Does anyone have any more info on the genealogy of these people?
Any info would be appreciated. I would also like to thank this group for all the help
and support we all have for each other.
Juan Lopez de Elizalde (ca. 1560)
Juan Becerra y Hurtado de Mendoza
Anna Sanchez de Mendoza
Martin Navarro de Gabay
Maria Diez de Enguino
Diego ARias de Sotelo (was he a conqistador or his father?)
Other 15 Century Spanish Families
Here is what I have re. Diego Arias de Sotelo:
"Diego ARIAS DE SOTELO, hijodalgo, nació hacía 1525 en Zamora, España.
Hermano de don Baltasar de Sotelo. Vino a Nueva España en 1550 como camarero
del virrey don Luís de Velasco. Recién llegado a México, casó con doña
(María) Leonor de Valderrama y Moctezuma, hija del conquistador Cristóbal de
Valderrama y de doña Leonor de Moctezuma, hija a su vez del último emperador
Azteca. Habiendo fallecido doña Leonor en 1562, don Diego recurrió al rey,
pidiendo para sus muchos hijos la herencia de Moctezuma y la dote de la
emperatriz "Acatlán". Entre sus hijos se encuentra don Fernando Sotelo
Moctezuma, heredero de sus encomiendas, y don Cristóbal Sotelo Valderrama.
Casó en segundas nupcias con doña María Manuela de Portugal, hermana del
tesorero de la Real Hacienda, don Fernando de Portugal."
Bill Figueroa
Other 15 Century Spanish Families
I have some Mendoza's ( Ramirez de, Hurtado de, Gutierrez de, cousins,
uncles, etc.) in my XVI century (1510's to 1590's) lineage from Jalisco
and back to Spain; but, since you do not include dates and other
individuakl details, I am unable to determine if there are any linkages to
those that you are researching.
San Diego, California
> [Original Message]
> From: mormonboy74
> To:
> Date: 5/9/2007 10:04:35 PM
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Other 15 Century Spanish Families
> Does anyone have any more info on the genealogy of these people?
> Any info would be appreciated. I would also like to thank this group for
all the help
> and support we all have for each other.
> Juan Lopez de Elizalde (ca. 1560)
> Juan Becerra y Hurtado de Mendoza
> Anna Sanchez de Mendoza
> Martin Navarro de Gabay
> Maria Diez de Enguino
> Diego ARias de Sotelo (was he a conqistador or his father?)
Letter from don diego arias de sotelo
Hi Bill
Can you provide me with the source for your quote in this thread? I am trying to track down the source which first cites this letter from diego sotelo to the king.
Denise Fastrup