Hola a todos los genealogistas:
En mis búsquedas encontré que desciendo de Nicolás de Murguía y de María Infante de Villegas, quienes fueron padres en Santa María de Los Lagos de:
1688 María
1689 Joseph
1692 Cecilia
1697 Antonio
La ascendencia de María Infante (N. 1663) ya ha sido estudiada, pero en el caso de Nicolás de Murguía no he encontrado a sus padres. Varias genealogías le atribuyen el año de 1628 como año de nacimiento sin citar ninguna fuente.
Por mi parte encontré que varias familias relacionadas tanto con los Díaz Infante como con los Villaseñor, entre ellos los Murguía y los Velasco estuvieron en Tamazula de Gordiano en el S.XVII . Encontré en Familysearch a un Nicolás de Munguía, hijo de Hernando de Munguía e Isabel de Velasco bautizado en Tamazula el día 7 de junio de 1655 Batch C603751.
Así mismo se bautizaron en Tamazula en 1678 Rosalía y Catalina y en 1688 Antonia, hijas de Rodrigo de Velasco y María de Munguía.
¿Serán éstos Munguía ascendientes de Nicolás de Murguía? ¿Existió un cambio en la ortografía?
Por otra parte en éste mismo foro se ha mencionado a una familia Murguía de Zacatecas, relacionados con la familia de los Reyes.
Reciban todos saludos y mis mejores deseos para que tengan unos días de paz y alegría.
Hello Peredo,
All very good information and thank you for sharing! Would you happen to have a FS link to the baptism for Guadalupe, daughter of Guillermo Plancarte and Ana Hernandez? I've also been researching the Plancartes/Blancartes for quite a few years. I only have the baptism for their daughter Isabel. One other question, how do you know that this same Guadalupe was the wife of Alvaro Yanez Garcia? I have yet to find out the name of the wife of Alvaro Yanez Garcia. All the records I've seen, in the Tierras, the archives of "Casa de Morelos", etc. never mention his wife's name.
Thank You,
Daniel Serna Valencia
My wife descends from Nicolas de Murguia,(Munguia) Sr. and Ana de Liebana (m.Tangantzicuaro on 24 Jan 1660)
Nicolas de Murguia, Sr. and Ana de Liebana are the parents of Josepha de Liebana y Munguia who married Clemente Hernandez Gamino
Clemente Hernandez Gamino and Josepha Liebana Munguia are the parents of Miguel Hernandez Gamino who married Maria Manuel Maciel y Valdez
Miguel Hernandez Gamino and Maria Manuel Maciel y Valdez are the parents of Juan Ygnacio Hernandez Gamino who married Juana Catarina Magaña.
Juan Ygnacio Hernandez Gamino and Juana Catarina Magaña are the parents of AgustinHernandez Gamino who married Maria Josefa Llamas.
Rick A. Ricci
These are IMs for children of Alvaro Maciel and Ysabel de Orozco:
IM of Geronimo Rodriguez Morfin cc Ysabel de Orozco. Of interest: Alvaro Maciel is referred to as “Alvaro Yañez Maciel.”
IM Alvaro Maciel cc Maria de Peña y Betancurt
IM Blas Cepeda y Castro cc Luisa de Oballe
IM Francisco Gomez de Lara cc Juana de Liebana
This is the 24 Jan 1660 IM for Nicolas Murguia cc Ana de Liebana, daughter of Juan Asencio de Leon cc Geronima de Liebana. Unfortunately, it does not name his parents:
I also have IMs for several children of Gregorio Bejar cc Maria de Liebana, which I can post, if anyone needs. By the way, he is testigo on the 1647 IM for Geronimo Rodriguez Morfin cc Ysabel de Orozco, and gave his age as about 50, so he was born around 1597.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
That she is daughter of Juan Asencio de Leon cc Geronima de Liebana is established when her son, Gregorio de Bajar, was testigo on the IM of Juana de Liebana, daughter of Alvaro Maciel cc Ysabel de Orozco, on which he identifies Juana as his cousin, and Alvaro Maciel as his uncle.
