Buenos días.
Hace algunos años tuvimos una interesante conversación sobre Juan de Pantoja, padre de Bernardina de Mendoza y Pantoja y esposa de Gonzalo Núñez de Soto.
La filiación es descrita en los méritos del Lic. Sebastián de la Peña y Mendoza, hijo de Baltasar de la Peña y de Catalina de Mendoza y Pantoja, nieto materno de Gonzalo Núnez de Soto y de Bernardina de Mendoza, bisnieto de Juan de Pantoja (MERITOS: Sebastián de Lapeña y Mendoza. Archivo General de Indias, 1664, INDIFERENTE,120,N.74, Imagen 7)
Juan de Pantoja, uno de los primeros conquistadores de la Nueva España y regidor de la ciudad de Pátzcuaro hizo un informe de méritos en 1577 el cual se encuentra aquí:
Datos interesantes: se nombra a su esposa como Catalina de Medina, hija de Domingo de Medina (uno de los primeros pobladores de la Nueva España que pasó con Cortés y después fue vecino de Michoacán teniendo la Encomienda de Tancítaro)
Varios testigos indican que es caballero hijodalgo notorio de mucha calidad y natural de Medellín. Además pasó a la Nueva España con su tío Pedro de Pantoja.
El hecho de que sea natural de Medellín podría indicarnos que perteneció al linaje de Juan de Pantoja el cual testó en Medellín el 14 de Noviembre de 1482, y de su esposa Elvira Álvarez de Mendoza, hija de Alfón Durán y de Aldonza Vázquez de Sandoval. De ser así el apellido Mendoza que en tantas generaciones se perpetuó vendría por el lado del regidor Juan de Pantoja.
Aquí pueden leer el documento: https://fromthepage.lib.utexas.edu/llilasbenson/colonial-mss/conquistad…
Erik Andrés Reynoso.
10 enero 1577: Declaración de Gonzalo Hernández, conquistador de la Nueva España y vecino de la ciudad de México: conoce al dicho Juan de Pantoja más de cuarenta años y que sabe que se halló en la conquista de esta ciudad de México porque Diego Hernández Nieto conquistador se lo ha dicho a este testigo...l dicho Pantoja y su tío habían venido a la dicha conquista treinta días antes que se ganase la tierra y que así mismo sabe este testigo por habérselo dicho que el dicho Juan Pantoja se halló en las conquistas de Colima y Zacatula y otras partes y que en ellas sirvió muy bien a su majestad y que por razón de lo suso dicho cree que se le dio repartimiento de indios y que no sabe ni se acuerda cuáles y que sabe que el dicho Juan Pantoja es caballero e hijodalgo notorio porque por tal era de todos habido y el dicho su tío (Pedro Pantoja) que con él vino...
Pedro Pantoja was born out of wedlock and was later legitimized. Pedro and his nephew Juan Pantoja came to Mexico together. Juan Pantoja also had a brother who later came to Mexico and lived in Mexico city.
While looking for information on Domingo Medina, I overlooked what could be an important clue on my search for information on “Munguia” ancestors. Here is the entry where I focused on Domingo Medina, father-in-law of Juan Pantoja (son of Baltazar Mendoza y Pantoja and Leonor de la Cerda Ulloa),
Nº 3,R.2. 1556-1557.
El fiscal contra Domingo de Medina y Pedro de Monguía, alcalde ordinario y
procurador del pueblo de Guayangareo e Nº 3,R.2. 1556-1557.
El fiscal contra Domingo de Medina y Pedro de Monguía, alcalde ordinario y
procurador del pueblo de Guayangareo en la jurisdicción de Michoacán, sobre haber
injuriado al alcalde mayor de dicha ciudad. 1 pieza
I should have paid more attention to “Pedro de Monguía, alcalde ordinario y procurador del pueblo de Guayangareo en la jurisdicción de Michoacán,”
Now to look for information on this Pedro de Monguia (Munguia), alcalde ordinario.
Rick A. Ricci
Through Diego de Velasco y Temiño’s descent from “Garcia Gomez de Carillo, Señor de Ormasa y Mazuelo and Elvira Alvarez de Osorio” you will find that Juan Pantoja, son of Baltazar Mendoza and Leonor de la Cerda and husband of Catalina Medina, is a distant relative. Juan Pantoja has ancestors that are closely related to both Garcia Gómez de Carillo de Ormasa y Mazuelo and his wife Elvira Alvarez de Osorio.
