Teocaltiche and Nochistlan Help

Hi all, thanks to George Fulton I was able to extend my tree a couple generations more, I want to ask if anyone has info on these

Eugenio Lozano was son of Jose Lozano and Petronila Gonzalez aka Petrona de Macias y Valades, aka Petronila de Retamosa. What puzzles me is how did Petronila use Macias, Gonzalez and Retamosa, Her ancestor was prob the famous Retamosa matriarch.I found their marriage in Teocaltiche 23 feb 1666. Havent been able to order it, wonder if anyone has Teocalitche films or has these records. On the other side Maria Duron (Duran) daughter of Jose Andres Duran and Juana Asencion Vasquez y Sandoval. Andres is son of Juan Simon Duran and Regina de Aguayo. Does anyone have info on these Nochistlan Families? Aguayo, Duran, Vasquez and Sandoval. Thanks, Daniel


Anyone have Mariano Olmos in there tree? If so...I've been trying for months to figure out who Mercedes Saldivar's parents are. I THOUGHT she may have come from the Duran's, but not sure. My GEDmatch number is KK6796917, my Father's is LM2514076, my Father is an Aguilar Saldivar, my Paternal Great Grandfather was Higinio Saldivar Macias (under Zaldivar or Saldivar Macias in documents), he was married to my Great Grandma Luciana Navarro Huizar, his Father was Atanasio Saldivar Duran who married MA del Refugio Macias. Then my 3rd GG was Esteban Saldivar Esqueda with Bacilia Duran, and the family goes on from there. I know Mercedes married Mariano S. Olmos who was also married to Maria Luevano...but I can't figure out who Mercedes' parents are...anyone know? I've searched everywhere! The baptismal records, the marriage records, and nothing. TIA!!



To date, most of my ancestors are from Nochistlan, they include, Avelar, Aguayo, Duran, Ruiz, Ruiz de Esparza, Ortega, Munos, Bermejo, Olmos, Jauregui, Rubalcava, Olasaba, Garcia.

My father's lines were Avelar Aguayo, Garcia, Munos, Duran, Bermejo from El Monte de los Duranes in Nochistlan Zacatecas.

I have several lines of Duran, Munos, Aguayo, Ruiz de Esparza and Olmos, these are the most prominent lines that repeat over and over again. Having said all this, I am not as far back in my research as you appear to be, therefore my information would be of little value to you as it's still in the 1800's. Maybe some day when I have more time to dedicate to research, I'll be able to touch on some of your lines.


Alicia..San Jose, Ca.

From: "mendezdelcamino@live.com"
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 7:27:51 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Teocaltiche and Nochistlan Help

Hi all, thanks to George Fulton I was able to extend my tree a couple generations more, I want to ask if anyone has info on these
Eugenio Lozano was son of Jose Lozano and Petronila Gonzalez aka Petrona de Macias y Valades, aka Petronila de Retamosa. What puzzles me is how did Petronila use Macias, Gonzalez and Retamosa, Her ancestor was prob the famous Retamosa matriarch.I found their marriage in Teocaltiche 23 feb 1666. Havent been able to order it, wonder if anyone has Teocalitche films or has these records. On the other side Maria Duron (Duran) daughter of Jose Andres Duran and Juana Asencion Vasquez y Sandoval. Andres is son of Juan Simon Duran and Regina de Aguayo. Does anyone have info on these Nochistlan Families? Aguayo, Duran, Vasquez and Sandoval. Thanks, Daniel


My Duran and Bermejo lines are from Monte de los Duran and Monte de los Yáñez. I have

Aguayo, Duran, Ruiz de Esparza. The Bermejos were a prominant Spanish family along with the Esparzas, they could (Bermejo) be found througout all Los Altos and Aguascalientes, their original compound name was González de Bermejo. I just got into Nochistlan a couple of weeks ago. I found that my ancestor from southern Los Altos came from Nochistlan.
-Regards, Daniel



Alicia and/or Daniel,

Do you have any info. the Olmos family from Nochistlan? I have a person on my tree by the name of Maximiano Silva or Saldivar Olmos that possibly came from Nochistlan or Teocaltiche. Unfortunatley that's all the info I have on him.

Maximiano Silva/Saldivar Olmos
13 Aug 1921 in ? , Zacatecas, Mexico
27 Mar 2005 in Hacienda de La Luz, Huanusco, Zacatecas, México
Hacienda de La Luz, Huanusco, Zacatecas

and taking advantage of your time I'm also looking any info of Ancestors of Juan Silva/Saldivar Ramirez. Daniel you mentioned that he is son of Pedro Silva and Angela Ramirez if you have more info. I would greatly appreciate it.

Juan Silva/Saldivar Ramirez

01 Jan 1901 in ? , Zacatecas, Mexico
10 Mar 1994 in La Presa, Calvillo, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Hacienda de La Luz, Huanusco, Zacatecas

Supposedly Juan Silva was Maximiano's uncle and no one knows exactly where they came from.

Any help will be appreciated.

