Hola primos y primas,
I descend from Juan Diaz de Leon “El Viejo” and Francisca de Ortega, through their son, Juan Diaz de Leon “El Mozo,” and his marriage to Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor. From them, I descend from 2 sons: Jacinto Diaz, m. Sebastiana Gil, and Joseph Diaz, m. Antonia Delgadillo, the 2 lines reconnecting with the marriage of their grandchildren, Andres Diaz de Leon-Duron and Maria Estefania Carrillo-Diaz de Leon.
Recently, I came upon some notary records, which might establish when this family first settled in Sierra de Pinos. I thought I might share them here, for review and discussion.
First, though I have later generations well-documented, I don’t have a hard fix on the first. According to Don Jaime Holcombe, in his Varias Cartas (p. 171), Juan Diaz de Leon and Francisco Ortega had seven offspring:
a. Maria de Ortega, m. Hernan Perez de Mojica. With issue.
b. Pedro Diaz de Leon, b. 1615-1619. Testigo on various IM’s in Pinos, possibly married to Josefa de Santiago, with issue.
c. Juan Diaz de Leon “El Mozo”, m. Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor, md 17 Aug 1648, Pinos. With issue.
d. Antonio Diaz de Leon, b. 26 May 1621, Pinos. (Holcombe)
e. Antonia Diaz de Leon. (Holcombe)
f. Luis Diaz de Leon. (Holcombe)
g. Joseph Diaz de Leon, b. 13 Jun 1630, Pinos (Holcombe); was a testigo 21 Dec 1648, age 20.
I’ve only found records for four (a, b, c & g); would anybody have anything else on this family group?
From 2 IM’s for which he was a witness, we can establish that Juan Diaz de Leon was born around 1580:
10 May 1650 IM for Joseph Gonzalez and Anna de Casteñeda; Juan Diaz de Leon El Viejo (as he’s listed) gave his age as “around 70” (ca. 1580). Left image:
21 Feb 1651 IM for granddaughter, Antonia Perez Mojica and Gines Carrion; his age is given as “over 60” (before 1591). Left image:
In the San Luis Potosi Registros de Minas 1604 Exp 1-5, on 1 Mar 1604, Juan Diaz de Leon files claims on no less that 7 mines, located in Pinos. Credible witnesses present were Jorge Leal, Diego Delgado and Maria Fernandez Pinto. Other miners/individuals named are Francisco Gonzalez, Antonio Gutierrez?, Leonor de Segura, Julian de Santa Maria, Diego Camacho, Juan de Morales, Juan Ruiz de Roza, Maria de Ortega, Juan del Campo, Francisco Lopez, Pedro Anrrq.z?, and Juan Dias.
On the same roll, from a document dated 27 Oct 1604, Juan Diaz de Leon registers “a sitio en el Descubrimiento de Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion de Cuzco [de Sierra de Pinos],” with a main house, a compound for Indians, and an ore mill and smelter for his metals; located in la Cieneguilla de las Encinillas, on a water hole, it was bordered by the properties of Jorge Leal, Juliana de Sotomayor, and Julian de Santa Maria.
This is likely when Encinillas became the family seat of the Diaz de Leon, though Juan Diaz was already in the area, previously: found at the General Archives of the Indies in Sevilla, is a map, dated 12 Nov 1603, of a proposed town, “to be founded on the Goleta plains, 4 leagues from the mines of Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion de Sierra de Pinos.” It shows the proposed layout of a town, with streets, a plaza mayor, and lots, assigned to individuals. One of the lots is assigned to Juan Diaz de Leon (one block south of the main plaza).
Código de Referencia: ES.41091.AGI/27.17//MP-MEXICO,51
Archivo General de Indias
Mapas y Planos
Mapas, planos, etc.: México
Planta de la nueva población que se ha de hacer en los llanos de la Goleta, a cuatro leguas de las minas de Nuestra Señora de la Concepcion de Sierra de Pinos.
I hope you find this information useful, and comments, questions and corrections are welcome.
Gracias y Saludos,
Manny Diez Hermosillo
PS & Historical Note: Even though Real de Minas de Sierra de Pinos was in the jurisdiction of Nueva Galicia, during the first decades of the 1600s, residents still had to file in San Luis Potosi, which was in the jurisdiction of Mexico City. This reflects the historical conflict over the jurisdiction of Sierra de Pinos, between the Audiencias in Mexico and Guadalajara, during the first decades of its founding. These are some of the bureaucratic headaches that our ancestors had to deal with!
Hola primos!
Amazing the amount of work all of you have put in and I have learned so much as far as the lineage but I would like to learn more as to who these people are. I descend from Juan Diaz de Leon "El Viejo" and his son "El Mozo", and then Andres DDL. I was wondering if anyone had information as to what their Juan's role was in regards to Pinos? I know his name is on the map in 1603 and owned some mines, but is there any other info anyone else can share?
Thank you so much!