Diego de Velasco y Temiño’s descent from “Garcia Gomez de Carillo.Señor de Ormasa y Mazuelo Elvira Alvarez de Osorio” can be found here:
Through Juan Pantoja’s “Álvarez Osorio” ancestry he is also related to Hernando Padilla Dávila , “Villaseñor” and to the López Peralta (Coria Peralta).
Rick A. Ricci
In my research, I came across many instances where genealogists were taking the surname Soto to be short for Sotomayor. While this is true in many cases, it is not true in all cases. In some families, the “Soto” surname was originally “Scotto” in Genoa. The surname Scotto was changed to Soto when they arrived in Andalucia. The surname Scotto was originally another surname which I write about in my book.
Rick A. Ricci
Sorting out the family entanglements of the Pantoja family tree is not an easy task. Although secondary sources had placed the Captain / Lt. Juan Pantoja as a first cousin of our Juan Pantoja y Mendosa, a primary source points to the person that killed him as being the first cousin. They were short of food so it was recorded that the surviving crew ate their dead. Because of the similar name of Juan Pantoja, I am assuming that genealogists had assumed that the captain was the first cousin. They could have all been first cousins, but I doubt it as Captain Juan Pantoja is not identified as being killed by his first cousin, and the killer is identified as being the brother of a cousin of Juan Pantoja y Mendoza.
Rick A. Ricci
Some people are still insisting on a false ancestry for the Juan Pantoja that is the father of Bernardina Mendoza. The confusion comes about because there were numerous “Juan Pantoja” that are considered Conquistadores. There are at least three first cousin Juan Pantojas that are considered conquistadors in the “new world”. Baltazar Mendoza, Pedro Pantoja and a sister of theirs all had sons that are named “Juan Pantoja” making them first cousins. These first cousins are named after their paternal grandfather “Juan Pantoja”.
Pedro Pantoja arrived in the “new world” with his nephew Juan Pantoja (son of Balthazar Mendoza and Leonor Ulloa De la Cerda). The son of Pedro and Baltazar’s sister was a Ship Captain /sailor.who was murdered by a companion while on exploration of North America.
But it is clear that the Juan Pantoja that is married to Catalina Medina, and is the father of Bernardina Mendoza, is the son of Baltazar Mendoza and Leonor Ulloa De la Cerda.
Rick A. Ricci
Book Mygenes2000
Dear Rick,
Thanks to your findings on the Ulloa side now we know that Juan de Pantoja and Pedro de Alvarado were related and I wanted to thank you for all the support and amazing discoveries that you have been sharing with us. (If you posted this before, please forgive me)
Fernán Gutiérrez de Valverde = Mafalda de la Cerda
1.1 María Gutiérrez de Valverde = Gonzalo Porcallo Morán
1.1.1 María Morán de la Cerda = Lorenzo de Ulloa y Carvajal. Leonor Ulloa de la Cerda = Baltasar de Mendoza y Pantoja. Juan de Pantoja y Mendoza = Catalina de Medina.
1.2. Violante Gutiérrez de Valverde = Gutierre González de Trejo.
1.2.1 Isabel Gutiérrez de Trejo = Gonzalo de Contreras y Carvajal. Leonor de Contreras y Gutiérrez de Trejo = Gómez de Alvarado y Mexía de Sandoval. Pedro de Alvarado y Contreras.
Basically the conquistadores were third cousins.
Is this also ok with the data you have?
Erik R.
Dear Erik,
What you have posted is in line with my information. Thanks to you Erik for finding the key primary sources that proved that Juan Pantoja was Pedro Pantoja’s nephew. Your key information led us to the right branch of the Pantoja family, and to my research on the de la Cerda Ulloa family.
Thank you Eric for your kind words. As you know, I have done extensive research on the Pantoja family in Mexico, the America’s and Spain as I looked to connect this line to the Pantojas in Spain. It was your two important puzzle pieces (primary sources) that brought everything together. It wasn’t until you provided the two key missing pieces, that I was able to figure out how all of these numerous Juan Pantojas were related to each other. It was a major surprise to find out that they were all so closely related to each other.
