 25 Feb 1645, San Matias, Pinos; I thought he might be a possible son of Gabriel de Avalos and Maria Quesada, but he and Gertrudis Ponce were Mestizos. Gabriel de Avalos and Maria Quesada did baptize Joseph de Avalos Quesada, 28 Dec 1625, San Matias, Pinos; his padrino was Gines Carrion, and he was confirmed on 24 Jan 1627, padrino Juan Gutierrez.
I found the 24 Mar 1666 IM for Nicolas Carrillo de Figueroa and Juana de Avalos; Juana de Avalos was said to be born in Sierra de Pinos, she was daughter of Diego de Avalos and Geronima Saldana. I don't know who this Diego de Avalos is, but from the location and timeline, he's either a son of Gaspar or Gabriel de Avalos:
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Hola Marcelina y Rick,
With all of this talk of Davalos, Villaseñor, Orosco y Cervantes; I came upon this capellania regarding the Villalobos (Augustin Villalobos; Diego Villalobos Clerigo, nephew of Antonio Villalobos, others) img78:
What interested me (and what might interest you) is img152: Francisco Antonio Peredo, en nombre de Maria Magdalena Davalos Bracamonte Orosco y Cervantes, Viuda del Capitan Pedro Antonio Trebuesto(?) Cavallero, hija legitima del Conde Don Pedro Alonso Davalos Bracamonte, del Orden de Santiago, Conde de Miravalle cc Condesa Doña Francisca Antonia de Orosco y Cervantes (hija legitima de Manuel Orosco y Cervantes, hijo de Mariana de Villalobos). The date is 30 May 1740, I believe.
I just thought I'd post this for your records, as there are a lot of relationships defined in this document, and perhaps it can be of use to you.
Gracias y saludos!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Diego Villasenor-Tovar has a son named Francisco who marries Mariana Villalobos.
Francisco Villaseñor and Mariana Villalobos are the parents of Manuel Villasenor.
Manuel Villaseñor marries Teresa de Ribadeneira and they have a daughter named Francisca Antonia Villaseñor.
Francisca Villaseñor married Pedro Alonso D'Avalos Bracamonte
R.A. Ricci
Mr. Ricci,
do you know which of these other Villasenors actually came to our area like Aguascalientes and Jalisco
Danny C. Alonso
Dear manny,
I was so caught up in helping research the Avalos that I did not pay close attention to what may be the big clue. You wrote " Ysabel Ruiz de Villaseñor, who married first to Matias Gomez de Sotomayor". Did you descend from Mathias or from the second husband. When researching the Avalos I came across some property that the Avalos ancestors used to used to own. The property is said to have passed down many generations to the de Sotomayor family. I think it said Garcia de Sotomayor family so it might not be the same family.
I just pulled out my copy of "retonos" by Marian Gonzalez Leal.
I did not read it first because I did not want it to influence my research. I'm glad that I didn't. My research corroborates his theories. There were two separate Avalos families yet both of them left descendants in los altos de Jalisco. Both of the Avalos(D'Avalos ) families intermarried with many of the same families. I have posted examples of the two Avalos families marrying into the Villasenor family.
Mariano does not give these lines that I have posted. these lines complement his work and validate his theories.
However, even if in Mexico they are two distinct lines, they are very interconnected so I believe that further research in Spain would show that these two Avalos lines come from the same family. It would be a big surprise if they weren't the same family because it would be to big a coincidence with all that they have in common such as who they marry and what social circles they ran in. They ran together. At least the first generations in Nuva Galicia.
Dear Manny,
I want to thank you again for seeking out and sharing these stories. The stories I hear about our ancestors give me a boost of energy to get back to doing more research. Even though I don't descend from the Avalos, that I know of, it was a true joy to hear the stories about the family. I am related through the Villasenor and Cervantes lines.
Thanks again,
Rick A. Ricci
There is another Villaseñor D'Avalos connection that also has a Boccanegra connection.
Alonso de Avalos Velasco married Maria Delgadillo. Their daughter, Maria D'Avalos Delgadillo (aka Verdugo) married Diego Boccanegra, son of Juan Gutierrez de Boccnegra and Guiomar de Villaseñor y Cervantes
Guiomar de Andrada is the daughter of Conquistador Juan de Villaseñor and Catalina Cervantes.
R.A. Ricci
Here is another de Avalos connection to the Villaseñor.
Gonzalo de Villasenor married to Aldonza Avalos e Hijar.
Gonzalo de Villasenor y Zuñiga and Aldonsa Avalos are this same couple.
Gonzalo is the son of Juan de Villasenor Tovar y Orosco,(encomendero de Guango) and Catarina Corona
Juan de Villasenor Tovar y Orosco,(encomendero de Guango) Is the son of Conquistador de Nueva España Juan de Villaseñor-Tovar y Orosco and Catarina Cervantes y Andrada
Conquistador de Nueva España Juan de Villaseñor-Tovar Orosco is the son of Diego de Burgos Villaseño and Isabel Orosco
Aldonza d' Avalos e Hijar is the daughter of Diego Lopez de Saavedra and Francisca Fernandez de Hijar
Diego Lopez de Saavedra is the son of Alonso D' Avalos Saavedra and Maria Delgadillo
Diego Lopez de Saavedra is the son of Diego Lopez de Saavedra and Maria Verdugo
Maria Delgadillo is the daughter of Francisco Delgadillo and Isabel de Avalos
Francisca Fernandez de Hijar is the daughter of Alfonso de Bracamonte and Beatriz de Fernandez de Hijar
Beatriz de Fernandez de Hijar is the daughter of Juan Fernandez de Hijar and Maria Carvajal
Juan Fernanadez de Hijar is the son of Diego Fernandez de Hijar
Alfonso de Bracamonte is the son of Alvaro Bracamonte and Beatriz Alvarado Bracamonte
Aldonsa De Abalos
Gender Female
Husband Gonsalo De Villasenor Y Suniga
Daughter Teresa Villasenor Abalos
Name Teresa Villasenor Abalos
Gender Female
Christening Date 12 Aug 1654
Father's Name Gonsalo De Villasenor Y Suniga
Mother's Name Aldonsa De Abalos
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch( : 12 December 2014), Aldonsa De Abalos in entry for Teresa Villasenor Abalos, 12 Aug 1654; citing SAN FRANCISCO,ANGAMACUTIRO DE LA UNION,MICHOACAN,MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 608,775.