Rosendo Gutierrez-Diaz
Hello Manny,
When I was a kid, family members would say that Vikki Carr was a distant cousin of ours. I did her family tree and found that she is repeatedlyrelated to my family as she has ancestors from all over Los Altos de Jalisco. I wanted to let you know that she also descends from Andres Diaz de Leon-Duron and Maria Estefania Carillo.
Vikki Carr was her stage name. Part of her father’s ancestral family was mainly from Los Altos de Jalisco, and the other part was mainly from the state of New Mexico. She is also is related to coach Tom Flores through her Altos de Jalisco ancestral roots and is related to quarterback Jim Plunkett through her New Mexico ancestral roots.
Rick A. Ricci
Hola prim@s,
I was surprised to see that I hadn’t posted this yet, but then I remembered that this site was down for a while. This is another testamento of Juan Diaz de Leon “el Viejo,” dated 17 Jan 1636, antedating the other by almost twenty years. This one gives us some new information, in that it names his wife, Francisca de Ortega, as the daughter of Luis Maldonado. It says she received no dowry when they married, and that everything that they had, they gained together. It also names two previously unknown sons: Diego Diaz and Luis Maldonado (confirmed in Oct 1638 in Pinos). These two obviously died young and likely left no offspring, since none are mentioned in Juan Diaz de Leon’s second testamento.
As to the identity of Luis Maldonado, Francisca de Ortega’s father: there were two early residents of San Luis Potosi - Luis Maldonado and his brother, Capitan Miguel Maldonado, both born in La Palma, Islas Canarias, sons of escribano publico Luis Maldonado and doña Inés Sanchez de Ortega. The younger Luis Maldonado died by Sep 1603, and I don’t know if he ever married. It’s possible that Francisca de Ortega is the daughter of either Luis Maldonado, and that doña Inés Sanchez de Ortega is the source of the “Ortega” used by Francisca and her daughters.
Manny Díez Hermosillo
Wow, this is great information Manny. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.
Great work Manny!
Great work Manny!
Based on the information that you provided that they were from the Canary Islands, I compiled a possible ancestral line for Francisca Ortega. The dates and places match.
Alvaro Sanchez de La Fuente had at least two wives Ines Sanchez de Ortega descends from both wives.
1)- Alvaro Sanchez de La Fuente m. Beatriz Anaya
2)- Hernan Sanchez de la Fuente m. Ines Gutierrez
3)- Francisca Gutierrez m. Pedro Hernandez de Rociano
4)- Esteban Hernandez Ortega (Aka Esteban Hernández Rociano) m. Isabel de Aday (daughter of Hernan Gómez and Francisca De Aday)
5)- Leonor de Ortega m. Diego Perez de Villanueva (son of Maria Sanchez (aka de la Fuente ) Zambrana and Juan Perez de Villanueva
[Leonor Ortega and Diego Perez de Villanueva are closely related. They have grandparents that are half siblings. ]
Probably (upgraded from possibly)
6)- Ines Sanchez de Ortega m . Luis Maldonado
Possibly (Manny Diez Hermosillo identified Francisca Ortega’s father as Luis Maldonado)
7)- Francisca Ortega m Juan Diaz de Leon
The “Sanchez de La Fuente”/“Sanchez de La Feria” family was nobility.
The Perez de Villanueva ancestry appears to be of Jewish Converso origins and attempts were made hide to this fact and give it a false history of “cristiano viejos”. They were involved in the textile industry and the buying and selling of sugar. The false ancestry involved the surname “Fernandez de Bettencourt”.
There is a descent from The Bethencourt family but it is through Francisca de Aday (aka Francisca Ramos). This line goes back many generations into France.
Second line of descent from Alvaro Sanchez and Beatriz de Anaya:
1)- Alvaro Sanchez de La Fuente m. Beatriz Anaya
2)- Hernan Sanchez de la Fuente m. Olaya Rodríguez Zambrana
3)- Francisco Sanchez (aka Francisco Zambrana) m. —— [ I will add her name later as I am still studying the different surnames she also used]
4)- Maria Sanchez de La Fuente Zambrana (aka Sanchez) m. Juan Perez de Villanueva
5)- Diego Perez de Villanueva m. Leonor de Ortega
Probably (upgraded from possibly)
6)- Ines Sanchez de Ortega m . Luis Maldonado
Possibly (Manny Diez Hermosillo identified Francisca Ortega’s father as Luis Maldonado)
7)- Francisca Ortega m Juan Diaz de Leon
Thanks again,
Rick A. Ricci
If Manny is able to find evidence that the Luis Maldonado that is the father of Francisca de Ortega is the same Luis Maldonado that is married to Ines Sanchez de Ortega then we can connect to an aboriginal ancestry from Islas Canarias. These aboriginals have dna that they share with a community from North Africa. Many of these aboriginals were light skinned and blond according to some sources. If you descend from this line, your dna results may show a small percentage of French and North African ancestry. The French coming from the Bethencourt ancestral line.
Thanks for your contributions, Rick.
I still don’t know if Francisca de Ortega descends from Luis Maldonado cc Ines Sanchez de Ortega. For all I know, she was from Ayamonte, like Juan Diaz de Leon, and they married before arriving in Mexico. I’m just running on assumptions, since I know they had a continuous presence in San Luis Potosi.