Victor Renteria


Hi Victor, how did you come across the dates for Juan or Maximiliano!? For Huanusco and Tabascothe LDS church did not microfilm 1921-1928. I looked have looked at 1901 for "el registro civil"now that I think of it, I could have skipped Juan Silva! shoot. At the time I was not aware of theseguys. Plus the whole Silva/Saldivar thing adds another thing to watch out. Around March, Im goingto order the microfilm for the Tabasco church north of Huanusco. Bautismos 1900-1903I have not seen this film yet, so Ill be sure to look out for Juan Silva/Saldivar. Yes, according toall of Juan's children's certificates they state, ....abuelos paternos: Pedro Silva y Angela Ramirez....Abuelos Maternos: don Victoriano Renteria y dona Luisa Garcia. Victoriano's mother was alsoa Silva. Dona Alejandra Silva.
I connected the Elodia Ruiz de Esparza from La Luz to the other Ruiz de Esparza, these two linesof La Luz-Calvillo come from Andres Ruiz de Esparza who had Mariana Ruiz de Esparzawho married Romauldo Lopez de Elizalde. (This is where the Elizaldes of La Luz come from)Then Mariana had a brother named Santana (Jose de Santa Ana) Ruiz de Esparza who marriedMarta Ortiz. These are Elodia's grandparents. I went haywired when I discovered both Esparza linesof La Luz were related. It seems they were all related even before La Luz, even before Calvillo.
If the dates you got were from records who were in possession of someone else they shouldinclude the parents names, grandparents names etc. You could ask for those?
-Primo Daniel Camino
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.


What's up Primo Daniel!

It's always nice to read your comments. I got Juan and Maximiano Silva/Saldivar dates from their tombstones when I went to La Hacienda de La Luz last year. Hope their parents and ancestors show on those films. That will be a the biggest find that everyone was waiting for in La Luz and the Silva/Saldivar Family. Their Children don't know or don't want to talk about their Grandparents. I'm positive they don't know where they originated from. Would it be to much trouble to send me their children's certificates?

Wow so my Great Grandmother was actually a Ruiz de Esparza, nice to know all this stuff Daniel! More familia to add to the tree. Thanks again Daniel!

Victor Renteria


I might be able to send the stuff you want around Winter break so in about two weeks? Im
Super busy!!!! I recall my grandfather also did not know where "these" other silva came from.
I just know Juan Silva was part of the Cristero movement and hunged Amelia Camino's husband
Baldomero de Sandoval. The only thing I know of Elodia description wise she was very beautiful.
Elodia is actually double Ruiz de Esparza! (ha ha). Oh yeah....Rumor has it there is a portrait of
Mariano and Arcadia somewhere? I would kill and pay money for that!

Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.


Daniel yes, if you can that will be great. It's going to be interesting to find the other Silvas. So the Cristeros hanged Amelia Camino's husband or Juan Silva personally?

Elodia being double Ruiz de Esparza, I'm not surprised anymore and for the portrait of Mariano and Arcadia can't wait to see it, that will be awesome.

What do you know of the Olmos family?

Victor Renteria


Primo Daniel,

I'm having a hard time understanding why is Romauldo a Lopez (1st Surname) de Elizalde (2nd surnmae)? how is los Elizalde from La Luz using their 2nd surname and not Lopez? Confused :-/

Victor Renteria


Its a compound last name very popular with the Spanish. You can totally see the same guyuse Lopes or Elisalde, Lisalde, Lizalde, Lopes de Elisalde. It's crazy. I dont think Romauldo used Lopesbut his father did hence why I just put Lopez for Romauldo, it might have dropped with him buthe was prob baptized as Lopes de Elisalde. With La Luz we totally dropped the Lopes by the time it reached us around the mid-late 1800s. Lopes de Elizalde was the whole thing as one last name it is compound. So if say Jose Lopez de Elizalde married MariaGonzalez de HErmosillo. Their child Martin would be Martin Lopez de Elizalde extact as the dad. It was prob popular in formalsituations to say Martin Lopez de Elizalde y Gonzalez de Hermosillo. With time people adopted different versions of the samehence, Lisalde, Lizalde, Lisarde (might be priest mistake) Elisalde, Elizalde. Im pretty sure Valentin Elizalde, the singer is relative (distantly) of the same Elizalds. He was born in Chihuahua, the E
lizaldes were well established in the 1700s in Northern Mexico, but were seated in Aguascalientes. From they flourished into Los Altos de JAlisco, the rest of Aguascalientes, SLP, and Zacatecas the nseveral lines poured into Chihuahua.
> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> From: dirtyworklandscape@sbcglobal.net
> Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 17:26:06 -0800
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Romauldo Lopez de Elizalde
> Primo Daniel,
> I'm having a hard time understanding why is Romauldo a Lopez (1st Surname) de Elizalde (2nd surnmae)? how is los Elizalde from La Luz using their 2nd surname and not Lopez? Confused :-/
> Victor Renteria



How do you know that Petronila de Retamosa is the same as Petrona Macías
Valadez, aka Petrona González de Gardea? I'm not sure the 23 Feb 1666
marriage of Joseph Lozano to Petronila de Retamosa in Teocaltiche is for the
same couple. Hopefully you have positive identification.