Much of my different areas of research keep overlapping. Like you, lots of my finds are when I am looking for something else. One of the books that I have been working on is how many conquistadors are related to each other. It started out as a chapter, but became so large that it had become a book. The reason I was able to take the information that you found and connect it to the correct branch is that when I was looking for the ancestry of our Juan Pantoja y Mendoza,
This research brought much frustration over the years because my goal was to find the Juan Pantoja that was the father of Bernardina Mendoza. While researching the different branches of the family I kept coming up with relatives that are conquistadors. Pizarro is one of the relatives, and Pizarro is a relative of Cortez.
Although I never did find Bernardina Mendozas parents, we are very fortunate that you did with your fantastic finds. Those puzzle pieces that you found connected our Juan Pantoja y Mendoza as the son of Baltazar Mendoza and Leonor Ulloa de La Cerda.
There is much much more to the story of this family. A member of this family was killed in a jealous rage by her husband after he found out about her affair. The person that she had the affair with later married their daughter. You can be sure that there was one unhappy father. They left many descendants in what is now northern Mexico and the southwest of the United States of America.
Thanks again Erik,
In the first section you state 1.1.1 María Morán de la Cerda married to Lorenzo de Ulloa y Carvajal. According to Viejos Linajes de Cáceres, 1971, by Jose Miguel Lodo de Mayoralgo, page 320 her name is Beatriz Morán. Also, her name is “Beatriz” in Hidalguia; La Revista de Genealogía, Nobleza y Arms (Revista Hidalguia), 1984. No. 184-185, p. 553.
In the second section you state 1.2.1 Isabel Gutiérrez de Trejo (d/ Violante Gutiérrez de Valverde and Gutierre González de Trejo) – However, According to Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia, 1935, Vol. 106, p. 526:
1.2.1 Isabel Gutiérrez de Trejo is the daughter of Alfonso de Cháves and Leonor López de Trejo y Ulloa.
They still appear to be 3rd cousins but on another line. Please let me know if I got something wrong.
I know that your questions were for Erik, but if you read my post in this thread on this lineage, you will see that I list Lorenzo Ulloa’s wife as Beatriz Moran.
Here is the post:
King Henry II England to Bernardina Mendoza
Submitted by R.A.Ricci on Wed, 2020-09-23 00:56.
Bernardina Mendoza descends from King Henry II of England and Queen Eleanore of Aquitane
1)Henry II King of England and Eleanor of Aquitane Queen of England
2 Eleonore de Inglaterra, princesa de inglaterra and Alfonso VIII rey de Castilla
3 Berenguela de Castilla and Alfonso IX rey de Leon
4 San Fernando III rey de Castilla and Beatriz de Suavia ( Elizabeth Hohenstaufen)
5 Alfonso X Fernandez and Yolanda Aragon
6 Fernando infante de Castilla and Blanca de Francia Capet
7 Alfonso de la Cerda and Mahalda de Brienne
8 Luis de la Cerda, infante de Castilla and Leonor Alfonso de Guzman
9Juan de la Cerda and Sol Martinez
10 Martin Gonzalez de Cerda and Violante Alvarez Pereira
11 Mahalda de la Cerda y Fernan Gutierrez de Valverde
12 Mari Gutierrez de Valverde y de la Cerda and Gonzalo Porcallo De Morán
13 Beatriz Moran and Lorenzo Ulloa
14 Leonor Ulloa De la Cerda and Balthazar Mendoza Pantoja
15 Juan Pantoja Mendoza, conquistador and Catalina Medina (daughter of Domingo Medina)
16 Bernardina H. de Mendoza Pantoja Ulloa (b. about 1533) and Gonzalo Nuñez de Sotomayor
Rick A. Ricci
Source : my book Mygenes2000
Thanks for the clarification. I just wanted to reconcile the two.
On another note, do you have a source that states Juana Núñez de Soto who married Diego Ochoa Garibay is the daughter of Gonzalo Núñez de Soto and Bernardina de Mendoza y Pantoja? Or one that show Juana as the sister of Catalina de Mendoza wife of Baltazar de la Peña y Medina?
González-Leal, Mariano, Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia, multiple volume mentions Juana Núñez (de Soto) who married Diego Ochoa Garibay (Tomo VI, Vol. 2, p. 512), but I could not find where it mentions her parents.
Dear Damien,
The questions that you are asking is what started the discussions on the Pantoja lineage on nuestrosranchos.