As for the Luis Maldonado who lived in SLP, I was hoping to find his testamento, but all I could find is the inventory of his shop, which was submitted on 5 Sep 1603 by his executor, Diego Romero. It doesn’t name his parents, so I don’t know how RMB knows that he was the son of Luis Maldonado and Ines Sanchez de Ortega.
I did find a promissory note dated 2 Mar 1603, in which Luis Maldonado and his son-in-law, Juan Diaz, agreed to pay Jacome Jinoves 255 pesos. I don’t know if this Juan Diaz is our Juan Diaz de Leon, since in most notarized documents, ours used the compound surname. Unfortunately, this Juan Diaz couldn’t sign his name - but then, neither could ours, until at least 1631, anyways. Diego Romero was their creditor for this transaction. Interestingly enough, on 25 Nov 1604, Juan Diaz de Leon sold his entire mining operation in SLP to the same Diego Romero.
While Luis Maldonado has been illusive, his supposed brother, Capitan Miguel Maldonado - who I know was son of Luis Maldonado cc Ines Sanchez de Ortega - appears with great frequency in the archives. From various records, we know that brothers Felipe and Alonso de Fraga Corbalan were his nephews. They were the sons of Juan de Fraga Corbalan cc Isabel Diaz de Avila, of La Palma, Canarias; Isabel Diaz de Avila was daughter of Diego Sanchez de Ortega and another Isabel Diaz de Avila. The obvious link would be through Ines and Diego Sanchez de Ortega, who were likely siblings, so Miguel Maldonado and the Fraga brothers were at least 1st-cousins, 1-time removed:
Probable parentestco:
Diego Sanchez de Ortega-1-Ines Sanchez de Ortega
Isabel Diaz de Avila-2-Miguel Maldonado
Felipe de Fraga-3
Another cousin was Francisco Sanchez de Ortega, who submitted his testamento on 29 May 1620. He was son of Juan Sanchez de Ortega and Maria Ponce de Leon. His executors were his cousins Alonso de Fraga and Simon Ponce.
Simon Ponce was son of Cristobal Ponce and Luisa Perez. He submitted his testamento on 12 Oct 1633 and his executor and heir was his cousin, Alonso de Fraga. He was to be entombed in the same crypt as his cousins, Miguel Maldonado and Felipe de Fraga.
There was another Cristobal Ponce who lived in early SLP, who according to RMB, was also a cousin of Miguel Maldonado, though I don’t know how they’re related. So apparently, there was an entire network or cousins in early SLP, all from La Palma, Canarias.
Hope you’re all well!
Manny Díez Hermosillo
Thank you Manny!
I will again take the information that you have provided and work to see if I can find the ancestry of the cousins in Las Canarias.
Keep up your excellent work. If we do find that there is a connection to the family that I posted, then I will post the very interesting history of their ancestors. It goes back a long way and there is a lot of documentation regarding this adventurous family.
Take care,
Rick A. Ricci
Hello everyone,
I have a small information that could be useful in the origins of Diaz de Leon family. As we all know now Juan Diaz de Leon, El viejo, was from the city of Ayamonte. While searching for his license to New Spain, i found a document called "Expediente de información y licencia de pasajero a indias de Isabel de León, criada del licenciado Alonso de Villalba, natural de Ayamonte, hija de Francisco Hernández Cataño e Isabel Díaz de León, a Charcas." The document is dated 1603 which is the same year as when Juan Diaz de Leon was registered in Pinos's map. I think this might be a lead on Juan Diaz de Leon's origins.
Tristan Diaz de Leon
Thank you Tristan for sharing this information,
Rick A. Ricci
Puedo decir que el año de su nacimiento esta alrededor de 1591 según su testamento fechado el 25 de agosto de 1655 en la ciudad de San Luis Potosí, dejo el siguiente fuente y link para su valoración:
"México, San Luis Potosí, registros varios, 1570-1882," images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-958X-HHWT?cc=2040013&wc=MX… : 21 May 2014), Protocolos notariales 1655, vol 2 exp 22-27 > image 55 of 58; Archivo Histórico del Estado de San Luis Potosí (San Luis Potosí State Archives, San Luis, Potosí).
"México, San Luis Potosí, registros varios, 1570-1882," images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-G58X-H6YR?cc=2040013&wc=MX… : 21 May 2014), Protocolos notariales 1655, vol 2 exp 22-27 > image 56 of 58; Archivo Histórico del Estado de San Luis Potosí (San Luis Potosí State Archives, San Luis, Potosí).
"México, San Luis Potosí, registros varios, 1570-1882," images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-G58X-H6KV?cc=2040013&wc=MX… : 21 May 2014), Protocolos notariales 1655, vol 2 exp 22-27 > image 57 of 58; Archivo Histórico del Estado de San Luis Potosí (San Luis Potosí State Archives, San Luis, Potosí).
Saludos Familia descendiente de Díaz de León.
