Hola prim@s,
I hope you and your loved ones are all safe and well during these trying times!
“Gutierrez Duron” was a compound surname first appearing in Aguascalientes during the latter half of the 17th Century. While earlier generations also alternated using the sole “Gutierrez” or “Duron,” later generations would drop “Gutierrez,” using only “Duron.” Most of those using this surname combination can be traced back to one of two families: that of Juan Gutierrez Duron cc Teresa del Castillo, and that of Francisco Gutierrez Duron, who married twice - first, to Elena de Alvarado, and then to Beatriz Rodriguez de la Vera. There was also a Maria Gutierrez Duron, who married Joseph Guerra, and who was a contemporary of the other two, though her descendants never used the Gutierrez Duron surname. As far as I can tell, there was no contact between these three families, so I don’t know if they were related.
Since I descend from Francisco Gutierrez Duron, I thought I’d start a thread on him and and his two wives, for those of us who descend from them to share what we have. Their children and descendants have been touched upon in previous NR threads:
I’ll first include what I have on the family groups of Francisco Duron’s two marriages, followed by my notes on his and his two wive’s possible origins. I’ll then include my notes on the other families who used this surname, who might or might not be related.
I hope you find this useful, and if any of you can add or amend anything, please do. By the way, be prepared for a long read - being SiP for almost 2 months, I’ve had a lot of free time on my hands!
Saludos y un fuerte abrazo para todos (desde lejos, claro!),
Manny Díez Hermosillo
Francisco Gutierrez Duron: Marriages & Issue
Francisco Gutierrez Duron and Elena de Alvarado married around 1677. Elena de Alvarado died and was buried 8 Sep 1687, in Aguascalientes. Their last son, Joseph, was baptized almost 2 months after her burial, so she likely died during childbirth.
The children of Francisco Gutierrez Duron and Elena de Alvarado are:
1. Ana Gutierrez Duron, m. Nicolas Gutierrez, 20 Feb 1693, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
2. Maria Duron, b. 17 Nov 1680, Asuncion de Maria, Ags; m. Esteban de Ulloa, 16 Jan 1698, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
3. Francisco Duron, b. 30 Mar 1683, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
4. Juan Gutierrez Duron, b. 16 Jul 1684, Asuncion de Maria, Ags; m. Gertrudis de Leyba. Possibly the same who married Juana Tinoco, 04 Jan 1705, Aguascalientes.
5. Dionicia aka Leonicia Duron Gutierrez, b. 03 Mar 1686, Asuncion de Maria, Ags. m1. Geronimo Roman, m2. Andres Diaz de Leon, 05 May 1728, San Matias, Pinos, Zac.
6. Joseph Duron, b. 25 Nov 1687, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
Francisco Gutierrez Duron married his second wife, Beatriz Rodriguez de la Vera, on 24 Dec 1688, in Aguascalientes. She was of parents unknown. Francisco Gutierrez Duron died and was buried 6 Feb 1729, in Aguascalientes. Beatriz Rodriguez would pass on 5 Jun 1731, also in Aguascalientes.
The children of Francisco Gutierrez Duron and Beatriz Rodriguez de la Vera are:
1. Juana Duron, b. 26 Oct 1689, Asuncion de Maria, Ags; m. Santiago Gonzalez, 08 Jan 1710, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
2. Jose Manuel Duron aka Ruiz Colmenero, b. 07 Jan 1691, Asuncion de Maria, Ags; m1. Maria Apolonia Fernandez de Sosa, 12 Oct 1713; m2. Gertrudis Diaz de Lomas, 09 Jul 1739; m3. Juana Nieto Corona, 04 Dec 1747, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
3. Gertrudis Gutierrez Duron, b. 24 Apr 1693, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
4. Miguel Duron, b. 17 Oct 1694, Asuncion de Maria, Ags; m. Micaela Gomez Rendon, 04 Jun 1719, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
5. Francisca Duron, b. 17 Feb 1698, Asuncion de Maria, Ags; m. Felipe Ruiz de Camarillo, 24 Dec 1718, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
6. Cristobal Duron, b. 16 Nov 1700, Asuncion de Maria, Ags; m. Gertrudis de Avila, 24 Jan 1723, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
7. Efigenia Duron, b. 27 Dec 1703, Asuncion de Maria, Ags; m. Antonio Aguilar, 26 May 1725, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
8. Francisca Xaviera Solano Duron aka Colmenero, b. 12 Jul 1707, d. 19 Jun 1764, Asuncion de Maria, Ags; m. Felipe Martinez de Sotomayor.