R.A. Ricci
this is pretty exciting. I think from the names these people use they have to come from either Gonzalo de Villasenor and Aldonza de Avalos Hijar or Diego de Villasenor and Geronima de Avalos. I just made a second connection to the Avalos Villasenor family the day before July 4th, so I'm really excited by this news. i already come from Ysabel de Avalos, daughter of Gabriel de Avalos and Maria de Quesada. and then the other day i connected throug the Diaz de Leons to Juana de Avalos/Villasenor.ñor-17
i think it's the same person Cris was asking about earlier on the thread. i kinda thought the Gonsalo de Villasenor and Aldonza de Avalos hijar couple made sense cause a lot of them use Avalos and it seems that people use the most prestigious name and it doesnt seem like many families are more prestigious than the Villasenor family except maybe the Avalos de Hijar familiy. but, i'm really curious about any new information about these people.
Danny C. Alonso
I took a look at the posts and realized that I had left out a generation.
Gonzalo Villaseñor y Zuniga is the son Gonzalo Villaseñor Cervantes and Maria Zuñiga
So the line should read:
Gonzalo de Villasenor married to Aldonza Avalos e Hijar.
Gonzalo de Villasenor y Zuñiga and Aldonsa Avalos are this same couple.
//////// added line that I had left out by mistake
Gonzalo Villaseñor y Zuniga is the son Gonzalo Villaseñor Cervantes and Maria Zuñiga
I do not have Maria Zuñiga's parents.
Gonzalo is the son of Juan de Villasenor Tovar y Orosco,(encomendero de Guango) and Catarina Corona
Juan de Villasenor Tovar y Orosco,(encomendero de Guango) Is the son of Conquistador de Nueva España Juan de Villaseñor-Tovar y Orosco and Catarina Cervantes y Andrada
Conquistador de Nueva España Juan de Villaseñor-Tovar Orosco is the son of Diego de Burgos Villaseño and Isabel Orosco
Aldonza d' Avalos e Hijar is the daughter of Diego Lopez de Saavedra and Francisca Fernandez de Hijar
Diego Lopez de Saavedra is the son of Alonso D' Avalos Saavedra and Maria Delgadillo
Diego Lopez de Saavedra is the son of Diego Lopez de Saavedra and Maria Verdugo
Maria Delgadillo is the daughter of Francisco Delgadillo and Isabel de Avalos
Francisca Fernandez de Hijar is the daughter of Alfonso de Bracamonte and Beatriz de Fernandez de Hijar
Beatriz de Fernandez de Hijar is the daughter of Juan Fernandez de Hijar and Maria Carvajal
Juan Fernanadez de Hijar is the son of Diego Fernandez de Hijar
Alfonso de Bracamonte is the son of Alvaro Bracamonte and Beatriz Alvarado Bracamonte
Aldonsa De Abalos
Gender Female
Husband Gonsalo De Villasenor Y Suniga
Daughter Teresa Villasenor Abalos
Name Teresa Villasenor Abalos
Gender Female
Christening Date 12 Aug 1654
Father's Name Gonsalo De Villasenor Y Suniga
Mother's Name Aldonsa De Abalos
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch( : 12 December 2014), Aldonsa De Abalos in entry for Teresa Villasenor Abalos, 12 Aug 1654; citing SAN FRANCISCO,ANGAMACUTIRO DE LA UNION,MICHOACAN,MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 608,775.
I am sorry for leaving out the generation, I should triple check what I type before hitting send.
R.A. Ricci
Mr. Ricci,
Do you know who the parents are of Nicolas de Avalos y Villasenor are that's married to Ynes de Bocanegra. he was mentioned earlier on this thread
Danny C. Alonso
Hi Danny,
Nicolas de Avalos Villaseñor was son of Baltasar de Avalos Tobar and "Lucina" Ruiz de Aldana, according to the earlier post by Carlos Peredo (thank you, Carlos!). He was born in Lagos. Ines Macias Ortega was daughter of Francisco Macias Valades and Jacinta de Ortega, of Aguascalientes (she made her confirmation of 04 Jun 1634, Asuncion de Maria, Ags). They were married 25 Aug 1641, in Zamora, Michoacan, the source is "Familias y Casas de la Vieja Valladolid," and "Lucina" is likely a typo, or it might a second name for Juana Ruiz de Aldana.
Ines Macias de Ortega, with power of attorney of Nicolas de Avalos Villaseñor, sold a "predio rustico" in Aguascalientes, to Francisco Muñoz de Hermosillo, on 04 Jun 1689. This record can be found at the Aguascalientes Acervos Coloniales website.
This is the first time I've seen a child of Baltasar de Avalos using "Villaseñor."
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Dear Manny,
What do you think of the possibility that Baltazar descends from this Nicolas Villaseñor D'Avalos?
I know of a Nicolas Villaseñor D'Avalos, but I don't know who he was married to.
Nicolas Villaseñor-Tovar D'Avalos y de la Torre is the son of Diego Villaseñor and Jerónima de la Torre (born abt.1623)
Diego is the son of Diego Villaseñor-Tovar and Jerónima D'Avalos
I already posted Diego and Jerónima 's ancestry.
Rick A. Ricci
Mr. Ricci and Manny,
I found this about the Villasenors and Cervantes and other families like Perez de Bocanegra: de Villasenor.pdf
also, Manny have you connected Gaspar and Alonso to Gabriel de Avalos
Manny, you also mentioned that you have a person that uses Ruiz de Villasenor, i just found a person that uses Ruiz de Avalos here:
Danny C. Alonso
Dear Danny,
Even if you already have a lot of information, it is always a good practice to look at new sources that someone provides to see if you can find additional puzzle pieces. A source that you provided gave me such a gem. For Diego de Villaseñor y Cervantes I had only "Mariana Zuñiga" as her name. Your source says that her name is Mariana Zuñiga Villasagra.
Thank you,
Rick A. Ricci
Manny, Danny and Rick,
I've begun linking these families on Wikitree. It will probably take me a few days to add all the people Manny gave on this thread, but since several people descend from the Avalos, Villasenor and Tovar families, I think it will make it easier to find a connection. I've also linked Sebastian, Gaspar, Gabriel and Alonso as siblings. Here is Sebastian and from him you can link to the others. I think it's important to help in locating the origin of the Avalos Villasenor.
p.s. Danny, Thanks for that marriage of Simon Oviedo, I did not have that in my records.