Atte. Jean H. Tavera 12va. Generación Descendiente de Juan Díaz de León.
Dear Manny,
You did not list a second marriage for Juan Diaz de Leon. In my records I do have him married first to Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor but I also have a second marriage in 1669 to Juana Trujillo. Is this a mistake in my records? I also have children by this marriage.
Thanks for all your help,
Rick A Ricci
Hi Rick,
I believe the Juan Diaz de Leon, who married Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor, and the one who married Juana Trujillo, were 2 different people, because Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor died a widow and was buried 03 Apr 1713, in Pinos. So, there's no way Juan Diaz could've married Juana Trujillo en 2os, since he died before Jacinta (right image): https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:939N-YT7D-R?mode=g&i=140&wc=3P9…
The one married to Juana Trujillo might be their son, the same who married Josefa Luisa Garcia de Nava, or he might be the son of Pedro Diaz de Leon and Josefa Gutierrez, who baptized a Juan, 02 Aug 1643, Sagrario SLP (right image):
There's also the possibility that he descended from an entirely different family. There's a Tomas Diaz de Leon cc Maria de la Mota, who baptized Ysabel, 10 Jul 1622, in Puebla de Zaragoza, Pue; there was also another Juan Diaz de Leon cc Barbola Bautista, who baptized Catalina, 02 Feb 1623, in Santa Catarina Martin, Mexico DF. Both couples drop off the map, so I haven't been able to track them.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Dear Manny,
Thank you for clarifying that it is a different Juan Diaz de Leon. I will separate them in my records. I had Jacinta as the first wife but other genealogists had Jacinta as the second wife with Juana Trujillo as the first. I wonder if he had two households at the same time? Until we get more information, they will stay in my records as two separate people.
Thanks again,
Rick A. Ricci
Dear Manny,
Ex President of Mexico Lopez Portillo descends from Diego Ochoa Garibay. There are also connections through my Padilla and Martinez de Sotomayor lines.
I told this information to my sister and she replied that she knew Lopez Portillos brother and knows his family. She also told me that my great aunt married ex president Fox's maternal uncle. I had some information on my second cousins but did not have the connection to Fox in my files. One of My grandmothers half-sisters was my baptismal godmother. Her daughter, Norma is the person who gave me some information on this branch of the family a long time ago, but It did not have connection to Fox, just the name of another great aunts husband, their children and grandchildren.
My oldest sister is not a genealogist, but when I inform her of my research, she has often come up with additional information that is invaluable to my work.
I would like to research more Mexican ex president genealogies. Do you know of any books or sites that will provide more information?
Rick A Ricci
Hi Rick,
I’m unaware of any literature on the genealogies of presidents - it would be fascinating, I’ll ask around, and do some digging.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Hola primos,
Again, I owe a debt of gratitude to our prima, Mary Lou, for sharing the index of SLP testamentos; with the information given, I was able to locate that of Juan Diaz de Leon “El Viejo,”
Protocolos notariales 1655, vol 2 exp 22-27;
Exp 27, 26 Aug 1655, img55
We now have his parents’ names, and his probable place of origin: Juan Diaz de Leon and Ynes Dominguez de Garfias, vecinos y naturales de la Villa de Ayamonte (Huelva) en los Reinos de Castilla.
He names 6 surviving children, born from his marriage with Francisca de Ortega (who still lived, and who would administer his “bienes”):
Ana de Ortega
Maria de Ortega
Francisca de Ortega
Pedro Diaz de Leon
Juan Diaz de Leon
Fray Antonio Diaz de Leon (del Orden de ????? Anyone?)
All 3 daughters were married, and all of his children were over the age of 25 (born before 1630). As mentioned in the index, his children were his heirs, and albaceas were his son, Juan Diaz de Leon, and grandson, Juan de Rebolloso, vecino del Cerro de San Pedro (probably the same Juan de Rebolloso mentioned in RMB’s “Diccionario…” p. 536, as “minero. Estante en el Cerro de San Pedro,” and who would be son of either Ana or Francisca de Ortega, since Maria de Ortega married Hernan Perez de Mojica).
According to Holcombe’s “Cartas,” Juan Diaz and Francisca de Ortega baptized Joseph Diaz de Leon, 13 Jun 1630, in San Matias, Pinos. I believe this is him, as a testigo on the 21 Dec 1648 IM of Cristobal Garcia and Ysabel Mendoza; his age is given as 20 years. What a beautiful signature he had!:
He apparently died before Aug 1655, since he’s not listed as an heir.
So, all of the Diaz de Leon in SLP and Nueva Galicia descend from Pedro and Juan “El Mozo,” respectively, in accordance with family lore.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
This is great information. Does it mention the names of Francisca Ortega's parents?
Danny C. Alonso
Dear Manny,
Congratulations on this find. What wonderful news to extend this family to Huelva. Finding Juan Diaz El Viejo de Leons parents, juan Diaz and Ynes Dominguez de Garfias now brings the ancestral search to Spain. I have spent most of my research lately on researching family lines on the Iberian peninsula and southern France.
