Mauricio Tovar

I'm afraid I don't remember who had Mauricio Tovar in her line but he was mentioned and now I have a connection but not to my family.. My question is he's living in District of Jerez but was he and his wife Maria Petra Escobedo originally from Tlatenango? I've found children in the IGI and wondered if it was the same family in Jerez so I can enter them in my records
thanks, Linda in B.C.


I just checked the files and found it's Marge who used to have Mauricio Tovar in her records but he's now deleted... Are you going to put him back in?
Thanks, Linda in B.C.


I didn't know he was deleted! I wouldn't know how to put him back on.
Mauricio Tovar is the father of my great-grandfather's first wife and
the Escobedo/Tovars are originally from Tlatenango. My
great-grandfather, Cenobio Gonzalez, and Ma. Eleuteria Tovar had 4
children before she succumbed during childbirth, I believe. His first
child with my great-grandmother, Ma. Francisca Saldivar, was born a few
years after his last child with Eleuteria. Marge:)
On Sep 1, 2006, at 3:40 PM, longsjourney wrote:

> I just checked the files and found it's Marge who used to have
> Mauricio Tovar in her records but he's now deleted... Are you going to
> put him back in?
> Thanks, Linda in B.C.


Hi Marge, I don't have any of your info in my files. The connection came with the Espitia family. Mauricio's son Juan Tovar married to Maria Valentina Espitia, her sister Serapia was married to Lucas Caldera. I'm attempting to track Caldera's from Jerez since I go back to two lines of Caldera's.
Thank you for sharing..
Linda in B.C.

"M. Vallazza" wrote:
I didn't know he was deleted! I wouldn't know how to put him back on.
Mauricio Tovar is the father of my great-grandfather's first wife and
the Escobedo/Tovars are originally from Tlatenango. My
great-grandfather, Cenobio Gonzalez, and Ma. Eleuteria Tovar had 4
children before she succumbed during childbirth, I believe. His first
child with my great-grandmother, Ma. Francisca Saldivar, was born a few
years after his last child with Eleuteria. Marge:)
On Sep 1, 2006, at 3:40 PM, longsjourney wrote:

> I just checked the files and found it's Marge who used to have
> Mauricio Tovar in her records but he's now deleted... Are you going to
> put him back in?
> Thanks, Linda in B.C.