Francisco Gutierrez Duron
Francisco Gutierrez Duron was of the Spanish caste; from IM’s on which he was a witness, his birth took place between 1653 and 1657, and though I don’t know where he was born, he was living in Aguascalientes as early as 1670. He couldn’t sign his name, so he never received a formal education, and he dedicated himself to farming (probably legumes, chiles and maiz). If he owned any land, it was very little - enough to sustain himself and his family, with some surplus to sell at market. To supplement their income, his second wife, Beatriz de la Vera, did laundry for some people in town.
The only clue I’ve found regarding Francisco Duron’s ancestry, is a causa dated 18 Apr 1697, found in the informaciones matrimoniales in Aguascalientes. It is regarding his and Elena de Alvarado’s daughter, Maria Duron, who was baptized 17 Nov 1680 in Aguascalientes.
Warning: this is a hard read. According to testimonies, some six months before, in Nov 1696, merchant Antonio Nuñez lured 16 year-old Maria Duron into his tienda, then closed the door and raped her. Afterwards, he gave her some trinkets, then cast her out onto the street, and she wandered aimlessly, until helped by neighbors. Francisco Duron was away at the time, in Zacatecas, selling some of his harvest, and learned of the assault upon his return. Now, he was trying to get Nuñez to wed his daughter: in so many words, as was the custom since biblical times, if a man “stole a woman’s honor,” he could “redeem himself" by marrying her. I suppose part of the argument was, the girl was now considered "damaged goods," making it difficult for her family to contract marriage for her. Yeah, it makes me sick to the stomach, too. FYI, the marriage didn’t happen: Maria ended up marrying Esteban de Ulloa on 16 Jan 1698. We can only hope that Antonio Nuñez was sent to the galleys in Islas Filipinas!
Anyway, we get some good info from this document. Among the witnesses, appearing are Beatriz de la Vera (age 30), Francisco Duron (40+), and Antonio de Alvarado (35), who identifies himself as an uncle of Maria Duron (he's likely brother of Elena de Alvarado. He's probably the same Antonio Alvarado who, along with Maria Alvarado, were padrinos for the 25 Nov 1687 baptism of Joseph Duron - the last child of Francisco Duron & Elena de Alvarado).
In her testimony, Beatriz de la Vera states, “franº duron fue casado con elena de Albarado en la qual ubo y procreo esta [Maria Duron] y otros hijos y que estos son muy nobles y el dho su marido es hijo de un caballero de mucha suposicion y que a'ste el ser tan pobre le tiene desconocido…”
In his declaration, Francisco Duron states that “[Maria Duron] es su hija lexitima y de elena de albarado su primera muger y que son españoles asi este testigo como su espoza desendientes de [e]stirpe y gente noble…”
I've seen similar wording in another IM, which doesn't name the parents of the bride & groom, but assures that they descend from "gente honrada y de calidad y de consideracion." The impression I get, is that this means that the bride & groom were of illegitimate birth, but to “protect the honor” of their mothers (who were likely from upper-class Spanish families), neither of the parents are named. That’s possibly the case here. Beatriz de la Vera’s remark - that her husband was “hijo de un caballero de mucha suposicion y que a'ste el ser tan pobre le tiene desconocido,” seems to support this. Anyone?