Dear Mary Lou,
Thanking you very much for providing the resources for Mannys research.
Rick A. Ricci
Thanks for your work and to Mary Lou for her solid foundation of information, it has advance many of our family trees
You are all so very welcome. I am impressed with the volume of work and research that you are doing and glad that my contributions are helping. I have so much more that I want to get out there. Have not had much access to my archives, but in a couple of weeks that will change.
Mary Lou
Hola primos,
Here's the revised family group for the first generation of Diaz de Leon, with my notes from the 26 Aug 1655 testamento of Juan Diaz de Leon "El Viejo." I hope you all find this useful:
Juan Diaz de Leon "El Viejo," hijo de Juan Diaz de Leon & Ynes Dominguez de Garfias, vecinos y naturales de Ayamonte.
Francisca de Ortega, hija de ?
a. Ana de Ortega, m. ? Rebolloso
b. Francisca de Ortega, m. Simon Lopez de Olivares (2 daughters: Josefa de Olivares & Antonia de Valdes)
c. Maria de Ortega, m. Hernan Perez de Mojica
d. Pedro Diaz de Leon, m. Josefa de Santiago y Gutierrez
e. Juan Diaz de Leon "El Mozo," m. Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor, im. 08 Aug 1648, San Matias, Pinos
f. Fray Antonio Diaz de Leon (Jesuit?)
g. Joseph Diaz de Leon, b. 13 Jun 1630, San Matias, Pinos (Holcoombe). Testigo on IM 21 Dec 1648, San Matias, Pinos; age 20.
h. Luis Diaz de Leon (Holcoombe).
i. Antonia Diaz de Leon (Holcoombe).
Heirs: Pedro Diaz de Leon and Juan Diaz de Leon.
Albaceas: sons, Pedro Diaz, Juan Diaz & Fray Antonio Diaz, and grandson Juan de Rebolloso.
Tenedora de Bienes: Francisca de Ortega su mujer.
Tutora y Curadora de hijos menores: Francisca de Ortega su mujer.
Bienes: casa de vivienda en San Luis Potosi; casa de vivienda con su solar en Sierra de Pinos, ? de minas; 3 esclavos: Mulata Ysabel? (page torn) y sus hijos, Juan y Pedro.
On introduction, says his parents were "residents and natives of Ayamonte," rather than "residents of Nueva Espana," implying that they didn't pass to Indies. Therefore, Juan Diaz de Leon "El Viejo" was likely born in Ayamonte, Huelva.
Juan Diaz de Leon requested that he be buried in the parrish church of San Luis Potosi.
Joseph Diaz, Luis Diaz and Antonia Diaz died before Aug 1655.
On 2nd image, says "...al tiempo (...) case con Francisca de Ortega mi legitima mujer ni la dicha ni yo no trujimos bienes conocidos ningunos..." No dowry?
Daughter Ana de Ortega was probably married to Juan de Rebolloso, a merchant in early SLP. She apparently had a son named Juan de Rebolloso, who might have been the miner in Cerro de San Pedro.
Daughter Francisca de Ortega issued her testamento in Feb 1661 before Pedro de Avalos in SLP (1661 protocolos begin in May 1661, so not available online).
Manny Diez Hermosillo
This is great work. Thank you for providing us with this information. Juan Diaz de Leon and Francisca de Ortega are my ancestors too. I had a couple of questions. you mention she had no dowry, does that means something that she had no dowry. also you mention the house in sierra de pinos "casa de vivienda con su solar en Sierra de Pinos" what does solar mean?
Danny C. Alonso
Hi Danny,
You're welcome.
It was customary for the families of brides to give a dowry, when a daughter married. I don't know the significance of why there was no dowry, it just seems odd, since dowries were the norm, with the landed classes.
A "solar" is a "lot," or a parcel of land.
Here is Francisca de Ortega II's testamento, 12 Feb 1662. Her mother was still alive. She received a dowry of 2,500 pesos.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Thank you Manny. and Thank you for the Testamento of Francisca de Ortega II.
Danny C. Alonso
Hello, Manny.
Glad to see your interest in San Luis Potosi where I was surprised to find several of my lines (Galvan, de la Cerda, Diaz Infante, Montanez and Marquez to name a few). Here's a link to a research paper that may help you. It covers SLP testaments from 1642 to 1671. It's a summary report and I believe only those persons who died are named. There's a Diaz de Leon. Don't know if he is your line.
From time to time I will add files to my Dropbox GENEALOGY folder. It will be a mishmash of drafts, finished papers, Family Group Sheets, handwritten notes and extractions and just stuff that may help others.
Mary Lou
Hello Danny,
The names Diego Camacho and Juliana de Sotomayor caught my eye, too. I think I've seen Diego Camacho in the San Luis Potosi archives, but I've never seen Juliana de Sotomayor before, that's a new name to me. They may be related to the Martinez de Sotomayor.
I've seen it written "Delgado," too, but I think it's a "typo" or even an abbreviation. I haven't seen a link between the Delgado of Pinos and the Delgadillo of Nochistlan.