Gregorio de Bejar (El Viejo) also identified himself as an uncle of Ysabel de Orozco, when a testigo on her IM.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Hola primos,
Aqui las IMes:
Juan de Bejar Liebana cc Gertrudis Jimenez Palomino de Lupiana
Gregorio de Bejar Liebana cc Juana Jimenez Palomino Lupiana
Francisco de Bejar Liebana cc Juana de Vera
Cristobal Bejar Liebana cc Juana Bejines Romero
Magdalena de Bejar Liebana cc Pedro Bardo de Quiros Gaitan
Manny Diez Hermosillo
En mis líneas tengo a Marcos Joseph González de Murguía cc María Ana Macias Valades. Se casaron el 1 jun 1721, Asunción de María, Ags. Su IM está perdida, así que no tengo la ascendencia de él. Ella es hija de Joseph Macias de Ayala y su segunda esposa, María Alvarez (Magdaleno).
Eran dueños de Saus de Santa Ynés en Aguascalientes, que ella podría haber heredado, ya que es una antigua propiedad de los Macias. Después de su muerte, Santa Ynes fue dividido entre sus 7 hijos.
Dos de sus hijos usaban "González Murguía" como apellido compuesto, aunque es posible que son los apellidos de los padres de Marcos Joseph.
Gracias y saludos!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Hola a todos:
Hace tiempo, buscando ciertos apellidos flamencos leí algo sobre el apellido Plancarte, no lo anoté porque no está entre los apellidos que investigo, por lo tanto no creo tener la fuente.
Según recuerdo el apellido procede de Flandes como Plankart, era el apellido de un asesor del rey Carlos I de España y V de Alemania. Dicho asesor pasó a España en donde el apellido tomó la forma de Plancarte.
Hola otra vez:
Hay una investigación sobre familias sefarditas en Cotija, Michoacán, se puede leer en:
En éste caso aparece en la lista la familia Maciel. Según recuerdo el apellido Palomino es también de origen judío y se relaciona con la descendencia en la Nueva España de los Flores de la Caballería.
Hola a todos:
Al abrir este debate les comenté que sospechaba que los padres de Nicolás de Murguía pudieran ser Hernando de Munguía e Isabel de Velasco, de Tamazula de Gordiano.
Ésta hipótesis queda confirmada. Di con un Diccionario Biográfico Vasco que se puede consultar en línea, en el que se recopilaron las informaciones de méritos y servicios diversos emigrantes de apellido vasco a todos los virreinatos.
El Número 1208 se refiere Hernando de Murguía hijo de Fernando de Murguía e Isabel de Velasco que vino a ser Juez Eclesiástico de Tinguindin, Michoacan y vecino de Zapotlán.
Por lo tanto la familia utilizó ambas ortografías y es muy probable que Nicolás haya sido hermano de Hernando II.
Ésta información no la pude localizar en el portal Pares, pero los que elaboraron el Diccionario dicen haberse basado en un índice general y haber visto los documentos. En fin, ya tenemos tela de dónde cortar.
Saludos a todos
Hello primos!
I had not researched any lines in quite some time but in recent days I did some research about the Plancartes-Blsncartes-Maciel and I think I just got it right. It's a little bit confusing because several names are repeated in different generations, for instance: Isabel del Castillo, Álvaro Maciel, Juan Asencio de León, Gerónima de Liébana...
In this case I'll go from the first documented Plancarte through to his descendant Juan Maciel Yáñez Plancarte who married Ana García de Liébana ca 1595.
Guillermo Plancarte arrived to New Spain in 1526 and there are some records about him in Valladolid around 1541 and also in Colima.
He married Ana Hernández or Dominguez around 1536 and there are at least three documented children:
Guadalupe b apr-1-1538 CdMx
Isabel b may-3-1543 CdMx
Pedro b1555 Valladolid
Guadalupe married ca 1562 Álvaro Maciel Yáñez García died before jan-24-1600 when his son Juan Maciel Yáñez Plancarte sells some lands that 83 years later would bring a lawsuit.
Juan Maciel Yáñez Plancarte (I) married ca 1590 Ana de Liébana (I) and they were the parents of
Álvaro Maciel Yáñez Plancarte b1594 Tangancícuaro, who married 1617 (in Jalostotitlán ?) Isabel Tello de Orozco del Castillo Liébana (II)
Ana de Liébana (I) was sister of Isabel del Castillo Orozco Liébana (I) as they were children of Isabel del Castillo López de Fuenllana and Gerónimo Tello de Orozco Liébana b1553 Guad.