What happened was that someone mentioned that Juana Nuñez de Soto descended from nobility. I stated that I didn’t even know who her parents were. I didn’t even know that the Soto was short for Sotomayor. So it was explained to me that it was known that she descended from Juan Pantoja and who her parents were. Then I researched the supposed maternal great grandparents and found that information to be wrong as those great grandparents were close to her age.
Next what happened is that I attempted to construct the Ancestry of the Juan Pantoja that was said to be her ancestor. I compiled a tremendous amount of information on the Pantoja family, but I had not seen any primary source documents regarding the claims made on Bernardina’s parents, or any primary sources documents on her supposed ancestors in Mexico. I mistakenly believed what they told me that Pedro Pantoja was an ancestor. Pedro Pantoja is not a direct ancestor. Many people still wrongly believe that Bernardina descends from Pedro.
The first big key was Erik finding the document naming Juan Pantoja Mendoza and Catalina Medina. The next key documents were documents from Mexico City, and another document naming Juan Pantoja Mendoza as the nephew of Pedro Pantoja. This was a very important find because there were many “Juan Pantoja”, and most of them were very closely related, so it was important to find out which one. Once we found out that he was the son of Baltazar Mendoza and Leonor Ulloa (aka de La Cerda), then I could connect him to the families that I had already researched.
I hope this short version of the collaboration helps,
Rick A. Ricci
Thanks, I’m new to the group and I’ve been putting the pieces together of the posts related to this family.
Then there is proof that Juana Núñez de Sotomayor wife of Diego Ochoa Garibay is the daughter of Bernardina de Mendoza Pantoja? Also, that Juan Pantoja de Mendoza who married Catalina de Medina is the son of Baltazar Mendoza Pantoja & Leonor Ulloa de la Cerda?
From what I'm reading it is a yes to both; if so then I want to write an article for the New Mexico Genealogical Society, giving you and Erik credit for the finds. As, this impacts New Mexico descendants of Diego de Padilla and his wife Maria Vásquez y Baca.
Do you have a source record stating Juana Núñez de Soto(mayor), wife of Diego Ochoa Garibay is the daughter of Gonzalo Núñez de Soto(mayor)and Bernardina de Mendoza y Pantoja. I'll be glad to pay for it if you accept Paypal.
I See that Catalina de Mendoza is clearly identified as a daughter in the source records that were shared by you and Erik.
Also, am interested in purchasing your book if it is for sale.
Good afternoon,
I would like to know more about Captain Diego Ochoa Garibay y Solis and his son Diego Ochoa Garibay y Nuñez de Soto, if you have any information I would appreciate it.
I found this information and maybe you are interested.
House of Juana Nunez (Juana Nunez de Soto or Sotomayor; she is widow, of Capitan Diego Ochoa Garibay). His son - Diego Ochoa, cleric of the first tonsure (subdiacano). A maiden daughter, Dona Maria de Solis. A niece, Beatriz de Garibay. His servants - three black slaves named Maria; a mulatto, Domingo; an Indian, Mariana; and a mulatto, Diego.[1] ↑ Genealogical journal, Volumes 1-3, SHHAR, 1994 - University of Texas. Page 123.
I don't know if they would have two children with the name of Diego, and one is a priest and the other is my ancestor.
Bernardina Mendoza descends from King Henry II of England and Queen Eleanore of Aquitane
1)Henry II King of England and Eleanor of Aquitane Queen of England
2 Eleonore de Inglaterra, princesa de inglaterra and Alfonso VIII rey de Castilla
3 Berenguela de Castilla and Alfonso IX rey de Leon
4 San Fernando III rey de Castilla and Beatriz de Suavia ( Elizabeth Hohenstaufen)
5 Alfonso X Fernandez and Yolanda Aragon
6 Fernando infante de Castilla and Blanca de Francia Capet
7 Alfonso de la Cerda and Mahalda de Brienne
8 Luis de la Cerda, infante de Castilla and Leonor Alfonso de Guzman
9Juan de la Cerda and Sol Martinez
10 Martin Gonzalez de Cerda and Violante Alvarez Pereira
11 Mahalda de la Cerda y Fernan Gutierrez de Valverde
12 Mari Gutierrez de Valverde y de la Cerda and Gonzalo Porcallo De Morán
13 Beatriz Moran and Lorenzo Ulloa
14 Leonor Ulloa De la Cerda and Balthazar Mendoza Pantoja
15 Juan Pantoja Mendoza, conquistador and Catalina Medina (daughter of Domingo Medina)
16 Bernardina H. de Mendoza Pantoja Ulloa (b. about 1533) and Gonzalo Nuñez de Sotomayor
Rick A. Ricci
Dear Erik,
Gracias a ti Erik pudimos aclarar la ascendencia de Bernardina Mendoza Pantoja. Esta línea incluye Ulloa y explica porque ay descendientes con el apellido Ulloa. Y también enseña descendencia de los infante (principes) de la Cerda. El Balthazar Mendoza Pantoja que mencionas es el padre de el Juan Pantoja que está casado con Catalina Medina.