Mary Lou,
That is likely the same Juan Diaz de Leon - he did have sons named Juan & Pedro, and he would have died around 1655. I haven't determined whether he had a grandson named Juan de Revolloso, but that should be easily remedied. Great lead, thanks! And thanks for sharing your notes & files - I imagine there is a "silvermine" of information in there!
Gracias y saludos a todos!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Hi, I am researching De La Cerda, from Sierra De Pinos, Zacatecas.
Ursula De La Cerda Contreras.
For some reason after 25 or more years of research I just in the past few days was able to greatly expand my Zacatecas, San LuisPotosi and Aguascalientes lines.
I have lots of de la Cerdas in my ancestry. how far back have you gone?
here's some of the de la Cerdas on the Wikitree.
Danny C. Alonso
On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 11:02 PM, wrote:
> Hi, I am researching De La Cerda, from Sierra De Pinos, Zacatecas. Ursula
> De
> La Cerda Contreras. For some reason after 25 or more years of research I
> just
> in the past few days was able to greatly expand my Zacatecas, San
> LuisPotosi
> and Aguascalientes lines.
Hola primos,
Wow, I started this thread to nail down the 1st generation of the Diaz de Leon, of Sierra de Pinos, and it looks like we’ve done just that!
Mary Lou just uploaded some extractions from the early San Matias, Pinos, baptisms (thanks, again!):
As expected, among them appear Juan Diaz de Leon and Francisca de Ortega (baptisms for sons Antonio and Joseph), as well as their 3 daughters, Ana, Francisca and Maria de Ortega. Though hard dates aren’t yet posted, years are, and relationships are confirmed. We now know that Ana de Ortega aka Ana Diaz married Juan de Rebolloso, who was likely the same who was a merchant, in early SLP. We also have the birth year of their son, Juan de Rebolloso (1621), who was one of his grandfather’s albaceas.
More to come!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Manny, this is great news. Im interested in knowing as much as I can about the Diaz de Leons. They were one of the first old families I connected to.
Danny C. Alonso
Hola prim@s,
Most Diaz de Leon’s, born before 1750 and living in Sierra de Pinos and surrounding communities, can be traced back to Juan Diaz de Leon cc Francisca de Ortega, one way or another. Nonetheless, there are still some individuals who have eluded identification. I’ve managed to catch up with some, which I’ll share here, for those of you who may descend from these families.
Santiago Diaz de Leon married Juana de Espitia, aka Juana de Cuenca, on 1 Jun 1674, in Aguascalientes. Their parents aren’t named, and their IM is lost. On their marriage record, he is called Andres Diaz de Santiago, and on other records, he’s listed as Santiago Diaz [de Leon], Andres Diaz, and on one, as Andres Garcia.
From their timeline, Juana de Cuenca y Espitia can be a granddaughter of Antonio de Cuenca and Juana de Espitia, of Aguascalientes, though I still don’t know who her parents are (they aren’t Joseph de Cuenca cc Teresa de Araiza Medina, who had a daughter named Juana, but she married Nicolas Valades).
As for the origin of Andres Diaz, aka Santiago Diaz, my first candidate was Andres, son of Juan Diaz de Leon and Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor, baptized 20 Aug 1653, in San Felipe Apostol, Gto. This makes sense, because several of their children married in Aguascalientes, But then, “Santiago” made me think of a possible connection to Pedro Diaz de Leon cc Josefa de Santiago, which would reconcile his use of “Diaz de Santiago.”
The first clue to his identity came in the form of an IM that Sarod77 located and sent to me: Joseph Miguel Diaz de Leon and Marcela Martina Bernal, 16 Dec 1781, Nra. Sra. de Belen, Asientos. Miguel Diaz was son of Francisco Gordiano Diaz and Micaela Carrillo, and Marcela Bernal was daughter of Vicente Bernal and Gregoria Josefa Diaz: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-DHQQ-7JW?i=590&wc=M6QX…
According to witnesses, the bride and groom were at 5 degrees consanguinity, therefore they didn’t need a dispensation. A tree is given:
Juan Jose Diaz-1-Santiago Diaz
Jacinto Diaz-2-Joaquin Diaz
Andres Diaz-3-Joseph Diaz
Francisco Gordiano Diaz-4-Gregoria Josepha Diaz
Jose Miguel Diaz-5-Marcela Bernal
The groom’s pedigree corresponds with what I had, “Juan Jose Diaz” being Juan Diaz de Leon “El Mozo,” who was married to Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor. Santiago Diaz is said to be his brother, therefore, Santiago Diaz de Leon is son of Juan Diaz de Leon and Francisca de Ortega. But this is not possible, because they had no son named, “Santiago.” Furthermore, from records that I had found, Santiago Diaz had no son named “Joaquin”: Jose Diaz, who was father of Gregoria Josefa Diaz, mother of the bride, was the son of Santiago Diaz and Juana de Espitia. So, the witnesses added a generation. The tree should look like this:
Jacinto Diaz-1-Santiago Diaz
Andres Diaz-2-Jose Diaz
Francisco Gordiano Diaz-3-Gregoria Josefa Diaz
Jose Miguel Diaz-4-Marcela Bernal
This places Santiago Diaz at 1 degree with Jacinto Diaz, meaning they were brothers, and both sons of Juan Diaz de Leon and Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor. He is Andres, baptized 20 Aug 1653, San Felipe Apostol, Gto. ¡GOL!