Hola prim@s,
I’m still sorting through what I have on alteña families using “Avalos Villaseñor”:
Bernardino de Avalos and Joseph Perez de Bocanegra were married 26 Apr 1664, Nuestra Senora de Guanajuato, Gto. Parents aren’t named, only that he’s from Jalostotitlan, and she’s from Gto. They likely moved back to Los Altos; most of the Avalos couples issued dispensations in San Juan and Mascota are related to this couple.
From various dispensations, we know they had two children:
1. Maria de Avalos y Bocanegra cc Juan Fernando Cordero
2. Joseph Bernardino de Avalos cc Paula Quezada.
Also, Bernardino de Avalos y Villasenor had 2 sisters:
1. Ysabel de Avalos, who was mother of Miguel de Avalos y Villasenor cc Maria Vasquez de Aviles (or Avila).
2. Augustina de Avalos, who had a daughter named Juana Gomez.
I don’t know who their spouses were. These 3 siblings were born roughly 1640-1650. I think they’re grandchildren of Baltasar de Avalos and Juana Ruiz, but only because the other Avalos left Los Altos. Does anybody know who they are?
The aforementioned Miguel de Avalos y Villasenor cc Maria Vasquez de Aviles (or Avila) aka Maria Gutierrez, had two sons:
1. Miguel de Avalos y Villasenor cc Catalina Cordero-Avalos, dispensed at 3o grado, 8 Mar 1713, San Juan.
2. Juan Bautista de Avalos m1. Luisa de Limon Quezada, (daughter of Alonso Quezada cc Felipa Limon y Ortiz) m2. Maria Josefa de Aguirre y Paz (daughter of Lorenza Aguirre cc Maria de la Paz).
Hi Danny,
No, I haven’t found any hard documentation that links Gaspar and Gabriel as brothers, just my hypothesis, that I laid out earlier in this thread. It’s hard to say who their parents are: you’ve narrowed it down as I have, but then, Rick has shared a lot of new info, which I still need to process. Thank you, Rick, this is all super helpful!
Here’s the Nicolas Castaneda cc Maria Gomez dispensa:
The name given for Maria Gomez’s great-grandfather is incorrect, he wasn’t Baltasar de Avalos, but Sebastian de Avalos:
Sebastian de Avalos cc Mariana de Castro
Augustin de Avalos cc Magdalena Ruiz
Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor cc Mathias Gomez
Maria Gomez y Ruiz cc Nicolas de Castaneda
Question: Nicolas de Castaneda was son of Tomasa Carrion, who I have as daughter of Capitan Antonio Carrion; Antonio Carrion married twice, to Francisca Rodriguez del Alamo, and then to Maria de San Jose de Asa y Oropesa. Which one is Tomasa’s mother?
In his 10 Dec 1700 IM for his second marriage, Antonio Carrion’s mother’s name is given as “Ysabel de Alarcon Villasenor”:
We know she was daughter of Gabriel de Avalos and Maria de Quezada. I’ve never seen “Alarcon” associated with the Avalos OMG, so I originally thought this was a typo (unless it originates with the Quezada?). But after learning what we’ve learned about the Avalos OMG, and knowing how some family members used aliases, “Alarcon” might have been a surname Antonio pulled out of the air. Either way, if it was purposeful, it’s interesting how “Avalos” was still poison in Pinos, and 50 years after Gaspar [and Gabriel] were run out of town! Chris - that might explain why Lugarda used "Villasenor."
I’ll reply to other inquiries and comments when I get a chance.
Gracias y saludos!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Your welcome Manny and Chris,
I was trying to be helpful without any serious thought that I would be adding or changing information in my tree. It seems that I am being rewarded for helping out. There may be a change in my Villaseñor Lomelin line because of this research.
I have been digging deeper into the Villaseñor and D'Avalos connection. I found some interesting information on the Villaseñor family. This is from a secondary source but the author provides primary sources that I need to go back and check. There is a big implication for my family tree if this information is correct.
I had been researching the Villaseñor and Avalos connection without being a descendant of the Avalos line. I descend from the Villaseñor Lomelin family. In my research of the Avalos and Villaseñor I found that The web of the Avalos and Villaseñor is providing new information that is a little different than some of the information on the Villaseñor that we have taken for granted because genealogists from a long time ago had stated that so and so was the daughter of "Fulano". If this new information is correct, then my ancestor is not the great granddaughter of Luis (Luciano) Lomelin(i) and Maria del Olmo. This new information adds another generation so she is a great great granddaughter of Luis (Luciano) Lomelin(i) and Maria del Olmo. It also adds another generation in my Villaseñor line. I need time to look up all the primary sources to see if this is true. This is going to take some time. It may also ruffle some feathers because two prominent genealogists have different information in their books that many people, myself included, had taken as fact.
If this new information is true then I descend from a second wife of a Villaseñor after his first wife D'Avalos dies, and I am even more closely related to the D'Avalos Villaseñors. Like you said, there is a lot of information to be processed. One D'Avalos and Villaseñor line intermarried for four generations before finally marrying outside of the family.
Retired NFL All -Pro Quarterback Jeff Garcia descends from Bernardino de Avalos and Josepha Perez de .Boccanegra.
Rick A. Ricci
Source Mygenes2000
Mariana de Zúñiga y Villasirga's parents are Don Alonso de Zúñiga y Doña Isabel de Villasirga, according to Fr. Gabriel de Ibarrola.
Dear Carlos,
Thank you for sharing Mariana de Zuñiga's parents, Alonso de Zuñiga and Isabel de Villasagra.
There is a slight difference in the spelling Villasagra/Villasirga. Does Fr. Gabriel de Ibarrola provide any sources that we can use for leads and the correct spelling?
Thanks again,
Rick A. Ricci
Mr. Ricci,
here is a story about a convent in Villalcázar de Sirga which was probly combine to make Villasirga. they also mention a Mariana de Zuniga, not sure if its the same or differnet generation, but probly a relative for sure.…
Danny C. Alonso
The original name of Villalcazar de Sirga was Villasirga as it can be easily found.
Thank you again Carlos for providing the information on Marianas parents.