Ana de Liébana (I) married ca 1592 Juan Maciel and were parents of
Álvaro Yáñez Plancarte Maciel;
Isabel del Castillo Orozco Liébana (I) married ca 1598 Juan de Zamora (I) and were parents of
Isabel del Castillo Orozco Liébana (II) b ca 1600 who married ca 1620 Álvaro Yáñez Maciel Plancarte her first cousin, though I haven't seen the corresponding dispensa.
In 1662 Juan de Zamora (II) brother of Isabel (II) declared being her brother and Alvaro's brother in law
María de Liébana who married ca 1630 Gregorio de Bejar was the daughter of Isabel del Castillo Orozco Liébana and Juan de Zamora (I), therefore sister of Juan de Zamora (II) and of Isabel del Castillo Orozco (II)
The son of Juan Carlos Munguia And Maria Antonia Theresa Coria y Villaseñor shows his mother's surname as Coria Villaseñor when he marries. This provides more evidence that she is the daughter of Antonio Coria- Peralta Rincon and Antonia Villaseñor.
I believe that Juan Carlos Munguia and Maria Antonia Theresa Coria-Peralta Villaseñor were also related through their Villaseñor lines so there may be a record of dispensation for their marriage. The record may be in Michoacan or Jalisco.
Merry Christmas everyone,
Rick A. Ricci
Name Carlos Yldephonso De La Trinidad Munguia Coria
Gender Male
Christening Date 31 Jan 1751
Father's Name Carlos Munguia
Mother's Name Antta. Theresa De Coria
Citing this Record
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NV9V-X4C : 12 December 2014), Carlos Yldephonso De La Trinidad Munguia Coria, 31 Jan 1751; citing SAN FRANCISCO,TAMAZULA DE GORDIANO,JALISCO,MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 225,983
Name Carlos Yldephonso De La Trinidad Munguia Coria
Gender Male
Christening Date 31 Jan 1751
Father's Name Carlos Munguia
Mother's Name Antta. Theresa De Coria
Citing this Record
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NV9V-X4C : 12 December 2014), Carlos Yldephonso De La Trinidad Munguia Coria, 31 Jan 1751; citing SAN FRANCISCO,TAMAZULA DE GORDIANO,JALISCO,MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 225,983Carlos Munguia
Spouse's Name Maria Barthola Ydalgo
Event Date 08 Jan 1782
Event Place San Pedro Piedra Gorda,Ciudad Manuel Doblado,Guanajuato,Mexico
Father's Name Carlos Munguia
Mother's Name Theresa De Coria Y Villasenor
Spouse's Father's Name Nicolas Ydalgo
Spouse's Mother's Name Maria Dolores Ortega
Citing this Record
"México matrimonios, 1570-1950," database, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JCQX-196 : 15 July 2015), Carlos Munguia in entry for Carlos Munguia and Maria Barthola Ydalgo, 08 Jan 1782; citing San Pedro Piedra Gorda,Ciudad Manuel Doblado,Guanajuato,Mexico, reference ; FHL microfilm 661,340
Carlos Juan Munguia Mollinedo
Gender Male
Christening Date 18 Dec 1691
Father's Name Antonio Munguia
Mother's Name Maria De Mollinedo Villasenor
Citing this Record
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:N216-L7Z : 12 December 2014), Carlos Juan Munguia Mollinedo, 18 Dec 1691; citing SAN FRANCISCO,ANGAMACUTIRO DE LA UNION,MICHOACAN,MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 608,779.
Maria Michaela Villasenor Murguia
Gender Female
Christening Date 30 Sep 1733
Father's Name Antonio De Villasenor
Mother's Name Ana Fransisca De Murguia Y Maciel
Citing this Record
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:J9BP-S9K : 12 December 2014), Ana Fransisca De Murguia Y Maciel in entry for Maria Michaela Villasenor Murguia, 30 Sep 1733; citing ZAPOTLAN EL GRANDE,CIUDAD GUZMAN,JALISCO,MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 281,891.
Hello, Fellow Genealogists. I've been away for a few weeks and just now saw the comments re Murguia. I dedicated a lot of time on this line and having exhausted my resources I put it aside. Then about four years ago I revisited my research and added a few ideas. These Murguia are a challenge, but hopefully with more of us on the trail we can break through.