This also places the bride and groom at 4 degrees, meaning they required a dispensation, though they managed to slip under the radar - for the time being.
A couple of weeks after sending me the first IM, Sarod77 sent me another document, dated 4 Sep 1789, and in San Matias, Pinos, with a note saying that I was right, “there was no Joaquin Diaz.” Apparently, 8 years later, Miguel Diaz and Marcela were censured by the Church, for being at 4 degrees consanguinity. I’m not sure what the outcome was, since a portion of the document is written in Latin, which I don’t understand. Nonetheless, this confirms that Santiago Diaz is the son of Juan Diaz de Leon and Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:939N-BSXJ-7?i=633&wc=3P91-D…
Case closed. Thank you, to Sarod77, for cracking that one open for us!
Santiago Diaz de Leon and Juana de Espitia had five children that I know of, all born on Encinillas in Sierra de Pinos:
1. Juan Diaz de Leon Espitia, m1. Petronila Muñoz de Pineda, 20 Mar 1700; m2. Ana Manuela Campos, 7 Jul 1740, San Matias, Pinos, Zac.
2. Maria de Espitia Diaz, m. Domingo Gomez Castro, 23 Apr 1703, San Matias, Pinos, Zac.
3. Nicolasa Diaz Espitia, b. 21 Jan 1687, San Matias, Pinos, Zac.
4. Joseph Diaz de Leon Cuenca, b. 10 Apr 1689; m. Maria del Castillo Martin, 02 May 1713, San Matias, Pinos, Zac.
5. Sebastiana Diaz Espitia, b. 9 Apr 1692, San Matias, Pinos, Zac; m. Miguel Monterrubio Olaldes, 9 Nov 1718, Nra Sra de Belen, Asientos, Ags.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Another mystery has been María de la Encarnación Díaz de León, a resident on Rancho de Las Letras, in Sierra de Pinos. She never married, but she had at least three illegitimate children, born on Letras between 1743 and 1759:
1. Maria Josefa Diaz de Leon, b. 1743, m. Joseph Manuel Santoyo Orzua, 3 Oct 1766, San Matias, Pinos, Zac.
2. Antonia Josefa Diaz de Leon, b. 1748, m. Vicente Diaz de Leon Lopez, im. 16 Sep 1769, San Matias, Pinos, Zac.
3. Joseph Maria Diaz de Leon, b. 28 Oct 1759, San Matias, Pinos, Zac; m. Maria Guadalupe Delgado Perez, 15 Feb 1790, Inmaculada Concepcion, Cienega de Mata, Ojuelos, Jal.
Her pedigree is revealed in the 16 Sep 1769 dispensation for her daughter, Antonia Josefa Diaz’s marriage to Vicente Diaz de Leon, son of Joseph Diaz de Leon and Maria Dolores Lopez de la Cerda: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:9392-6LSD-WP?i=196&wc=12512…
The bride and groom were at 3 & 4 degrees of consanguinity, his father and her grandfather, both named Joseph Diaz, being 1st-cousins. The groom’s father was son of Joseph Diaz and Antonia Delgadillo, and grandson of Juan Diaz de Leon and Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor. We now have the name of Encarnacion Diaz’s father, which is Joseph Diaz (“El Viejo”), whose father would be a son of Juan Diaz de Leon and Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor, but which son?
The answer came while looking through the San Matias, Pinos confirmations: I found María de la Encarnación, hija de Joseph Diaz and Catalina de Islas, confirmed on 19 Jul 1753: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:939N-BKWR-S?i=182&wc=3PS3-H…
¡GOL! This Joseph Diaz was son of Jacinto Diaz de Leon and Sebastiana Gil, and Catalina de Islas was daughter of Nicolas de Dios Islas and Josefa Delgadillo, of Nochistlan, Zac. This is the missing piece to the puzzle, now we have the full tree:
Juan Diaz de Leon cc Jacinta Martin de Sotomayor
Joseph Diaz- 1-Jacinto Diaz
Joseph Diaz ”El Mozo”- 2-Joseph Diaz “El Viejo”
Vicente Diaz-3-Encarnacion Diaz
- - - - - - - -4-Antonia Josefa Diaz
I should mention, that the groom’s parents, Joseph Diaz de Leon and Maria Dolores Lopez de la Cerda, were dispensed at 3 degrees, because their grandmothers were sisters (Jacinta Martinez de Sotomayor and Maria de Martinez de Islas de Sotomayor, who were daughters of Andres Martin Camacho de Sotomayor and Maria de Isla).
The brides parents were also dispensed, at 4 degrees, because their great-grandmothers, were sisters (Maria de Isla and Magdalena de Lavezaris, daughters of Benito de la Isla).
