Hola primas y primos,
Since many of our novagallega lines originated in or drifted into Guanajuato, SLP and Michoacan, here are some of the padrones from those jurisdictions, to assist you with your research. These are primarily for the Spanish communities; padrones for Indian communities can be found on the same rolls.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
San Luis Potosi
Tantzitaro (Espanoles)
San Luis de la Paz
Zacatula (Diego Magdaleno)
Valle de Armadillo
San Luis Potosi
San Luis de la Paz
San Francisco de los Pozos
Valle de Taramequaro - Espanoles
Valle de San Francisco
Valle de Santiago
Ocotlan (Gaitan Navarro)
Real de Santa Ana
Chilchota (espanoles)
Patzcuaro (espanoles)
San Luis Potosi
Valle de Santiago
- Inicie sesión o registrese para enviar comentarios
Dear Manny:
I have a question of the padrone of Taramequaro. How many pages does it consist? I found a Joseph Bexar, but then looked five pages over and it seems there are other towns, I saw the word Barrio, but not sure if it was the last name or that Taramequaro had ended. I am doing my husband's family tree now on ancestry. Was curious how long the family had been at Taramequaro, but it looks like the 1680s is not out of the question. Thank you for putting these up, it would have taken me ages to find it on familysearch.
Maureen Bejar
Padron 1825: Arandas & Barranca de Viudas (Jesús María)
Because many of my ancestors come from the Arandas and Jesús María areas, I put together this finding aid so that I could quickly locate families, family groups and siblings. Perhaps it may also help some of you.
PADRON 1825: Congregación de Arandas & Barranca de Viudas (Jesús María)- including many of the surrounding ranchos, puesto, estancias and haciendas.
FILM 168835
Image Location(s)
095 Congregación de Arandas (begins)
106 Barrio de Santa Rosa
107 Capulincito, Saca Mecate, Carrisal de Arriba
108 Carrisal de Abajo
109 Los Atascosos, Serrito Blanco
110 Serrito de la Cruz, la Ermita, el Salto, Rio de los Sanches, Serro de Gusano
111 Aransaso, Ojo de Agua de Belasq., Bonanza, las Pilas, los Robles
112 Los Chicos, Poruyo
113 Noaliyo, el Sausiyo, Tepetate, Santa Gertrudis, el Laurel, los Lobos, Rincón de los Ocotes
114 Rincón Chico, Ojo de Agua
115 Rincón de el Molino
116 Pobladita, la Gloria, los Planes, la Sieneguilla
117 Colambre, Sentro, Palo Cuate
118 La Pueblita, San Ysidro, los Serritos, Ojo de Agua de los Garcias
119 San José de los Gracias, San Roque, Rio Frio, el Ocote
120 Durasnito, Santa Bárbara, el Carmen, el Chivo, Rancho de el Monte, Salto de Sapateros, Chilarejo
121 Saltiyo, Caracol, Jesús María, Baloneado
122 Chorrera, Serro de Ayo, Laguna Grande, Matadero
123 Los Lobos, San Rafael, San Antonio, Ojo de Agua de S. Anto., Nopal, Canta Ranas
124 La Jolla, las Pomas, la Mecita, Balenciana, Agua Nueva
126 El Nacimiento, Buena Bista, Sabanilla
128 Ramblas, las Pilitas, Salto de Sn. Nicolás, Llano Grande, Ojo de Agua de Noche
129 Mogote, Corralitos, Cabrito, SanFrancisquito, Rosa de Castilla, Saltillo
130 Sn. Franco. De los Ocotes, San Gerónimo, Rancho Seco, Santiaguito
131 Canta Ranas, Santa Anita, el Estribo, Santa Rita
132 Farfán, la Puerta, Farfán de Abajo, Rancho Biejo
133 La Troja, Serritos, Rancho de Guadalupe
134 Los Corrales, Rancho de Ornelas, Laguna de Tío Sanch
135 Tecolote, Ojo Sarco, Yerba Buena, Huerta, Otomites
136 Las Lagunas, Carriso de Fuentes, San José de Pilas
138 Regladero, Saltillo, las Pilas
139 Agostadero, Sabino
140 Rancho de Cruz Blanca, Jolla de N. S. de Guadalupe, Rancho Nuebo
141 Montesuma, Capulín de Chaves
142 Las Crucitas, las Mecitas
143 Panadillo, el Baluarte, Ojo de Agua de el Monte, Ojo de Agua de Flores, las Crucez
144 Balenciana, las Rayses, Buenabista, los Timones
145 Rincón de Palominos, la Madrastra, Huejolote, la Sieneguita
146 La Barbacoa, Barranca de Lobos, Mesa de Carreras, San Judas
148 El Ballecito, los Potrillos