The following is a brief paper I had prepared for my file. It has the gist of my Murguia research as I tried to connect them to the Ontiveros. I just did a cut-and-paste:
I am trying to identify my Murguia ancestors, whom I have traced from Lagos back to Tangantzicuaro and Guadalajara. I think my earliest Murguia were involved with the Ontivero family. Here is what I have found on them to date:
1. My ancestor Joseph Murguia married Maria Nicolasa de Anda Altamirano in 15 Sep 1722. His father Nicolas de Murguia, Jr., b. ca.1665, (son of Nicolas de Murguia, Sr., b. ca.1640, and Ana de Liebana, b. 16 Jul 1640 Chilchota) married Maria Infante de Villegas, b. 18 Oct 1663, Lagos, (daughter of Bartolome Diaz Infante and Maria Solano, daughter of Juan Solano cc Francisca de Velasco).
2. In Tangantzicuaro on 24 Jan 1660, Nicolas de Murguia, Sr. presented information to marry Ana de Liebana. He did not name his parents, but witnesses provided some important information. Francisco de Valencia (49 years old, NLT) said he had known the pretensos since they were born “…aunque Nicolas de Murguia estubo algun tiempo fuera deeste pueblo en la ciudad de Guadalajara con sus padres, no es casado porque asistio con el en Guadalajara.” Melchor de Valencia (about 50, NLT) had known the pretenso about 20 years, when he was born here. The last witness, Miguel Maldonado was about 50 also. (Film 764181, Morelia)
Ana’s parents were named in the entry: Juan Asencio de Leon, vecino de Tangantzicuaro, and Doña Geronima de Liebana.
These are the various entries that I have extracted re any Murguia:
3. Marriage Information: 16 May 1672 Jacona. Christoval de Murguia (son of Gaspar de Murguia and Mariana de Ontiveros, vecinos que fueron de Tlasasalca) to marry Alfonsa de Contreras (dtr of Francisco Guerrero and Sebastiana Diaz, vecinos de Jacona). Christoval was a widower. His first wife Ana de Tovar died five years prior and was buried in Tangantzicuaro. Witnesses: Francisco de Bejar 30, Diego de la Mora y Mendoza 22, and Francisco de los Reyes, morisco libre, 38. (Film 778773, Morelia)
4. Marriage Information: 10 Jul 1670 or 1671. Catalina de Ontiveros (dtr of Francisco de Murguia Ontiveros and Josepha de Orosco) to marry Melchor de los Reyes, viudo de Francisca de Liebana, 1½ years. A witness, Christoval de Murguia, esp. about 50 years old, was the brother of Francisco de Murguia Ontiveros, Catalina’s father. (Film 765278, Morelia)
5. I have identified three children of Francisco de Murguia Ontiveros and Josepha de Orosco: Catalina de Ontiveros mentioned above, Felipe Murguia, and another daughter married to Antonio de Ayllon.
6. Josepha de Orosco (cc Francisco de Murguia Ontiveros) had three known siblings: Juan de Zamora (cc Ana Murguia), Catalina de Zamora, and Geronimo de Zamora (a priest). I don’t have their parents identified.
7. Juan de Murguia, mestizo, and Antonia de Mendoza were the parents of Geronima de Ontiveros cc Miguel de Amesqua, who in turn were the parents of Lorenza de Ontiveros who was to marry Bernabe Garcia, son of Francisco Garcia cc Getrudis de los Reyes, per documents dated 9 Oct 1694 and 10 Jan 1696. They were not granted a dispensation to marry. (Film 755448, Morelia)
8. Juan Asencio de Leon and Geronima de Leibana had a son Pedro Blancarte (aka Pedro Asencio de Leon) born in Tangantzicuaro, who in 1663 married Ana Ontiveros, daughter of Juan de Zamora and Ana de Ontiveros.
• * * * * * * *
Started to look at my Murguia line again. Checked the online IGI at FamilySearch and found:
1. Nicolas Murguia and Maria Infante had the following children. All baptisms are in film 221504.
26 Apr 1699 Maria
7 Nov 1689 Joseph
14 Feb 1692 Cecilia
13 Oct 1697 Antonio
5 Dec 1700 Nicolas
2. Diego de Murguia and Joseph de Zamora had their daughter Catalina baptized on 21 Feb 1649 in Sag. Met. Guad. Madrina: Marianna del Castillo. Film 38311
3. Antonio Aillon and Ysabel Murguia had their daughter Maria baptized on 17 Feb 1669 in Etzatlan, JAL. Padrino: Joseph de Zamora. Film 282198. I think Ysabel is the unidentified daughter of Francisco de Murguia Ontiveros and Joseph de Orosco mentioned above in paragraph 5.