Rick A. Ricci
you mention that the Alarcon might come from the Quesada's. Here is an Alonso de Quesada married to a Doña Ysabel de Alarcon. they arent old enough to be the other ysabel Villaseñor Alarcons grandparents, but, since these people kept intermarying it at least shows a quesada connection to the alarcons.
also, i was looking for other Avalos and i think this Alonso de Avalos was the first Avalos here:…
it says he came here with five Avalos brothers, cousins to Cortes
This books calls him Alonso de Avalos Savedra and gives his parents Pedro Lopez de Saavedra and Isabel Alvarez Rangel. Lopez de Saavedra was also the parents of Aldonza de Avalos de Hijar that married Gonzalo de Villasenor, so there's another connection between these famileis. I think all the Avalos and villasenor share common people.…
then this book talks about other Avalos and their connection to the Bracamonte family and their coming to our Nueva Galicia area.…
Danny C. Alonso
do you know who this Miguel de Ávalos is? or his mother Isabel de Ávalos? Or who she was married to?Ávalos-58
Danny C. Alonso
Hi Danny,
It's probable that the Alonso de Quesada you mention, husband of Ysabel de Alarcón, is a sibling of Luisa and María de Quesada, that are married to the two Ávalos. All three Quesada's are probably the children of the Alonso de Quesada y Puga, alférez real and Juana Bautista Hernández de Arellano that Manny mentioned earlier.
Paige i agree with you. thats why i added the alferez real Alonso de Quesada and Juana Baptista Hernades de arellano to the Wikitree and started adding the quesada ancestors, in case we connect our Quesada's to them. The Quesada's connects to the king of portugal through the Venegas family, you can see here Quezada-Family-Tree-100
Danny C. Alonso
Jeronima d' Avalos is the daughter of Gonzalo Avalos and Juana Jerez Gomez
Juana Jerez Gomez is the daughter of Hernan Gomez de Jerez and Ana Rodriguez de Jerez
By finding that Jerónima is the daughter of Gonzalo Avalos, we have proven part of the theory stated by Mariano Gonzalez Leal to be true.
Agustin Iturbide, Miguel Hidalgo, and Morelos were all related through the Villaseñor. Agustin Iturbide Arramburu descends from the Villasenor/D'Avalos line.
Juan Villaseñor y Orozco And Catalina Cervantes de Lara y Andrada had at least eight children.
De este matrimonio se conocen 8 hijos (5 varones y 3 mujeres)
Juan de Villaseñor, son of Juan Villaseñor and Catalina Cervantes and is married to Catalina Corona,
José María Morelos y Pavón descends from Juan de Villaseñor and Catalina Corona
Miguel Hidalgo Costilla descends from Francisco de Orozco Tovar y Cervantes and Leonisia de Gasca y Reus
, Diego de Villaseñor Cervantes de Lara and Gerónima de Ávalos y Gómez are ancestors of the Iturbide Arramburu.
Hi Manny,
Unfortunately, I don't have any information on these families and haven't really done too much research since starting school, but, I do descend from Gabriel de Avalos and Maria de Mendoza/Quezada who are my 11th great grandparents. I do agree with your theory that Gaspar, Gabriel, Alonso, and Sebastian are brothers. I'm not sure about Baltasar, but it makes sense he might be too. I'm curious though, I have an Avalos that I haven't found parents for and am wondering if in your research you've come across a Juana de Avalos aka Juana de Villasenor. I'm estimating she was born sometime between 1650 and 1670. She was married to Francisco de Calderon. Their daughter Leogarda de Villasenor aka Leogarda de Calderon married Joseph Diaz de Leon aka Joseph Diaz de Sotomayor in 1709.
Gaspar de Avalos KLQH-JG8 (ID for cc Luisa de Quezada y Mendoza
one of the children Nicolas is named Garcia de Avalos (?) one of the children Juan is born in Irapuato, Gto.
Alonso de Avalos MJRW-6VR cc Catalina de Orosco
Gabriel de Avalos LHTX-XTH cc Maria Quezada (m:26 NOV 1613 Santa Ma de los Lagos)
Sebastian de Avalos K87F-92K - cc Mariana de Castro
you probably have all this information. I worked on it in 2015 but somehow lost my way to others. Sebastian is my 9th greatgrandfather. I have him as Sebastian Balthazar.
A lot of records in San Luis Potosi, are not in Familysearch. I have been creating records from SLP, SLP (la cuidad), Mexico. If you need help just let me know.
Hi Simona,
Yes, I have those. I have a lot on these four Avalos, which I will post this weekend.
How do you descend from Sebastian de Avalos? He's my g8, I descend from his son, Augustin de Avalos cc Magdalena Ruiz, then, their daughter, Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor, and her 2nd marriage to Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada.
And yes, SLP Sagrario has not been indexed. Thank you for your offer, but I too have been dredging the same archives, logging baptisms and padrinos. I have pages of names...
Gracias y Saludos!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Sebastian de Avalos was an arriero (muleteer), and they lived in Pozos, SLP. I have them with eight children:
1. Salvador de Avalos Castro, b. 08 Nov 1638, Sagrario SLP.
2. Augustin de Avalos Castro, b. 01 Oct 1640, San Francisco de Pozos, SLP; m. Magdalena Ruiz-Camarillo, 20 Mar 1661, San Francisco de Pozos, SLP.
3. Francisca de Avalos Castro, b. 19 Oct 1642, San Francisco de Pozos, SLP.
4. Geronima de Avalos Castro, b. 24 Oct 1644, San Francisco de Pozos, SLP; m. Manuel de Luna, 10 Apr 1663, San Francisco de Pozos, SLP.
5. Maria de Avalos Castro, b. 24 Mar 1647, San Francisco de Pozos, SLP.
6. Josepha de Avalos Gatica, b. 31 May 1649, Sagrario, SLP.
7. Juan de Avalos, d. 01 Nov 1681, Sagrario, SLP.
8. Sebastian de Avalos Castro, b. 13 Feb 1655, San Francisco de Pozos, SLP.
Sebastian de Avalos died and was buried 11 May 1658, in San Francisco de Pozos, SLP. No testo por no tener de que.
I don’t have Sebastian’s nor Mariana’s ancestry, but from the 09 Jun 1712 dispensa for Nicolas Castaneda and Maria Gomez in Pinos, Zac, we know that Sebastian was brother of Gabriel de Avalos cc Maria Quezada. The testigos in this dispensa mistakenly call him “Baltasar de Avalos,” but as far as I know, he never used “Baltasar.” My guess is that the testigos confused his with Baltasar de Avalos of Lagos, who married Juana Ruiz, and who might be his brother.
