Hello everyone, first of all, can someone please tell me if a person was born in Valparaiso during 1750-1800's, besides Huejuquilla el Alto, what other film (Parish) can I search through.
I am having no luck because alot of these films are not indexed yet for those years and I am still actively searching page by page images.
Specifically looking for parents of
1)Antonio Feliciano Diaz born around 1750-1760.
2)Maria Felipa Banuelos born around 1750-1760.
3)Manuel Salvador Perez born around 1750-1760.
4)Maria Felipa Carrillo born around 1750-1760.
Antonio Feliciano Diaz was Married to Maria Felipa Banuelos, children Maximo Diaz born about 1782 Huejuquilla and Magdalena Diaz born about 1786 in Valparaiso.
Manuel Salvador Perez married to Maria Felipa Carrillo, children Maria Juana Petra Perez born about 1789 in Huejuquilla (married to Maximo Diaz above)
If you have any one of these names in your Family Tree could you please let me know.
Thank You
Ruben Rojas Delgado
I know you asked a long time ago but anyway.....
Andelmo Perez
You may want to check the church records of Amatlan de Jora, Nayarit. I've seen many entries with people from huejuquilla el alto. Sometimes just Huejuquilla. I'm right now in the 1800-1837 book. I haven't delved into the early ones. You may want to check La Yesca too.
Here is that family tree.....