4. On 27 July 1629 in Chilchota, Michoacan, was the baptism of Joseph, son of Francisco Murguia and Josepha Zamora. Padrinos were: Esteban de Mendoza and Isabel de Mora. On the IGI this listing is incorrect. Josepha Zamora is identified as Josepha Camera. I looked at the film on the computer and immediately saw that the readers had missed the cedilla under the large C, and had misread the “o” as an “e” thereby reading “Camera.” The handwriting is difficult, but there is no doubt that it is ZAMORA. Film 640965
5. On the same Chilchota film were three baptismal entries for Villegas-Murguia babies. All three had the same godparents: Francisco Tzintzuni and Catalina Tzipaqua. Entries during that period were identified in the margin as Español if it applied. Indians were not identified. None of the three entries had “Español” in the margin. I am assuming that the children were Naturales. In other types of entries where Indians were identified, some of them had Spanish names.
9 Apr 1642 Francisco, son of Francisco Villegas and Maria Murguia
3 Sep 1645 Pedro, son of Sebastian Villegas and Maria Murguia
5 May 1648 Juan, son of Sebastian Villegas and Maria Murguia
Regards to all,
Mary Lou Montagna
Some of the Murguia family members that I researched had the surname Murguia- Maciel, The Maciel surname is connected to the Blancarte (Plancarte) surname.
Dear Mary Lou,
I had recently done research on this family in response to this thread, but I made a mistake in not looking at my previous records from years ago. When you posted your information on the Murguia family I recognized a couple of my ancestors. Those ancestors also used the surname Maciel Plancarte instead of just Blancarte. I went to my previous research and found work that I had done many years ago for a cousin, whose father has some ancestors that used the surname Munguia. It turns out that I had already researched Carlos Munguia and Ma. Anita. Theresa Coria a long time ago. Back then I had focused on some of their descendants. When I had done this research I had only looked for the surname " Munguia" as I had not known that some branches also used "Murguia."
Carlos Juan Munguia Maciel and Ma. Anita.Theresa Coria are the parents of Miguel Munguia who married Eufrasia Rosalia Perez de Siorda. My cousins father descends from them.
I descend from Juan Asencio de Leon and Doña Geronima de Liebana through their daughter Nicolasa de Liebano and her husband Juan Bacilio de Velasco.
Juan Bacilio and Nicolasa's daughter, Geronima Velasco and her husband Diego Lomelin y Perez-Maldonado are the parents of Rosa Maria Lomelin married to Manuel Alvarez Tostado.
I also descend from Juan Asencio de Leon and Doña Geronima de Liebana through their son Alvaro Maciel el Viejo and his wife Isabel Orosco del Castillo [de Zamora] my father descends from this line.
Isabel Orosco del Castillo descends through her mother, who was also named Isabel Orosco de Castillo, from Doctor Licienciado y Gobernador de Nueva Gakicia Geronimo de Orosco II and Beatriz Tello de Lomas (Tello de Sandoval).
Putting your information that you just posted together with what I already have indicates that Carlos Juan Munguia Maciel (Murguia) descends from Nicolas De Murguia and Ana Liebana. The Maciel comes from Ana Liebana's ancestry.
I have more information that I will post later.
Rick A. Ricci
Dear Mary Lou,
Your post led me to revisit many old records that I had researched many, many years ago. These old pieces of the puzzle had been at the bottom of a box and forgotten. I pulled them out and added them to other pieces of the Ruis de Velasco Haro family tree puzzle. If you hadn't posted your information I wouldn't of looked into the old research. The Ruiz de Velasco puzzle now has many pieces that fit together.
Thank you very much,
No todo los casos que se modificaban los apellidos sino era como el cura notaba el apellido. Munguía y Murguía es tradicionalmente aceptado como la misma familia en la provincia de Avalos. Sin duda son dos casas distintas en la península; Munguía siendo originaria de Castilla y Murguía del País Vasco.
No se sabe quienes fueron los padres de D. Nicolás de Munguía, marido de Da. María Infante de Villegas, pero si los tengo en mi archivo familiar ya que una hija suya Da. Cecilia de Munguía y Villegas casó D. Manuel de Aranda Puelles, Señor Divisero del Solar de Puelles. Un chozno de esta pareja, D. Crescencio de Aranda Puelles y Villalobos casó a Da. Josefa de Camino y Valle Menín Velarde, miembro de mi casa materna.