On 19 Sep 1639, in Pozos SLP, Sebastian and Mariana were padrinos for Gaspar, son of Gaspar de Avalos and Luisa Quezada, revealing a connection between these two.
I descend from their granddaughter, Ysabel de Avalos, who changed her name to Ysabel Ruiz de Villaseñor, after she married in 1683. I haven’t seen any of her other family members using this surname, but I have seen “De Avalos Villaseñor,” used by Gabriel de Avalos’ daughter, Ysabel de Avalos Villaseñor, who married Diego Carrion. “de Avalos Villaseñor” appears in parts of SLP, Guanajuato and in Aguascalientes, though I don’t know how and if they’re linked.
Members of the family would use the compound surname “Garcia de Avalos,” which I haven’t seen used by any of the other lines.
I have Gaspar and Luisa with twelve children:
a. Petrona de Avalos Quezada, c. 22 May 1624, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal; likely the same who married Diego del Castillo, of Armadillo, SLP.
b. Andrea de Avalos Quezada, c. 22 May 1624, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal.
c. Luisa de Avalos Quezada, c. 22 May 1624, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal.
d. Maria de Avalos Quezada, c. 22 May 1624, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal, m. Luis del Castillo, 06 Feb 1654, Santa Isabel, Armadillo, SLP.
e. Nicolas Garcia de Avalos Quezada, c. 22 May 1624, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal; d. 28 Mar 1657, Sagrario, SLP; m. Ysabel del Castillo, 23 Feb 1654, Santa Isabel, Armadillo, SLP.
f. Catalina de Avalos Quezada, d. 09 Oct 1651, San Matias, Pinos, Zac; m. Tomas de Carrion, 01 May 1642, San Matias, Pinos, Zac.
g. Ysabel de Avalos Quezada, m. Geronimo de Arroyo, 7 Dec 1646, San Matias, Pinos, Zac.
h. Juana de Avalos Quezada, m. Bartolome del Castillo, 03 Aug 1654, Santa Isabel, Armadillo, SLP.
i. Mariana de Avalos Quezada, b. 04 Jul 1638, in Sagrario, San Luis Potosi (vecinos de Lagos).
j. Gaspar Garcia de Avalos Quezada, b. 19 Sep 1639, San Francisco de Pozos, SLP (padrinos Sebastian de Avalos and Mariana de Castro); d. 28 Mar 1657, Sagrario, SLP.
k. Diego de Avalos Quezada, b. 01 May 1642, San Matias, Pinos, Zac. Padrinos Diego Carrion e Ysabel de Avalos su mujer (daughter of Gabriel de Avalos & Maria Quezada).
l. Juan de Avalos Quezada, b. 01 Mar 1644, Santa Isabel, Irapuato, Gto.
Gaspar and Luisa confirmed 5 children in 1624, in Lagos, so they were likely married around 1612-1613, also in Lagos. As can be seen, Gaspar and Luisa moved around a lot: during the 1640’s, they lived in Sierra de Pinos, off and on, also spending some time in far-off Irapuato, Gto. Around 1651, they would move to Armadillo, SLP.
I recently found documentation confirming Gaspar de Avalos as the brother of Alonso de Avalos cc Catarina de Orosco. Gaspar de Avalos also had contact with Sebastian de Avalos, as well as with Ysabel de Avalos, daughter of Gabriel de Avalos and Maria Quezada. I think it likely that Luisa Quezada is the sister of Maria Quezada, and that they married the brothers around the same time, and in Lagos.
Luisa Avalos hija de Gaspar y Luisa Quezada caso en Guaniqueo en febrero de 1660 , con Alonso Hernandez de Motemayor , en la dispensas matrimoniales dice que el dicho Alonso tuvo comunicación ilicita con Juana Avalos hija de Bartolome de Avalos este a su vez hijo de Juan de Avalos hermano del dicho Gaspar padre de Luisa , con esto amplia a 5 hermanos Avalos contando a Gaspar
Sebastian de Avalos + Mariana de Castro
Augustine de Avalos y Magdalena Ruiz Camarillo
Mathias Gomes Sotomayor +Ysabel Avalos (Ysabel matched with ur info and others on ancestry)
Joseph Gomes +Maria Francisca Cardenas (I did not continue on Familysearch gave up)
Maria Rita Gomez de Ruelas +Julian Delgado Gallegos
This is what I have in my line.
I have Alonso de Avalos and Catalina de Orosco with ten children:
a. Francisco de Avalos Orosco, c. 22 May 1624, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal; m. Menosa Melendez.
b. Maria de Avalos Orosco, c. 22 May 1624, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal.
c. Juana de Avalos Orosco, c. 22 May 1624, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal
d. Leonor de Avalos Orosco, c. 22 May 1624, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal
e. Joseph de Avalos Orosco, b. 1625, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal.
f. Alonso de Avalos Orosco, b. 05 Aug 1628, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal.
g. Nicolas de Avalos Orosco, b. 1629, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal.
h. Juan de Avalos Orosco, b. 1634, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal; d. 28 Mar 1657, San Luis Potosi.
i. Catalina de Orosco, b. 1635, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal.
j. Geronimo Aparisio de Avalos Orosco, b. 1637, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal; d. 28 Mar 1657, San Luis Potosi.
Four of their children were confirmed in 1624, so Alonso and Catalina were probably married around 1614. This family group appears in the 1649 Padron for Jalostotitlan, living on their estancia 5 leagues from town. Living with them were their children, Joseph, Nicolas, Juan, Catalina, Aparisio and Francisco, and Francisco’s wife, Menosa Melendez.
Around 1651, this family would move to the jurisdiction of Armadillo, SLP; they owned a ranch called “El Ojo de Bague,” located in Laguna de Santo Domingo, between Armadillo and Rio Verde, on el camino de Guasteca. Alonso de Avalos died before Feb 1657.
This is the couple I have the least information on. We know they were married (velados) 26 Nov 1613, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal. Maria Quezada is likely a sister of Luisa de Quezada y Mendoza (and who might be daughters of Alonso Quezada cc Juana Bautista Sanchez de Mendoza - anybody?). By 1625, Gabriel and Maria were living in Sierra de Pinos.