The Pantoja lineage is mainly made up of a mixture of Ancient Arabic, Jewish, Castilian and Aragonese nobility with some Royal lines from Castilla, León, France and England. I can trace the lineage to King Henry II and Eleanore of Aquitane. The Arabic and Jewish lines the have been Catholic for at least a couple of centuries by 1400 so they are looked upon as “old Christians” with a knowledge of these ancient roots.
2) Juan Pantoja and Elvira Alvarez Mendoza ( daughter of Alfonso Duran Mendoza and Aldonza Vasquez de Sandoval)
3) Balthazar Mendoza Panto and Leonor Ulloa De la Cerda [Balthazar Mendoza’s brother, Pedro Pantoja, was born before his parents were married and he was legitimized after the marriage. This brother is the Uncle that Traveled with Juan Pantoja to New Spain ]
4) Juan Pantoja conquistador (b. before 1502 and d. After 1577) and Catalina Medina b. Abt 1515
5) Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza Pantoja Ulloa (b. about 1533) and Gonzalo Nuñez de Sotomayor (Bernardina’s sister María was baptized 5/January/1541 - (Sagrario Metropolitano) - Ciudad de México
6) Juana Núñez de Sotomayor( born about 1555) and Diego Ochoa de Garibay
7) Francisca Ochoa Soto. (born about1593) and married on 27/Nov/1613 to Juan de la Mora y Mendoza
Domingo Medina:
“ Natural de Guareña, pasó a México en 1524 y visitó de nuevo España en 1526, enviado por Hernán Cortés a ver a Su Magestad.
Veamos lo que él mismo nos cuenta, muchos años después:
“Que es vecino de Mechoacán y natural de Garuena (Guareña), tierra de Medellín, e hijo legítimo de Diego González Serrano e de Ana Hernández Zambrana; e que a veynte y quatro años que pasó a esta Nueva Spaña, y que fué con el Marqués en servicio de Su Magestad a Guacaquaico y Honduras, por lo qual le fué encomendado la mytad del pueblo de Taucitaro, de que al presente se sirve, ques muy pobre y de menos provecho, y después con Vuestra Señoría Ilustrísima en la húltima pacificación de la Nueva Galizia (año 1541); y ques casado y tiene hijos e una hija casada, y su casa poblada, y que fue a Spaña, por mandado del Marqués a dar rrelación a Su Magestad de la tierra, y después con el bachiller Ortega; que fué por visitador de las provincias de Mechoacán, y por Capitán de ciertos pueblos que se avían rrelevado, todo a su costa”
Juan Pantoja:
“Juan de Pantoja, uno de los primeros conquistadores de la Nueva España y regidor de la ciudad de Pátzcuaro hizo un informe de méritos en 1577.
Varios testigos indican que es caballero hijodalgo notorio de mucha calidad y natural de Medellín. Además pasó a la Nueva España con su tío Pedro de Pantoja.”
Hay tres primos del mismo nombre, Juan Pantoja. Es claro que el hijo de Baltazar Mendoza es el que se casó con Catalina Medina. Pedro Pantoja también tuvo un hijo llamado Juan Pantoja. También una hija de Baltazar Mendoza nombra a un hijo suyo Juan Pantoja. Este Juan Pantoja fue capitán.
Un gran Abrazo,
Rick A. Ricci
Source: my book “Mygenes2000”
Hi Rick,
I’m a little confused about the maternal grandparents of Juana Núñez de Soto(mayor) wife of Diego Ochoa Garibay. Your have her parents Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza Pantoja (1533-1614) and Gonzalo Núñez de Sotomayor.
In one post you have Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza Pantoja’s (1533-1614) parents as Catalina Pantoja Pena Ulloa (born about 1515) and Alonso De la Cueva Mendoza (Submitted by R.A.Ricci (not verified) on Thu, 2017-03-30 19:09).