Su hipótesis sobre los Munguía de Tamazula de Gordiano y Zapotlán puede ser una posibilidad.
Daniel Méndez de Torres y Camino
Gracias Danny y gracias Daniel:
De momento seguimos desconociendo quienes eran los padres de Nicolás de Murguía.
He estado leyendo sobre el Mayorazgo de Murguía del País Vasco, sin embargo las infomaciones se concentran en la descendencia que pasó al Perú.
Hubo un Alejo de Murguía que pasó a Nueva España en el siglo XVI con varios privilegios y fue nombrado juez repartidor en la minas de Zimapán, pero hasta ahora no he podido relacionarlo con los Murguía de Santa María de los Lagos.
Reciban saludos y mis mejores deseos.
my gr-grandmother was Maria Merced Munguia born 1850 married to Longinos Gutierrez in Tamazula, Jalisco. I have only been able to take her line back 5 generations to Juan Carlos Munguia abt 1715 and Teresa(Maria Antonia) Coria also in Tamazula.
I have found that the Murguia line is a separate line in Tamazula.
Linda Castanon-Long
In the marriage record of Carlos Munguia and Thereza de Coria the witnesses are Bonifacio Ochoa and Juana Manuela Diaz. The godparents are Antonio Villaseñor and Ana Munguia.
I believe that the groom and bride are related to their witnesses and godparents. Bonifacio Ochoa's son's mother in law is Maria Coria Villaseñor. She is the daughter of Antonio Coria- Peralta Rincon and Antonia Villaseñor. Bonifacio's second wife is Maria Gertrudis Coria Peralta y Villaseñor, daughter of Antonio Coria- Peralta Rincon and Antonia Villaseñor.
I believe that Matias Coria and Maria Antonia Tereza Coria may be brother and sister. They married within three months of each other and their marriage records are written on the same page. Carlos Munguia and Tereza Coria were married on the 15th of November. Mathias Coria and Maria Theresa de Jesus Galindo married the 24th of August of the same year. Mathias Coria is the son of Antonio Coria- Peralta Rincon and Antonia Villaseñor.
For more on these lineages see my posts on the Ochoas, Villaseñors, and the Corias.
The link to the marriage records is: https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:9392-KH97-BS?mode=g&i=83&cc=187…
Merry Xmas everyone,
Rick A. Ricci
Nicolas De Murguia 2Z3Y-GXT
06 Mar 1628 Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico–Deceased
Creo que este es el dia de nacimiento(bautizo) ya que se caso y tuvo hijos despues de este dia asi que no puede ser dia que fallecio.
Busque el casimiento que seguro pudo ser entre 1680-87 pero los archivos del ano 1685-87 faltan. Otro detalle notable es que tuvo los hijos con Maria Ynfante Villegas ninguna dice Maria Gonzales mas que el de Pedro nacido 1725 que seguramente no es de ellos. Otro detalle es que el hermano diego dias Ynfante caso con villegas y tuvo a maria Ynfante villegas que se caso 1678 con alonso. O puede ser que hay dos Marias en la familia (usan los nombres solano, dias, gonzales, villegas y otros nombres) pero una use el nombre gonzales y la otra Ynfante. Lo ultimo es que si Nicolas nacio en 1628 puede ser que estuvo casado antes.
Cambiando temas: en el libro Estudios Michoacanos VII por Francisco Meyer en la pagina 113 menciona el nombre de Diego de Avalos de Velazco y Munguia (n. M. June 25 1722)fue originario de Zapotlan, Jalisco y vecino de Zamora, hijo de Pedro de Avalos y de Dona Josefa de Velazco y Munguia (aveces Murguia)
tambien menciona a nombres como Espinosa, Peres de Garfias, Aldana, Jasso, Marques de la Mora, Villanueva de Molinar
Gracias Simone por la fecha de nacimiento, pero creo que no se sabe el nombre de sus padres. Tienes razón, cambiaban los apellidos.
En Familysearch aparece una familia Murguía en Chilchota Michoacán en el siglo XVII. Pero hasta ahora no es seguro que descienda de ellos, ya que existe la otra posibilidad de que descienda de la rama de Zacatecas.
I have a luis de los reyes and his parents are Luis Murguia and maria de la cruz.
Danny C. Alonso
Guadalupe b apr-1-1538 CdMx