I have them with three children:
1. Ysabel de Avalos Villaseñor Quezada, b. 22 Feb 1616, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal, d. 17 Oct 1649, Pinos, Zac; m. Diego Carrion Tremiño.
2. Maria de Avalos Quezada, b. 09 Sep 1618, Santa Maria de Lagos, Jal.
3. Joseph de Avalos Quezada, b. 1625, San Matias, Pinos, Zac.
And then they drop off the map.
On 26 Jul 1639, a Gabriel de Avalos and Augustina de Velasco baptized Nicolas, in Sagrario, SLP; my first thought is, Maria Quezada died and Gabriel remarried. Gaspar de Avalos and Luisa Quezada baptized Mariana the previous 04 Jul 1638, also in Sagrario, SLP, so they were living in the area. It’s also possible that this Gabriel is their son.
I also found a Gabriel de Avalos and Ysabel de Orosco, baptizing Andres, in Irapuato, Gto, 28 Nov 1643. Red flag: Gaspar and Luisa baptized Juan in Irapuato, the next 01 Mar 1644. I have a hunch that this is the same Gabriel de Avalos and Augustina de Velasco, and that she is using an alias, because Augustina de Velasco died a widow and was buried 04 Jul 1660, in Jalostotitlan. The reason I think she was using an alias is because the partida says the parents were “españoles del carcel”: they were in jail. This fits into the M/O of this family, as I’ll explain in coming posts.
Thanks for sharing!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Hi Danny,
I don't know the source of the name. My ancestor, Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor, adopted that name after her marriage. She was born Ysabel de Avalos, "Ruiz" is likely from her mother, and I assume "Villasenor" is connected to "Avalos," for teh reason I mentioned. I'm hoping someone here has more information.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Manny, I saw this old post about a Gonzalo de Villasenor and Aldonsa de Avalos and thought maybe these people were the ancetors of the people that use Avalos and Villasenor
Danny C. Alonso
Hola prim@s,
The reason I started this thread, beside wanting to crack this riddle, is I recently stumbled upon some documents, that put this family in a whole new light, and which just might link these four men as brothers.
It all started with the entry for Gaspar de Avalos, in Rafael Morales Bocardo’s (RMB) “Diccionario biografico de antiguos pobladores de San Luis Potosi 1582-1666,” p 57:
“Vecino en la jurisdiccion del pueblo y ciudad de San Luis Potosi. El 24 feb 1657, se lo abrio proceso de oficio de la real justicia por la muerte del alferez real Gaspar de Amezquita. Fue sentenciado a la pena de muerte y ejecutado en la horca publica.”
”Resident of the town and city of San Luis Potosi. On 24 feb 1657, criminal proceedings began against him for the murder of alferez real Gaspar de Amezquita. He was sentenced to death and hung on the public gallows.”
Curious as to whether this was the same Gaspar de Avalos who was married to Luisa Quezada, I looked for his causa criminal in the SLP Misc records, at FamilySearch. I haven’t found it, but I did find that of his sons, Nicolas and Gaspar Garcia de Avalos, and of their cousins, Juan and Geronimo Aparisio de Avalos, sons of Alonso de Avalos and Catalina de Orosco. Dated 15 Feb 1657, they are accused of the same murder. Gaspar de Avalos is not listed amongst the codefendants, nor as present during any of the crimes.
The expediente is a long 201 images, in good condition and legible, with every-other page numbered. It is incomplete, as it appears to contain only the trials of Juan and Aparisio de Avalos.
I’d really like it, if one or more of you would read it, and add your take to this thread. It has an incredible amount of information, more than I can pick up - and I might have misinterpreted something.
I have to advise, this does not paint a very pretty picture of these two families, which really startled me, since I’ve been researching them for years, and especially since I think my ancestor, Sebastian de Avalos, is linked to them.
15 Feb 1657
Proceso de oficio de la Real Justicia desta Ciudad de San Luis Potosi
Nicolas Garcia Davalos su hermano Gonzalo Garcia Davalos
Juan y Aparisio Geronimo Davalos hermanos
y los demas culpados en las muertes de Gaspar Amesquita y dos muchachos sus criados
SLP Misc.; Protocolos notariales 1657, vol 1 exp 8-9 img50
SUMMARY (or, my interpretation, based on my notes from my first read. Please excuse any errors, which I’m sure exist)
Along with accomplice, Juan Rodriguez, Mulato Libre, the 4 cousins are accused of 4 counts of murder, and 3 counts of attempted murder, plus robbery and other crimes.
Background: around 1651, the family of Alonso de Avalos and Catalina de Orosco move to a rancho in SLP called El Ojo de Bague (located in Laguna de Santo Domingo, between Armadillo and Rio Verde, on the camino de La Guasteca). Gaspar de Avalos would move into the area, probably around the same time. His rancho was called “El Ojo de Muerte.” Both families ranched, some cattle.
These 2 families, “Los Avalos,” soon developed a very bad reputation. Witnesses said that they had been terrorizing the territory since their arrival, some 6 years previous. Words used to describe them: “delincuentes, personas de mal vivir, salteadores, ladrones y matadores.”
I was floored. They were an outlaw gang, highwaymen, “Los Avalos.”
And more: Gaspar de Avalos was said to have left Sierra de Pinos, fleeing justice, for crimes he had committed in that jurisdiction. It can be assumed that Alonso de Avalos left Lagos for the same reason, since the judge received word during the trial, that they were wanted for crimes in that jurisdiction.
The murders:
Dec 1656, Alferez Gaspar Amesquita was hauling a load of merchandise (dos mulas cargadas de butacas, ropas y otras cosas), accompanied by 2 muchachos (un Indiozuelo y un Mulatillo llamado Jusepe). Being in the area, he was also collecting debts. The Avalos owed him some 30-40 pesos, and he was going to make a stop. He was last seen heading toward their rancho.
Days passed, and neither he nor his criados had been seen, so authorities were alerted. The Avalos were instantly suspected. A posse was formed, and they were rounded up: brothers, Joseph, Alonso, Juan and Aparisio de Avalos-Orosco, were arrested. Also arrested was Catalina del Castillo (38y), who was sister of Ysabel del Castillo, wife of Nicolas Garcia de Avalos. She was with there for the baptism of their son, Nicolas, on 16 Feb, and for whom she was madrina, along with Juan de Avalos. When authorities searched the house, she was found hiding in a “boltorio” (I suppose a “trunk”), with some of the victim’s belongings. In the wrong place at the wrong time? Was told to grab the stolen items and hide by both Aparisio and Catarina de Orosco.