In another post you have Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza Pantoja’s (1533-1614) parents as Catalina de Medina & Juan Pantoja de Mendoza. I assume that the later is a correction because it was posted, May 3, 2021, https://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/24761?page=1
So, the document provided by Erik ( MERITS: Sebastián de Lapeña y Mendoza, Archivo General de Indias, 1664, INDIFFERENT, 120, N.74, Image 7), shows Bernardina’s ancestry to Catalina de Medina & Juan Pantoja de Mendoza? If not what is that source that shows her parents?
Hello Damien,
The correct information on Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza Pantoja’s (1533-1614) parents comes from documents shared by Erik. All the work that I had previously done on the Pantoja family was not a waste of time as I discovered a tremendous amount of information on the Pantoja ancestry, and many wonderful stories.
There were many “Juan Pantoja” first, second, and third cousins that lived about the same time and that is why there was much confusion as to which Juan Pantoja is Catalina de Medina’s husband, Juan Pantoja de Mendoza was the nephew of Pedro Pantoja, and not Pedro’s son.
Rick A. Ricci
PS I took a look at your ancestry and found that you share some New Mexico” ancestral lines with Raiders Quarterback Jim Plunkett. Comedian/actor John A. Leguziamo also descends from a Mendoza branch of the family that went to Colombia.
Thanks for clarifying. Also, the additional information on folks I'm connected to. I would like to purchase your book. Mygenes2000.
Red Flags
1) The Juan Pantoja that is the son of Gonzalo Pantoja and Juana Merlo is not listed in the copies of his Parent’s wills. Yet Juan Pantoja states in his will that he wants to be buried next to his mother Juana Merlo's grave. This will is not a forgery.
2) Except for Juan Pantojas, Many of The family wills are not originals, but are copies written in the 1700's, when people were fighting over inheritances from over two centuries before. But in at least one of the wills there are major errors in the family tree. This will is a fake.
3) Gonzalo Pantoja is said to have a cousin with the same name. Is this cousin the Gonzalo Pantoja that married Juana Merlo Ulloa and is the great aunt of the Juana Merlo Toledo?
4) the Gonzalo Pantoja that is married to Juana Merlo Ulloa is the one that has sons named Juan Pantoja and Pedro Pantoja.
Un ancestro de Juan Pantoja no podia resistir la idea de que le pisasen después de se muerte. El obtuvo del Rey permiso de ser enterrado en alto en la catedral de Toledo.
Rick A. Ricci
Gracias a ti Rick por esta información que es magnífica.
En la Real Chancillería de Granada hay un pleito de hidalguía que concluyó favorablemente en 1505 para Gonzalo Díaz (hijo de Alonso Díaz y de Marina Sánchez), vecino de Mérida en Badajoz y cuyos antepasados eran de Medellín donde también tenía familia. En dicho pleito se menciona que Gonzalo era pariente de Juana de Godoy, viuda de Pedro Pantoja el cual había sido exiliado por la condesa de Medellín en el contexto de la guerra entre Portugal y Castilla (La de 1475-1479?). Imagino que la condesa a la que hace referencia fue Inés de Ribera y Mendoza, esposa de Juan Portocarrero Pacheco.
No sé si este Pedro Pantoja sea el mismo que aparece en los siguientes documentos pero es posible, de ser el siguiente una generación posterior parece que los pleitos entre los Pantoja y los condes de Medellín duraron algo de tiempo: "Comisión al bachiller Alonso Téllez para que resuelva la demanda de Pedro de Pantoja, vecino de la villa de Cáceres, quien, con sus hermanos, heredó a su madre, Elvira Alvarez de Mendoza, y el conde de Medellín les ha tomado unas casas contra su voluntad - 1497-01-26 , Burgos" y "Seguro a favor de Pedro de Pantoja y de Baltasar de Mendoza, vecinos de Cáceres; de Alfonso Durán, vecino de Medellín y de Alvaro de Mendoza, que se recelan del conde de Medellín - 1488".
Un abrazo,
Hola Erik,
Aquí te mando otro documento Que nombra a Juan Pantoja y Elvira Álvarez Mendoza:
Sobrecarta de una sentencia confirmando a Juan Pantoja y a su mujer Elvira Alvarez en la posesión de la heredad llamada 'Guijo de Ayuso' en término de Trujillo, que quiere comprarles Fernando de Vargas.-Consejo.