Eugenio Lozano married María Durán Vázquez ca. Feb 1697 probably in
Nochistlán. The Durán family is from Nochistlán and marriages were usually
at the bride's hometown. For additional information about the Durán family
see the book "Nochistlán, Zacatecas. Su Parroquia, Los Durán y otras
Familias antiguas. Estudio Histórico-Genealógico" by Ing. Jesús Durán
Rodríguez (1991). A wonderful book, but unfortunately out of print. Mr.
Durán Rodríguez died a few years ago.

Durán and Durón are totally different surnames, both found in
Aguascalientes. Make sure you don't confuse them. What information are you
looking for? I may be able to help you.

Bill Figueroa


Hi Bill, well I was looking for baptismal records and I found these

10. MARIA LOSANO MASIAS - International Genealogical Index / ME
Gender: Female Christening: 17 MAR 1688 El Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico

11. JUAN ANTONIO LOSANO MACIAS - International Genealogical Index / ME
Gender: Male Christening: 21 JAN 1685 El Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico

12. MANUEL LOSANO MACIAS - International Genealogical Index / ME
Gender: Male Christening: 29 JAN 1677 El Sagrario, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico

Unless, both Petronilas were married to a Joseph Lozano.

the Informacion Matrimonial lists Petronila as Gonzalez, thanks to Georgr Fulton and his amazing work for Aguascalientes he found my Eugenio Lozano and Maria de Duran info matrimonial 15 Jan 1697.

Eugenio de Lozano, esp. hijo lex. de JnO. (Juan) de Lozano y Petrona (Petronila) Gonzalez.

...Maria Duran esp. hija lex. J. Andres Duran y Juana Vasquez.

Next I searched for Jose Lozano and Petronila Gonzalez...took a while looking for Aguas but finally tried Jalisco and boom, Joseph de Lozano and Petronila de Retamosa. 23 Feb 1666 in Teocaltiche. SO I figured The woman are the same, then I searched on IGI and just tried Jose Lozano and Petronila (didnt use her surnames, b/c she had so many) and the 3 Aguascalientes children (shown above) showed her as Macias 3 times in Aguascalientes with the father being also Joseph de Lozano.

Who was Petrona Macias Valades aka Petrona Gonzalez Gardea married to?

Not sure I keep seeing Duran and Duron used constantly with the same family, In Maria's daughter it showed Barbara Theresa de Lozano hija lex....de Maria Duron on the info matrimonial of Maria (Duran) and Eugenio Lozano it shows Duran.

Well I guess you can tell me the Petrona Macias Valades Gonzalez Gardea and info about her and if possible maybe you have in your database the marriage, Jose Lozano and Petronila Retamosa. How do they connect to the old Spanish families. Many Thanks, Ill look for the book you suggested on Google Books. -Daniel




Petronila de Retamosa, who married Joseph Lozano, could possibly be the same
as Petrona Macías Valadez, aka Petrona González de Gardea. I just don't
have any solid proof to confirm it. However, the marriage fits the timeline
and there were family ties between the Macías Valadez and Retamosa families.

Here is a list of children for Joseph Lozano and Petrona Macías Valadez, aka
Petrona González de Gardea (not in cronological order):

1) María Lozano Macías - Bapt. 17 Mar 1688 in Aguascalientes

2) Juan Antonio Lozano Macías - Bapt. 21 Jan 1685 in Aguascalientes.
Married Josepha de Figueroa ca. Dec 1710, probably in San Luis Potosí (see
Información Matrimonial).

3) Manuel Lozano Macías - Bapt. 29 Jan 1677 in Aguascalientes. Married
Juana de Chávez 10 Feb 1698 in Aguascalientes.

4) Eugenio Lozano Macías - Born ca. 1672 probably in Aguascalientes. Have
not found his baptismal record. He married María Durán Vazquez ca. 15 Jan
1697, probably in Nochistlán, Zac. María Durán Vázquez was baptized 28 Apr
1678 in Nochistlán. She was the daughter of Joseph Andrés Durán Aguayo and
Juana de la Ascención Vázquez de Sandoval.

5) Juana Lozano Macías, aka Juana González de Gardea - Born ca. 1670
(probably in Teocaltiche). Have not found her baptismal record. She
married Sebastián de Ulloa 25 May 1696 in Aguascalientes.

6) Gertrudis Lozano Macías - Bapt. 6 Jan 1670 in Aguascalientes. Married
Diego de Aguayo 12 Jan 1696 in Aguascalientes.

7) Cecilia Lozano Macías - Bapt. 4 Jan 1672 in Aguascalientes.

8) Juan Lozano Macías - Bapt. 21 Aug 1679 in Aguascalientes.

9) Cristóbal Lozano Macías - Bapt. 20 Apr 1681 in Aguascalientes. Married
María de Rubalcava 17 Jan 1704 in Aguascalientes.

10) Joseph Lozano Macías - Bapt. 30 May 1683 in Aguascalientes.



Check my message of August 26th -Bill Figueroa

----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Mendez del Camino"
To: "Patty Hoyos"
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Teocaltiche and Nochistlan Help

Who did Petrona Macias Valades aka: gonzalez de Gardea marry? -Daniel