From what I can tell, from the various and varying testimonies, the Avalos intercepted Amesquita and his party on the road to their ranch. It was Nicolas Garcia de Avalos, the apparent ringleader, who shot Amesquita, and his cousin, Juan de Avalos, shot one of the criados; Juan Rodriguez knocked the other off his mule and killed him with a spear, which he then used to give the coup de grace to the other two victims. Aparisio was told to gather and secure the mules of the victims, which were laden with merchandise. Nicolas and Juan Rodriguez disposed of the bodies, then hid the mules in a nearby canyon. I don’t know what Gaspar Garcia’s role was, though he was involved in other crimes.
Nicolas Garcia de Avalos was also accused of shooting and killing Matias de Vargas, Mulato Libre, and of shooting his brother, Hernando de Vargas, wounding him in the right leg. Juan de Avalos took their weapons, and they took Matias’ yegua. This apparently happened sometime before 22 Jun 1656, on the camino near the rancho of Gaspar de Avalos. In another incident, Nicolas Garcia is accused of shooting and injuring Joseph de los Reyes, Mulato Libre, and leaving him to die. And in yet another incident, he was accused of taking a shot at Lorenzo de Cordoba, though missing.
Along with their accomplice, the 4 cousins were tried and sentenced to death. On 28 March 1657, Juan and Aparisio de Avalos were paraded through the streets of San Luis Potosi, then taken to the public gallows, where they were hung until dead. Their co-defendants were likely executed the same day. The Cofradia de la Vera Cruz requested permission to claim their bodies, and give them Christian burials, as Semana Santa was nearing (likely a request of the family). They were denied. As decreed in their sentences, the cadavers were decapitated, and their heads placed on poles on the 4 roads leaving San Luis Potosi, as examples to other would-be highwaymen. Their bodies were also quartered and hung at the place where they killed Amesquita and the boys, and their belongings and properties were put up for public auction.
Days later, authorities were alerted that the heads of Juan and Aparisio de Avalos had been removed. Family members were instantly suspected. Alonso de Avalos, brother of Juan and Aparisio, and a younger unknown relative, had been seen in the area, on horseback and armed. Searches were conducted for the 2 heads, at a nearby Indian village, but they were not found. A search at the rancho of Gaspar de Avalos found only his wife and daughters, Gaspar and his other sons, being gone. End of Roll
And if that doesn’t sound like the storyline of the next Robert Rodriguez movie, I don’t know what does!
Additional notes:
- Officiating judge was Capitan Don Matias de Alegria Justicia Mayor, and Bartolome Diaz de la Banda was appointed curador (public defender?) for Juan and Aparisio de Avalos, who were minors. Witnesses include, amongst others: Francisco Barbosa, Antonio de Sosa, Francisco de Alcorta, Lorenzo de Cordoba, mercaderes; Pedro de Herrera Escudero, maeste sastre, and Pedro Alonso de los Ynojos, Esp age 40 (todos vecinos desta jurisdiccion de San Luis Potosi).
- Catalina de Orosco, wife of Alonso de Avalos (who was already deceased), was injured during the gun fight that broke out during the arrest her sons. Her son, Alonso, fired the first shot with his “arca buz,” defiantly yelling, “I’ll be dead before I go to jail!”
So, we have Gaspar and Alonso de Avalos as brothers, and part of a crime family (which I’ve dubbed “El Ojo de Muerte Gang,” or, OMG, after Gaspar’s rancho), which lost 5 of its members in one hanging. The next question is, if Gabriel and Sebastian de Avalos are their brothers, are they part of OMG? If Gabriel de Avalos did marry Augustina de Vargas en segundos, then I’d say that there’s a likelihood that he is, since his movements mirrored Gaspar’s. Sebastian de Avalos and his wife remained static, living and dying in Pozos, SLP, suggesting that they weren’t involved. But that’s left to be seen.
Genealogy is not boring.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
You certainly spun a great tale of the past. I am throwing out my John LeCarre books out!
As always, thank you for sharing your hard work and presenting it they way you do.
WOW! Manny, this is crazy! I wish I was able to read it. I would read all 200 pages. earlier in the thread you said the partida said for Gabriel de Avalos and Augustina de Velasco that the parents were españoles del carcel. Did that mean his parents or hers or both? And, since I don't know who his parents are, do you think it's for the same crimes? And, is Gabriel de Avalos and Maria Quesada part of these crimes.
Danny C. Alonso
Hola prim@s,
My connection to the Avalos is through my g6, Ysabel Ruiz de Villaseñor, who married first to Matias Gomez de Sotomayor, and secondly to Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada. She was daughter of Augustin de Avalos and Magdalena Ruiz, and granddaughter of Sebastian de Avalos and Mariana de Castro. When she married Matias Gomez in Panuco in 1683, she was “Ysabel de Avalos,” and by the time they first appear in Sierra de Pinos, in Nov 1689, she’s going by “Ysabel Ruiz.” Knowing how some women adopted their mother’s surnames after marriage, I never questioned this. She later added “de Villaseñor,” I assumed as a nod to her paternal, “Avalos Villaseñor.”
Overwhelmed with the Avalos OMG, I decided to take a break and research another line. While pulling a burial record from the Sagrario SLP archives, on the same page, I noticed the 1 Nov 1681 burial record for a Juan de Avalos. Really? I tried to ignore him, but decided to log him, for later research. And then I noticed the word “Justicia,” and had to read it: Juan de Avalos, Español, had been executed the previous September, and his body quartered. Of course he was. Apparently, the OMG were not finished with me. So, I took the bait, and I chased that bunny right down that hole. I knew I couldn’t sleep, until I found out who this Juan de Avalos was, and whether he was linked to the OMG.
I looked for his causa criminal in the SLP Protocolos. I didn’t find it, but I did find two other cases, related to his:
Juan de la Rosa, Antonio Morales, 21 Jun 1681
Protocolos notariales 1681, vol 2 exp 1-17 img292
Juan de la Rosa (b 1655) was married to Maria de Redondo, and was son of Pedro de Avalos; I don’t know who this Pedro de Avalos was, nor who he was married to (likely a “Rosa”), but he had a sister named Maria de Mendoza, leading me to think he’s a son of either Gaspar or Gabriel de Avalos (anybody?).