Ruiz Colmenero
On the marriage record of his son, Jose Manuel Duron, Francisco Duron is given the name "Francisco Ruiz Colmenero Duron”; when the same Jose Manuel Duron baptized his first child, Juan Faustino, he uses the name, “Jose Manuel Ruiz Colmenero”; another child of Francisco Duron, Francisca Xaviera Solano Duron, when baptizing her child, Maria Josefa Dionicia, she uses the name “Francisca Xaviera Colmenero.” The fact that this surname “Ruiz Colmenero,” and its component “Colmenero,” appear in more than one record, and used by more than one family member, makes it clear that it is not an accident. Could this be a clue to Francisco Duron’s parentage?
In the mid-1640’s, Doctor Juan Ruiz Colmenero was named bishop of Guadalajara. He was born in Budia, Guadalajara, Spain, the son of Pedro Colmenero and Maria Ruiz. In 1646, he passed to Indies with his brother, Marcos Ruiz Colmenero, and this one’s sons, Alonso and Juan Ruiz Colmenero. Marcos Ruiz Colmenero - who was married to Margarita Garcia Romo (there is no indication that she ever passed to Indies) - had previously served as familiar del Santo Oficio in Cuenca, Castilla la Mancha; after arriving in Nueva Galicia, in addition to being commissioned capitan de infanteria in charge of a company defending the Southern Coast (1649), he served twice as alcalde ordinario of Guadalajara (as early as 1653), as Corregidor of Teocaltiche (as early as 1653), as alcalde provincial de la Santa Hermandad in Aguascalientes and Monte Grande (as early as 1653), and twice as alcalde mayor of Aguascalientes (as early as 1665).
As Francisco Duron was born between 1653 and 1657, and was said to be the “son of a caballero of noble lineage,” and now that we can place Capitán Marcos Ruiz Colmenero in Aguascalientes, who easily fits that profile, is it possible that Francisco Duron was his illegitimate son? In which case, it could stand to reason that “Gutierrez Duron” came from his biological mother. That’s something to consider. We know that Ruiz Colmenero also held posts in Guadalajara, Teocaltiche and Monte Grande, so it’s possible that Francisco Duron was born in one of those places. I suppose the next step is to research the surnames “Gutierrez” and “Duron” in those communities, mid-1600’s. Incidentally, a couple of miles from the Ruiz Colmenero hometown, Budia, in Guadalajara, Spain, is a town called “Duron.”
Elena de Alvarado
Elena de Alvarado is called "Elena Lisarde de Esparza" on the marriage record of their daughter Dionicia Duron cc Andres Diaz de Leon. These surnames appear nowhere else in relation to her nor her children, so it may be a "typo."
In the aforementioned causa of her daughter, Maria Duron, one of the witnesses was Antonio de Alvarado, who said he was an uncle of Maria Duron. This Antonio de Alvarado was born around 1662. The only Antonio de Alvarado who I could find living in Aguascalientes in this timeline married Jacinta de Espinosa y Estrada on 6 Jul 1693 (im 8 Jun 1693). According to their marriage record, he was born in the valle de Juchipila, but had been raised in Aguascalientes since a child, and was of unknown parents. If he was the brother of Elena de Alvarado, this could be a clue to her origin.
AncestryDNA Hint
According to AncestryDNA, I share DNA with a member named Delgado53. Our link appears to be through my g6 Elena de Alvarado (born ca 1660), and Delgado53's g6, Matheana Romo de Vivar (b. 21 Mar 1683) cc Joseph de la Torre. According to the graphic, Matheana was daughter of Elena de Alvarado. How can this be? Matheana Romo was daughter of Francisco Romo cc Lorensa Delgado. Unless, Elena gave birth to Matheana, who then was adopted by Francisco Romo cc Lorensa Delgado? Elena de Alvarado & Francisco Duron baptized Francisco on 30 Mar 1683 - just 9 days after Matheana was baptized, so, unlikely, unless... they were twins??? A shared father would make more sense, though I think it’s more likely that the link would be a generation or 2 earlier. We still don't know who Elena de Alvarado's parents are; maybe Francisco Romo is her biological father? Or, maybe Francisca Tiscareño (cc Jose Delgado) is her mother? That would explain her being given the surname "Esparza."