There was another Maria de la Encarnacion, who lived on Letras and who had an hijo natural named Esteban Diaz de Leon, who married Nicolasa Becerra on 13 Sep 1733, in Pinos. I don’t know if this is the same Maria de la Encarnacion, since this one is never given a surname, and would’ve given birth to Esteban around 1710, some 30 years before the birth of the next child, and 49 years before the birth of the last. Improbable.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Thank you Manny for sharing. As you know I also descend from Joseph Diaz de Leon and Antonia Delagadillo (Martinez de Alarcon).
This is a great piece to add to the rompecabezas.
Thanks again,
Rick A. Ricci
Thanks Manny for all the information. I am new to Nuestros Ranchos and it has been a longtime that I wanted to answer to this post. I am searching all the members of the Díaz de León family. Andrés/Santiago did cost me some problem also.
There is another Díaz de León that is causing me problem: Agustina Díaz de León, española, that died on 20th of June of 1773 at Puesto de las Encinillas,jurisdicción del Real de Sierra de Pinos:
We can also find her in the Padrones of Pinos of 1764:
Encinillas was the living place for many years of the Díaz de León Family and she is mentioned next to the families of Francisco Gordiano and Andrés Díaz de León. That might suggest a link with two brothers. I believe that she could have been a daughter of Andrés Díaz de León and Dionisia Durón-Gutiérrez. She is mentioned as viuda when she passed away but I haven’t found any records that might correspond to her on Family search. Do you have any clue on this person?
When looking for descendants of Andrés Díaz de León and Dionisia Durón-Gutiérrez it is important to remember that they had numerous children prior to their marriage date.
Rick A. Ricci
Dang, Tristan,
I just looked at your tree - you are PURO Diaz de Leon! How many times? I’m only twice, but the rest of your tree looks like my abuelo’s. Encantado conocerle, primo!
Agustina Diaz de Leon - I haven’t connected her yet. But seeing how she lives between the other children of Andres Diaz cc Dionicia Duron, I think it’s likely she’s also their child. As Rick says, they had 6 children when they married, one, being Geronimo Roman, and I only count four, that I have found, who were born before 1728. Agustina could be the 5th, though it’d still be good to find something to verify it. I’ll keep my eyes open. Here she is in the 1765 padron, if you don’t already have it (right image, right column):
Phelipe Moran drops off the map, so I wonder if he and Agustina were ever married? I know Paula’s marriage record says she was legitimate, but those aren’t always accurate. Do you have anything on their other children?
Thanks, and great work!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
Juan Díaz de León is 11 times my ancestor ! Spanish families were much connected during this time as you know. Concerning Andrés Díaz de León and Dionisia’s children, I was able to identify 6 children for the moment:
- Andrés Díaz de León y Durón-Gutiérrez : Born around 1716 in Asientos and died on 20th of December of 1774 in Palo Alto, jurisdiction of Ciénega de Rincón. He was married to María Estefanía Carrillo y Díaz de León.
- Elena Díaz de León y Durón-Gutiérrez : Born around 1718 and died on 6th of November of 1772 in Encinillas, jurisdiction of Pinos. She had an illegitimate child with Jacinto Díaz de León y de Islas, her cousin. They made a dispensation but I think that the marriage never occurred.
- Francisco Gordiano Díaz de León y Durón-Gutiérrez : Born around 1722 in Asientos and died on 30th of May of 1805 in Asientos. He was married to Margarita Micaela Carrillo de Sandi y de Salcedo.
- Cacilda Díaz de León y Durón-Gutiérrez : Born around 1723 in Asientos and died on 10th of November of 1780 in Encinos, jurisdiction of Sierra de Pinos. She was married to Matías de Castañeda y de Carvajal.
- Antonio Díaz de León y Durón-Gutiérrez : He died on 11th of November of 1752 in Encinillas, jurisdiction of Pinos.
- Nicolasa Díaz de León y Durón-Gutiérrez : She was married to Antonio Díaz Tirado y de Castañeda.
I think that, Antonio and Nicolasa could have been born after 1728. However I didn’t search for her IM for the moment to know her age.
PS : I thought that Geronimo Roman was a previous husband that Dionisia had. I guess that I didn’t read correctly the dispensa for Andrés and Dionisia. Mi español no es tan bueno y no es muy fácil leer actas del siglo 18 jaja
Dear Manny,
Thanks for posting the information. Some members of Antonia Delgadillos family sometimes used Delgado instead of Delgadillo. Do you know if Antonia Delgadillos family is related to the Delgados that you commented about recently?
Thanks again primo,
Rick A. Ricci
This is great work. Juan Diaz de Leon is my ancestor too. I wish I knew something to add, but I dont. I was curious though about the witnesses and other property owners in 1604, Diego Camacho and Juliana de Sotomayor and if you think they're related to the Martin Camacho/Martn de Sotomayor family.
Danny C. Alonso
Great work on Sierra de Pinos: Juan Diaz de Leon “El Viejo”