Diego de Santiago,23 Jun 1681
Protocolos notariales 1681, vol 3 exp 1-14 img004
Diego de Santiago was married to Josepha de los Reyes. He was from Sierra de Pinos; it doesn’t say so, but I know he is the son of Juan de Santiago and Maria de los Nieves, of Pinos.
According to these causas, Juan de Avalos was a salteador de caminos (highwayman), who ran in the company of a Mulato Libre named Manuel de la Cruz, and two of his nephews: brothers Sebastian de Avalos (17) and Joseph Ruiz (16). He and his gang were on trial at the time, and Juan de la Rosa and Diego de Santiago were accused of being part of it, from what I can tell (these 2 causas are very difficult to read).
The names of his nephews caught my eye, “Sebastian” and “Ruiz,” since these names are related to my branch of the Avalos. Joseph Ruiz appears as a testigo in both causas. He was in jail at the time, and names his parents as Augustin de Avalos, preso en la carcel publica, and Magdalena Ruiz, deceased. He had been living previously in Zacatecas, working in la mina de San Bartolome de Chichinque.
Of course, my heart sunk, seeing my g7 Augustin de Avalos in jail. But it does place him in Zacatecas previous to 1681, and it does explain why he and Magdalena Ruiz appear to drop off the map. I still haven’t located his causa, so I don’t know what he did, nor *gulp* what happened to him. Apparently, Juan de Avalos was his brother, and another son of Sebastian de Avalos and Mariana de Castro. So, this branch of the Avalos were also criminals, though I don’t know if Sebastian de Avalos is implicated.
During the opening of his testimony, Joseph Ruiz drops a bomb: he doesn’t use “Avalos,” “por ser el apellido [Avalos] desgraciado”: he doesn’t use the Avalos surname, because it’s been disgraced (!!!!!!). Again, I was floored. This tells us how notorious this family/gang was. It also explains why Juan de la Rosa didn’t use “Avalos,” and also why my g6, changed her name from “Ysabel de Avalos,” to “Ysabel Ruiz de Villaseñor,” before moving to Sierra de Pinos: “Avalos” was already known and distrusted in Pinos, and la abuela Ysabel didn’t want to be associated with it! She didn’t like the name.
That’s all I have on Los Avalos and the OMG, for now. Though some of it is conjecture, you read it, and you decide, and please share. To me, it’s looking more and more like Gaspar, Alonso, Gabriel and Sebastian de Avalos were brothers, part of the same family of criminals and murderers, who terrorized Los Altos, Sierra de Pinos, Armadillo, and likely Irapuato. Note: I still haven’t linked Gabriel de Avalos nor any of his descendants to any crimes; I still don’t know if that one I found in jail in 1643 is related to this family.
Wow. Not a pretty legacy, and to the point, that their descendants changed their surnames, and erased “Los Avalos” from public memory. Eran de muy mala uva, nuestros antepasados Los Avalos!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
PS to Simona: Thank you, and you’re welcome. I try to make it more interesting, to express the excitement and awe we all experience, when we make new discoveries - especially one as big as this one. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, regarding our Augustin de Avalos. We still don’t know what happened to him, but at least we now know why our abuela, Ysabel Ruiz de Villaseñor, changed her name. We do have skeletons dancing in our closet - dia de los muertos bandido skeletons!
PS to Danny: the partida for the 28 Nov 1643 baptism of Andres de Avalos Orosco names his parents as “Gabriel de Abalos y de Ysabel de Orosco, espanoles del carcel” (lower right):
I don’t know why they were in jail. I assume it’s the same Gabriel de Avalos, because Gaspar was living in Irapuato at the same time; we know Gaspar was a criminal, so seeing this Gabriel in jail reveals a possible link. Seeing his wife named “Ysabel de Orosco,” makes me think of Catalina de Orosco, who we know was wife of Alonso de Avalos. Maybe this couple is Alonso de Avalos and Catalina de Orosco, using aliases? It’s all conjecture, at this point. We need to do more research, and see if Gabriel de Avalos and Ysabel de Orosco baptized any more children in Irapuato, or somewhere else; they might be unrelated.
Spanish is my second language, though both of my parents are Hispanic, we spoke only English in our house. When I graduated from high school, I was sent to Spain to learn Spanish, which I’ve mastered, since then (I speak with a lisp and pronounce my name DHEE-eth!). So, there’s still hope for you! Do a semester abroad, and stay away from other English speakers! md
Manny, im gonna start college next year. I already have a bunch of brochures and different programs that allow you to study Spanish in foreign countries but I don't think I can do it during my freshman year. but also my mom doesnt want me too because shes worried about terror and other stuff. but if im able to get into some of the schools I want to and am able to travel to study spanish I definitly will.
About the Avalos, now Im hoping that Gabriel de Avalos that's with MAria de Quesada is a different person than Gabriel de Avalos that's with Ysabel de Orosco. although it does make a good story
About Pedro de Avalos sister Maria, Gabriel de Avalos and MAria Quesada did have a dauther named Maria here is the baptism I got off of her Wikitree
i still wonder where the Villasenor comes from. it seemed like a lot of the Villasenors came from the Captain Juan de Villasenor hereñor_y_Orozco_Tovar-1
So since our people use Avalos and Villasenor i thought maybe these people Gonzalo de Villasenor and Aldonsa de Avalos that i saw on this Nuestros Ranchos thread were the ancestors of our people
But now this Avalos and Villasenors seem a bit high class to be connected to our gang of criminal Avalos.
Danny C. Alonso
PS to Danny: the partida for the 28 Nov 1643 baptism of Andres de Avalos Orosco names his parents as “Gabriel de Abalos y de Ysabel de Orosco, espanoles del carcel” (lower right):
In reference to the above comment, I'd like to clarify that it doesn't say "del carcel" (in any case, cárcel is a feminine noun and, given the case it would be "de la cárcel"), but "del carical", carical bein "carrizal", wrspelled with a single "r" and with the C (c cedilla) instead of "Z".
Hi Hector,
You're right this does most likely say Carrizal, which I believe is in Ayo el Chico. Good eye.
Juan de Malaber