On a note, I took a look at Delgado53's tree, and we descend from a lot of the same families - including the Delgado’s & Tiscareño’s - so this parentesco could be nothing more than a technical glitch, with so many lines overlapping.
Beatriz Rodriguez de la Vera
I’ve had more success with Beatriz Rodriguez de la Vera. The first clue to the identity of her parents, was her daughter Francisca Duron’s dispensation for her marriage to Felipe Ruiz Camarillo, dated 22 Dec 1717. On this dispensation, first it is declared that the groom had had “access” with Gertrudis Arismendi, the first-cousin of the bride, both being daughters of two sisters. This tells us that Beatriz de la Vera had a sister. And then, it is declared that Luisa de Vera - grandmother of Francisca Duron - was the first-cousin of Juana Gonzalez, mother of the groom. “Vera” being the common surname, Luisa de Vera would obviously be the mother of Beatriz Rodriguez de la Vera.
The next clue came in the form of the IM of Andres Quintero and Maria Rodriguez de la Vera, dated 20 Jan 1696. The first witness was none other than Francisco Duron, age 40, who states that the bride is the sister of his wife [Beatriz de la Vera]. The next witness was Antonio Arismendi, age 26, who also said that the bride was the sister of his wife [Juana de la Vera]. So, now we know that Beatriz de la Vera had 2 sisters, Maria and Juana de la Vera, and we know the names of their husbands.
In her statement on the 22 Jun 1689 IM for her marriage to Antonio Arismendi, Juana de la Vera says that she didn’t know her parents, but that she was raised by Luisa Martel. This new clue really caught my eye: could Luisa Martel and Luisa de Vera be the same person?
These relationships are confirmed by the aforementioned Felipe Ruiz Camarillo cc Francisca Duron dispensation, which stated that he had had a relationship with her 1st-cousin, Gertrudis Arismendi - who was daughter of Antonio Arismendi cc Juana de Vera, as well as by the 20 Jun 1730 dispensation for Baltasar de los Reyes and Maria Quintero, daughter of Andres Quintero and Maria de Vera; the groom had previously had an illicit relationship with Maria Arismendi, daughter of Juana de Vera, who was the sister of Maria de Vera, mother of the bride.
Juan de la Vera and Luisa Martel
The next big clue is the 15 Apr 1739 burial record of Maria de la Vera, widow of Andres Quintero, in which she is named as the legitimate daughter of Juan de la Vera and Luisa Martel. I’m usually leery about parents’s names in burial records, when they don’t correspond with that seen in earlier records; in most cases, I chalk it up to the poor memory of the person registering the event, but seeing Luisa Martel’s name pop up again, is too much of a coincidence.
And then, Bernabe Rodriguez de la Vera, born 1667, married Maria de Esquibel on 28 May 1685, in Aguascalientes, their IM done earlier that month. On neither record are his parents’s names given. After Maria de Esquibel’s death, he married Ysabel Garcia on 08 Jan 1710, their IM done on 22 Dec 1709 . On both records, he is named as the legitimate son of Juan de la Vera and Luisa de Villegas, both deceased (!!!!).
There is little doubt in my mind that this is the same couple, and that Luisa de Villegas and Luisa Martel and “Luisa de Vera” are the same person. But, who was this couple? Why don’t their names appear together in other church records? Why are their children said to be “de padres no conocidos” in earlier records? Maybe they weren’t married when their children were born, so they married at a later date, to legitimize them? The only other explanation would be if one of them died, and named their illegitimate children in their will.