Y algo sobre Dom8ngo Medina
Nº 3,R.2. 1556-1557.
El fiscal contra Domingo de Medina y Pedro de Monguía, alcalde ordinario y procurador del pueblo de Guayangareo en la jurisdicción de Michoacán, sobre haber injuriado al alcalde mayor de dicha ciudad. 1 pieza.
Un abrazo,
Hola Eric,
Creo que tienes razón cuando escribes:
“podría ser que quien hizo la paleografía entendió Pedro vez de D° o J° o algún otro?”.
Lo que si sabemos es que Juan Pantoja no Es hijo de Gonzalo Pantoja y Elvira Portocarrero. Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero Y Juana Merlo Toledo tambien no son padres de los hermanos Juan Pantoja, Pedro Pantoja, y Gonzalo Pantoja. Estos tres hermanos son Hijos de Gonzalo Pantoja y Juana Merlo Ulloa. El Gonzalo Pantoja que esta casado con Juana Merlo Ulloa Es primo del señor de Mocejon. En 1700’s cuando organizaron muchas de las actas que se habían juntado por un pleito sobre una herencia hicieron muchos errores en leer y copiar los documentos.
En la familia cercana hubo tres “Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero” y dos de ellos se casaron con Juana Merlo. Una Juana era Juana Merlo Ulloa y la otra era Juana Merlo Toledo, la primera tía abuela de la segunda. La segunda Juana Merlo (Merlo Toledo) era nieta del hermano de la primera Juana Merlo.(Merlo Ulloa.)
Y tambien prima de Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero es la abuela de Elvira Alvarez Mendoza por que ella tambien desciende de una linea de los Pantoja.
Dear Erik,
I had set aside my Pantoja research and directed my attention to other projects in the past couple of years. Your post on Bernardina’s parents and grandparents woke Up this area of research for me. I went back and pulled out my records of the ancestors of this line and looked a little deeper at my resources. I was able to discover that an ancestor of the Pantojas that genealogists had claimed was the sister of a Cardenal Archbishop of Toledo was actually his illegitimate daughter. I have also been able to trace this line all the way back to Conde Fernan Gonzalez over a thousand years ago. I was also able to connect an ancestral line of Elvira Alvarez Mendoza to her husband, Juan de Pantoja, so they are distant cousins twice through their Pantoja ancestry. The ancestral line they share is made up of eight families that intermarried over and over again over many centuries during the Muslim presence in the Iberian peninsula. These Toledan families, “linajes mozárabes de Toledo“ were Catholics, and not recent converts, but there are clear signs of Arabic and Jewish ancestries as they had ancestors that were officials that Administered the Arabic and Jewish sections of Toledo. The government of Toledo and other cities under Alfonso VII were managed with ethnic considerations. The Alvarez de Toledo family also descended from these “ ocho linajes mozárabes de Toledo.” There are many church records identifying donations by the ancestors of the Pantojas so their lineage can be tracked by the donations. The family made many large contributions of land and money to set up a monastery. There are other records of the ancestral line that show them in service of the kings and queens.
Thanks again for your big find on Bernardina’s parents. Bernardina’s parents had been the weak link in the Pantoja line.
A big hug,
Rick A. Ricci
Estimado Eric,
Te pido un gran favor, me puedes decir que dice el testamento de Juan Pantoja, el cual testó en Medellín el 14 de Noviembre de 1482, o por lo menos decirme que dice sobre su familia.
Rick A. Ricci
Estimado Rick,
Con mucho gusto. Lo reviso y extraigo esa información. Me llama la atención que este Juan de Pantoja, sobrino de Pedro de Pantoja (Página 12) y esposo de Catalina de Medina sea el mismo que fue Conquistador en Colima, así lo dicen en las páginas 2 y 4. La razón por la cual me llama la atención es que supuestamente fue hijo de Pedro de Pantoja y de Catalina Rodríguez como alguna vez lo comentamos pero podría ser que quien hizo la paleografía entendió Pedro vez de D° o J° o algún otro?
También cabría la posibilidad que Catalina Rodríguez fuera de los Rodríguez de Ulloa también de Medellín, emparentados más atrás con los Ulloa Carvajal?
