Ranchos in Zacatecas

Could someone please help me find where this Rancho is located according to the information I found. I've been searching for the Rancho de los Tellos for years and came across the following which I believe gives a map direction to where the place existed, maybe??

"Tellos. Rancho de la municipalidad de Mezquital del Oro, partido de Juchipila, Estado de Azcatecas, a 12 kilometros al N. de la cabecera municipal"


See if this opens for you. It is a map of Zacatecas from 1889 i believe. If it doesn't open, please let me know and I'll see if I can post it another way. I hope it is what you are looking for. My family was from that general area...Mezquital del Oro, Moyahua, Juchipila, etc

I'm not sure if that is the one you are looking for, but it does seem to work if you copy and paste. That name just sounded very familiar to me.


My deepest appreciation for you taking time to answer my question. The link does open, Thank you so much. I don't see the name of the Tellos ranch on the map. Can you tell me if this is saying where to locate/pinpoint the ranch: "a 12 kilometros al N. de la cabecera muncipal." Can you tell me where it's indicated? I'm still looking for my ancestors who lived and born in that ranch and moved around the surrounding towns. Trying to find them but need an idea what other cities/towns to research on Family Search. I can't be sure, but, the Tellos I'm searching for may have come from the Tello de Orosco lineages. I need to research deeper into it. Not trying to insult anyone.


I hope i am sending you in the right direction. If you zoom in to the very bottom of the map, around the J of Juchipila (name of the municipalidad, not the cuidad), you see Mezquital del Oro right above the J of Juchipila. And then Northwest of the L of Mezquital, you see Tellos (the T of Tellos is right above the L of Mezquital). It does not say "rancho" but if you look at the key, the rectangle with the piece missing indicates rancho. Tellos is there by itself, between the border of the municipalidades of Juchipila and Tlaltenango. I know there has to be other ranchos, but they are not listed. My grandfather was from Rancho del Tanque, which i believe was northeast of Mezquital del Oro, and they also lived in Rancho La Nopalera which was also near Mezquital but I don't know in what direction. I hope this helps :)


Wow really cool do you know where I can find maps with other ranches?

On Mon, May 27, 2019, 10:51 AM wrote:

> I hope i am sending you in the right direction. If you zoom in to the very
> bottom of the map, around the J of Juchipila (name of the municipalidad,
> not
> the cuidad), you see Mezquital del Oro right above the J of Juchipila. And
> then Northwest of the L of Mezquital, you see Tellos (the T of Tellos is
> right above the L of Mezquital). It does not say "rancho" but if you look
> at
> the key, the rectangle with the piece missing indicates rancho. Tellos is
> there by itself, between the border of the municipalidades of Juchipila and
> Tlaltenango. I know there has to be other ranchos, but they are not listed.
> My grandfather was from Rancho del Tanque, which i believe was northeast of
> Mezquital del Oro, and they also lived in Rancho La Nopalera which was also
> near Mezquital but I don't know in what direction. I hope this helps :)
> Sandra


I found the Tellos Ranch! Yay! Thank you so much for your most kind directions navigating the map. I'm so excited to see so many of the other ranchos and cities mentioned in the documents for my ancestors. My ancestors are also from Rancho del Tanque and almost all the surrounding towns and ranchos from San Pedro de Ocampo down to Mezquital del Oro. I can't imagine how they managed to travel such long range distances considering the conditions that existed in the era.


Thank you, Sandra.


From: Research on behalf of blankinship2@suddenlink.net
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2019 10:00 AM
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Map with Tellos on it

https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fw2.sia… See if this
opens for you. It is a map of Zacatecas from 1889 i believe. If it doesn't
open, please let me know and I'll see if I can post it another way. I hope it
is what you are looking for. My family was from that general area...Mezquital
del Oro, Moyahua, Juchipila, etc Sandra


wow gracias por los mapas! que año es el de Juchipila?

On Mon, May 27, 2019, 11:21 AM wrote:

> You're welcome, Emilie. It is one of my favorites of Zacatecas. Here are a
> couple of others that are kind of cool.
> http://w2.siap.sagarpa.gob.mx/mapoteca/mapas/158-OYB-7241-A.jpg
> http://w2.siap.sagarpa.gob.mx/mapoteca/mapas/22845-CGE-7241-A-2.jpg


wow gracias por los mapas! que año es el de Juchipila?

On Mon, May 27, 2019, 11:21 AM wrote:

> You're welcome, Emilie. It is one of my favorites of Zacatecas. Here are a
> couple of others that are kind of cool.
> http://w2.siap.sagarpa.gob.mx/mapoteca/mapas/158-OYB-7241-A.jpg
> http://w2.siap.sagarpa.gob.mx/mapoteca/mapas/22845-CGE-7241-A-2.jpg


Sandra, fabulous maps! Thanks for sharing.

According to the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) website, this is the Google Maps location of los Tellos:


To locate los Tellos on the INEGI website one has to check the box for Rurales and then zoom in to Mezquital del Oro. Also, in the map, change the view from Mapa de INEGI to Satélite de Google for the visual location.


It seems this place is no longer inhabited by many people.