149 Laguna de Potrillos, Presa de Ojo Sarco, Saus de Cagigal
150 Uña de Gato, los Tapancos, la Mesita
151 Rancho de el Puerto, Palos Duces, los Encinos, Ojo de Agua de el Perro, Cruz de el Pastor, el Caracol
152 Pocito de la Virgen, el Sapote, Camaleón Grande, Media Luna, la Cacallaca, Camaleón Chico
153 Punta de la Loma Larga, Loma Larga, las Calandreas, el Frontón, la Reata, la Paleta, los Edificios
154 La Campana, las Tortugas, Mentidero
155 El JoCoyote, Sauciyo, Bayado, Mexiquito, las Lagunitas, San Francisco
156 Garita
157 Santiago, Sentinela, Tecolote
158 Santa María, Nopal, El Mogote
159 El Saltillo, el Tule, los Sauses
160 El Ancón, Agua Nueba, los Grangenos, Capulín Berde, la Presa
161 San Visente, San Nicolás
162 El Palomo, el Biborero, el Tortillero, Xaguetas, San Ramón, los Colorines, Tuna de Abajo
163 La Tigera, Santa Barbara, Tuna de Enmedio
164 Sacamecate, Tuna de Arriba, Saucito, las Pilas
165 Pueblito, Regladero, Teposan, Boca de Leones, la Yguana
166 El Salero, la Capacha, los Pastores, Copozo, Hacda. de Trasquila
167 Rancho de la Cruz, Santa Rita, Terrero, el Ospital
168 Los Collotes, la Mata, la Parada, Punta de el Monte, el Regladero, la Ordeña
169 Queretanito, (late additions to the pardon)
170 Barranca de Viudas (Jesús María), Sauciyo de Fuentes, Hacda. de Guade., los Arrastres, Ayo el Grande, Ciénega de Galvanes
172 Capulín de Galvanes, Carriciyo
173 El Pino, Rancho de Acumbaro, San Miguel, Palo Caydo, la Leonera, el Paso
174 La Soledad, el Bracito, San Agustín, el Debisadero, el Gallero
175 Los Yanitos
176 Los Pocitos, San Nicolás, Uña de Gato, Barranca de Zarates
177 Los Robles, Barranca de Viudas
178 Rancho del Fierro, la Ladriyera, las Canoas, los Ojitos de Agua
179 Montesuma
180 (abstract or summary)
Padron 1825: Ayo el Chico y su jurisdiccion
Padrón del pueblo y de su jurisdicción de Ayo el Chico
FILM 168835
Image Location(s)
203 Pueblo
211 La Mesa, el Ojo de Agua, Palomitos, Vajada de la Estancita, Cañada del Molino
212 Puertecito
213 Loma Atravesada, el Saucillo, la Nues
214 Serrito Blanco, Vuelta a la Ciénega, Puente Vieja, Guanajuatillo, la Presa, Troja Quemada, el Vajio
215 Caracol, Paderones, Hacda. de la Isla
217 La Soledad, Punta Cola
218 Hacda. de la Lada. (Ladera?)
219 Matas Berdes, San Onofre
220 Barranca de Guallabo, el Salate, Hacienda del Jaral
221 Balenciana, Rancho del Pollo, Hacda. de Mirandillas
222 San Miguel, Lindero de Acaguales
223 El Benado, Chocolate, la Tuna del Monte, la Borrega, Agua Caliente
224 Coral de Piedra
225 Rancho de Marijo
226 Altamira, la Tijera, los Gicotes, Rancho de las Cruses, las Adjuntas
227 La Espada, Mesquitillo, el Tejón, Mesquite Grande, Salitre de Guapagco.
228 Los Ranchitos
229 Rancho de la Noria, Rancho de la Soledad, Estancia de Tarimoro
230 La Sabinillas, Hasienda de Guascato
232 Molino de Guascato, Salto de Guacato el Salitre de Guascto.
233 El Callejon de Guascato, Santa Ynes, San Antonio Gauscto., Salitrillo de Guascato, Sapote de Callejo, Hacda. de Sta. Cruz de Callejo
234 Los Mesquites, S. Rafael de Barbosa, Barbosa de la Ornilla, Barbosita, Hacda. de San Gerónimo
236 Rancho de la Noria, Buelta a Sn. Gerónimo, Rancho de la Noria, la Bolsa, los Callejones
237 Salitre Albareño, Cueba del Gato, el Paso de la Canoa de Yurécuaro, Sn. Jose Yurécuaro, Palo Berde, Palos Altos, Hacda. de Sta. Rita
238 Carretas, Ramires, Rancho del Fraile, Buelta Acahuales
239 La Yguera, las Capitanas, el Guallabo
240 El Cerrito, el Ranchito
241 Barranca del Sospiro, la Sabiniya, el Jaraliyo, las Cruses
242 El Sapote, Cañada del Pescado, Serrito de Lara (?), Sienega de la Ladera, Cañada de la Palma, la Angostura, el Monte Largo
243 La Colanbre, la Guerta, Rancho del Tinbinal, el agua Escondida, San Roque, Tambien de la Colanbe., Salto
Perhaps it has been discussed before what the list is and can be used for. I see it has Casa names of individuals, is this like a census? How can I best use this list. Thanks for the information.