Este documento también parece de interés "Seguro a favor de Pedro de Pantoja y de Baltasar de Mendoza, vecinos de Cáceres; de Alfonso Durán, vecino de Medellín y de Alvaro de Mendoza, que se recelan del conde de Medellín. 1488" Sobretodo por la referencia al Conde Rodrigo Portocarrero Monroy cuya conexión con los Pantoja ya la tenías. Nuestros antepasados andan por ahí. Entre esas familias está el hilo.
Por cierto, la vida de Domingo de Medina me pareció sumamente interesante, a todas luces fue un gran personaje.
Un abrazo,
Elvira Alvarez Mendoza’s ancestors brings us back to the Rodriguez Osorio Villalobos ancestors of the Reynoso family.
Another daughter of Alfónso Durán Mendoza and Cecilia Aldonza Vázquez de Sandoval by the name of Maria Sandoval married Alonso Monroy, a cousin of Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero.
Rick A. Ricci
I am not having any luck finding the wife of Domingo de Medina. I did find a son named “ Alejo Enríquez de Medina,”.
I found this online : https://valentincasco.blogspot.com/2016/11/p-margin-bottom-0.html
Valentín Casco y Fernández
Natural de Guareña, pasó a México en 1524 y visitó de nuevo España en 1526, enviado por Hernán Cortés a ver a Su Magestad.
Veamos lo que él mismo nos cuenta, muchos años después:
“Que es vecino de Mechoacán y natural de Garuena (Guareña), tierra de Medellín, e hijo legítimo de Diego González Serrano e de Ana Hernández Zambrana; e que a veynte y quatro años que pasó a esta Nueva Spaña, y que fué con el Marqués en servicio de Su Magestad a Guacaquaico y Honduras, por lo qual le fué encomendado la mytad del pueblo de Taucitaro, de que al presente se sirve, ques muy pobre y de menos provecho, y después con Vuestra Señoría Ilustrísima en la húltima pacificación de la Nueva Galizia (año 1541); y ques casado y tiene hijos e una hija casada, y su casa poblada, y que fue a Spaña, por mandado del Marqués a dar rrelación a Su Magestad de la tierra, y después con el bachiller Ortega; que fué por visitador de las provincias de Mechoacán, y por Capitán de ciertos pueblos que se avían rrelevado, todo a su costa”
Consta que era todavía vecino de la Puebla en 1547, casado y con hijos.
Pasajeros naturales de Guareña, que pasaron a las Indias.“
5)Juan Pantoja and Elvira Alvarez Mendoza (daughter of Alfónso Durán Mendoza y de Cecilia Aldonza Vázquez de Sandoval.)
7.) Juan Pantoja and Catalina Medina (daughter of Domingo Medina)
8.) Bernardina Mendoza Pantoja Ulloa (born about 1533) and Gonzalo Nuñez de Sotomayor
9). Juana Nuñez de Sotomayor( born about 1555) and Diego Ochoa de Garibay
10). Francisca Ochoa Soto. (born about1593) and married on 27/Nov/1613 to Juan de la Mora y Mendoza
Great find Erik,
The information of Alfón Durán y de Aldonza Vázquez de Sandoval leads us to Alfónso Durán Mendoza and Cecilia Aldonza Vázquez de Sandoval.
Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza and Aldonza Lopez de Ayala are the parents of Gonzalo Duran de Mendoza. This Gonzalo and Isabel Sanchez de Badajoz are the parents of Alfonso Duran Mendoza.
Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza and Aldonza Lopez de Ayala‘S ancestries are well documented.
Cecilia Aldonza Vázquez de Sandoval is the daughter of Pedro Ruiz de Sandoval
This information on the ancestry of Alfonso Duran Mendoza was from Jose Luis Ordonez’s research.
Elvira Álvarez de Mendoza Gets the “Elvira Alvarez” name from Gonzalo de Duran’s Maternal grandmother, “Elvira Alvarez”.
This maternal grandmother of Gonzalo De Duran Mendoza also was named after her grandmother “ Elvira Alvarez Osorio”
Conquistador Domingo Medina is the son of Diego González Serrano and Ana Hernández Zambrano. Domingo Medina is from Guareña, Badajoz, Estremadura.
This find also shows a common ancestor to the Temino de Velasco Banuelos Family.
Thanks again Erik for your work and for sharing,
Once again, Great Find!
Un abraso,
Rick A. Ricci
Quote on Juan Pantoja being the nephew of Pedro Pantoja