Do we have a list of all the films that Jaime Holcombe contributed to I have come across some, but I don't know if I've seen a comprehensive list.
Hi Maria,
You can download them here, thanks to Mary Lou Montagna:…
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Can you describe for us what is contained in these films that Jaime Holcombe contributed? Where did you run across them? in the database?
Does anybody know how one goes about finding such contributions in the online database or from a family history center?
if you enter the batch number in the search field youget these results.
These patron films are nothing but family group sheets submitted by
members of the church.
arturoramos wrote:
>Can you describe for us what is contained in these films that Jaime Holcombe contributed? Where did you run across them? in the database?
>Does anybody know how one goes about finding such contributions in the online database or from a family history center?
Hello, Nuestros Ranchos. I recently joined NR and I’m learning to navigate the website and the vast information provided. If there is a list of Jaime Holcombe’s “films” out there, I have not been able to locate it. So decided to share a list I compiled.
If anyone is still interested in looking at Holcombe’s Family Group Sheets, here are the films where they are located. He did not submit films. He sent in the old-style, horizontal-form Family Group Sheets. Each film has thousands of FGS submissions from LDS patrons. The sheets are listed by batch number for the year and date submitted. Each batch has about 50 sheets. These LDS films can be ordered for viewing at a Family History Center. You can easily find Holcombe’s entries in each film if you have a batch number.
Film 1396254 (Batch F867915, F867916)
Film 1396257 (Batch F868209, F868245, F868246, F868247)
Film 1396258 (Batch F868325, F868326, F868327, F868339)
Film 1396287 (Batch F867631, F868514)
Film 1396289 (Batch F868767, F868768, F868769, F868822)
Film 1396255 (Batch F868024, F868025, F868026, F868027)
Film 1396260 (Batch F868513, F868515, F868527)
Film 1396252 (Batch F867689)
Film 1553960 (Batch F867345)
After creating this list I found one more batch F869446, but do not have a film number for it. The majority of these batches have only submissions by Jaime Holcombe. About 1,000 sheets in all.
I just checked FamilySearch to see if the films could be viewed online. No luck. But noticed that a “zero” has been inserted before the last number in the batches I did check. (e.g., Batch F867345 is listed as F8673405).
This list was compiled ages ago and there may be FGSs that I’ve missed. Witness the orphan batch for which I have no film. Let us know if you find some more.
Mary Lou Montagna
Hello Mary Lou Montagna,
Do you happen to know the batch and film numbers for the Perez Templador family group sheets from Jaime Holcombe's collection?
We met many years ago. You helped reenergize my research when I was ready to give it up.
Rick A Ricci
Hi, Rick. I'm still here and glad to see you are too. I made copies of all Jaime's "Los Altos" FGS (including the back when necessary) and for a very brief moment they were neatly organized alphabetically in five binders. That didn't last long because I began to pull them out here and there and put them in various files. Bad decision because now I'm not sure where some of them are. But the good news is that in the proper binder I found the FGS for Ignacio Antonio Perez Temblador cc Maria Teresa Muñoz de la Barba and nine of their children. It's the only one I found (his parents are not given) and I'll be happy to send you a scanned copy. Assume your email hasn't changed. FYI the batch number is F868769-010 in film 1396289. That "010" only means it was number 10 in that batch.
Really good to hear from you.
Mary Lou
Dear Mary Lou,
It is very nice to hear from you. It has been a while since we have talked. My email has probably changed since it has been a while. I no longer need the Perez Temblador family worksheets as I have been informed that the Perez Gallo family did not originate from them. But it was in asking for these worksheets that Christopher provided the information I was looking for. And more. That line now connects to some other lines that I have done much research.
I need to look for your phone number so I can get you up to date on my unfinished books. I owe you big time for your encouragement. Do you still meet in Orange County. I would like to see you face to face when you hear what I have been working on. I have discovered some info that we had looked for many years ago.
Thanks again,
Rick A. Ricci
PS. I did the same thing with my Holcombe copies. I used to have all of them saved and organized in binders but over time I would pull individual sheets out and lend them out. I did not get all of them back so I no longer have the complete sets. I may go back to the library and scan them to a flash drive but that's going to take a long time. I also did not make all the copies. I would skip families that I did not know were related to me. It wasn't until later that I found out that they were also family. The Perez Temblador was one of the families that I ignored and that is why I thought that they possibly had a connection to the Perez Gallo.
what surnames are in these batches?
Jaime Holcombe's family group sheets have most of the founding families in Los altos de Jalisco. He has even more families but I focused on my family lines when I downloaded his work.
Munoz de la Barba, Munoz de Nava, Alvarez Tostado, Gonzalez de Hermosillo, Guttierrez, Casillas, franco, Perez , Romo de Vivar, De La Torre, Lomeli, Navarro, Rodriguez, Ibarra, Valdivia, Jimenez, Gomez Hurtado de Mendoza, Perez Gallo, Perez Temblador, and many more.
R A Ricci
This is the film index I compiled in an effort to organize the gazillion Family Group Sheets that Jaime Holcombe submitted to LDS in the mid 1980s. The numbers at very top are the films. Immediately below that are the batch numbers. Each batch had about 50 FGSs. I do not have an alphabetical index. I don't know where my original index is, so I scanned an available copy. Will post the original whenever I find it. See: Holcombe FGS in my Dropbox. Two pages.…
Mary Lou
Hi Mary Lou,
I found two or three of them as attachments to trees on I believe I saved them to Lope Ruiz de Esparza on my tree. I can check. I would love to see them all. Does any Mormon church have a Family History Center or would I have to drive down to the big one in LA? I'm in the Bay Area now. If I can view them locally and they are open on Sundays, I'll go on Super Bowl Sunday. :)
Thank you,
your message came through great. I don't know of such a list, but I know
that Jaime Holcombe, Jr. applied for membership to the list, but has not
replied yet to the requirements for subscription. hopefully he'll join
the group and be able to answer your question. . .if he doesn't I'll
send you his email address and you can ask and forward his answer to the
ps: you will need to resend your previous email to Josie as it didn't go
MariaCortez wrote:
>Do we have a list of all the films that Jaime Holcombe contributed to I have come across some, but I don't know if I've seen a comprehensive list.
They are IGI entries such as this one:
Family group record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record includes the submitter's name and address and names and relationships of family members. The address may be outdated. Some information is estimated. To find the record on the film, you must know the batch and sheet number.
Source Information:
Batch Number: F867915
Sheet: 003
Source Call No.: 1396254 Type: Film
This example above may be one contributed by the late Mr. Holcombe. I understand he contributed quite a bit to familysearch. It would be nice to have a list of all the films he contributed because he had all the families connected and all the individuals for a family would be found on the same film. Take a look at all the names on the above batch and you will see there are entries for Aguascalientes, Jalos., and Tepatitlan for all the connected members of a family on the same film. It's a real treasure.
Yes, I would be very interested in contacting Jaime Holcombe Jr. Thank you!
Hi Maria:
Did you find out anything from National Geographic? Just wondering...
John Gonzalez
Hi John,
I called Mr. Hagues and left a voice mail message. I have not heard back from him. If I ever do, I will send the group a message.
For anyone living in the Seattle area there will be a workshop on April 23 at the NARA facility. See the link below.
Jaime Holcombe films