Yes, it is the census of a specific town or rancho....it tells you who
lived in one household, the names of the people, their ages, where they
were born, if they could read or write and what their occupation was.
On Sat, May 21, 2016 at 12:16 PM, wrote:
> Perhaps it has been discussed before what the list is and can be used for.
> I
> see it has Casa names of individuals, is this like a census? How can I best
> use this list. Thanks for the information.
Hi Simona,
Yes, a “padrón” is a church census, and it names all of the residents by household. In many, they list only those who have confessed (age 5+) and had communion (8+). It names entire family groups, w/ servants & slaves, living in that house, on that street, during that year. You can use it to locate your people, and to establish family groups and relationships, and even approximate birth, marriage and death years.
For instance, I descend from Ana de Colonia, who married Juan Machuca Villareal, 26 Apr 1688, in Patzcuaro, Mich. Ana was daughter of Juan de Colonia aka Francisco de Colonia and Luisa de Quintanilla aka Luisa Rangel Quintana, who married 16 Oct 1665, in Chilchota, Mich. Besides Ana’s 03 Feb 1669 baptism record, I could find no trace of this couple, they appear to drop off the map.
Using the 1681-82-83-84 padrones for Patzcuaro, I was able to locate Ana de Colonia aka Ana Colon aka Ana Rangel, living with different aunts - two whom I had already established as sisters of Juan de Colonia: Leonor de Velasco and Maria Colonia, who were children of Francisco de Colonia and Brigida Floriana de Velasco. Another person who appears in the padrones is Nicolasa de Velasco, who was likely another daughter of Francisco Colonia and Floriana de Velasco. I’ve known nothing about her, because she never married.
Ana’s mother appears nowhere in the padrones, so she likely died before 1681. Juan de Colonia appears in the 1681 padron, listed as Francisco Colonia, living with his sisters, Nicolasa de Velasco and Maria Colonia. Ana was living with their sister, Leonor de Velasco and her husband, Antonio de Pisa. Juan de Colonia is probably the same Juan Colon, who lived down the street in 1683 & 1684, with Beatriz and Ana de Segura. If he is, then I know he died on 05 Dec 1706, Patzcuaro. He remained single.
By looking at street names, as well as neighboring households, each year, I was able to determine whether or not my ancestors moved, or whether they stayed in the same house: by following the movements of the aforementioned family group, I was able to establish that they gravitated around one house in particular (the house between Francico Segura’s and Luis de Soria’s), which would have to be the ancestral home, the one left by their mother, Floriana de Velasco, who left a testamento. Ana de Colonia lived in that house during 3 of the 4 years. Head of household changed each year, depending on the oldest resident son-in-law, and finally, with the oldest surviving daughter, Nicolasa de Velasco.
My favorite TV show is PBS Sherlock (and TVE Ministerio del Tiempo!). Can you tell?
I hope that helps!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Thanks Manny for the wonderful way in which you give an explanation and weave a story to match. You are truly a History Detective, keep watching those programs! (I had to look up what TVE Ministerio del Tiempo was. Sounds like Dr. Who)
Thanks also to oldcar53 for responding, truly appreciate the info.
Where do does one find padrones? On familysearch?Thanks, ABB
On Saturday, May 21, 2016 3:14 PM, Alicia Carrillo wrote:
Yes, it is the census of a specific town or rancho....it tells you who
lived in one household, the names of the people, their ages, where they
were born, if they could read or write and what their occupation was.
On Sat, May 21, 2016 at 12:16 PM, wrote:
> Perhaps it has been discussed before what the list is and can be used for.
> I
> see it has Casa names of individuals, is this like a census? How can I best
> use this list. Thanks for the information.
If they exist for your town, you should be able to find them in Family Search or in Ancestry I'm told. I don't have Ancestry, but if you do, you might give it a look.
In family search it should be towards the end of the films for your city or town of research as it begins with the letter "P" by Procesos Matrimoniales
Time to write a book! Ha!
Ha! There already is one: “Partidos y Padrones del Obispado de Michoacan,” by Alberto Carrillo Cazares. There’s a chart of padrones that I used to locate these.
And I have to give thanks to the LDS, for upgrading their document viewer: the “tile view” absolutely ROCKS, being able to view several documents on a roll, so one’s able to see when expedientes end, as well as locate the padrones! Time saver!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Time to write a book! Ha!