I found the explanation while looking through my miscellaneous notes: this is the causa contra Juan de la Vera y Luisa Martel por amancebamiento, dated 5 Mar 1681, in Aguascalientes. Summary: Juan de la Vera (casado) and Luisa Martel (soltera) had known each other for about 14 years, over which time, they were involved in an illicit relationship. Apparently, Juan de la Vera had a wife, with whom he had previously been ordered to live “una vida maridable,” and he was ordered to stay away from Luisa Martel (this was apparently enforced by her brothers, who threatened him, if he came around). But there were reports that the two had recently been seen together, and they were called before the ecclesiastical authorities. In her confession, Luisa Martel, age 38, states that, “it is true, as a poor and destitute woman, and finding myself obligated with children of the aforementioned [Juan de la Vera], I remained in that sinful relationship, but as God is my witness, I removed myself from that offense some 3 years ago,” and that, “although, from time to time, he visits the house of this confessant, it is with all courtesy, and only to see his children, and afterwards, he returns to his home [and to his wife].”
This establishes that, though Juan de la Vera and Luisa Martel were not married to each other, they did have children together, and all born between 1667 and 1678. We already know that Maria de Vera and Bernabe de Vera were two of them, and from their timelines, it’s likely that Beatriz and Juana were also their children, or at least children of one or the other. That they are named in later records as being the parents of Bernabe and Maria de Vera, might be because they had already died by that time, and attitudes were more relaxed. As far as being “legitimate” children, we now know that was inaccurate.
As for the identities of Juan de la Vera and Luisa Martel, the only Juan de la Vera found in Aguascalientes during that timeline, died 28 Feb 1692, and he was married to Maria Rodriguez, who had died the previous 16 Feb 1692. According to Luisa Martel’s confession, she had broken off the relationship with Juan de la Vera upon the arrival of his wife from Guadalajara, so I imagine that’s where she was from. Juan de la Vera might have been from Guadalajara, too, seeing how there were families there with that surname.
As for Luisa Martel aka Luisa de Villegas, she’s likely the same baptized by Hernando Martel and Beatriz de Villegas on 6 Nov 1637. This is supported by the Felipe Ruiz Camarillo cc Francisca Duron dispensation, which said that she was 1st-cousin of Juana Gonzalez, wife of Esteban Ruiz Camarillo: Hernando Martel was son of Luis Gonzalez cc Beatriz Gallegos, and Juana Gonzalez could easily be the daughter of another of their children. That Luisa Martel was called “Luisa de Vera” in that one dispensa, could be attributed to the poor memory of the witnesses, who confused her surname with that of the father, Juan de la Vera.
Juan Gutierrez Duron and the “false” Duron’s
Francisco Gutierrez Duron and his first wife, Elena de Alvarado, had a son named Juan, who was born 24 Jun 1684 and baptized on 16 Jun, in Aguascalientes. This Juan Gutierrez Duron might be the same who married Juana Tinoco on 4 Jan 1705, in Aguascalientes, but I can’t be sure; unfortunately, their partida matrimonial doesn’t name their parents, and their IM can’t be found online. Juana Tinoco died the following year and was buried on 10 Dec 1706, my guess is that she died giving birth.
What is verifiable, is that this Juan Gutierrez Duron was married to Gertrudis de Leyba Cardenas, whose 29 Jun 1773 burial record names her as his widow. This relationship is confirmed by the 12 Mar 1768 marriage dispensation of Jose Antonio Vega, son of Miguel de Vega cc Maria Teresa Vidaurre, and Juana Francisca Duron, daughter of Cristobal Duron cc Gertrudis de Avila.
According to his presentation, Jose Antonio de Vega, aka Jose Antonio Duron, and Juana Francisca Duron were said to be at 2o con 3o grado de consanguinidad, because his supposed grandfather, the aforementioned Juan Duron, was the brother of her father, Cristobal Duron (son of Francisco Duron and his second wife, Beatriz de la Vera).
What’s very interesting, is what Joseph Antonio says on the first page: that even though it was true that Juan Duron was married to his maternal grandmother, Gertrudis de Leyba, for various crimes that he had committed, he [Juan Duron] was sentenced by the Real Audiencia de Guadalajara to serve the King in the Real Armada de Barlovento, and that during his absence, which lasted more than 20 years, his grandmother had several children, among them, his mother, Teresa Vidaurre. On the next page, Vega further explains that 2 years after marrying, Juan Duron was taken away to the armada, and that 4 years after his departure, Gertrudis de Leyba gave birth to his mother, Teresa Vidaurre, so there was no blood relation between him and his betrothed.
This is confirmed by all of the witnesses, which included Onofre Vidaurre, age 48 (brother of Teresa Vidaurre) and by Gertrudis de Leyba herself, who said that she and Juan Duron were married in 1711, and that he was taken away in 1714. The ecclesiastical judge ruled that there was no parentesco, and the marriage was able to proceed.
So, according to the testimonies, although the children of Gertrudis de Leyba used the surname “Duron,” they were in fact not “Duron’s,” since Juan Duron did not father them. Though there are supposedly more, the only 2 that I know of are:
1. Maria Teresa Gutierrez aka Vidaurre aka Martinez, b. 1718, Zacatecas, Zac; d. 11 Apr 1777, Aguascalientes; m. Joseph Miguel de Vega, 02 Sep 1737, Asuncion, Pachuca, Hgo. On her son’s dispensa, witnesses say she was born in Ciudad de Zacatecas; her marriage record says she was a native of Real de Pachuca, Hgo, while her burial record says she was born in Teocaltiche.
2. Manuel Onofre Vidaurre alias Duron, b. 1720, Zacatecas, Zac; d. 14 Feb 1786, Aguascalientes; m1. Maria Gerarda (Calderon?); m2. Maria Antonia de los Reyes Medina, 02 Jul 1766, Aguascalientes. According to his marriage record, Onofre Vidaurre was born in Zacatecas, but moved to Guadalajara around 1753, then to Jalostotitlan/Teocaltiche around 1760, and finally to Aguascalientes around 1763. According to his burial record, his parents were Manuel Onofre Duron and Maria Teresa (which we now know is incorrect).
Note: on 10 Oct 1723, in Mineral del Monte, Hgo, Joseph de Vidaurra (sic) and Gertrudis de Leyba baptized Juan Cayetano, their “legitimate son.” Though I can’t verify that this is the same Gertrudis de Leyva who was married to Juan Duron, the fact that her 2 known children used the surname “Vidaurre,” and the fact that her daughter, Teresa, was living in Real de Pachuca, Hgo, when she married in 1737, strongly suggest that they are the same person: Mineral del Monte and Real de Pachuca were twin mining settlements, 5 1/2 miles apart. Though this wouldn’t prove that Joseph de Vidaurre was the father of her other children, it does give us the source for that surname.
Juan Gutierrez Duron cc Teresa del Castillo
Juan Gutierrez Duron is the first of this surname to appear in the Aguascalientes church archives. He married Teresa del Castillo on 25 Nov 1665, in Aguascalientes. Their padrinos were Sebastian Merino and his wife, Juana del Castillo. These 2 would appear in other records regarding this family. Some descendants of this family would end up living in nearby Cienega de Mata, Ojuelos, Jal.
The children of Juan Gutierrez Duron and Teresa del Castillo are:
1. Esteban Gutierrez Duron, b. 23 Feb 1667, Asuncion de Maria, Ags; m. Juana Montañez de Sotomayor, 08 Jan 1689, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
2. Pedro Gutierrez Duron, b. 10 Mar 1669, Asuncion de Maria, Ags; m. Rosa Maria de Esparza, im 25 Dec 1696, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
Maria Gutierrez Duron cc Joseph de Guerra
Maria Gutierrez Duron married Joseph Guerra on 09 Oct 1673, Aguascalientes. Witnesses were Diego Gonzalez de la Serda and Joseph Gomez de Santoyo. This couple has been a little more difficult to track, since I’ve found no baptism records for their children. Their daughter, Josepha Guerra, was said to be from Lagos, and had been living in Aguascalientes 1 year, when she married in 1703.
The children of Maria Gutierrez Duron and Joseph de Guerra are:
1. Pedro Guerra Duron, m. Ynes Gonzalez Avila, 10 Jan 1707, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
2. Josepha Guerra Duron, b. Villa de los Lagos; m. Diego Martel Morales, 23 Jun 1703, Asuncion de Maria, Ags.
Antonio Duron cc Micaela de Avalos
Members of this family would live in both Aguascalientes and in Asientos. Antonio Gutierrez and Micaela de Villaseñor were married 29 Oct 1713 in Asientos, Ags. Their parents' names aren't given on their marriage record. On every other record, they appear with the names Antonio Duron and Micaela de Avalos, and she, one time as Micaela Alvarez (probably a typo). I haven’t seen him nor his offspring use the compound surname “Gutierrez Duron,” but they’re likely related to one of the above families - my bet, he’s either a son or grandson of Juan Gutierrez Duron cc Teresa del Castillo. I say this, because some of the same people appear as padrinos or witnesses for both families.
The children of Antonio Duron and Micaela de Avalos are:
1. Pedro Duron Avalos, m. Maria Dolores Reyes de San Juan, 08 Jul 1727, Nra Sra de Belen, Asientos, Ags.
2. Manuel Duron Avalos, m1. Antonia Chavez, m2. Rosa Maria Macias Valades Lopez, 17 Jun 1752, Nra Sra de Belen, Asientos, Ags.
3. Agustina Duron Avalos, b. 25 Nov 1715, El Sagrario, Aguascalientes.
4. Francisco Duron Avalos, m. Maria Cecilia de Esparza Cordoba, 04 Oct 1745, El Sagrario, Aguascalientes.
5. Esteban Duron Alvarez, m. Maria Gertrudis Reyes Vacestes, 07 Oct 1744, Nra Sra de Belen, Asientos, Ags.
6. Maria Elena Duron Avalos, m. Salvador Manuel Garcia, 07 Dec 1744, Nra Sra de Belen, Asientos, Ags.
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Manny Diez,
I’m so excited to read your detailed synopsis of the Gutierrez Duron family history. Last week, I was revisiting & updating some of my research re: the two marriages of Francisco Gutierrez Duron as well as records for the offspring of both unions. I’m related to these families thru the marriage of my matrilineal 6th great grandmother, Ana Cristina Marquez to Juan Faustino Duron (aka: Ruiz Colmenero), son of José Manuel Duron...a son of Francisco’s 2nd marriage to Beatriz Rodriguez de Vera. I’ve long been intrigued & puzzled by the alternative use of the Ruiz Colmenero combination in some records, and I very much appreciate the points you’ve laid out for these possible surname connections! I have my own research on the Francisco Gutierrez Duron families posted in WikiTree, beginning with Francisco at the following link: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gutiérrez_Durón-11. If you click the dark green “Descendants” button, it presents a generational overview of all the records I currently have uploaded, along with sourcing links. I’ll definitely be reviewing my research to compare our descendant lists with an eye to missing or alternative records/sources. BTW: You & I were in contact several years ago re: Ysidro de Udave, my maternal 8th great grandfather. It looks like we’re distantly related primos thru Francisco Gutierrez Duron! Best regards❣️Consuelo Udave
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I just noticed that on 19 Nov 1652, in Aguascalientes, my g8 Andres de Ayala, agreed to pay Capitan Marcos Ruiz Colmenero 500 pesos for the same amount loaned to him. This places Marcos Ruiz Colmenero in Aguascalientes as early as late-1652 - right around the time Francisco Gutierrez Duron would’ve been born.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Alex!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Dang, I wish I knew spanish. Looks like there is far more information in the documents I look at besides parents, ages, residencies etc. Good work Manny! Even though I'm not a descendant to these people, your posts always put things in context and I thoroughly enjoy reading them!
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AGUASCALIENTES: Gutierrez Duron family history